The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 649: So arrogant after beating!

Gulu monitored the things in Zongyan's room the whole time.

Seeing that the hotel had been alarmed, I didn’t even care that Junci was sleeping fast. It cancelled the noise shielding system and yelled softly: "Your Highness, Your Highness..."

Although the room was soundproofed, Guru yelled a few times and awoke Jun Ci.

Jun Ci was sleeping exactly when he was sinking, because he was too sleepy and his eyelids didn't open too much: "En...Guru, what's the matter?"

The boy moved his eyelids, rolled over, and wanted to continue sleeping.

"His Royal Highness, Gulu didn't mean to bother you, but Jiang Yi beat Zong Yan upstairs."

As soon as this sentence was finished, Jun Ci immediately opened his glasses.

The boy's originally chaotic eyes became extremely deserted, turned and sat up, as if not asleep at all, and began to put on his clothes: "What's the matter?"

Gulu talked about the future of the dragon.

Originally it didn't want to disturb Junci, but the next morning it would remind His Highness, and then come to deal with Zongyan.

Jiang Yi didn't get on the plane. In fact, Gulu knew, and knew that he had arrived in Dayao City.

It didn't say that Jiang Yi wanted to surprise His Royal Highness, so there was no need for it to talk too much.

It originally thought that Jiang Yi would rest for one night and then come back. After all, it was already very late now, and he didn't expect that Jiang Yi would come directly and hit this incident.

So when Jiang Yi had only half his life left to beat Zong Yan, Gulu woke up Jun Ci.

When Jun Ci heard the shameless things Zong Yan had done, he narrowed his expression: "This thing..."

It's really looking for death!

It doesn't matter if you take the method, it is the first time that Junci has heard of such a disgusting method.

Really promising!

She got dressed, opened the door and went out.

Pressing the elevator upstairs, I saw a large crowd of people in the elevator guarding here.

But they were all from the hotel, and there were only three agents in the crew.

Jun Ci pushed aside the crowd and walked over, seeing Zong Yan's presidential suite in a mess.

Four or five hotel security guards are pulling a person in the house, as well as Zongyan's agent.

He didn't hold Jiang Yi in a daze, and Zong Yan under his feet had been beaten and covered with blood, he was half dead.

Exhausting more air and less air intake, the agent's breath jumps but dare not step forward.

Jiang Yi is too horrible, no one can hold him back!

He will be beaten in the past.

Gulu lightly said: "I can't die, Jiang Yi has a sense of measure."

After all, he often fights, and learned martial arts from Uncle Tao, where he shouldn't fight clearly, just look at bluffing.

The hotel security couldn't stop Jiang Yi. At this time, he took out the electric baton and wanted to electric Jiang Yi.

Jun Ci immediately grabbed the security guard's clothes and threw him behind.

At the same time, Jun Ci shouted: "Jiang Yi."

Jiang Yi heard Jun Ci's voice and stopped moving.

The appearance of Junci stunned everyone in the room.

When Jiang Yi turned around, Jun Ci saw a scar on his white chin.

Suddenly, some anger began to surge from his heart, and he walked over and gently pinched Jiang Yi's chin: "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yi didn't care, and pointed to Zongyan: "This grandson was involved in a sneak attack and was smashed with a cup by him. It's a minor injury and it's not in the way."

Jun Ci's face also sank, and he said directly: "His life is not as valuable as a strand of your hair. It's shameless. You have to go to the hospital."


MMP is so arrogant after hitting someone! ! !

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