The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 140 I’ll just take a look

The official post house and the lord's palace are not far from each other.

Matthew's steps were like flying, and he soon arrived at the door of the post house. He was about to rush in, but after thinking for a moment, he calmed down and chose another way.

In an unnoticed corner, Matthew turned into a raven and flew across the high wall of the post house. The weeds beside the wall and the dust on the ground came into view.

Several stone statues were piled crookedly at the corner of the corridor.

On the cornices of the second hall, the gargoyle statues were dumbfounded, and it looked like they were made by apprentices.

Matthew flew near the courtyard and soon found two figures, one black and one white, playing with each other.

He stopped on the higher eaves and silently looked at the scene below.

Black Carbon Head is teaching the little white cat how to deal with mice.

But seeing his agility, he slapped a fat and oily mouse to the ground with a single lunge.

The little white cat shook its tail and squeaked unconvinced.

Black Tantou tilted his head, meowed a few times, and then slowly released his paws.


The fat mouse showed lightning speed that was disproportionate to its size and rushed past the little white cat.

The latter chased after him not to be outdone.

Her speed was obviously not slow either. In just a few bursts of breath, she was about to catch up with the rat.

However, at the critical moment, Fat Mouse made a flexible turn and gave himself some room to survive.

Then, it plunged into the grass.

The little white cat rushed over eagerly, but hit a rock with a bang.

She was knocked unconscious, and a lump quickly swelled up on her forehead.

Hei Tantou showed an expression that said, "There's really nothing I can do about you."

While the little white cat was coquettishly moaning on the ground, he quickly walked around behind the grass, where there was a shallow nest.

He didn't care how deep the burrow was, he just swung his paws and patted it randomly, then reached in and dug out for a while, and actually pulled out the fat mouse directly!

There are also five or six wings!

These fat rats were forced into a desperate situation by Heitan Head, and they wanted to fight to the death with all their teeth and claws.

As a result, Heitan Tou raised his claws and slapped each of them.

They all fainted one after another.

By this time.

The little white cat took elegant steps and came over aggrievedly.

Black Carbonhead straightened his chest.

The little white cat meowed.

As if praising his strength and wisdom.

The summer sun shines on them through the leaves.

A few cat hairs shook off, picked up by the breeze, and flew to an unknown distance.

This scene is so warm and harmonious.

Matthew watched all this silently, then flapped his wings and flew away.

He couldn't bear it.

Eli finally got over the pain of falling in love with a man, and then told him that he had fallen in love with an enemy again. This was too cruel.

But the shadow of the Blighted Order still lingers.

This made Matthew a little unhappy.

The Scourge Cult aims to destroy everything, and apart from the tricks of the Mark of the Dead, there is no case of targeting anyone;

The Silver Frost Brotherhood doesn't just set fires in the woods, they often do this in cities as well;

Only the Blighters of the Order of Blight!

They are nature's natural enemies.

As a necromancer, Matthew would never allow blighters to appear near his territory.

If it appears.

We have to kill them all!

The little white cat was obviously not a Blighter yet. If it were, Eli would have smelled it.

Matthew speculates that the Blighters have changed their ways.

They still care about their oak forest, but they want to accomplish this goal by corrupting Eli.

Matthew thought they were wishful thinking.

He has great confidence in Eli.

No matter how much pain this child endures, he will never take out his anger on anyone else, let alone the nature he loves.

"If this white cat has no misdeeds before, it is better to find a way to dig it out. Whether it is to deal with the Blight Order or to make Eli happy, it is all valuable."

Matthew thought to himself.

It's a pity that the other party is not immortal, otherwise his instigation of rebellion would have been on the other party's head.

He was pacing back and forth outside the inn.

Not long after, Luo Lan rushed over:

"You're walking too fast Matthew, you haven't finished listening to my song yet——

There is also a necromancy in the story about turning into a raven.

He couldn't bear to have his companions hurt again.

So everyone's favorite bard comes to the rescue.

The clever Lothalon devised a small plan.

The Blighters' conspiracy is about to come to naught!

Haha, how was my singing? "

Matthew forced a smile:

"The singing is good, but next time you are on the street, it would be better to cover your chest hair. The atmosphere in Rolling Stone Town is relatively conservative, so don't let others misunderstand you."

As he said that, he noticed the content of Luo Lan's chant, so he asked again:

"Do you have any plans?"

Lorraine shook his head:

"I haven't thought about it yet. The phrase 'Lothalon is planning a little trick' was forced in to make up the rhyme. Otherwise, others will think that I am the kind of bard who can't even rhyme well."

"What, didn't you confess to your little brother?"

Matthew sighed:

“He’s suffered a lot—or, it seems, he’s been suffering for as long as he’s known me.

Sometimes I think Eli would be happier if he stayed away from me. "

Luo Lan nodded in understanding:

"It sounds quite complicated. How did you meet?"

Matthew recalled:

"Meet him through his ex-girlfriend."

Luo Lan's eyes lit up:


Matthew’s head was filled with questions:

"What do you understand?"

Luo Lan showed an ambiguous smile.

Matthew was afraid that he would misunderstand, so he told the story of himself and Eli exactly as it was.

After hearing this, Luo Lan suddenly realized.

Then he patted his thigh:

"I could have played him hard!"

"Matthew, you shouldn't have revealed my identity."

Matthew was surprised and said:

"Are you the devil?"

Lorraine shook his head and explained:

"In my opinion, the biggest reason why your little brother is still so easily tempted is that his experience is not painful enough!"

"According to my experience, young boys will have this problem to some extent, but as long as they experience real pain, they have a chance to wake up."

"Leave him to me, Matthew. I'm good at helping boys grow up - in my own way."

Matthew looked at him suspiciously:

"You won't mess around, will you?"

Luo Lan showed a dissatisfied expression:

"Have some faith in me, okay? I'm the most reliable one among the southern demigods!"

Matthew quickly asked:

"How many demigods are there in the south?"

Lorraine said uncertainly:

"Two and a half?"

Matthew wondered:

"Why half?"

Lorraine explained:

"Half of him has gone crazy. He wanders the barren land in the southwest and talks stupid things about the end of the world all day long."

Matthew asked again:

"What about the other one? Why do you think he is not as reliable as you?"

Luo Lan smiled and said:

"Oh, the other demigod's mental condition is also unstable, and he has a cognitive error about his racial identity.

He lives in the woods south of Eversong Forest.

In recent years, he often meets outsiders with his half-deer, half-human appearance.

He sometimes claims to be a human being. "

Matthew said worriedly:

"Sometimes? In other words, he thinks he is not a human being at other times?"

"Did he lose his sense of being a human being because he turned into a deer for a long time?"

Unexpectedly, Luo Lan shook his head and said:

"No, in fact he has nothing to do with humans at all, he is just a deer!"

Matthew: "..."

Your demigod circle is really in chaos!

He then discussed with Lorraine for a while, and the latter swore to Matthew with his godhead that he would give him "secret teaching" for boys without harming Eli.

Finally helped Eli complete his growth.

Although Matthew was still a little worried, it was hard to reject such hospitality.

He also considered that Luo Lan was indeed well-informed and was still a demigod. If he could successfully enlighten Eli, it would be a good deal.

Finally Matthew agreed.

Afterwards, he asked Luo Lan if he knew any traces of the Blight Order.

Matthew temporarily let go of the little white cat, but he had no intention of letting go of the mastermind behind her.


There is a certain randomness to Lorraine's gossip, and the content of the news must be dramatic.

The rest of the Order of the Blight don't seem to have much to talk about.

So Lorraine couldn't get more useful information.

But Matthew was undeterred.

He plans to use other methods to find the group of blighted ones!

The second half of the day was spent planting trees and repairing graves.

During this period.

Laila paid a visit to the cemetery to say goodbye to Matthew.

She was carrying a cargo bag, which contained four main products of the Oak Chamber of Commerce:

"Herbal Elixir".

"Sulfur Essence".

"Dust of Appearance".

"Ice Storm Scroll".

In addition, there is a set of sword oil provided by Regat.

Most of these are sold cheaply near Rolling Stone Town, but can be sold at a high price in Cordo City.

Among them, herbal remedies can significantly improve a person's vitality.

Sulfur essence is an extract of sulfur, which is also an essential casting material for many evocation spells, especially those related to fire. There is a serious shortage of sulfur in the Gold Coast. This thing will be the flagship product of the Oak Chamber of Commerce.

Matthew bought the Dust of Appearance and the Scroll of Ice Element from the Alliance Mall.

The alliance doesn't sell it cheap, but Cordo City can sell it for a higher price.

Of course, to be on the safe side, Matthew didn’t buy too much of either of these things.

Putting a batch of goods out there to test the waters first, and then controlling the supply and demand relationship, is Matthew's way to make money.

Although there are many ways to make money in the league, and the money earned by running a business is not that generous compared to that, Matthew knows well that walking on one leg cannot go far.

He encouraged Laila several times and gave her an amulet he made to wish her good luck on the road.

This made Laila, who was already dead-set, even more loyal.

She found a place to rest near the cemetery.

Just wait until it gets dark.

Just go straight to the north of Zeshui City through the Moonlight Woodland. After that, it's a long journey through the rainforest.

She needs to nourish her spirit and maintain her physical strength.

After arranging Laila.

Matthew continued planting trees and repairing the grave.

Along with the formation of the Necropolis ceremonial site.

He could feel that the integration speed of the elements of the undead realm had become much faster.

In the current domain matrix, half of the undead have been integrated.

But it is the oak tree that is faster.

I don’t know if it’s because I was kicked out by the eagle-faced man before I even entered last time.

Unconsciously, the oak tree has reached two-thirds of the way, and it will soon be possible to explore the next area.

This time.

Matthew will prepare in advance.

The other party blocked him from going deep into the oak tree twice, so Matthew naturally didn't intend to give him a good look anymore.

He's going to give the Eagle-Faced Man a head-on blow!

"Hint: You made a tombstone!

A silver moon zombie got a tombstone as his habitat. He was satisfied and excited about it, and his soul fire grew a little stronger.

He plans to carry this tombstone with him at all times.

You gain a new subspecies of the undead: Tombstone Zombies!

Tombstone Zombies: No matter where they go, they will carry the tombstone on their backs. The tombstone will provide them with negative energy and can also provide them with certain defenses or weapons. "

When Matthew was repairing the grave, he accidentally discovered that a new subspecies of Silver Moon zombies had been born.

He just looked left and right.

There is nothing unusual about zombies carrying tombstones.

under normal conditions.

With their hands behind their backs, they looked like human laborers.

In fighting stance.

They will use tombstones as weapons to hit people, and they can also use tombstones as shields.

It looks pretty, but ultimately it’s not flexible enough.

Matthew had no interest in promoting this subspecies on a large scale. After giving this tombstone zombie a single room, he went back to do his own work.

Today he planned to take some time to study the psychic items brought back from the laboratory.

Early research has made little progress.

This is because the psionic flashlight, like the psionic staff, requires an "Advanced Appraisal Scroll".

Matthew's plan to rely on his own psychic knowledge to identify it failed.

So he honestly went to the Alliance Mall and bought two scrolls.

Start the exam today!

Magical runes symbolizing otherworldly knowledge circled around the small flashlight.

It quickly sank in.

Immediately afterwards.

Lines of information appeared in front of Matthew's eyes.

"Hint: Identification successful!

You get the "Just Look Flashlight"!

Description: You can use this flashlight for general lighting, and you can also use it to spy on items stored in other people's backpacks or storage props.

1. Lighting: Turn on the flashlight to enter regular lighting mode.

The brightness of the flashlight will depend on how excited you are; the more excited you are, the brighter the light will be.

Note: Please do not use this product as a heart rate monitor! Effective but not precise.

2. Just take a look: Turn on the flashlight and say the activation spell "I'll just take a look" in the local common language.

At this time, you only need to aim the weak red light from the flashlight at the target.

You will randomly learn the detailed information of 3~6 items in the opponent's backpack or storage props!

3. Current energy: 1/4 grid (rechargeable)

Charging method: unknown (requires more psychic knowledge)"

"This is interesting."

Matthew's heart moved, he turned on the flashlight and said:

"I'll just take a look."

The front end of the flashlight lit up with a red light.

Matthew swayed casually and happened to meet Peggy who was drinking milk.

"You found the following items on Paige's body——


Purgatory Food Illustrated Book;

Gold coins*347;

Dark gold bone blade;

Dimensional backpack:

Horn of the Grass Tribe (broken);

Tauren Heart (broken);

Sacrificial staff;"

Matthew was a little surprised.

It’s just a small treasury hidden behind her back. Why does Peggy have things like the “Horn of the Grass Tribe”, “Minotaur Heart” and “Sacrificial Staff” on her body?

He checked the details.

Discovered that the "Horn of the Green Grass Tribe" can actually summon the tauren from another world!

"Tauren Heart" is used to establish the Tauren tribe.

The effect of the "Sacrificial Staff" is unknown.

It is probably an indispensable prop in the Tauren's sacrificial rituals.

Is this guy trying to make a comeback behind his back?

"It doesn't look like it?"

Matthew pondered and called Peggy over, asking straight to the point about the origins of those items.

Unexpectedly, Paige looked confused:

"what are you saying?"

"How can I get the Tauren Heart, Tauren Horn, and Tauren Staff?"


"Where did I get my backpack?"

Matthew was stunned for a moment.


Paige was completely empty.

Ever since we met, she had no habit of wearing clothes, let alone a backpack.

Although Peggy is full of personality and fun-loving, she will not lie to Matthew about this kind of problem.

Matthew quickly realized——

If the flashlight isn't wrong.

Then there might be a dimensional backpack on Peggy that she didn't even realize she had!

This may be the special ability of some high-level undead.

Matthew told Paige about this discovery.

Both were very excited.

"Come on Matthew!"

"You can't keep good things hidden in me, tear me apart now!"

Paige excitedly twisted her thigh off.

The two worked hard all afternoon, and even Peggy's skull was almost opened, but no trace of the dimensional backpack was found!

"Could it be in the soul fire?"

Paige's head bounced on the ground.

"How about Matthew, cut open my soul fire and take a look."

Matthew pondered:

"Forget it Paige, I'm afraid that dimensional backpack is not that easy to find."

"You may have to wait until your level is higher before you can open it."

Peggy said sweetly:

"Okay Matthew."

"Now please help me fight it back!"

Matthew looked at the bones on the ground.

He suddenly felt severe pain in his temple!

The next morning.

Matthew came outside the crucible house with a pair of dark circles under his eyes.

The first group of mages from the Alliance has arrived in Rolling Stone Town, led by the cheerful white-robed mage Ekmund.

"Matthew? What's going on with you?"

Ekmund looked at him strangely:

"Why is half your pelvis still hanging around your neck?"

Matthew stuffed the bones into his luggage as if he had just woken up from a dream.

A golden light flashed in Ekmund's eyes, and he said reproachfully:

"How could you stay up so late playing with your skeleton?"

"Staying up late is bad for your body!"

"Even a young mage like you must know how to exercise restraint!"

Matthew apologized profusely.

Ekmund said nothing more. He threw out a large magic carpet, and the group of intermediate mages behind him sat on it without saying a word.

"Take us to the Mark of the Dead and have a look."

Ekmund said pleasantly.

Matthew followed on the magic carpet.

The next half day.

He led the alliance's mages to visit the Mark of the Dead and his protective umbrella.

As Fandral said.

Matthew's project is actually not much to see, and it was introduced in half a day.

By noon.

Ekmund asked about Matthew's arrangements.

Matthew said enthusiastically:

"I have arranged a lunch for you at Xigu Farm. Although the food in the countryside may not be to everyone's taste, it is still a life experience."

Ekmund immediately wrapped everyone around with a magic carpet.

The group of people flew towards the South Trading Post on a giant magic carpet.

And the destination of their trip——

West Valley Farm.

A tense negotiation is about to begin.

Negotiators from Red Clay Mountain and Rolling Stone Town are already in place.

The Hongtushan side, which had the initiative in the war, took the lead in attacking and acted aggressively:

"With all due respect, I don't see any value in forming an alliance in Rolling Stone Town, but the lord personally gave the order, so I came to take a look."

“It was really disappointing after the meeting!”

"You three are the only ones who came to Rolling Stone Town——

A little old man dressed like a dog;

A girly pretty boy;

And you, with your chest hair exposed, do you understand the most basic respect between people? "

Across the table.

Richard, Zeller and Lorraine looked at each other when their names were called.

Just when they were about to speak.

Suddenly there was a sharp whistle from the sky.

A giant magic carpet.

Slowly landed outside the farm.

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