The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 694: So it's really a girl

"When you found Junci, was he a boy or a girl?"

After asking the key question, Jiang Yi felt his heart tremble.

The voice trembled a little, but Fu Cuihua didn't hear it.

She was stunned when she heard Jiang Yi's question!

That's because it has been too long.

It was so long that she almost forgot that she was actually a girl.

When she thought of this incident, her pupils dilated, as if she was extremely horrified, and Jiang Yi gritted her teeth in an instant.

He almost knew it.

After hearing this question, Fu Cuihua suddenly remembered that Junci was a girl, and remembered how she had been treated in their Zhang family for so many years.

She used to feel sorry for Jun Ci, but now when she thinks about it, she really feels that their family is nothing.

Because Junci is a girl!

Because of the birthmarks on her face when she was a child, her whole person was terrible, and there was a lack of boys in the family. She and Zhang Changming claimed that Junci was a boy to the outside world. It's a boy.

Zhang Nian didn't even know about this, because she was not big when she picked up Junci.

It is precisely because of being a boy, since childhood, except for Fu Cuihua to take care of her when she was young, and later when she was older, they treated Junci as a boy, and they beat and scolded at every turn. From the age of three, Jun Ci, who was not too sensible, had to wash herself swayingly. She helped to cook at the age of four or five. When she was in elementary school, everything was done by herself.

No one in the family cares about her.

Although Fu Cuihua felt sorry for her, she didn't dare to disobey Zhang Changming. As the days passed, Junci became bigger and bigger, taciturn, not low, and taller than Zhang Nian. Everyone has forgotten that she is actually a girl.

A weak girl.

It is precisely because this idea is deeply ingrained that Fu Cuihua heard Jiang Yi's sudden question today, and suddenly remembered that Jun Ci turned out to be a girl!

In an instant, she burst into tears, not knowing whether she thought of the various treatments she had done to Junci in the past, or other reasons, Fu Cuihua cried and said: "Why did I forget, she is still a girl..."

A girl who was beaten and scolded by them and grew up, and later had to live alone away from home. Although she now knows that the child is doing well, but Fu Cuihua still instinctively gave birth to a kind of guilt.

Her temperament was a bit more kind, but she was too arrogant. Zhang Nian and Zhang Changming did many wrong things to Jun Ci. This is also the main reason why Jun Ci has no good impressions of her.

Hearing these words, Jiang Yi's teeth rattled.

The moment he knew that Jun Ci was a girl, something collapsed in his head.

Very angry.

On the one hand, why Qi Junci kept the secret from telling him, causing him to misunderstand for so long. On the other hand, because of Fu Cuihua’s crying, he thought of all the previous things seen in the literature. The days of Junci were really not human Over.

I don't know how she got 18 years old!

Jiang Yi knew that Junci had changed her age. She used to be 17 years old on her household registration, but her ID was 18 for some reason.

When he was angry, he felt more distressed for Junci. A girl really didn't know how to survive in such an environment.

Even knowing that the current Junci is very strong, Jiang Yi still replaced the previous scene. For a while, his heart was a little bit painful for Junci, and watching Fu Cuihua crying was even more sympathetic, and his eyes sank and stopped drinking. Said: "Why are you crying? It is not you who should cry!"

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