The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 353: Return to Yu County, Grandpa Chang's birthday

As the only person who can chat with Junci, Jiang Yi successfully asked Junci's ideas.

As he predicted, Jun Cizhi is making movies and is not interested in physics research.

Little bastard: Then I don't think you should get such a high score. If you act like a scumbag, you won't cause so many speculations. Now it is too high-profile.

Emperor: No, with this strength, why do you have a low score on the test? I am not you


If Junci didn't add the last sentence, he would purely feel that Junci was acting forcefully.

It's okay now, still owed.


On Junci's side, he was preparing to meet Professor Hua.

This was the first time she saw Professor Hua in private.

Professor Hua has high morals and is busy with many things besides occasional teaching.

Therefore, it is not easy for students to see him. Even if they have any questions, they must first ask their professional tutors.

Although the old man had gray hair, he was not as serious and stern as an ordinary professor.

He talked a lot with Jun Ci with a soft smile on his face, and even after he knew Jun Ci planned to develop the film, he did not stop her.

He just used the eyes of the elders to see the younger ones, and after thinking for a long time, he said to Junci wishing her success.

Jun Ci felt that this old man was the kind of person with great wisdom, so she smiled, with a little cunning in her eyes, and made a promise to him: "Professor, maybe one day in the future, you will see me Another major is to bring glory to our college."

Professor Hua Jingyun was taken aback, nodded randomly, and smiled very kindly: "Then I will wait and see."

He wants to see what kind of achievements this student who surprises him will make in the future.

No one knew about this conversation with the professor, and outsiders were still guessing why Junci did not join the research team.

The school seems to have relaxed on Junci as a result. Although Junci’s performance is outrageous, it has not forced Junci to join any team and make contributions to scientific experiments.

Of course, she may not be able to eliminate the punishment for a while.

Before the exam, I also read a review to make Jun Ci vividly remember, even though the review was written by Gulu on his behalf.

Time soon came to Grandpa Chang's birthday. In order to give the elderly a surprise, Junci had to go home one day before the birthday.

After thinking about it for a moment, in order to avoid possible situations, Junci took two days of leave.

This was the first time that Junci asked for personal leave, and the school quickly approved it.

Jun Ci took the five-million-dollar Jade Guanyin and boarded the plane. Because the gift was special, she checked it separately and filled in a tenfold insurance policy. If there is something wrong with the gift, she can let the airline pay it. a pair of pants.

Soon after I got off the airport and arrived in Yu County, before I had time to recollect the life in Yu County, Mo Chaoyang called and said that he had called the president of the virtual society and revealed some basic information. The president said he was very interested. I want to come back and have a look, and he is also participating in a research project of the college, involving artificial intelligence. After all, it is because of this reason that he set up a virtual society.

Jun Ci frowned slightly at the time, but Mo Chaoyang cautiously assured that the president's character was trustworthy on the phone, and Fu Ziyan and the others also made assurances, Jun Ci agreed.

In fact, Junci knew that the president was of good character, but she felt that the research team behind the president was a little troublesome.

This is all information obtained from Gulu's investigation.

Now, all you need is a firm mouth from the president.

Thinking of this, Jun Ci put aside the school affairs, carried his Jade Guanyin, and drove to Grandpa Chang's house by car.

——Are you asking for a recommendation ticket?

——By the way, I wish happy school!

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