The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 366: Want to think

But seeing Jiang Yi's pitiful appearance, Jun Ci moved a silhouette of Yan Gou's heart.

Glancing at the kitchen, Ma Li was busy making an exquisite dinner because Junci was back.

There are two small boilers on the stove, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables back and forth, busy feet not touching the ground, obviously no time.

In this case, it is inhumane to trouble the nanny to go out and buy medicine.

If you want to change to an ordinary person, seeing Jiang Yi's gaze, it is estimated that you will be dizzy and obedient. Only Jun Ci has considered it slightly reserved for a long time.

Then he sighed: "It's impossible for me to buy it. You go with me and talk about your symptoms so as not to buy the wrong medicine."

Hearing that Junci wanted him to go, Jiang Yi was a little reluctant.

Muttered: "It's really inhumane to abuse patients."

Under Jun Ci's cold eyes, he still stood up and went out with Jun Ci.

When the piano saw the two people about to go out, they jumped over and breathed out with their tongues out, as if "I want to go out too."

Jun Ci found its traction rope and asked Jiang Yi to take the piano and go out.

The pharmacy is at the gate of the community, and the vicinity is an important transportation area extending in all directions. The pharmacy is not small.

When the two of Junci went in, many people were buying medicines.

Two beautiful teenagers with very different personalities, one wearing a mask can not see clearly but also finds it particularly beautiful.

The other is the kind that is so handsome and completely intriguing.

Wearing a white turtleneck sweater shows the temptation of abstinence even more, but from time to time, it is a bit destructive of the image.

But it's also distressing, you can tell at a glance, it's probably a cold.

The medical staff in the pharmacy stared nervously at the husky held in Jiang Yi's hand.

As everyone knows, huskies, the king of dogs, can't beat other dogs, but they never quarrel, and there is no grass in the land...

Under this nervous gaze, Jun Ci stepped forward with a cold voice: "Buy cold medicine."

Jiang Yi looked left and right.

He has always had a senior private doctor come to his home or go to a big hospital when he is sick. This is the first time this kind of pharmacy has come.

Jiang Yi was very suspicious of the professionalism here.

"Well, what are the specific symptoms? Cough? Headache and fever?"

The doctor who gave the medicine was an old man, and looked quite professional.

Jun Ci turned around and called Jiang Yi: "Come here and talk about your symptoms."

Jiang Yi was stunned for a while before he came over, and the piano he was holding in his hands also came over. He lifted his body, and his two paws were placed on the glass cabinet, and the dog stared at the doctor who was packing the medicine without blinking.


Being watched by a dog with this look is inexplicably oppressive.

It was as if the dog suspected that he was poisoned in the medicine with the kind of wary eyes.

While Jiang Yi told the doctor about his symptoms, Jun Ci came over and patted the dog's head on the piano, and asked it to put its paws back on the ground, otherwise it would be rude.

Talk to a dog about politeness...

"So handsome, do you think they are a pair?"

"Two boys raise a dog, hehehehe..."

There were weird discussions around, and there was also a laughter that might be called ‘lewdness’.

When Jun Ci listened, his eyelids twitched.

Do young people today have such dangerous thoughts?

Two boys can't be brothers or simple friends together?

Too big, tusk!

The crown prince expressed concern about the current status of the earth's cultural thoughts.

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