The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 888: He is perfect

It was not the question she answered that surprised Irene, but the mask she took off when she spoke.

Even the well-informed Irene was a little surprised by the beauty of the teenager, and she subconsciously covered her mouth.

"It's impolite to speak while wearing a mask, Miss Black won't mind?"

She opened her mouth with a faint smile, her eyes gleaming, and Irene hurriedly shook her head: "Of course not."

After all, she is a professional reporter. She was shocked by her appearance in her heart. She also hurriedly shifted the topic to the relevant questions of today's interview.

"how old are you?"

Oh my goodness, it doesn't matter if you look young, it's shocking just how good it looks.

Junci tilted her head slightly: "Miss Irene, I can answer about my personal information, but can I trouble you not to write it in the report?"

She spoke as if a gentleman was asking for Irene’s opinion. She looked at people very much. Irene seemed to be bewitched by something, and nodded easily: "Of course."

"I am eighteen this year."

Her age once again made Irene almost never say ‘My God’.

At the age of eighteen, she took over the shooting of big IPs like "Seventh Killer Space". Such an achievement can be said to be enough to get rid of a large number of Hollywood directors.

When Jeremiah became famous, he was already 30 years old.

Eighteen, what a desirable age.

Irene couldn't help but remember that at the age of eighteen, she was still studying hard in school to prepare for today. Unlike the person in front of her, who was only eighteen, she may have entered something that many people could not imagine in their entire life. Pinnacle, what a miraculous Chinese teenager.

With this level of wonder, the questions in the next interview were much smoother. Irene just asked some questions about Junci’s mood in the United States or why she took the filming of "The Seventh Killer Space". In general, Jun Porcelain's answer was four or two, the answer that should be answered, the answer that shouldn't be answered lightly, and he didn't say anything specific.

Even if Irene habitually wants to dig out more problems, under the boy's confusing face, more words seem to be hard to say.

She felt that the fatal attraction of this young man might be more eye-catching than her own film.

Perhaps because of this, she did not disclose her identity?

Irene just thought of a perfect reason for Junci.

"Well, the emperor, my interview is over. Thank you for your willingness to take over our interview. I hope I will have another opportunity to interview you in the future."

Irene smiled generously, stretched out her hand and shook Jun Ci again.

At the end of the interview, she seemed a little reluctant, but Jun Ci did not ask for more. She had no chance to stay, so she had to say goodbye and leave here.

Leaving the coffee shop, Irene's heart was still pounding.

She also interviewed countless celebrities in Hollywood, but no one gave her the extreme surprise or even the charm today.

The young man had a unique sense of mystery from the East, but there was also a face that was amazing in the West. Irene's powerful intuition told her that perhaps this emperor was not just a pure Chinese.

At this time, the editor-in-chief pinned the end of the interview and sent a text message asking: How?

Irene thought for a while and smiled like a spring breeze: He is amazing, I think he is a very perfect person.

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