The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 399: Graduated from a school with him

"I... I don't know what you are talking about?"

In the video, you can see Zhang Changming's body trembling.

Obviously, the man in black had a very strong aura, which scared him.

The people passing by seemed a little curious, but no one stopped to take care of their business.

However, the Chinese of the man in black is really poor. Although what he said is very deterrent, he is extremely awkward. Junci heard it, and Zhang Changming heard it badly.

Moreover, he was anxious and spoke the local dialect of Yu County. The dialect was fast and difficult to understand, and the communication between the two parties was obviously not smooth.

The man in black frowned, exuding a strong evil spirit, and he held Zhang Changming's body, forcing Zhang Changming to walk into the residential building behind him with him.

Gulu turned the camera around to Junci. It was a dilapidated residential complex with a besieged quadrilateral, and the door in the middle was the entrance and exit.

In a central open space in the door, many ropes are hung, and many clothes are hanging on it.

An old building covered with moss was erected in three directions.

Judging by the distance separating each house upstairs, the area of ​​each house should not be large, and Zhang Changming's family lived here temporarily.

Dragons and snakes are mixed here, and all kinds of people come and go.

But people here come and go, seeing Zhang Changming being threatened by a foreigner with a frightened look, either indifferent or standing far away with a good show.

While watching, Jun Ci speeded up and rushed towards Zhang Changming.

At the same time, Gulu had quickly tuned out the news about the man in black.

"I found out, Lucian Boswell, a senior criminal police officer in New York, has a great reputation in the US police circle. He is a super strong policeman with a very high rate of solving crimes. He is fifty years old this year and just retired from the police station a while ago. After a trip to France, I came directly to China. If I want to talk about it, I can’t see how Lucian has anything to do with the events of the year, nor is it clear why he sought Zhang Changming."

After listening to Guru's words, Jun Ci said in his heart: "Able to ask Jade Pei, it means that it has nothing to do with the things of the year, but from the introduction, this is a positive person? He is like this in private?"

"Well, I am a good old man who is willing to help others. After checking the information carefully, there is no secret criminal record."

After all, it is a legal information society. Various social networks are spreading all over the world. If a person is really different, no matter how good he is, he will be easily caught by Guru. Now Guru says that he is a good person, it means that this person is not what is the problem.

That's weird. Why is a retired senior criminal police officer in the United States having something to do with her back then?

"His Royal Highness, I can't say that there is nothing involved. There is only one point. The school where he graduated was also the school where Jun Chengyue graduated. The two people are alumni who graduated from the same school, but the age difference is still very large. There is no place for individuals to intersect."

Jun Ci's heart shuddered.

Jun Chengyue?

She still remembers the man she saw at the school gate the other day...

Elegant, perfect, gentle and noble.

It is simply a standard imitation of a big man in a family.

If his eyes were normal enough to look at him.

Maybe Jun Ci didn't realize that this person would be strange.

She wrote down this piece of information in her heart, something that Gulu couldn't find out for the time being, let alone check it out. For now, let's go to Zhang Changming for a look.

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