The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 106 What does it feel like to cast a spell?

Malicious transfiguration.

This is a control spell that can turn any target within sight into one of the above three creatures.

It's so named because mages usually don't have good intentions when using this spell.

As one of the practical magic skills that can be learned at the third level, mages who master the malicious transformation technique can also learn its advanced spells after entering the fifth level:

Mass transformation.

This is a real killer. It can turn a group of people into panicked little animals while talking and laughing.

It's just that the malicious form of mass transformation is directly inherited from malicious transformation.

So Matthew's choice now is very important.

One of the more counter-intuitive aspects of this spell is——

The difficulty of learning the three malicious forms of frog, wild boar, and goat ranges from easy to difficult.

That's right.

It is easiest to turn a man into a frog, followed by a wild boar, and the most difficult to turn a goat.

Matthew was confused at first, but after understanding the mechanism of the spell, he understood.

It turns out that although the spells of these three malicious forms have the same effective time, there are significant differences in the stability between the forms——

After you turn an enemy into a frog, if something hurts or even touches him, the spell may immediately fail.

Zeller turned Sinwak into a frog before, and specially packed it in a glass bottle to prevent the spell from failing prematurely.

And if it is a small wild boar, you may need to push it hard a few times before the malicious form may not be maintained.

As for the most stable goat.

Mages can even punch a goat in the butt...

Give me a few kicks!

This is the difference in stability.

The higher the stability of the malicious form, the higher the learning difficulty, which is also reasonable.

Of course, too much stability is not without its hidden dangers.

In the history of the alliance, there have been several tragic cases where mages turned their enemies into goats, only to have their butts or crotches slapped hard by the goats.

Goat horns are no joke.

It can be seen that although malicious transformation is one of the magical skills, it is not risk-free.

Whether it is a goat or a small wild boar, they all have a certain degree of rampage and aggression.

Matthew thought for a long time.

In the end, I chose "goat".

He felt that something as outrageous as being poked by a goat would never happen to him.

If such a case really happened, he would have to hold the two undead bodyguards accountable.

As for the difficulty of learning.

Matthew thought that he had mastered a few wild forms at least. The latter and malicious transformation were related to the field of transformation, which should be helpful for learning spells.

Although changing others and changing yourself are completely different things.

Matthew's attitude is still very optimistic.


He took out the items needed for the "Concluding Ceremony" from the material bag:

A standardized spell contract.

A tuft of goat underbelly hair.

Two male goat beards over 10 years old.

A small amount of goat horn ground into powder.

A complete goat placenta.

After successfully placing it, Matthew started the spell in a low voice according to the requirements of the spell ritual.

The candle on the corner of the table suddenly accelerated its swaying speed and amplitude.

The sheep's blood and placenta on the table smelled fishy and evil.

Matthew's eyes and palms glowed blue-grey due to the overflow of mana.

The basement was always echoing with strange murmurs.

For a moment.

The light in the basement disappeared for a second.

"Reminder: You have successfully concluded the "Goat Contract", and the target form of your malicious transformation is determined to be "Goat"!

You gained some knowledge about the body structure of goats..."

Matthew closed his eyes and quietly sorted out the knowledge that the spell ritual had poured into his mind.


He learned more about goats.

He could directly picture the appearance and form of a goat in his mind.

He can also tell the difference between a beautiful face or a hideous face, which is unique to goat aesthetics.

This feeling is so amazing.

This was something he had never experienced before when he transformed into a wild beast.

It is a profound understanding and control of animal forms.

"not enough!"

Matthew opened his eyes.

To successfully master the art of malevolent shapeshifting, one must understand every detail of malevolent form in great detail.

Bonding rituals provide a shortcut.

But he only succeeded in establishing a goat framework in his mind.

Want to go further.

Matthew not only needs to learn the subsequent theory and knowledge of spell casting, but also needs to gain a deeper understanding of goats!

To this.

Master Ronan has already given the best method:

“For spells related to the transformation system, there are often no shortcuts.

You must become an experiencer and regard yourself as a member of the goal of change. The best way is to get along with the goal day and night.

One day, if you find that you resonate with it, then congratulations, at this time your spell is not only a beginner, but also a mastery level.

As for the true mastery of skills.

It will take time and effort over time. "

Matthew still followed Master Ronan's experience and advice as a guide.

So early the next morning.

Before going to work, he got up early, went to the suburbs to find a farmer he had met several times, and bought a goat from him.

When buying goats, Matthew had a sudden thought. If the goat he was familiar with was a female goat, would it be the female goat that was transformed by the malicious transformation spell?

Although female goats also have horns, they are generally much less threatening, right?

That's it, an hour later.

Matthew held a handful of hay and led a docile female goat in his hand, followed by A Bing hidden in a cloak, and walked leisurely to the office hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Clock in to work!

The office was still deserted this morning.

In fact, the daily government affairs of Rolling Stone Town are handled by the five-member committee of the city hall. The office of the Lord's Mansion usually only handles major events that threaten the territory and a very small amount of official business.

And the latter was rounded up by Zeller alone.

So when Zeller is away, this place is no different from Matthew's oak forest.

Rhaegar was reading the newspaper when Matthew came in with the sheep.

It was a journal called "Purgatory Tabloid", and the lord read it with gusto.

When he saw Matthew, he subconsciously said "Good morning!".

Matthew also said hello politely.

It wasn't until Matthew was almost walking into his house that Rhaegar suddenly realized something was wrong.

He put down the newspaper and came over, pointed at the goat in confusion and said:

"Have I ever told you that you can't bring pets to work?"

Matthew blinked:


Rhaegar said bluntly:

"There are no rules, no rules. Sorry Matthew, I'm not targeting you, but the Lord's Mansion does not allow pets to be brought to work!"

"Don't ask when this was the rule. Even if it is a rule just set today, you have to implement it. After all, I am the boss."

Matthew tried to quibble:

"But what if I say, she is my family?"

Rhaegar's eyes widened:

"Not even if it's a girlfriend!"

Matthew was surprised by Rhaegar's brain circuitry.

He simply told the other party that he was learning the malicious transformation technique.

Rega touched his chin when he heard this and showed a troubled expression:

"But the odor on goats is really strong, and it will affect other people's work."

Matthew almost couldn’t hold back his laughter:

"Other people's reading newspapers?"

Rhaegar looked at him dissatisfied:

"What do you know? This is called caring about world events. Although the news in Alliance Weekly and Purgatory tabloids is not necessarily true, the details of many major events are often reflected in those distorted reports. As the lord of Rolling Stone, I should be responsible Take on the important responsibility of interpreting the changes in the world."

Matthew agreed with this.

He is also very interested in the League Weekly, but he has not subscribed to it because he is short of money.

So he asked Rhaegar:

"Can I read your newspaper?"

Rhaegar said generously:

"Of course you can, but you have to wait until I finish reading the latest issue before you can borrow it. In addition, when reading the purgatory tabloid, you are not allowed to use scissors to cut out some peach pictures!"

Matthew asked in surprise:

"Has anyone ever done this?"

Rhaegar said meaningfully:

"You should ask which of the people who borrow newspapers from me has never done this."

Matthew showed an "Wow" expression, and he suddenly became somewhat interested in the purgatory tabloid that he was originally not interested in.

"I'll get you the last issue, wait!"

Rega regained his composure, pointed at the goat and said:

"Forget it today, but it won't happen next time."

Matthew looked at him with pleading eyes.

The latter remained unmoved.

Matthew added:

"Then let's talk about sword oil."

Rega suddenly became energetic. He smiled and patted the docile female goat:

"If you want to say that, I can indeed consider making an exception for you, but I don't have the sword oil with me. I will go to your house to find you after get off work tomorrow."

With that said, he walked back to his office in a good mood.

Serves as the lord's magic advisor.

Matthew's job is pretty idle.

Although it is quiet here, it is incomparable to the basement after all, so there is no way to conduct in-depth study, so I can only read books to pass the time, or conduct some shallow theoretical study of magic.

A blink of an eye.

Most of the day passed like this.

During this period, Matthew did not forget to get closer to the goats.

It’s just that although this female goat is docile, she seems very shy.

Even when Matthew reached out to touch her head, she would subconsciously dodge.

This made Matthew a little depressed:

"Why didn't she hide when Rhaegar touched her this morning?"

After lunch prepared by Mrs. Wesley.

Matthew was ready to take action.

His eyes occasionally glanced toward Rhaegar's office.

He knew that according to custom, Rhaegar would be taking a nap soon, and that would be a good time for him to slip away.

Sure enough, middle-aged and elderly people have very regular schedules.

A few minutes later, Rhaegar stretched out in his pajamas.

To Matthew's expectation, Rega did not leave the office, but walked towards his office:

"After half a day's work, it's really hard."

He looked exhausted.

Matthew thought to himself, is reading the newspaper really so tiring?

Rhaegar suddenly asked him:

"Matthew, I want to ask you a question - what does it feel like to cast a spell?"

Matthew thought for a while and introduced seriously:

"When we mages cast spells, we can roughly divide it into three stages, and each of these three stages has three feelings.

The first stage is the stage of preparing the casting posture and chanting the spell.

At this time, we will be forced to recall the entire content of the relevant spells, and the negative emotions such as pain, difficulty, confusion, sadness, etc. when we first learned the spells will also flood into our minds.

This process not only consumes our mental energy and mana, but also poses a huge challenge to our will.

The feeling at this stage is pain, stagnation, and difficulty.

The second stage is when the chanting ends and the magic energy accumulates.

At this time, there are many magical elements converging on us, and we are carrying a lot of pressure, which forces us to release.

But until the critical node, we have to hold it in.

This feeling is hard to describe, it's like deliberately holding back before urinating.

The feeling at this stage is that of suffocation. Fortunately, it lasts only a short time, only a few tenths of a second at most.

The final stage is when the spell is released.

At this stage, because the pressure accumulated before will be released in one breath, we will feel a hearty and joyful feeling.

This stage lasts approximately one to three seconds, with more advanced spells lasting longer.

The feeling during this period is very refreshing, and it is easy to get addicted to it.

Many mages often stay in place for a second or two after releasing advanced spells, just for this reason.

This is also called "spell casting backswing" by people who don't understand the principles of spell casting.

It's probably such a complicated situation.

Casting spells is actually a very dangerous thing. It tests a mage's spirit, mind, and will all the time.

It is far from as beautiful as ordinary people imagine, and there is a lot of pain and terror, but it does have a unique charm.

What's wrong, why do you ask this question suddenly, do you also want to cast a spell? "

Rega pouted:

"Who doesn't want to cast a spell? I just saw this news."

As he said this, he handed Matthew the League Weekly in his hand.

Matthew took a closer look, and Rhaegar pressed his finger on the content of that page. It was recorded that several mages turned to crime due to addiction to spell casting, and stole a "Speed ​​Gem" from the alliance's secret treasury. Treasure news.

It is said that this thing can greatly shorten the cooling time of spell casting and break the daily spell casting limit.

Currently, these mages are on the Seven Saints Alliance's bounty list.

Matthew's heart moved and he secretly wrote down these names.

"It's a pity that the direction of their escape was north, otherwise they might have been able to get another bounty."

Rhaegar obviously had the same idea.

Then he yawned and left the office hall without looking back.

Matthew waited for a while, and seeing that Rega had no intention of turning back, he decisively left work and left.

As a result, when he was leading the goat through the corridor, he met Mrs. Wesley.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Wesley."

Matthew greeted her politely.

The latter stopped cleaning and raised his head to look at Matthew:

"Good afternoon, little Matthew, where are you going?"

Matthew said without changing his expression:

"Go out for a walk and come back."

Mrs. Wesley put it bluntly:

"Do you want to get off work?"

Matthew smiled:

"Isn't it a little bad to do this?"

Mrs. Wesley shook her head:

"It doesn't matter if you get off work early, young people should get off work early so that they have time to fall in love."

She cleaned twice and suddenly said to Matthew who was about to leave:

"But now I know why Rhaegar recruited you."

Matthew asked curiously:


Mrs. Wesley said seriously:

"Before you arrived, he was the most idle person in the lord's house."

Matthew didn’t know why:


Mrs. Wesley swept a pile of dust into the corner with a smile in her voice:

"Not anymore."

In the oak forest.

Matthew's figure is as busy as a hard-working bee.

The task of planting trees during this period is very heavy.

He must direct the zombies to work hard.

A few days down.

Matthew has successfully planted a mini oak forest further north.

He was originally worried that the grove would be too far away and would not be able to form a collective effect with the original oak forest.

But Oak Domain told him to worry too much.

Even if there is a gap of open space and the end of the Trace of the Dead in between.

Matthew's Oak Grove is still a whole.

And during planting.

In addition to cultivating green oak trees extensively, Matthew also planted a dozen man-eating trees on a certain day in a specific area.

These man-eating trees look just like ordinary oak trees.

Only when a living creature with blood comes within one meter of it will it attack slowly.

To prevent accidents.

Matthew also put up warning signs at different intersections next to the man-eating tree and outside the forest——

"Matthew's tree farm (with man-eating trees!!!)"

The appearance of the man-eating tree was not rejected by the oak realm.

on the contrary.

Matthew could tell that the other oak trees actually liked these man-eating trees.

Only the oak fairies complained about this.

But as long as Lulu didn't speak, Matthew didn't care.

In addition to oak trees, during this week, Matthew also transplanted tea trees brought back from Junliu Island into the forest.

The climate of Gunshi Town is very different from that of Junliu Island, but in theory it should be more suitable for the cultivation of tea trees.

In order to ensure that the tea trees could produce seeds, Matthew did not use green liquid on them.

Plants that have been stimulated will not be able to produce seeds for a long time.

This is common sense in the natural realm.

You can use magic to quickly spawn a plant, and that's because the seed itself is already existing life.

But this emergence does not come without a cost.

Overdrawn vitality will take a long time to repay.

This is one of the reasons why druids usually don't actively use rapid growth.

In the blink of an eye, it was seven days later.

In the underground cemetery.

Matthew paced back and forth among the zombies.

In the past week, he worked tirelessly to plant trees and finally accumulated 168 strengthening points.

Now comes the problem.

Which zombie should you choose to strengthen?

This is not an easy decision.

At the beginning, Matthew only had a team of skeleton soldiers, and the choice was very narrow. He was lucky to be able to choose A soldier.

But now in front of him is a dense sea of ​​zombies!

119 Silver Moon zombies, including kobolds, gnolls, dwarfs, lemures, humans and even dragon-blooded warriors!

Of course there is also a zombie lady who is not Silver Moon.

Matthew observed it for a long time, even using balanced perception, but it was still difficult to make a decision.

The general quality of the zombies is good, but they are very average, and it is difficult for him to choose the best one.

Matthew was getting a little tired of picking and choosing, and he couldn't help but have a sudden thought:

"How about choosing someone else?"

Just think of this.

Matthew suddenly let go of the rope in his hand.

Let the female goat walk freely among the zombies.

Who knows the next second.

The female goat suddenly screamed in fear:


Immediately afterwards.

She spread her hooves and ran wildly among the zombies!

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