Jade Guanyin can be said to be the cheapest, all with a starting price of 500,000, and the transaction price is conservatively estimated to be more than 2 million.

If no one is interested.

If this happens by accident, it may be possible to take it down.

Not to mention other things, the starting price of some things is even tens of millions.

Because this jade Guanyin came from an old friend of this collector, it has no special reputation and cannot be compared with other things, so it was auctioned so cheaply.

Not long after Jun Ci stayed inside, Gulu suddenly said, "Your Highness, Jiang Yi is here too."

Jun Ci did not expect to hear such a sudden news: "What is he doing at this auction?"

"He knows this collector's son. The two met just now and the collector's son invited him."

Junci: "..."

Tsk tut, the powerful and powerful are different everywhere.


As soon as Guru's voice fell, Jun Cizhan got up, opened the bead curtain and looked outside.

Sure enough, he saw Jiang Yi walking by surrounded by a group of people in suits and leather shoes. Everyone smiled flatteringly at him.

He is wearing a more casual off-white coat with ink dots today, and he wears this very attractive style very well.

The black pupils of the eyes were as bright as obsidian, and the eyebrows flew obliquely into the temple, with sharp, slightly unruly picks.

The deep brow bone resembles the shape of Europe and America.

The thin, perfectly curved lips are always pressed gently, showing a little arrogance.

Surrounded by the stars like the moon, Jiang Yi's status is even more obvious.

His innate nobility had a self-contained aura, as if he was clearly distinguished from everyone else.

Sure enough, he is a high-profile person wherever he walks.

Jun Ci put down the bead curtain, and Jiang Yi over there seemed to have noticed something, so he looked inside.

"What's wrong, Jiang Shao?"

Someone nearby asked cautiously.


Jiang Yi pursed his lips slightly, feeling some familiar gaze.

Maybe someone who recognizes him is here. This is normal.

Jiang Yi retracted his gaze, and entered Box One after talking.

Jun Ci did not intend to expose his whereabouts, so he returned to his box and waited quietly for the start of the auction.

I just don't know if Jiang Yi will buy anything this time.

Thinking of this, Jun Ci's eyelids suddenly jumped.

Soon, as everyone arrived, the auctioneer's voice sounded outside.

"Welcome everyone to the auction site of Mr. Bai's collection. I won't say any more. According to what our auction house has always done..."

The auctioneer began to talk about the rules of auctions, except that they were not allowed to go back after buying them, and they had to pay on the spot.

The current rule in the auction house is that it is not allowed to regret the payment, or to deliberately raise the price to buy, and as a result, things cannot be paid.

This happened before when auction houses were just emerging.

Now mature auction houses have various preventive measures.

If you dare to do this, then you have to wait, it is possible to be broken.

The power behind these auction houses can be called horror.

No matter how big your seller is, don’t take it seriously.

With the end of the auctioneer's explanation, this auction officially began.

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