The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 2113: Smile as if you help the wind

Jiang Xiaoruo and Jiang Fufeng were born under much-anticipated conditions.

Their parents, one is charming and the other is heartthrob.

Mom is that heartthrob.

Jiang Fufeng’s family conditions are more complicated. His parents didn’t respond during their marriage for a few years, waiting for his parents’ parents to have given birth to a little brother, Jiang Fufeng’s uncle, before they successfully came here. World.

Jiang Xiaoruo and Jiang Fufeng are twins, one sister and one younger brother, he is the younger brother.

He once asked his mother gruffly: "Mom, mom, why did you give me and my sister this name?"

Mom squatted down and touched his tender little face affectionately: "Don't blame us, but your father is ignorant."

(I blame the author for ignorance)

Jiang Fufeng: "..."

Jiang Fufeng's nickname is Chi Chi, and his sister's nickname is Xingxing.

It means that although it is late, luck has arrived.

With the beautiful expectations of the Jiang family.

When Jiang Fufeng was three years old, his uncle was exactly four years old.

The younger uncle's name is Jun Xichao, and he is the only person of the same age in Jiang's family who can play with Jiang Fufeng.

Although my elder sister is the same age as him, my elder sister is like a second-generation mother.

Learning makes people stupid.

This is Jiang Fufeng's famous saying who doesn't like to learn.

"Little nephew."

Wearing a little baseball cap, wearing short-sleeved shorts, and running in with two chubby legs, the beautiful boy vaguely called Jiang Fufeng.

Jun Xichao is also really good-looking, perfectly inheriting the advantages of his parents.

Nowadays, children’s genes are getting more and more serious. Jun Xi’s eyes are worth a small light bulb, and her long eyelashes blink like an eyelash brush. There is a little baby fat on her small face, but it is lovely. Can't wait to squeeze.

Jiang Fufeng thought Jun Xichao was as good-looking as his mother.

Their family are all pretty.

Jiang Fufeng squatted on the carpet to play with toys, and saw his younger uncle Jun Xichao running in, Jiang Fufeng chuckled, "Yue Yue, you are fat again."

Jun Xichao's nickname is Yueyue.

"No big or small, I am your uncle."

Even the unsatisfactory child was very serious, and as soon as he squatted, he was ready to play with Jiang Fufeng.

"I saw your sister outside, why is she still so fierce."

The four-year-old Jun Xichao has a heart-warming speech, and has a kind of sadness like a small adult: "What if no one wants to do in the future?"


Jiang Fufeng is stupid. He is only three years old and doesn't quite understand this kind of advanced sentence: "Uncle, do you say Sen?"


Jun Xichao shook his head and patted Jiang Fufeng on the head with a very sad tone: "You are only three years old, you don't understand."


Jiang Fufeng didn't understand and was not prepared to understand. At this moment, a handsome man with tall and long legs walked in outside the door.

Judging by the heights of Jun Xichao and Jiang Fufeng, this man is simply the existence they looked up to. He walked into the house and discovered that it was Jiang Fufeng's father.

Jiang Yi glanced at the two small carrots squatting on the floor and playing with toys. He didn't intend to go upstairs. He just turned around, and Jun Xi, who was squatting there, stood up with his hands on his hips imposingly: " Jiang Xiaoyi, what's wrong with your swelling? Your brother-in-law is here, so I won't say hello!"

A four-year-old child, doing this looks like a coke.

Jiang Yi: "..."

He wants to hit someone.

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