The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 373: Playing the piano (reward plus more)

"His Royal Highness, these officials are so courageous that they actually let you perform on stage!"

Coming out of the office, Gulu still spoke a little angrily.

What's the status of its Highness, and how can it perform talent shows for others?

Are these people worthy?

Jun Ci rubbed his eyebrows: "Forget it, this is not the past. There will be no less meat when performing on stage. The key is what talent to perform."

She never treats things carelessly, and naturally agrees to go, so she will not deliberately perform poorly, resulting in unqualified and not going on stage.

Singing and dancing were rejected by Junci at the beginning, so the rest is nothing more than playing piano or some special performance projects.

The ceremony was officially held on November 28, just two days before her movie was released.

It seems that things are all intertwined.

There is still close to a month left, and it may be too late to learn something temporarily.

Returning from the office to the school building, Jun Ci ran into Yuan Chenyan.

He saw Junci with a very excited expression on his face: "Junci, at this school festival, some people say that there will be many important figures. Now many colleges have begun to organize students to perform talent performances. Some of our professionals propose to perform with professional knowledge. A big magic trick, are you interested in participating?"

Jun Ci shook his head indifferently: "Let's not talk about interest or not, I will perform a show alone, which the school requires."

Yuan Chenyan was taken aback for a while and his eyes widened instantly: "Then what are you going to perform?"

Junci often seems to be indisputable in the world. If she performs on a show, what will she perform?

Will the scene be shocking?

Jun Ci frowned and thought, seeing Jun Ci showing such a little embarrassment for the first time, Yuan Chenyan suggested: "You can go up and sing a pop song."

Jun Ci pursed his lips: "I don't like singing."

"Then you can't dance?"

Yuan Chenyan suddenly looked strange.

Junci, who looks cold and elegant, dances on stage...

I always feel that no matter what dance she dances, it destroys her image.

The main reason is that she has always displayed too strong aura to perform these complex talents.

"Naturally not."

Jun Ci rejected this proposal, and Yuan Chenyan immediately felt relieved for the majority of girls.

Yuan Chenyan thought for her: "I don't think you like too complicated or too many movements, so you just play a piano and a violin? The key is whether you can? Just sit there and play a piano. The style is elegant, and many girls eat this set..."

Yuan Chenyan didn't know what he was thinking of, as if lost in imagination, his face showed a little obsessed look.

Although he looked funny, Jun Ci was still a little moved when he said that.

Indeed, playing the piano and the like, sitting there and doing something, can perform without having to move, which is most in line with her current temperament and image.

Although I don’t know piano, I can learn it.

Can you learn it in a month with your own talents?

Thinking of this, Junci is a little relaxed: "Guru, find me a piano tutorial. From today I will start to learn piano."

Guru's tone is more serious: "His Royal Highness, when you talk about the piano, I think of the one at home."

Junci: "..."

No wonder she felt weird when she just spoke.

The surname Jiang has nothing to do to give a Husky the piano name for it!

play piano……

In Jun Ci's mind, there is a scene of his fluffy body playing the piano and his affectionate face...

Suddenly, goose bumps appeared on the arm of the cold.

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