The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 579: Austin family, come here

"Every hero of the rivers and lakes has a demon who loves and kills on the road to the people. In that case, I will not stop you, just treat you as the target of love and kill."

Jiang Yi instantly found himself a perfect identity.


Sure enough, during the month of the game test period, there were no white fights in Gongdou, and the plots of various novels must have been read.

After starting to travel with the old Taoist priests, Junci felt that the game was a lot more fun, but at the beginning, there was no unexpected time. Junci and Jiang Yi played games for an afternoon. In the evening, Jiang Yi asked Junci to go out for dinner.

Jun Ci did not agree.

The reason is that tonight is too late.

It's also troublesome for Jiang Yi to come over.

I had no choice but to give up.

She casually went out to eat near the door of the house, and then went home.

In the morning, Jun Ci got up and went for a morning jog.

There is no class today, so I have time to have fun.

Only when he arrived at the door, Gulu said, "Your Highness, Lucian has come to China."

"What is he doing in China again?"

Junci was a little surprised by this.

"Because of your Highness Grandpa, he brought two representatives of the Austin family over."

Jun Ci suddenly understood.

Probably it is related to life experience and the like.

So when she ran back in the morning, she saw Lucian wearing a black long coat and a black gentleman hat at the gate of her community.

He dressed like a typical English gentleman man.

Although he is an American.

Naturally, the whereabouts of Jun Ci did not escape Lucian's eyes. He saw Jun Ci, and there was no strange emotion, and he came forward and shouted: "Jun Ci."

Because it was pronounced in Chinese, it was strange for him to shout.


Jun Ci stopped, put his hand in his pocket, and looked at him lazily: "You have something to do with me?"

She asked knowingly.

Behind Lucian's two foreign men in black suits followed.

On the territory of the imperial capital, foreigners are not uncommon, especially in this area.

Not many people are curious.

It just looks a bit unusual in the dress.

"Yes, yes, of course something is happening."

Lucian smiled, "Can we find a place to sit down and discuss it slowly? I have something very important to tell you."

What he will tell Junci is about the Austin family.

"Yes, my home is upstairs, so follow me up."

She didn't worry about bringing these people up to cause any accidents.

She was talking about you. The distinguishing words in English are very obvious. Lucian raised her eyebrows unexpectedly, stretched out her hand and beckoned to the two men in suits behind, and went up with Junci.

"I remember you told me last time about you and Lydia."

In the elevator, Lucian asked Junci about something.

Junci corrected his wording: "It's not me and Lydia, it's you who said I was in contact with Lydia."


Lucian looked at Jun Ci and Lydia's similar eyebrows, still in a daze, as if remembering the style of Lydia he had seen before.

It's a pity that no matter how resembling it is, he is not the same person.

"So I'm here this time to tell you one thing. By the way, I will do a blood test. If you are really Lydia's child, then you have to know some other things, otherwise it will be unfair to you."

In foreign countries, it has always been relatively open. If it is in China, I might even want to conceal it.

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