The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 867: Don't want your heart to be higher than the sky

-Am I blind? How did I see someone who is not in complete condition, the emperor, a Chinese, participate in the Hollywood director selection meeting?

-If the emperor can direct the "Seventh Killer Space", I will live broadcast the food

-Did you make a mistake? ? Can't the emperor make his Chinese movies well? Can he shoot such an excellent science fiction film as "Seventh Killer Space"? Is he worthy?

-The comments of some people in the hot review are really funny. Why is the emperor not worthy of this film? Don’t forget that he also has a big sci-fi IP. Many professional authors in the industry say that the emperor’s book is very good and written by others. Born in science fiction, what happened to making a science fiction movie?

-It’s a bit impossible. The emperor should be a pure Chinese. I read the encyclopedia and it clearly says yes. Hollywood is so exclusive. It should be impossible for the emperor to shoot such a big IP.

-Jeremiah is here, he will definitely not be the emperor, but it is quite surprising that he can participate in the selection

-My mother, I have been watching all kinds of news about the emperor on Weibo. The key is that what the emperor looks like has never been reported. I now suspect that there is no emperor at all. It is the fun of the entertainment industry. ?

-It’s amazing to be able to participate in the selection meeting, but it should not be won. The emperor’s identity as a Chinese is too deadly. It’s okay to be a Chinese

-The emperor is Chinese, what's wrong? The Chinese are so despised by you, are you still Chinese, all kinds of foreigners and trampling Chinese? The emperor’s special effects blockbusters are not even comparable to Hollywood. As you all know, the level of his fairy movies. On the contrary, I am looking forward to the emperor’s taking the film and showing us a world of science fiction

After the news on Weibo broke out, it was a sensation. The topic of the emperor's participation in the selection meeting directly airborne and ranked first in the hot search.

It's normal for the people who eat melons not to expect the emperor, and most of them are even mocking.

Among them, fans of "Seventh Killer Space" and people in the European and American circles are even more mocking.

It is nothing more than a factor that the emperor of Hollywood cannot touch.

Let’s not talk about the identity issue in Hollywood. How can it be possible for you to be a Chinese to shoot such a masterpiece that is considered a big IP in Hollywood?

Isn't it too natural?

Not only is there a lot of ridicule on the Internet, there are also many people in the industry who secretly mocked the emperor, which is simply whimsical.

Among them is Du Jian.

Probably for a long time, holding his breath too hard, Du Jian finally thought that he had found something that could be ridiculed openly.

Because before the failure of "Wanxian", there is really no hope of turning over. Du Jian can't help it. "He can't stand the punishment". Although Mu Baijun appeared too strange, she still made a comeback. This is what Du Jian thought. The noodles may be a bit predictable, so they didn't show up.

Now, a matter of course is in front of you, the emperor can't take this film!

Participating in the selection meeting is nothing but humiliation.

In fact, they were all right. Without Silorie's cooperation, Junci would not be able to win this film no matter how capable it is.

But they didn't know that Silori belonged to Monarch!

This was quite incomprehensible, and it was also a sharp weapon for Du Jian to fully recognize the facts and leave the field.

Some people just don't follow common sense, ordinary humans can only look at it.

At this time, Du Jian, who didn't know the situation, quite proudly posted a satire in the circle of friends.

Du Jian: Don't want to be higher than the sky, take every step steadily is the right way.

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