The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 135 Which big shot’s illegitimate son are you?

"To make a long story short, rumors tell me that a team of drow assassins secretly sneaked into Rolling Stone Town this evening. I'm not sure of their specific location, but considering the special characteristics of drow, they will definitely take action tonight;

In addition, since I left Deep Blue Harbor, there were two killers from the Hades Cult following me all the way. I thought they would take action on the way, but they didn't.

It wasn't until I entered Rolling Stone Town, especially when the dance just started, that I felt a strong sense of murderous intent.

It looks like they want to kill Alena here.

While achieving the goal, you can also pour a bucket of dirty water on Rolling Stone's head.

As far as I can tell, they will do it in the second half of the dance, between eleven and one o'clock.

Of course, this time is not absolutely accurate, after all, I am not a prophet. "

In the locker room, Loren said quickly.

Matthew nodded solemnly.

If it's drow assassins, then the South Trading Post must be under threat.

According to the Red Earth Mountain's experience in attacking the Golden Wilderness, they would often use beheading tactics to eliminate the entire clan of lords, and then launch a large army for a strong attack.

Now that the assassin is on his way, the army must not be far away.

If this information from Lorraine is true, it would be of great significance to the town of Rolling Stone.

"So, in addition to reminding us of the assassin crisis, you are also the spokesperson of Ms. Alena?"

Matthew asked.

Lorraine shrugged:

"That's not entirely true. I have my own will. Negotiating with Alena is only one of the purposes of my coming to Rolling Stone Town. Once this content is completed, the matter of Deep Blue Harbor will have nothing to do with me.

In fact, Alena herself wants to come here in person. She does still have some feelings for your lord, but I rejected her proposal to let me sit in the Deep Blue Harbor. The place is really boring. Playing shady politics with a group of old men is not what I am keen on. project.

In comparison, Rolling Stone Town, where big events can break out at any time, is my favorite place. I can feel that it is full of energy.

Is there any profession that loves big news more than a poet?

Oh, sorry Matthew, I'm not expecting big things to happen in Rolling Stone all day long, it's just that this is the inevitable trend.

The news that Ronan fell into the star realm has spread a lot in the south. At first, people didn't believe it, but now it has been further confirmed by all parties.

After losing the Guardian of the South, the entire southern land was in chaos, and Rolling Stone Town may not be immune. As far as I know, many criminal organizations from the east coast regard Rolling Stone Town as a fat sheep, and they have sent spies to your place. Come and inquire about the situation.

Without the blessing of a legendary mage, the future of Rolling Stone Town is precarious, but don't be afraid, for your sake, Rolling Stone Town is about to welcome a great legendary poet! "

Loren used a female voice that belonged to Alena.

But the grandiose undertones of the conversation still felt familiar to Matthew.

Seeing how confident he was, Matthew couldn't help but joked:

"Which one is better, the legendary poet, you or Mr. Ronan?"

Luo Lan said decisively:


"Not one-tenth as good as him!"

Immediately he complained:

"You want a poet to compete with a mage in terms of combat prowess? That's not fair! I'm good at other fields."

Matthew commented:

"You mean fraud?"

Lorraine didn't seem to hear the thorn in Matthew's words, and still said shamelessly:

"I mean art!"

"Poets are born for art. There is no reason for us to compete with those vulgar mages in the field of combat. That is blasphemy to art."

Matthew recalled with a smile:

"I remember that even in the Age of Enlightenment, the goddess in charge of art was eventually reduced to one of the harems of the god of war. It seems that art cannot be desecrated."

Luo Lan touched his chin:

"Is there such a thing? This shows that war may be a higher-level art."

While the two were chatting, a little black cat suddenly jumped in outside the glass window of the dressing room.

It didn't say anything when it came in. It put its hind legs on the ground, its forelimbs straightened, and raised its head, looking at the two of them eagerly.

"Is it your cat?"

Loren asked casually.

When Matthew saw Eli, he couldn't laugh or cry. He wanted to go forward and pick up the little black cat. Unexpectedly, as soon as Matthew came closer, the little black cat quickly took a few steps back.

It still didn't speak, just looked at Matthew and Lorraine faintly.

"Are you two having a conflict?"

Lorraine asked curiously.

Matthew sighed:

"He is a druid, and he has a little crush on Ms. Alena you dressed up as."

Luo Lan suddenly showed a look of disgust. He stretched out his palm towards the kitten, tried to cover its eyes, and gave a stern warning:

"Don't go into heat on me! Boy! I know you druids are wild, but I am a conservative person."

This time, he used a male voice.

Eli looked at him in surprise.

He turned to look at Matthew again.

Matthew helplessly spread his hands:

"I just learned that Ms. Alena was disguised by a man, and this guy happened to be a friend of mine. He brought very important information to Rolling Stone Town. Eli, I'm afraid I've let you down again. ”

The little black cat was stunned for a moment, then shook his head violently:

"No, I don't believe it!"

"Ms. Alena, can you please let me get closer..."

The words have not yet finished.

Luo Lan impatiently opened the zipper on the side of her skirt, and her upper body skirt suddenly slipped down.

"Ah, is this something I can see?"

The little black cat's voice was trembling, and his nose became extremely wet.

But the next second.

A heart-shaped mass of chest hair caught his eye.

"I told you not to be in love with me! Young man, I am a man, and my capital is much bigger than yours!"

Loren quickly put on his clothes and took care of his wig.

This action of his can be described as very charming.

However, the little black cat was completely frozen in place.

"This is impossible!"

He let out a hysterical scream.

"Are you okay, Eli?"

Matthew asked with concern.

"I'm fine, Matthew."

the little black cat replied.

As he spoke, his limbs softened, and together with his tail, he lay on the floor as if someone had slapped him flat.

"Isn't that true? Even if your love fantasy is shattered, you won't be so depressed, right?"

Lorraine looked at the little black cat with interest.

Matthew coughed:

"Eli is still very young, he is only seventeen or eighteen years old."

"His recent, well, strictly speaking, his relationship journey has not been very smooth."

Luo Lan suddenly realized:

"That is indeed the age when you should go into heat. When I was his age, I would just lick a beautiful woman when I saw her.

This is human nature. You don’t have to feel inferior. When you experience more women, you won’t be as sad as you are now.

I'm very tolerant of boys your age. If you need help, please let me know.

Matthew’s friends can be considered half of my friends. I am a very loyal person. "

The little black cat perked up after hearing this:


Lorraine nodded:


The little black cat asked eagerly:

"Then can you maintain the appearance and voice of Ms. Alena forever? I don't plan to do anything, I just want to be able to stay by her side..."


Lorraine almost kicked him away.

Then he complained to Matthew again:

"I know what their druids are doing, so I shouldn't have any mercy!"

He saw Eli slumped down again.

Matthew got down to business with Lorraine:

"We have to let Rhaegar know about the assassin, but if I am the only one dictating it, I'm afraid he won't be able to react for a while."

Lorraine agreed:

"It would be best to find someone to call him in."

The two looked at each other and then turned their attention to the little black cat on the ground.

Matthew coughed:

"Eli, are you okay?"

The little black cat replied weakly:

"I'm fine, Matthew. I'm a person who has already sealed my love. Almost falling in love with a man doesn't make me depressed. I'm much stronger than you expected. There's nothing wrong with me. "

Matthew then asked:

"Then can you help me call Rhaegar in?"

The little black cat replied stiffly:


Matthew asked:


The little black cat replied softly:

"Because my heart hurts!"

"Do you have to expose my harsh words?"

"Please let me take a moment... ugh, my lady Alena... ugh, why ugh."

A low sob came.

Matthew couldn't bear it, so he gently activated the oak field, hoping to use the power of nature to heal Eli.

But the next second.

Eli's body trembled, and he froze in place as if his soul had ascended to heaven.

"Hint: With your help, your partner Eli successfully visited the natural sub-area "Oak Tree"!

Current status: Visiting/First exploration"

Is this okay?

Matthew was surprised at first, but when he thought about it later, it was reasonable. After all, Eli had accidentally obtained the resonance of the oak field during Samantha's incident.

The state of mind this time is very similar to the last time. Breaking through the shackles of the field in one go is also a matter of course.

It’s just that Eli’s entry into the realm is a blessing in disguise.

Then the matter of informing Rhaegar can only fall on Matthew himself.

At the moment, he and Luo Lan arranged their clothes.

Matthew carefully opened the door to the locker room. He originally wanted to sneak out when no one was paying attention.

But the moment the door was pushed open, he knew he had made a mistake!

Although the entrance was not crowded, most of Rolling Stone's respectable men were crowded in the doorway between the dance floor and the corridor.

They seemed to be talking to each other, but in fact, their sharp eyes were looking at the door of the locker room all the time.

As soon as Matthew pushed the door open, everyone stared at him.

Including Rhaegar.

Matthew had no choice but to improvise. He waved to Rhaegar and said:

"Ms. Alena's foot injury is more serious than expected. I can't handle it alone. Rhaegar, can you come over and help me?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes shone like wild wolves in the night.

"What kind of slang is this?"

"Don't look at what he said, but look at what he did. To sum it up, he said he couldn't handle it and wanted Rhaegar."

"Matthew looks very young. Why is he so miserable?"

Matthew ignored the harsh whispers and looked at Rhaegar silently.

Lei Jia obviously wanted to come in, but he was still coy and coy. An angry Matthew rushed forward quickly:

"You come in here!"

He dragged Rhaegar inside.


The locker room door was slammed shut again.

Everyone shrank their necks subconsciously.

After a while.

The sign hanging on the door trembled slightly.

Everyone showed meaningful expressions.

behind the door.

While gently tapping the door frame, Matthew explained the ins and outs of the matter to Rhaegar as quickly as possible, and added:

"In order to prevent the assassins from becoming suspicious, I have to sacrifice my reputation."

Rega looked at the two people and the cat in a daze:

"What on earth are you talking about? It's an assassin, and it's a man."

It took a long time.

With lots of blowjobs from Matthew and a display of Lorraine's stripping.

He finally figured out the situation.

"You mean, Alena sent her cousin to dress up as her to divert trouble and negotiate with me, and it turns out that her cousin happened to be your friend? And then your friend claimed that our dance would be ruined. Attacked by assassins? Isn’t that right?”

Rhaegar stared at Lorraine suspiciously.

Luo Lan waved his hand:

"That's what happened. I apologize to you on behalf of Alena. I believe you can understand her difficulties."

Rega thought for a while:

"I can understand Alena's difficulties, but I doubt your intelligence."

"The security in Rolling Stone has always been very good. I have never seen any assassins or killers."

Matthew reminded:

"The drow assassin force that Luo Lan mentioned is consistent with the rumors about Red Earth Mountain that we discussed before. We have to guard against it."

Rega nodded after hearing this:

"You're right, so what should we do?"

Lorraine replied:

"It's very simple. The assassins on both sides are targeting you and me, so let us stay together all night."

"We can't stay in the locker room all the time, as the assassins will become suspicious, but we can't mix in the crowd, as this may accidentally injure others."

"Is there any open space around here suitable for assassins to do their work?"

Rhaegar replied immediately:

"There is a back garden next to it, but no one usually takes care of it. Most of the landscape is abandoned, with only some weeds. It looks okay at night, not too dilapidated."

Luo Lan said decisively:

"That's it, the two of us go to the back garden to lure the assassin."

"Matthew, please inform other reliable helpers to prepare."

The three of them discussed quickly for a while.

It didn't take long.

The three of them deliberately wrinkled some details of their clothes, and then left the dressing room one after another in full view of everyone.

In order to prevent anyone from disturbing Eli who is comprehending the secrets of the realm.

Matthew also thoughtfully locked the glass door and main door of the locker room.

After that the dance went on as usual.

It’s just that people’s gazes on Matthew, Rega and “Alena” became slightly ambiguous.

Not long after leaving the locker room.

Rhaegar invited Ms. Alena to go to the back garden in front of everyone.

No one followed him knowingly.

They could only look at their blurry backs through the gap in the porch between the second hall and the back garden in secret, and then sighed that Ms. Alena really knew how to play.

Time passes little by little.

Matthew danced with Judy, but after being rejected by the latter as boring, he finally found relief.

He sat alone on the sofa by the dance floor, quietly observing the flow of people in the hall.

Sif had left the ball an hour ago.

She looked terribly sleepy.

He only said a quick hello to Matthew and left.

Before leaving.

She seemed a little unhappy.

Matthew could only sigh.

At this time, the hand of the wall clock opposite the sofa pointed to eleven o'clock.

Matthew's eyes narrowed slightly:

"If there is an assassin, it's almost time to take action."

He did not use any skills, but relied on his senses to search for suspicious people.

But the process yielded little results.

After all, Matthew was not a professional rogue, so it was difficult to tell the difference between masters of transformation or makeup.

"I should have brought Lyra here earlier. She is familiar with the drow's scent."

"If Eli hadn't entered the realm, he would have had this ability."

Matthew thought with regret.

The hands on the wall clock move diligently.

after an hour.

There were fewer people on the dance floor, some of them flowed to other dressing rooms in the corridor, and some of the older people left one after another.

Matthew stared at the audience in confusion.

He has yet to find any trace of the assassin.

Could it be that Luo Lan's information was wrong?

"That's unlikely."

Matthew has seen the power of "Grapevine". After experiencing the Zeshui City incident, Lorraine successfully promoted to Demigod, and his related abilities must have been further strengthened.

And there was no reason for him to lie about such a thing.

But where did the assassin go?

A trace of determination appeared in Matthew's eyes:

"What a tolerant assassin!"

"Let me see how long you are willing to hide!"

He glanced back in the direction of the back garden.

Rhaegar and Lorraine had already turned around seven or eight times in a pile of weeds, and it looked like they would have to turn around for a while longer.

"Let them come in soon. There won't be many people on the dance floor. If you keep wandering around in one place, it will arouse others' suspicion."

Matthew yawned, thinking this.

Another hour passed.

It's one o'clock in the morning.

Still no sign of the assassin.

The battlefield between Rega and Lorraine has moved from the back garden to the dance floor. The two of them danced various dances that Matthew had never seen before.

have to say.

Rhaegar's acting is also considered dedicated, and he seems to be really fascinated by Alena's beauty.

The two of them danced until they were exhausted.

Finally, he lay facelessly on Matthew's sofa.

The three of them stared at each other on the sofa.

Matthew rubbed his eyes drowsily and asked:

"what time is it?"

Rhaegar replied feebly:

"Three thirty in the morning."

"So, where did the assassin go?"

Lorraine still looked energetic, but his eyes were also full of doubts:

"Impossible, my gossip has never been wrong!"

"There must be a team of drow assassins and two killers from the Hades Cult who entered Rolling Stone Town and planned to take action tonight."

The three of them looked around.

Except for the guard members who were also yawning and a few small town youths who were having a great time playing with Judy, there was no one in the hall.

"I'm afraid we've jumped the gun and alerted the enemy."

Luo Lan said seriously:

"There must have been a problem in some link and it was exposed, so the assassins chose to retreat."

Rhaegar stared at him unhappily:

"Then it must have been exposed because of you. You obviously can't play a woman!"

Lorraine asked:

"I can't do it, how can you do it?"

Rhaegar responded as he should:

"I'm good at playing men."

Lorraine was speechless.

After a while.

Even the crazy young people dispersed, and Judy, escorted by two knights, went back to the inn to rest.

It was also time for the garrison team to change shifts.

There were only three of them left in the hall.

Matthew yawned heavily.

"You think if a team of assassins burst out from the shadows at this time, can the three of us handle it?"

Rhaegar suddenly asked.

Luo Lan was about to taunt, but at this moment, the three of them felt their hearts tightening, because there was a burst of fierce footsteps coming from the direction of the corridor!

Someone is trotting!

The three of them looked at each other and stood up immediately. However, the next second they saw a guard running over from the entrance in a hurry.

He came to Rhaegar and reported quickly:

"Lord, Mr. Richard is leading a group of black people outside to ask for an audience!"

"When I went out to buy groceries tonight, I passed by the back wall of the post house and found a few little thieves poking their heads behind, so I caught them."

"I was worried that they still had helpers, so I followed the clues and arrested the remaining few."

"I originally wanted to send them directly to prison, but considering that these little thieves have wrong skin colors, I'd better hand them over to the lord for review first."

The entrance of the post house.

Richard, who was dressed in a tuxedo, was still leaning on the exquisite cane, his waist was straight, and his tone of voice was as serious as ever.

At this time, he was still holding a long rope in his right hand.

There were six drow and two humans tied to the rope.

They all knelt on the ground.

After hearing this, not to mention Matthew, even the "thieves" on the ground were speechless.

Going out to buy groceries in the middle of the night...this excuse is too casual!

Before Rhaegar could speak.

Luo Lan suddenly said in surprise:

"So the assassins are here with you!"

"Are you a "Silver Snake"? "

Richard also looked at him with some surprise, and he subconsciously grabbed the cane:

"New demigod? "Twilight Chant"? "

The two of them suddenly stopped talking and just looked at each other.

Matthew could see deep fear in their eyes.

After a while.

Luo Lan suddenly smiled and said:

"Rolling Stone Town is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Without the blessing of the legendary mage Ronan, another legendary rogue of the "Silver Snake" level has arrived. "

Richard looked at Matthew and complimented quietly:

"Is this your friend?"

"You have a wide network of contacts. In the era when Tianlun Palace was promoted, it was already difficult to meet demigods."

Lorraine looked at Matthew with the same smile:

"Thankfully, I was still worried about the safety of you and Rolling Stone Town, so I rushed here in a hurry. Now it seems that I was overly worried."

"You don't know other legends, do you?"

Matthew wanted to answer.

At this moment, a snowy owl flew over with a letter in its mouth.

As soon as Matthew raised his hand to grab the letter, the letter exploded with a bang and turned into a large piece of feathers.

This is a magic letter.

A white light condensed among the flying feathers.


The image of a white-robed mage appeared inside.

The man said to Matthew with a smile:

"Hello Matthew, the list of the first group to visit the Mark of the Dead project has been determined. The specific time is in the paper letter."

"I will personally lead the team during the introduction. You won't welcome it, right?"

"Hey, it's quite lively over there."

"Then I won't bother you any more."

The words fell.

The figure of the white-robed mage slowly disappeared.

The remaining feathers gathered together again into a paper letter and fell into Matthew's hand.


Lorraine's voice sounded a little dry:

"If I'm not mistaken, that person just now couldn't be -?"

I saw Richard had the same doubts.

Matthew could only answer truthfully:

"His name is Ekmund, and he is the mage chief of the floating city in the far north."

However, immediately afterwards, Richard replaced the horse and completed the remaining titles:

"Twenty-sixth level top legend!

The existence among the seven members of the Seven Saints Alliance and more than ten thousand people!

White-robed guardian, Archmage of Light, the number one killer of the Sinking Demon, founder of the Floating City, founder of the Aurora Blade, master of the behemoth Leviathan, Archmage of the Star World, resident traveler of the Arcane Wilderness, Watcher of the Abyss The disciple, the prisoner of the divine mage..."

"Yes, we all know he is Ekmund."

"The question now is, Matthew, which big shot's illegitimate son are you?"

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