The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 850: Your cousin is really stupid

Xia Changqing and Jing Fuxiao are eating out.

It's not that they haven't seen each other in a few years. Jing Fuxiao also often flies abroad to find her. This is the return home this time, and the meaning is different.

Jing Fuxiao had a pleasant chat with Xia Changqing at the dinner table, but halfway through, Xia Changqing received a call from Xia Hanyun.

"En? Han Yun, it's me, what's the matter?"

Jing Fuxiao saw Xia Changqing who had answered the phone with a smile and didn't know what he heard, so his expression changed suddenly.

"How could she do such a thing?"

Xia Changqing's surprised expression made Jing Fuxiao worried: "What's the matter?"


Xia Changqing is a rare excited person, but this time her palm was still shot on the edge of the table, and she looked extremely excited.

This behavior made Jing Fuxiao's brows wrinkled.

"I see." Xia Changqing took a deep breath: "I'll go back soon, and I will let her come back from school."

After hanging up the phone, Xia Changqing took a sip with a glass of water.

I can see that my mood is severely restless.

Jing Fuxiao asked again: "What's the matter, Changqing sister?"

Xia Changqing glanced at him. She didn't want to say anything. But thinking about the relationship between the four of them, she sighed and said: "I know that my cousin is a little confused, but she didn't expect her to be so excessive this time. In the school, it was said that Junci bullied her, which caused my uncle and aunt to ask people from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau to find Junci’s troubles. Now that this matter was suppressed, Han Yun notified me when he got the news. He said it was not. Jiang Yi pressed it down."

Xia Changqing didn't say anything more specific.

Jing Fuxiao understood instantly.

However, he distinguished the stakes. If the matter was not suppressed by Jiang Yi, it would be even more incredible.

It shows that there is another force behind Junci itself.

Jing Fuxiao had always thought that Jun Ci relied on Jiang Yi's relationship. Now that he knew this, he suddenly became a little complicated, but he still said, "Your cousin is really stupid."

Hearing his unkind words, Xia Changqing gave a wry smile: "I didn't expect..."

"The person of Junci is different from the average person." Jing Fuxiao pursed his thin lips. Although he didn't look very pleasing to this young man, Junci was far out of his peers in terms of talent and ability. Dajie's personal ability is even stronger. On the one hand, he is a little admired by contradictions, and on the other hand, it is a little uncomfortable because of Xia Changqing.

But he thinks that Jun Ci is uncomfortable, and he has never thought about making trouble. He and Jiang Yi are brothers, and he will not do anything that makes Jiang Yi difficult.

On the contrary, this cousin of Xia Changqing...

Thinking of the arrogant and arrogant teenager in his memory, Jing Fuxiao felt that Song Wanfei should have stabbed the Song family this time.

"If I ask Wan Fei to apologize to him..."

Xia Changqing didn't know Jun Ci very well, so of course she would think of using a direct way of expressing apologies to calm the matter.

Jing Fuxiao shook his head, took a sip of water, and speculated: "It's one thing whether he accepts it or not. Let Jiang Yi know about it. There will be no end to this matter." He raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Changqing. A profound sentence: "The relationship between Jun Ci and Jiang Yi is not the kind of ordinary good friends you think."

Xia Changqing was a little worried by this.

It is one thing that Song Wanfei is in trouble. What she is worried about is that this matter will involve the Xia family.

After all, her grandfather is Song Wanfei's grandfather.

If Jiang Yi's temper really gets into trouble...

Thinking of this, Xia Changqing had a headache.

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