Don't talk about this bad game, Junci went to bed on time at night.

When I got up the next day, I saw Jiang Yi coming out, and he was holding his mobile phone for the first time. The game background music inside was the background music of Jianghu life.

Jun Ci frowned slightly: "You are really fascinated by it."

Jiang Yi said indifferently: "It's fun!"

He sat down and took a sip of milk and said, "I didn't expect you to make a game like this. To be honest, it's fun. After it's listed, I will promote it to you on Weibo."

Jun Ci was a little surprised.

Jiang Yi's Weibo influence is quite big, and he is a game god. If he promotes, there is no doubt that the reputation of the game will soon be known.

Although she understands that such a game is bound to explode, just like her movie.

But with extra assists, it is still possible.

Jun Ci said quietly, "Thanks."

Jiang Yi looked at her with open eyes as if he had heard something incredible.

At this time, there was a sound from the game: "Father, my son thinks that the ninth brother is biased in this matter. How can he not be punished because he is young? The rules naturally cannot be violated by anyone."

Jiang Yi immediately lowered his head and cursed: "The shameless Seventh Prince is really trying to kill me."

Jun Ci asked casually: "What happened, what did you do?"

"I pushed the **** into the pool, after all, I'm only five years old, I didn't mean it!"

Junci: "..."

Jiang Yi's Gong Dou Tactics Encyclopedia is simply not in vain, and it is really ubiquitous!

"Don't blame the Seventh Prince for killing you like this."

"Then what can I do, blame me for being born in the palace?"

Jiang Yi said something with confidence, and Jun Ci suddenly thought of the fact that he was born in a rural area, and it was a little frustrating.

It is a tragedy to be full of ambitions.

She finished her breakfast and went to the room to play a game for a while.

Today’s class is in the afternoon, so Junci doesn’t have to go in the morning. Jiang Yi doesn’t have classes all day. He lay down on the sofa and played games with his legs upright.

It must be impossible to stay in the room like this all the time. Jun Ci was going to go for a walk, and she did not call Jiang Yi. As soon as she reached the door, Jiang Yi looked over with slanted eyes, "Where are you going?"

"I'm out for a walk."

Jun Ci reached out and pressed the elevator code, Jiang Yi quickly got up and followed Jun Ci: "I will go too."

Jun Ci does whatever he wants.

The piano was taken by Li's mother for a long time, and only the two of them were walking on the road.

As soon as he left this building, Junci heard the grunt voice: "Your Highness, get out of the way!"

She was stunned, and suddenly there was a sense of danger on her head, and Jun Ci immediately reacted and walked away.

Who knew that Jiang Yi suddenly moved quickly over Jun Ci's shoulders and pushed her to the side.

With a "slap", something crisp fell to the ground with a terrible sound. Jun Ci turned her head and saw fragments of something on the ground splashing up, flying towards Jiang Yi's face, she subconsciously reached out her hand When Jiang Yi stepped in front of his face, a burning sensation suddenly flashed across the palm of his hand.

Then came the dense tingling.

Looking closely, it was a vase that fell on the ground, and what splashed was the sharp fragments from the vase that was too broken.

In the center of Junci's white palm, a bright red blood blade appeared, and the blood flowed down the palm of the palm, the red was shocking.

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