The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 858: Talk about it when he comes back


"This kid is too presumptuous!"

Before the sunset in Huaguo, and the sky was dark, the Song family and his wife had prepared a gift and rushed to the Jiang family to make amends.

This is the privilege of the top powerful family. Even if Jiang Yi did something wrong, they had to come to the door to make amends to see where they had offended this Jiang family.

Mother Jiang knew the cause of the Song family. Originally, she was digesting just after dinner. After listening to the ins and outs, she put the tea cup she held in her hand on the table.

She was born neat and tidy. At this time, this behavior is even more demeanor of the Jiang family’s mistress. It seems that she is really dissatisfied with Jiang Yi’s approach. Liu eyebrows are erected. Although the sound of the tea cup is not heavy, she still sits next to it. The Song family's heart beats on the sofa, and there is an inexplicable embarrassment.

Frightened by Ji Yan's pressure.

Song Wanfei was brought here by her parents, even though she didn't know why she brought herself.

However, at this time, I saw this Jiang family mistress, who had only seen it a few days ago and was kind to herself, but now Song Wanfei felt a kind of pressure and did not dare to look up at her.

Ji Yan glanced at Song Wanfei with a faint and sharp gaze, then quickly moved away, turning into a smile: "Tianhuan, you and I are both sisters. Yier did something confused this time. I will wait for him to return. Teach him well, let him make a loss like you, don't worry, there will be no more troubles on the Song family enterprise."

Tianhuan is Song Wanfei's mother, Xiahuan.

With such a quasi-trust, it is reasonable to say that the Song family’s husband and wife should breathe a sigh of relief, but she and her husband looked at each other, and there was a sense of subtlety and aggrieved feeling in her heart.

Jiang Yi did such a silly thing, and didn't look at the face of the Xia family at all, and caused a big trouble to the Song family. Ji Yan was angry, but he felt like he lifted it up and put it down gently.

I will teach him when I come back.

This kind of thing shouldn't bring Jiang Yi back from the military academy immediately, and then just like them to make a loss, right?

They did not offend Jiang Yi!

However, when Ji Yan said that, even if they felt uncomfortable in their hearts, they did not dare to refute, and they almost gritted their teeth and laughed: "Maybe the child is not sensible..."

"It's really ignorant!"

Elder Jiang suddenly appeared, and everyone in the room stood up. Seeing Jiang Jianru, he respectfully called out: "Uncle Jiang..."


Even Song Wanfei yelled timidly: "Grandpa Jiang."

Although she likes Jiang Yi, she is terribly scared of this once wise old man.

To be correct, all the juniors, except Jiang Yi, and Xia Changqing, even Ji Moyin are a little afraid of the old man.

Although he behaved like an ordinary old man.

Jiang Jianru walked in, dressed in an ordinary white coat, with a more Confucian demeanor, with his hands behind his back, he coldly snorted: "What the **** does, so I don't understand the rules!"

Jiang Jianru cursed Jiang Yi as soon as he came in, and the Song family's husband and wife were happy when they heard it.

They were afraid of the Jiang family, and Jiang Yi had to make a smile on his face when he offended them, for fear that anyone would feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, I heard Mr. Jiang scold Jiang Yi, and I must feel relieved.

When Ji Yan heard this, his lips moved, and he only said, "Dad, you are right. When he comes back, I will talk about him."

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