The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 644: He is on the plane

In the following time, after dozens of NGs, Xi Mu's scene finally passed.

When I heard that Junci had said, Sister Wang was almost moved and cried.

For the first time, she felt that her own artist was really hard.

The key is that no one in the audience dared to interrupt when Jun Ci was speaking, but Zong Yan dared to refute it on the spot, as if the tone of the director next door was a little more serious!

After the first scene, Xi Mu felt a little better.

The next step is to film the conference scene, which is a city scene.

Since the scenes are all made of special effects, everyone is sitting in the set and shooting this scene.

However, compared with Xi Mu, Junci's patience is about to run out. They are all a group of acting sects, who can understand the script, not to mention the old drama bones.

Although Junci respects them, wherever the performance is wrong, it is just a "click!"

"The meeting of the spirit world family needs to be pretentious, high-profile and proud. Your character image needs to be hatred, calmly, and acting so straightforward, it looks like a shrew!"

Jun Ci pulled an actress and said, turning her face blushing.

Although Jun Ci is young, I have to say that the actor's acting skills are not correct, she can say something, and others are not easy to refute.

Xi Mu was watching from a distance, suddenly glad that he had passed.

Lou Jiasi has been looking at the script a little nervously, and she will be filming her part tomorrow. The director is so strict, it must be her who is said to be wrong.

Although I am not afraid of being said, but being said all the time, it will test people's psychological endurance.

Looking at Zhixiangyin and Sad Painting Fan from a distance, they were a bit speechless.

Zhixiangyin first said in a low voice, "Don't say anything else, the emperor’s ability to control the field is really awesome! Such a large crew is very orderly, and the actors are obedient. Look at the number of acting actors in the crew. People dare to refute what he said. If there are so many acting crews in the next room to add a comment, it is estimated to be earthshaking."

Sad Painting Fan faintly smiled: "It's not the field control ability, it's the influence and deterrence. Didn't you notice that the emperor always has a sense of being commanded when he speaks. Everyone wants to obey. Who wants to refute?"

"It's true that you said that. What are you talking about the emperor?"

"do not know."

The two big gods in the industry whispered about other people's things here, and people are probably speechless.

A whole day, but only two scenes, time passed.

A scene with a large number of people is the most difficult to grasp. Anyone who has a problem will have to do it again. When it is finally filmed, Junci is also exhausted.

After all, she has to arrange the work of the crew all day, and the adjustment of the camera has been observed, the emotions are tight, of course tired.

When I arrived at the hotel, I lay down on the bed and barely relaxed for a while.

At this time, she suddenly thought of Jiang Yi.

I took out my phone and looked at it, but there was no information.

Gulu suddenly said: "His Royal Highness, are you thinking about Jiang Yi?"


The nerves in his brain were tense, and he did not deny: "I just thought of it suddenly."

However, Jiang Yi was on the plane at this time. They were flying abroad today, and Jun Ci did not send him a message.

Gulu didn't speak any more.

"I'm going to take a shower, and I will continue filming tomorrow."

Being a director is not easier than an actor, and there are a lot of tasks in private.

Junci hopes to finish filming the most important scenes this winter vacation.

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