In order to kill individuals, put yourself in.

It's not worth it.

Jun porcelain is distinct.

She touched her jade-like chin, so Jun Chengbai wanted to find out what was going on.

Is this man who is his father still alive?

If you are alive, Junci feels that Jun Chengyue and Jun Chengbai have an unusual relationship in some way.

It may be a breakthrough.

So, she has to find this person, or even if she is dead, she has to be sure.

"It seems that we have to cultivate overseas forces."

There are no lone heroes in this world. No matter how strong a person is, there are limits to her personal abilities. In the past, she also had her own subordinates and an army that could be mobilized. Even entering and exiting dangerous places was within her personal ability.

But she didn't think that Jun Chengyue could invade the Canadian castle on her own.

Only by cultivating forces can you better fight against others.

"Guru, you do this. I'm currently monitored by the central government of China. I can't perform these actions. You have to carry out the cultivation of overseas forces."

The best way is to spend money to raise a group of mercenary forces.

Gulu can absolutely hide traces and find the most suitable training zone, it is absolutely impossible for others to find her.

"Good Majesty."

So with a light brain, things are of course much easier.

It costs money to cultivate forces, and it has to be hidden, which is different from a company.

Money can't be transferred from Man'an, and money from Silori Group must be used.

Although Shu Jie and the others knew about Silori's existence, on the Internet, Gulu had to forge some fake data, and who could find out.

Even if the money was transferred from Silori, no one would ever find out.

After ordering these things, Junci still has to take care of his movies first.

She used to have the ability to torture her opponents. Since she is still fledgling, Jun Chengyue will play with him and see what he wants to do.

After all, life is too boring.

As soon as Frank's ins news came out, it naturally caused a worldwide sensation.

No one knows why the actor's announcement is like a farce.

The scandal that went on vigorously for a day, and finally, in Frank's refusal to explain, gradually showed signs of disappearing.

After all, a fake news, the desire for people to report is not so strong.

On Ji Meng's side, although she is famous, she has become the laughing stock of the entertainment industry.

Everyone may know that she and Frank had a period of time, but it is clear that what Ji Meng has done made Frank repent after he announced the news, and now Ji Meng has become the object of everyone's ridicule.

"Frank, tell me, what the **** is going on? Are you kidding me?"

In the evening, Ji Meng was shocked when she saw the news of Frank's denial. She quickly contacted Frank. Although the phone was connected, her voice was no longer as sweet and pleasant as usual. Instead, she looked a little frustrated.

Under such circumstances, English, which is not proficient in the first place, has a crappy taste.

Frank had just been threatened by someone, and his forehead was still jumping. He didn't know why he would offend someone he didn't want to offend if he announced his love affair, but at this time he failed his little girlfriend, so naturally he should coax him.

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