The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 876: Are you really giving him?

"I know this, and I have seen the news on the Internet too. Do you want me to invest in movies?"

Ji Moyin immediately recalled.


The word Jun Ci made Ji Moyin hesitate.

If it is an investment company, it is a long-term benefit, but if it is a movie, although it may be able to taste the great sweetness, it is only a one-off, which is different from the achievement plan his dad wants him to make.

"I asked you to invest not mainly because of the problem of the film, but because this film, with its advent, we will introduce a new generation of film technology."

The words of Jun Ci made both Ji Moyin and Jiang Yi stare at her. She said each word: "The most common 3D and IMAX3D large screens in the movie market nowadays, the penetration rate of 4D It’s not high. The new technology we have developed can completely replace the current film technology, but now the world market is basically controlled by capital, and there may not be many theaters or theaters willing to test the water. There are hundreds of people in the United States to negotiate. On the domestic side, I haven't found a partner yet."

Although Jun Ci wanted to swallow it by himself, now it seems that since Ji Moyin is interesting, he should be a favor. How much Ji Moyin can rely on her opportunity to do is up to him.

To launch a new movie model, that set of equipment must be combined with other manufacturers. Junci was just reminded by Guru that in the industry under the name of Ji Moyin, there is something related to theaters.

Now it’s a rule in China, even if it’s a new technology interview, you have to give buffer time. Obviously, her set of equipment does not give a buffer opportunity, so the negotiation may not be so easy at that time, although it will definitely be sold, but you What China wants is that these partners come willingly.

However, the movie must also be broadcast in China, so this is the first manufacturer to eat crabs, it still must have.

Jun Ci gave this opportunity to Ji Moyin.

The Ji family's influence in China is not weaker than the Jiang family, mainly because of the different levels involved, and the Ji family is very capable of speaking in the area of ​​emerging technology.

Jun Ci was definitely not given away for nothing, she wanted the Ji family's right.

When Ji Moyin heard it, his eyes lit up: "You mean, give me the right to cooperate with this new technology?"

He wasn't a stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live in the Dragon Mansion, and immediately understood the meaning of Junci's words.

Junci nodded: "Yes, so I want you to invest and give you a suggestion. You'd better take the cinema industry under your name and use it to invest in my movie, and then replace the relevant new technology. You Having seen a movie, you should know what the introduction of new technologies means to the film market."

Ji Moyin was immediately tempted.

To be honest, being indifferent is a fool.

He could also hear that Jun Ci made it clear that he had given the opportunity to him. If he refused...that would be the real SB!

Although this opportunity may have been given to Jiang Yi by Jun Ci on the face of Jiang Yi, who is not interested in making big money, Ji Moyin slapped his thigh: "Okay, I will go back to deal with this matter."

There is almost no need to remind Junci too much, he knows how to do the following things.

Ji Moyin quickly slipped away as soon as he got a chance. Jiang Yi watched Ji Moyin go, somewhat surprised: "Did you really give it to him?"

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