The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 2055: Do you like me like this?

Hearing this explanation, Sura felt a little calm in her heart.

Although there is not much memory of what happened last night, Sura continued to ask: "I was drunk last night?"

Ji Moyin nodded: "Yes, I took you back because it was too late, don't worry, I didn't do anything to you."

Sura swept up and down with his promise of promise. Although it was a bit funny, there was a slight smile in his eyes.

She suddenly asked, "I was drunk for the first time last night. Didn't I fall asleep when I came back?"

Ji Moyin: "..."

His entangled expression that hesitated to speak made Sura puzzled: "Did I do something, or go drunk?"

Otherwise, Sura didn't know what she would do.

I can't believe that I will go crazy.


Ji Moyin explained it implicitly, "You just chatted with Junci for a video."

At this moment, Sura's cell phone rang.

She turned her head to take it, and saw that Junci had sent herself a video.

The first half is about the video chat between himself and Junci. Seeing himself crying in the video, Sula's eyes widened in disbelief.

Does she go crazy when she gets drunk!

And why is it so alcoholic!

But in the second half, Sura did not see the content, only heard the sound.

The voice was from Ji Moyin, with a faint smile, as if he was teaching something: "Come on, Lala, I'll teach you, look at raising your hand like this, and say, Little rabbit, behave, open the door Open~~!"

Then there was Sura’s vague, obedient voice: "Little rabbit, obediently, open the door..."

When Ji Moyin heard such a sound behind him, he fell straight again and covered his head with the quilt, lying down.

Jun Ci that beast!

How did she know the content of the second half!

He just saw that Sura was too cute, and he couldn't help teaching Sura for a while. He wanted to keep a memorial, but now it seems that he is afraid that he will not see the sun tomorrow.

He was completely covered in the quilt, and he could only hear the sound of the video. For a while, he couldn't see Sura's face clearly, so he didn't know what Sura was thinking.

The more you think about it, the more nervous you become.

What if Sura wants to beat him?

To say something very embarrassing, he couldn't beat Sura anyway.

But it's worth being beaten!

Soon Ji Moyin saw a figure standing next to him through the thin bezel, braving his whole body, and eroding his internal organs almost through the quilt. Ji Moyin couldn’t wait to bite the quilt and tremble. The drunk Lala is the cutest. Why is Lala so violent after sober?

For a long time, I didn't see any movement from Sura, nor did she smash it down with her fist.

The more he waited, Ji Moyin felt that this was a reminder from the **** of death, Sura was probably brewing, **** him with one blow.

Killed the dog of Ji Moyin.

For Sura, this video is simply her dark history.

She is usually tall and mighty, how can she leave such a shameful thing? !

Ji Moyin could even imagine how dark Sula's face was.

But...Unexpectedly, Sura suddenly opened her mouth and asked: "Do you like me like this?"

These words caught Ji Moyin by surprise, and also made him unable to believe the meaning. He opened the quilt and looked at Sura.

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