The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 124 Necronomicon Construction Technique

In the moonlit woodland.

A beam of moonlight fell down and focused on Laila's body. In an instant, billowing white gas appeared on her skin.

Laila's body stiffened and her eyes turned white.

Matthew immediately noticed that the moonlight he attracted not only failed to transform Laila into a "servant of the moon", but instead had a burning effect on her body!

With his quick eyesight and quick hands, he canceled the beam of moonlight in time!

"Tip: The moonlight goddess Assia rejected your request to transform Laila into a "servant of the moon"."

got rejected.

Matthew felt a little regretful.

Maybe it was because she had had too many free prostitutes recently, and Asiya was a little dissatisfied, so she refused to provide further help.

Originally, Laila's best choice was to switch to the Moonlight camp.

Because of their authority and domain, Asya and the God of Midnight are natural enemies. Generally speaking, even if she keeps laughing at the God of Midnight, the Moonlight Goddess should accept Laila.

Moonglade is the kingdom of the goddess, and Galan's power cannot reach here.

He didn't even know what happened to Laila inside.

This is one of the reasons why Matthew boldly tried.

Unfortunately, the results were not satisfactory.

But Matthew was not discouraged. Although the goddess refused directly, she gave him something else.

Matthew noticed.

After the moonlight disappeared, a pattern of a bright moon half covered by dark clouds appeared on Laila's forehead.

That is another mark of the Moon Goddess.

"Tip: Your partner Laila has received the primary blessing "Traveler's Mark" from the moonlight goddess Assia.

Traveler's Mark: Those who hold this mark will be blessed by the moonlight. If they recite any of the 333 "Hymns to the Moon" for 5 minutes under the moonlight, they can apply to enter the Moonlight Woodland. Chance.

After receiving permission from the goddess, he will have the opportunity to enter the forest to rest for a while."


It is also one of Asiya's powers.

He responded in a very clever way, rejecting Matthew’s exorbitant asking price while also giving him a little sweetener.

Lyra who obtains the Mark of the Traveler will have the opportunity to enter the woodland on her own.

But the premise is that Matthew does more things to please the goddess.

This mark will not affect the relationship between Laila and Galan.

Traveler's Blessing is the most common low-level blessing. It cannot explain a believer's belief in other gods. At most, it can only indicate that the attitude between her and Asiya is friendly to each other.

At the same time, this treatment also retains the possibility of actually transforming Laila into Matthew's royal servant in the future.

"As expected of an old goblin who has lived for who knows how many years, he is extremely skilled in playing hard to get, and his handling is also flawless."

Matthew sighed secretly.

By this time Laila had also come to her senses.

She touched the mark on her forehead, and her mood became unusually high:

"Can the North-South Commercial Road of the Oak Chamber of Commerce begin operation?"

Matthew led her towards the altar and said as he walked:

"Don't worry, how are you studying human society and culture?"

Laila answered honestly:

"That knowledge is difficult for me. I feel like I'm dumber than an underground warthog and I can only do my best. But Ms. Jinli said that I did pretty well. I don't know if she was really praising me or just comforting me. "

Matthew replied:

"Ms. Jinli has always been objective. She will not praise a student easily. Since she said you did a good job, then you are really good."

Laila was silent for a while.

It's just that his steps have become lighter.

The two came to the altar.

At Matthew's call, Ella soon appeared.

"Matthew, I didn't expect you to come so early this time. Samantha and Craig are still on the way. I'm afraid you have to wait for a while."

Ella paused cheerfully on Matthew's shoulder.

But soon.

She jumped to the other shoulder.

Ella quickly glanced at the drow warrior wrapped in bandages and said in Matthew's ear:

"I do not like her!"

Her voice is not loud.

But Lyra could clearly hear it.

Matthew tilted his head and reminded:

"You didn't like me when you first met me either."

Ella argued subconsciously:

"You are different, you are a very special existence, but drow, they are born with original sin."

Ma Xiu planned to give an ideological education lesson to the immortal soul of nature.

Who knew that at this moment, Laila actually took the initiative and said:

"She is right. Drow are born evil. This soul of nature, I apologize to you for being born as a drow. I want to completely shed this layer of skin all the time and replace myself with identity, but it’s a pity that it has never been possible.”

When she said this, she paused slightly, pain and frustration flashed in her eyes, and her tone was low:

"If the fire of divine punishment could wash away the original sin in my blood, I should have been burned alive, but I could never get rid of my attachment to life. At the moment of life and death, I became cowardly. I sold my soul again, and then In exchange for a good night's sleep. I am still alive and well, so this natural soul is right, I am living in this world with sin."

Matthew knew that Laila's heart was always full of pain and entanglement, but he didn't expect it to be so severe.

He patted Ella gently, and then said to comfort:

"After experiencing that divine punishment, you have been reborn from the ashes, Laila. You are no longer the same person you were in the past. You don't have to be obsessed with past memories. You should embrace a new life and a new world."

Laila nodded:

"Of course I can understand everything you said, Matthew, that's exactly what I'm doing, but I still can't accept the life you give me with peace of mind. It's obviously the kind of life I longed for most when I was underground. , but every time in the dead of night, my heart is always tormented - you don’t know the meaning behind the growth of every drow warrior."

"In the Deep City, in order to please "Evil Queen Barbassa", the drow went to extreme lengths, killing, conspiracy, incest, violence... Too many sins were engraved on my body, I came out of there , those sins will be with me for the rest of my life.

Do you know what it takes to become a high-level drow warrior?

Training day and night, being beaten and whipped around the clock, and always being on guard against sneak attacks from colleagues... these are not the most difficult.

For me, the most difficult part is the last part of the promotion ceremony——

After each high-level drow warrior passes the first few levels of the ritual, he will be asked by the Evil Queen to go to the surface. She will ask us to find a human village and select a family with children from the village. After that, we must Killing their children in front of their parents. "

Speaking of which.

Laila closed her eyes in pain.

Ella asked blankly:

"So you killed him?"


Laila responded in a difficult voice:

"I remember very clearly that my instructor took me to a very remote village. It was daytime and all the men in the village had gone out to work, leaving only the old, young, women and children doing simple work in their own homes. .

The instructor found a house for me. There was only a baby and his mother in the house.

He tied up the mother and made her watch helplessly as I strangled her child.

Under his threat, I did so.

When the baby was picked up by me, his eyes were wide open and he smiled at me.

I can’t forget his smile or the sound of his mother howling in my ears.

Afterwards, I left the room in a daze. When I woke up, the instructor had already killed all the old, weak, women and children in the village.

He regarded this as an honor and planned to use this as a achievement to pray for blessings from the Evil Queen.

He and I got into an argument on the way back underground.

Finally I killed him.

I originally wanted to leave, but as a drow, it was impossible to survive on the surface, and there was no place for me in other underground cities. In the end, I could only return to the Deep City with the instructor's head, and asked The mistress confessed that I killed him.

I thought I would be punished, but instead I was personally rewarded by the Evil Queen Babasha.

After that, I lived numbly in the Deep City for a while, until later, I became a training instructor for high-level drow warriors.

Soon, I received a task——

The Evil Queen ordered me to lead a drow warrior to the surface to attack human villages and assist him in completing the final part of the promotion ceremony.

I couldn't convince myself to accept this mission and ultimately had no choice but to defect.

After that, I wandered around the Underdark..."

Speaking of which.

Laila's memory was interrupted by a rude voice:

"If I were you, I would fight back to that city and kill everyone who forced you to do evil things!"

Over at the altar, Samantha and the orc female swordsman Craig came over.

They seemed to have heard a lot, and it was the latter who spoke.

Craig looked very angry, and the thick nostrils unique to orcs were spitting out air:

"Instead of living in guilt, it's better to do something practical."

Laila was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said:

"How can my power shake the rule of Abyss City? They are too powerful. Whether it is the mistress or the spider elves raised by the Evil Queen Barbassa, I cannot compete with them at all."

The orc female sword master said without changing her face:

"Then take killing back as the goal of practice, just like what I am doing now.

My hometown "Stuluk" was invaded by the evil empire many years ago and is now in ruins. I am the last orc who came out of Stuluk. I came to Irondor alone. Mainland, just to find an opportunity to kill back.

Whenever I think of my companions who went into exile with me but eventually died on the way, I feel angry and guilty in my heart. I also often ask God why I was the only one left alive.

But these unnecessary emotions always only hindered my progress. I learned to live with them and even turned them into my nourishment.

I firmly believe that one day I can return to Stuluk and avenge my hometown and relatives. "

Laila looked at her blankly.

Craig met her gaze without any guilt.

"You're amazing."

Laila said with genuine praise.

Inspired by Clegg's words.

She seemed to be in a much better mood.

Matthew said hello to Samantha, then turned around and replied:

"Empire? Which empire is it? Is Stuluk a nearby satellite in the star realm?"

Clegg was much colder towards Matthew's attitude, and she just nodded.

Upon seeing this, Samantha took the initiative to explain:

"Stuluk is a sub-plane located in the star realm and part of a nearby satellite. Clegg went through many hardships before he broke through the siege of the Antu Empire's vanguard and arrived at Irondor alive. , she is truly amazing.”

After hearing the last sentence, Clegg corrected him seriously:

“It’s not that I’m great, it’s that my people are great.

You can't imagine how much sacrifice they made to protect me, no, everyone sacrificed.

In front of that terrifying and evil fleet, our tribe is like a piece of paper, completely vulnerable.

My clan leader, the leader of Stuluk, the great legendary swordsman Proctor, once single-handedly prevented the huge starship in the sky from landing on the earth in order to protect the tribe.

Yes, there is a whole fleet on the opposite side, with thousands of troops.

And he was alone.

Just because no one in the tribe can fight in the sky except him.

He was an otherworldly being. If he wanted to leave, no one could stop him, but he chose to die bravely.

I saw with my own eyes that Master Proctor used his lifelong skills to cut off the starship with one sword!

At that time, everyone in the tribe was cheering for joy, and everyone was praising Lord Proctor for his power that was comparable to that of the gods.

Only he himself still looked solemn.

Soon we found out why.

After the starship broke, countless dense shadows immediately flew out from it.

They surrounded Lord Proctor like locusts and eventually devoured him.

As far as I know, Lord Proctor is completely immune to magic, and even physical damage can only cause very small damage to him.

But those locust-like monsters are soldiers we have never seen before.

They are like flying undead, their bodies covered with steel and structures.

They are filled with the unique negative energy of the undead, but they are not as fragile as ordinary undead.

Neither purge nor dispel can affect them.

It was only a long time later that I learned that it was a technology that the Antu Empire was proud of and used to conquer all directions——

"Necromantic Construct Technique".

After Lord Proctor was defeated, my hometown was completely reduced to a sea of ​​fire. Large tracts of farmland were burned into ruins. All the orcs were driven out and killed. Their bones were made into terrible undead spirits and were ensnared in various forms. A strange construction.

When I left Stuluk.

That planet has become another branch base of the Antu Empire. High-rise buildings have risen from the ground. They have erected large chimneys one after another on the plains, and countless steel giants that spray black mist and steam. Beasts roamed the plains, and swarms of flying Necrons roamed the mountains and above the clouds like nightmares.

I saw the colorful lights that lit up in those steel forests as the sun set.

That was an unforgettable scene in my life.

It also reminds me that I must avenge my people.

I say this for no other reason than to remind you that you are not the only one in this world who has suffered the injustice of fate.

do not give up. "

From beginning to end.

Craig was talking to Lyra.

She seemed to treat Matthew like air.

But Matthew didn't mind. He already knew too much amazing information from the other party's words.

If the hometown of the orc female swordsman was really destroyed by the Necron troops of the Antu Empire, then it would make sense for her to hate the Necromancer.

Although my version is still at the stage of traditional undead.

The Antu Empire, which likes to seek death, has evolved to the new trendy gameplay of steel-structured undead.

"I wonder if the Antu Empire has truly perished at the time I am at now? If it is according to the time in the game, it should be just a wandering Necron force that invaded Clegg's hometown. But if not, That would be a bit troublesome. Forget it, Irondor is the main material realm after all, and the plane barrier is extremely thick. It is not as easy to be invaded as the sub-plane hanging in the star realm. Besides, even if the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. , with my current strength, it’s useless to think too much.”

I think so.

But Matthew is still very interested in the Antu Empire's necromantic construction technique.

He had encountered this kind of troops when he was playing games in his previous life. Unfortunately, he was a player who hardly read the background introduction. He only liked to brush up. In his impression, except that this kind of troops were easy to explode gold coins, there was no other information. .

"As far as I know, this insect nest is also related to the Antu Empire."

Matthew spoke.

The female orc swordmaster glanced at him, and this time she actually spoke:

"Yes, that's why I agreed to come to Samantha to help exterminate the Zerg."

"The Kuangser Zerg are not powerful characters. My hometown has been invaded by them several times, but they have been successfully driven away."

"I would rather know what secrets are hidden in the Antu Empire base that was attacked by the Zerg."

Seeing that she was finally willing to talk to him, Matthew quickly struck while the iron was hot:

"Since you came to Irondor for help, have you contacted the Seven Saints Alliance about the Antu Empire?"

Craig's face darkened:

"Of course I contacted them, but the Alliance of Seven Saints didn't take me seriously at all. They left me hanging in an abandoned stronghold on the east coast for more than a month. It wasn't until I repeatedly came to ask for an answer that a kind-hearted mage told me I, the Alliance of Seven Saints, don’t care at all what happens outside of Irondor.”

"It was impossible for the league's top management to provide me with any support. Afterwards, they kicked me out like a beggar."

"This is my lifelong shame!"

Matthew shook his head silently after hearing this:

"Maybe the Seven Saints Alliance doesn't even care about Irondor."

"Magics are the most refined and self-interested creatures. They only care about themselves."

Samantha looked at him in surprise:

"Are you kidding yourself?"

Matthew smiled and didn't say much.

"let's go."

Samantha changed the subject with a smile and reminded everyone of the purpose of tonight:

"In the past half month, the outer perimeter of the insect nest has been wiped out by me and Clegg. Tonight we will go straight into the interior of the gate. According to Clegg, we will kill the insect queen hiding in the depths and controlling all the insects. Can wipe out all the Crazy Seer Zerg."

"Our goal on this trip is to find her and kill her."

While talking.

She activates the power of the altar.

The soft moonlight enveloped everyone.


In a blink of an eye, they appeared directly on the 33rd floor of the insect nest!

Led by Samantha.

They left the scope of the shrine of the Moon Goddess.

Soon after.

A huge iron gate appeared in front of them.

The iron gate blends into the underground space of the insect nest, and the surrounding stone walls are covered with thick luminous moss.

Matthew noticed.

There is a shiny device next to the iron door.

It looks like a card swiper.

With a thought in his mind, he took out the access card found on the body of the Antu Empire researcher from his bag:

"Do you need to use this thing?"

However, Samantha had already walked slowly to the card reader, took out another identical card from the lining of her blouse, and inserted it gently.

She smiled and said:

"While cleaning the perimeter for bugs, we found a dozen of these cards."

Matthew shrugged.

But after the access card was inserted, there was no movement at the door.

Samantha looked confused.

At this time.

Matthew stepped forward, took the card in her hand, flipped it one direction, and then swiped it from top to bottom naturally!


A crisp electronic sound sounded.

Dark green light strips light up from both sides.

The door clicked open to both sides.

Samantha looked at Matthew in surprise:

"Why are you so skilled?"

Craig looked at him with even more suspicion.

Matthew could only explain:

"As a mage, "knowledge of other worlds" is also compulsory. "

The words fell.

The door slammed shut.

There is a gap for everyone to enter and exit only for two people.

A stale aura came out of it.

Everyone couldn't help but cover their mouths and noses.

Then he looked inside curiously.

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