The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 550: Slori Plan (Monthly Ticket 800+)

"Don't scare it."

Feeling the piano's entire body begin to tighten, Jun Ci laughed out of a sullen voice.

Of course Jiang Yi was joking. After the two people talked and laughed and had breakfast, Jiang Yi sent Jun Ci to school. Because his class was a little late, he had to turn back and send the dog back to Jiang's house.

Although the piano was not happy, the dog had to bow his head under the eaves.

The students who saw Junci being sent by Jiang Yi at the school gate have become accustomed to it, but the people monitoring Junci behind their backs are still a little uncomfortable, and they routinely call to report.

In the past few days, Junci has felt that someone is watching him.

Besides, there are grunts.

It's from Jun Shenglian.

Since the last time Jun Ci went to Zhang's house, Jun Shenglian has also shifted his focus to Jun Ci.

Although Jun Shenglian has not revealed the reason for the surveillance of Junci, it is clear that the people who monitor her report to Jun Shenglian every time it is a trivial matter.

For this reason, Junci rarely goes to the company.

There were also people in the school who were bought by Jun Shenglian to observe Jun Ci's affairs in the school. Basically, both sides were very calm.

A three-point line at school, home, and company all day long, it seems that Junci is a normal entrepreneurial young man who has his own business and then starts busy.

Except secretly, Junci is arranging the affairs of Silori Company.

It is much more difficult for Silori Overseas Company to start.

First of all, Junci can only do many things behind the scenes, so she asked Gulu to contact people who do not see the light on the Internet, and build a secret research and experiment base in the Middle East, which is not easy for the United States and China to interfere.

Those who can enter the Silori Group must go through layers of screening, the most important thing is to keep secrets.

Although the company has not yet begun to develop, but the high salary has already attracted a group of graduate students in the United States.

Among them, there are Chinese and European and American races, as long as they have real skills.

All of this can be done, the premise is money.

The tens of millions in Junci's hands are just a drop in the bucket. To operate such a large and secret series of plans, a huge monetary price must be paid.

Of course, she couldn't really go to Jiang Yi for money, so the 200 million from the Lizi Video website was invested by Junci together and borrowed 500 million from Xiongying Media.

There is an additional 100 million, which is the amount that Eagle Media bought the distribution rights of Junci movies earlier.

Because of Junci's credit and cooperation, Eagle Media borrowed very generously.

They wonder if this money will be used by Junci to invest in the next more expensive movie?

Of course not, thinking too much!

Except the country wants to investigate, otherwise, because of the peculiarities of Gulu, it is impossible to find out the flow of Junci's funds to others, including the fact that she borrowed 500 million from Eagle Media, which is all hidden.

Of course, the country knows that Junci's funds are all going overseas, but because Junci is currently in a cooperative relationship with the state department, people help her manage many things instead.

All the box office share of the movie needs to be distributed uniformly after the movie is released. Now, no matter how much the box office money is, Junci can only watch it.

However, the current 800 million yuan can start to support the Silori Group's plan.

Regardless of the huge number, it can be hundreds of millions at every turn. In fact, this is a drop in the plan for a Junci. When the Silori Group is officially launched, the series of chain reactions it produces are definitely not measurable by money. .

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