The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 2091: He brought a gun

After the proposal, it is naturally a wedding.

The wedding was scheduled very quickly. It was originally a simple wedding. It wasn't Jun Chengbai, and Lydia didn't even plan to make a big deal.

The couple didn't know anyone, only Jun Chengbai invited colleagues in his company and some friends of Junci.

In order to facilitate the wedding, Junci bought a manor-style villa from a real estate company in the Imperial Capital as a new wedding gift for her parents.

Although the community where I live is also a high-end community, after all, there are many people, and Junci still needs to conceal some news.

It is much easier and more convenient to hold it in the villa.

There were not many guests, and Junci invited a chef from a five-star hotel to help in the villa.

She only asked Mother Jiang to help with this wedding, but she and Jun Chengbai decided everything, and did not let the Jiang family interfere.

After all, it is impossible to say that people from my husband's family will follow along with their parents' wedding.

Jun Ci's parents were about to hold a wedding ceremony and surprised her friends.

Because most of them thought that Junci's parents were married a long time ago, otherwise it would not be possible to give birth to Junci so early, right?

But surprised is surprised. Getting married is a happy thing, and of course it must be celebrated.

For the wedding of his parents, Jun Ci did not invite too many people after considering it, except for those close to him, he invited some people from the former editorial department.

When Brother Gou received the news that Junci's parents were about to get married, his expression was a bit complicated.

Brother Gou: It's been a few years now. You're married. Now tell me that your parents are going to get married. I'm still a single dog!

I can't afford the money! !

EMP: What happened to the single dog? I will not look down on you single dogs!

Dog brother:……

I won't be happy if you say that.

Brother Gou was heartbroken when he thought of the woman in front of him.

At the beginning, I pretended to be a man and deceived his feelings, but now I want to pierce his heart.

After Jun Ci notified Brother Gou, the invitation cards were sent to them.

Then began to help arrange some matters of the wedding.


On the wedding day, it was the early spring of March, the weather was just right, everything was revived, and there was a vibrant scene.

It's as if everything is starting to start again, and the future reveals infinite vitality.

Guests in the newly bought villas of Junci have begun to visit one after another, and both Jun Chengbai and Junci are busy receiving guests.

When she greeted, although she was smiling, there was a slight flicker in her eyes.

She received a message from the last star: "Your Highness, Jun Chengyue is here, and he is carrying a gun."

Compared to previous respectful reports, this time even the voice of the last star revealed infinite murderous intent.

Bringing a gun at Jun Ci’s parents’ wedding, I’m afraid Jun Chengyue is already crazy.

Since the wedding invitation was sent to him, including the news that Jun Ci's parents were about to get married, Jun Chengyue's series of actions have shown that this incident has dealt a great blow to him.

His temper became more and more gloomy, and even started to get angry from time to time.

After the story of the Jun family came out, many people were a little bit weird.

They said that the gentleman of the Jun family who has always been graceful and gentle, seems to be crazy recently.

Yes, he seems crazy.

Even Jiang Mu worriedly reminded Jun Ci that it is best to be careful Jun Chengyue.

Of course Junci knows.

Just like now, she knew that Jun Chengyue came with a heartbreaking heart.

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