The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 624: Liu Ye wants to see you

After the banquet, Jun Chengyue sent someone to send Jun Ci back.

Jiang Yi naturally wants to follow Jiang's mother back to Jiang's house.

The elongated Lincoln exercised quietly in the bustling city, showing a different low-key.

Jun Ci didn't know what Jun Chengyue'an was thinking about. Even if Jun's family background was unusual, arranging such a luxurious car to pick her up was still a bit high-profile.

The car was very quiet, playing soothing music, and when passing a corner towards her home, the driver turned in another direction.

Jun Ci immediately became vigilant, and said coldly: "This is not the direction of my house."

"I know, Master Jun." The driver replied respectfully, "Master Liu has something to say to you."

Liu Ye?

Jun Ci instantly understood that Liu Ye was referring to Jun Chengyue.

In an instant, an unspeakable emotion came to mind, causing Junci to resist.

"I am not familiar with your sixth master, what can he say to me?"

The driver seemed a little embarrassed: "I don't know this, Master Jun, but I can be sure that there will be nothing wrong with you. Even for Jiang's sake, Liu Ye just wants to see you."

He also reminded Junci that there is now Jiang Yi behind Junci, and Jun Chengyue will not be so stupid as to do anything to Junci.

Of course, even if he wants to do anything, Junci is not afraid.

After all, she still has a big killer Guru.

She suddenly wrinkled her brows slightly, and did not speak again.

A depressive atmosphere began to permeate the car.

"His Royal Highness, Jun Chengyue is looking for you, I'm afraid it's uneasy and kind."

Gulu is at heart with his Highness, Junci thinks Jun Chengyue is not good, and Gulu also thinks Jun Chengyue is not good.

"It's okay to be uneasy and kind, but he shouldn't do anything. He is not that stupid."

I went home tonight, Jiang Yi knew that it was from the Jun's family. If something happened, would he not suspect that it was on the Jun's family?

Of course, she will be fine.

Just in case.

She was also thinking secretly in her heart, what did Jun Chengyue want to say when she saw herself at this time?

After a period of driving, the car drove to the villa area on the outskirts of Jun's house.

The roadside scenery went from bustling to secluded in just half an hour. Looking from the window of the car, there was an endless deep night outside.

Like a dark beast with an open mouth, it can swallow people in with one bite.

After a while, Junci saw a building with brilliant lamp walls.

Large group of villas.

Street lights also began to appear nearby.

This already belongs to the scope of the Jun family.

The place is huge, the Jun family occupies a large area, and hundreds of miles are surrounded by their family's forest garden, and no one else can enter.

In fact, many people came to Jun's house tonight.

Because many people who came to the banquet and belonged to the Jun family would come to the Jun family to stay for one night.

So at this time, some vehicles stopped at the door of Jun's villa.

A section of the fountain in front of the gate, everyone else got off at the gate of Jun's house, but the car in which Junci was sitting directly drove in.

Suddenly some people who had followed into Jun's house looked sideways.

It's just that the windows are closed tightly, and it is impossible to see who is sitting in the car.

They were very surprised.

Under the stairs in front of the villa, the car stopped. The driver got out of the car and trot to the door of Junci. Just as he reached out to open the door, Junci had already opened the door first.

The driver paused, bowed slightly, pulled the door to the maximum for her, and made a gesture of asking.

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