"Even so, when it comes to seducing girls, it seems more appropriate for Zeller to do it, right? He is a real warlock!"

Matthew wanted to refuse again.

Rhaegar looked as if he was heartbroken:

"How can you bear it?"

"Zeller has to worry about so many things in Rolling Stone alone, shouldn't we share his worries and solve his problems?"

"Besides, the war in the South is still uncertain. He went to the South Trading Post to wait and see the situation today. He may not be able to come back in time tonight."

"That's it, I'll take care of Ms. Alena, and you can take care of Little Judy!"

Rhaegar said so.

Matthew couldn't find any other excuse, so he had to accept it.

"Speaking of which, your cemetery is quite stylish, but the location of the toilet is not right. How can you put the toilet in the center?"

Rhaegar looked relieved and said something else casually.

Matthew's nerves suddenly tightened:

"Which toilet do you mean?"

Rega turned back and pointed at the negative energy fountain behind him and said:

"Isn't that right?"

Only then did Matthew notice that this guy was holding his belt in one hand, and his cheeks were slightly red.

"you've been drinking?"

Matthew's voice couldn't help but raise an octave.

"Well, I drank a little this afternoon. I've been too irritated by things lately."

Rhaegar patted his cheek:

"But don't worry, I'm very sober!"

"It's true. I just walked to the toilet and wanted to pee. Before I could pee, those zombies rushed towards me. I was so scared that I ran away. You have to teach your little brothers what politeness is! "

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief, and then said seriously:

"That place is not a toilet, but a fountain from the negative energy plane. You should thank my zombies, otherwise if you shiver at your convenience, you won't have to think about Ms. Alena at all."

"And if it was Peggy who was guarding the fountain instead of a zombie, you wouldn't even have a chance to take it out!"

Send the tipsy Rhaegar away in person.

Matthew walked back with the invitation, and when passing through the oak forest, he met Eli.

"Matthew, I heard everything just now. That unqualified old gangster invited you to the dance?"

"I heard that Ms. Alena will also be there?"

"Can you take me there?"

Eli looked at Matthew expectantly.

Matthew looked embarrassed:

"Theoretically there is no problem, but this matter involves the political dealings between Rolling Stone Town and Deep Blue Harbor..."

Eli asked blankly:

"Is your politics all about women?"

Matthew was choked for a moment, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't refute.

All he had to say was:

"Communications between humans contain many complex actions and meanings, and the situation tonight is very special. I can't cause trouble for Rhaegar. Can you understand?"

"I'm afraid that after you go in and meet Ms. Alena or others, you will do something drastic."

Eli said confidently:

"I'm a druid, I won't go overboard."

"And if you're worried about me, I can turn into a kitten and you just have to bring me in."

"I just want to get a closer look at what kind of person Ms. Alena is. I won't get you into trouble. Please trust me, Matthew!"

Matthew thought for a while and finally agreed:

"That's okay, but I have to add a condition - you have to stay in cat form from beginning to end at the dance tonight. No matter what happens, can you do it?"

Eli nodded vigorously.

"By the way, I have to remind you that Ms. Alena is the city lord of Deep Blue Port. She has great power and wealth on the east coast. She is also said to be quite beautiful. There are many people who covet her in the entire southern region. You have to do this Be mentally prepared.”

Since he agreed to take Eli, Matthew had to give him some vaccinations.

Eli said seriously:

"you are wrong."

Matthew was surprised and said:

"Where is wrong?"

Eli corrected:

"Ms. Alena is as beautiful as a fairy, not just a beauty."

Matthew: "..."

He felt strongly that his heart was having a heart attack, and this feeling had become more frequent recently.

"So, I will have many competitors throughout the south?"

Eli asked aggressively.

Seeing his optimistic look, Matthew simply brought Rega out to attack him:

"Yes, there is someone in Rolling Stone now. He is more mature than you, more powerful than you, richer than you, and more handsome than you. Even in terms of fighting ability, you two are probably evenly matched."

"The only thing he's inferior to you is that he's much older than you!"

The more Eli listened, the more solemn his expression became.

At the end.

He looked at Matthew with despair:

"I knew you wouldn't let Ms. Alena go, right?"

Matthew was surprised and said:

"Why do you think that person is me?"

Eli blurted out:

"The intuition given to me by the wild ways!"

Matthew said angrily:

"I have no interest in Ms. Alena, you can rest assured of that."

Eli breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked extremely excited:

"Really? If you also like Ms. Alena, we can compete fairly!"

Matthew was too lazy to talk to him:

"Remember that the kitten you transform into at night is cuter."


The lights were rarely lit outside the official posthouse in Rolling Stone Town. Several carriages were lined up on the street at the entrance. Occasionally, a richly dressed couple and young people would enter the main entrance.

The invited guests secretly adjusted their clothes or accessories without anyone noticing.

The waiter at the door also smiled cautiously.

Above the door, two brand new lanterns dispersed the darkness.

The remaining light shone on the steps of the side door more than ten meters away from the main entrance, showing a thick layer of dust.


The social method of dance is relatively unfamiliar to the people of Rolling Stone Town. Those who can be invited by Rhaegar are decent people in the territory, but even they are constantly confirming their status by sending glances to each other. Are there any etiquette errors and trying to look like you go to prom regularly?

Matthew entered the main entrance holding a cute little black cat.

A waiter wanted to greet him and lead the way, but Matthew declined with a smile.

He quickly walked into the majestic stone building, and the heat of early summer was immediately swept away.

Matthew shuttled between the castle-like corridors and halls, and the lanterns and reliefs on both sides fell backwards quickly——

The Inn at Rolling Stone is said to have been originally built to the specifications of a castle.

The southern part of this place has a palace-like layout, and its architectural style is also simple and rough.

This can also be seen from the reliefs on the stone walls on both sides of the first hall and the stone sculpture of the devil's head hanging on the dome.

As soon as Matthew came in, he felt a wild and warm atmosphere.

But the temperature here is very low.

Perhaps the height of the building was too exaggerated. Even with the bright lights, there was still a chill everywhere in the post house.

This place was supposed to be used as the Lord's Mansion of Rolling Stone Town.

But when Rhaegar's father built this place, he only started half of it. Later, for unknown reasons, the project was abandoned.

After Rhaegar inherited the throne, he started anew and built a lord's palace with no pretensions.

This place is regarded as a post house that is only used a few times a year.

Matthew still knows.

The second half of the post house, the one to the north, is actually a construction site filled with stones and wood.

And it's only half a block away from the lively produce street.

In the morning when everyone is buying groceries.

Standing at the construction site, you can still hear the shouts of vegetable vendors on the street.

Fortunately the dance was at night.

There is also a huge stone wall erected in the north of the construction site, which can somewhat block the line of sight.

Otherwise, this inn may lose its reputation in the eyes of visitors.

"How come Paige can even find gossip about a place like this?"

between thoughts.

Matthew came to the second hall where the dance was held. It was very close to the courtyard where everyone in Shenlan Port stayed, and it was also a building to the south.

He came to the corner and put Eli on the ground:


The little black cat said decisively:

"Remember! Never do it!"

Matthew reminded:

"anything else?"

The little black cat replied impatiently:

“Bold and experimental?”

Matthew's face darkened:

"It's self and dignity!"

"Oh, ego, dignity! Can I go, Matthew?"

Eli was as excited as a wild dog about to run loose.

Matthew waved his hand feebly.

The little black cats jumped nimbly and slipped from the beam into the dance scene.

After a while.

Matthew also adjusted his clothing.

Smiling, he walked towards the wooden door filled with light.

Say hello to the garrison members at the door.

Matthew's eyes quickly adjusted to the light in the hall.

He looked around and found that this place was indeed more suitable as a dance venue. The first hall was too big and it was difficult to create the proper atmosphere on the empty dance floor.

This hall is not only much narrower, but also has a row of rooms in the corridors on the east and west sides. In addition to the area in the center that can be used as a dance floor, the rest of the hall is also filled with stone sculptures, cabinets and other things that can block the view.

Rhaegar still put some effort into it. The sofa, bar counter, snack cabinet, everything that should be there was basically completed.

There were a lot of people in the hall at this time, and everyone was a little reserved at first, but everyone was a familiar face from Rolling Stone Town. A few people who were good at adjusting the atmosphere warmed up the place, and the other guests relaxed.

Two minstrels were playing hurdy-gurdies not far from the dance floor.

Beautiful music leads people to pursue happiness.

Matthew saw some brave men and women already dancing on the dance floor.

Their dance steps may not be particularly standard, and their movements are even more difficult to call elegant, but their warm and abundant emotions are the most perfect interpretation of their dance movements.

Matthew walked along the edge of the dance floor.

Several young men and women were talking in the corner——

A boy with many freckles was so irritated by a dirty joke made by a friend next to him that his face turned red with anger, while the others burst into laughter.

A little black cat ran nimbly past the wall, jumped into the garden behind, and soon disappeared.

When passing by a shelf with a purgatory-style armored knight.

Matthew also saw Ms. Liz, one of the five-person committee, and another middle-aged woman, introducing girls to Brad.

The bearded man looked very embarrassed, his head always lowered.

When Ms. Liz or the girl opposite asked him something, he would only look up and respond.

Matthew was amazed.

"Every young man who is being urged to get married will subconsciously feel pitiful for Brad when he sees this scene, but I don't sympathize with him at all. I'm even fed up with his indifferent appearance."

At this time, a young man in his early twenties came to Matthew and said: holding a glass of red wine.

"Because there is a tradition in our family that if the eldest son is not married, no matter how fiercely the second son fights with other women, he will be asked to postpone the marriage indefinitely. Because of this reason, I have lost at least two people who love me. Girls, I can afford to wait, but they can’t.”

As he spoke, he smiled helplessly at Matthew and stretched out his left hand:

"Patton, the northern tax collector of Rolling Stone Town, you should have heard of my name. And I also know you very clearly, the mage who loves to plant trees, a strong candidate for outstanding citizens, the new spell consultant in the Lord's Hall, Lei Plus the hot guy in front of you—Matthew, right? Let’s get to know each other.”

Matthew shook hands with Patton kindly.

Zeller mentioned him not long ago when he was dealing with the case of western villages resisting tax payment.

Tax collector Little Patton was the party involved in that case.

He is also the younger brother of the defense captain, Brad, and the second son of Ms. Liz.

At present, it is said that he is recovering at home because of the disease.

"It seems that your resentment is very deep."

The people from Deep Blue Harbor hadn't arrived yet, so Matthew casually chatted with little Paton.

"Of course I fell out of love because of it, more than once."

Little Patton pouted:

"I knew when I was very young that parents always only have the eldest son and the youngest son in their eyes, and those who are neither good nor bad like me are destined to be forgotten. But do they really care about Brad? I am also very doubtful. .”

“I know that Brad has a crush on someone, she is a young widow from a moonshine brewery in the south of town.

Oh, Brad loved her so much that he often visited her business and brought his brothers from the garrison with him, but Brad didn't dare to look into the eyes of the little widow.

He could only like her silently and watch helplessly as she changed male partners one after another in the past three years.

Sometimes I really want to tie the little widow back home for him, so that he can get married as soon as possible, and by the way, my mother can worry about my marriage.

But if you think about it carefully, it's impossible. That little widow is not worthy of our family. If I really did this, even if that was Brad's intention, my mother would only break my legs. "

Matthew asked curiously:

"How do you know so much?"

Little Paton shrugged:

"This is what the little widow told me in bed.

She has always known that Brad likes him, and has been waiting for Brad to confess his love. However, a year and a half have passed, and Brad has not made any move. What woman can wait so long?

She had a dead husband and three children.

It is very hard work for one person to support a moonshine brewery!

Brad's cowardice disappointed her so much that she had to turn to other men, like me. "

Matthew couldn't help but frowned:

"Won't you have any psychological barriers if you do this?"

Little Patton said honestly:

"There is a point. To be honest, I don't have any feelings for the widow. She wants my power to control taxes, and I want her temporary pleasure, and then it's a tasteless exchange of bodily fluids. Maybe I just want to get revenge on Brad, Who allowed him to steal all the love and attention from his parents?"

"I came here to take a look today, just hoping to see the scene where Brad successfully dated, but judging from tonight's performance, no woman would want to be with someone who only stares at her toes when talking to her. Guy spends the rest of his life."

"I'm so unlucky!"

With that said, he drank all the red wine in the glass and seemed ready to leave.

Matthew asked strangely:

"Are you leaving now? Why don't you play a little longer?"

Little Paton waved his hand:

"Forget it, you should have heard about me. I got some scabies in that bad thing in the north. I'm still taking herbal medicine now, so I won't harm others."

"Judging from today's situation, I'm afraid I won't be able to get married in this life. Sad, really sad!"

He sighed and walked towards the exit.

Matthew looked at his back with interest.

After walking a few steps, little Paton suddenly turned back and slapped a small paper bag into Matthew's hand:

"I won't be using this thing in the short term, so I'll give it to you. With your face, I'm afraid it will be very hard tonight. Don't forget to protect yourself and your female companion. That's it, Mr. Red Man, I hope you Can you put in a few nice words for Brad in front of Rega and ask him to find a wife for Brad and get married as soon as possible."

After saying this this time, he left without looking back.

Matthew curiously opened the paper package and found three sections of cleanly washed and well-made sheep intestines lying quietly inside!

"Matthew, what's that in your hand?"

A pleasant voice sounded.

Matthew turned his head and saw Sif wearing a light green fluffy dress with some beautiful rhinestones on her forehead, smiling warmly and shyly at him.

With lightning speed, he stuffed the paper bag and sheep intestines into the Miaofa bag.

"Nothing, just some magic tools."

He coughed.

Sif walked over with a smile on her face, her smooth chin raised slightly, and asked expectantly:

"Can you dance with me? Matthew."

Matthew hesitated for a moment:

"I'm not very good at dancing."

Sif generously held his hand and pulled him to the dance floor with a smile in her eyes:

"It doesn't matter, I can't do it either, just dance for a while!"

While talking.

The light on the dance floor dimmed slightly.

Two more bards came over. They exchanged gestures with their companions, and the music accompanying the dance suddenly became soothing and tender.

The movements of everyone on the dance floor also became slow and elegant.

Early summer.

The faint sound of crickets coming from the garden could be heard on the dance floor.

That is the surging movement called life, which begins to play gently on this land.

In the corridor on the east side of the second hall, there is a narrow secret room.

Rhaegar kept adjusting the angle of the crystal ball, and he had a panoramic view of every corner of the ball.

"Why didn't you stop them?"

Zeller's voice came from the shadows of the secret room.

Rhaegar was silent for a while:

"I really wanted to catch Matthew and give him a good beating, but before the dance started, Sif came to me and talked to me for a long, long time. We talked about a lot of topics, some of which I had never thought of talking to her about. ——She even took the initiative to talk to me about renewing our relationship.”

Zeller lamented:

"The old father finally found out that his daughter has grown up?"

Rega couldn't help but clenched his fists, and after a while he slowly released them:

"I just don't want to be the kind of father she hates."

"If she really wants to get married, Matthew is indeed a good choice."

Zeller reminded with a smile:

"Don't forget how they got to know each other, don't you mind?"

Regalia smiled and said:

"Are you talking about Silver School? Are you kidding me? Does Matthew's own excellence still require a teaching position in a mortal school to support it?"

"This guy is the darling of heaven and everyone loves him. I bet that even if Matthew doesn't go to that school to be a teacher, with Xifu's personality and preferences, she might still fall for him if she meets him once."

Zeller thought deeply and said:

"This is true. Sif and her mother have surprisingly similar tastes in the men they like."

Lei Jia pretended to be surprised and said:

"Is Matthew similar to me when I was young?"

Zeller thought for a while:

"In some aspects, Matthew is worse than you."

Lei Jia has a good face:

"Of course."

Zeller smiled and said:

"His mouth isn't as mean as it was when you were younger."

Rhaegar laughed and said that he was completely immune to this.

But the next second, he couldn't help but punch the table with his fist:

"Where are you putting your hands? Damn it, I'm going to give him a slap!"

Zeller glanced at the crystal ball:

"Is it too much on the shoulders? I think Matthew's movements are quite stiff. He has been deliberately keeping a distance from Sif. This is not good news. It is said that he has rejected a student's confession. He seems to mind this very much. , if Sif’s confession is also rejected by him, she will be very sad.”

Rega's expression froze, and he couldn't help but punch the table:

"That's not okay. If Sif really likes her, I won't allow him to refuse! Even if it means tying him, I will tie him to Sif's bed! The man my daughter likes, even if I am 10,000 times more unhappy , but also as she wishes!"

Zeller smiled:

"Have you been stimulated by troubles these past few days? Are you finally ready to take off your mediocre disguise and reveal your true nature? Do you dare to say such a thing as kidnapping a mage from the Seven Saints Alliance?"

Rega snorted heavily, and two blazing flames suddenly appeared in his eyes:

"Every member of the Blood Flag family has the blood of the upper devil flowing in their body. Even in purgatory, we are the most special and rebellious kind. For Sif, what does the Alliance of Seven Saints mean? At worst, I will give up the horse. Xiu Yi tied them up and took them back to Purgatory, forcing him to have more babies. After a long time, they will stop. Will the Alliance of Seven Saints still chase him to Purgatory for him? "

"Wait, why am I telling you this nonsense?"

Rega suddenly reacted:

"I'm obviously very unhappy now that that guy Matthew is eating my daughter's tofu!"

Zeller reminded:

"It's your daughter eating Matthew's tofu."

"And you have to be prepared. Aliena will be there soon. Look, her adopted daughter Judy has appeared in the corridor."

"Let me take over the crystal ball here. Um, do you want to wish you a successful renewal in advance?"

In the crystal ball.

A girl with curious eyes walked into the hall.

She also held a black cat in her arms.

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