The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 149 Why do you mages learn everything (please vote for me)

The magic carpet was very conspicuous, and as soon as it lowered its height, the Bullywugs noticed it.

They looked at the magic carpet warily, making croaking sounds, and several bullywugs even raised their spears.

But they were soon stopped by another bullywug who seemed to be the leader.

Matthew noticed that the skin of these bullywugs was green, which meant that their profession was that of warriors.

Bullywugs are a race with strict social hierarchy and clear professional division of labor.

Within it, everything is divided by caste, and the concrete symbol of caste is skin color.

Green and blue-skinned bullywugs are lower castes, the former are mainly warriors, hunters, and low-level workers;

The latter are craftsmen or servants of high-caste bullywugs.

Purple and red are middle castes.

Purple Bullywugs are usually conductors, leaders, or overseers responsible for supervising laborers or slaves;

Red bullywugs are generally scholars or low-level spellcasters.

Further up are the very rare upper castes.

There are elite warriors with orange-red skin, and there are also the bullywug royal family with golden skin.

They wield power unimaginable to other Bullywugs, and thus maintain a firm grip on domination.

However, Matthew did not underestimate the green bullywugs in front of him because of this. Their social status may be very low, but their combat effectiveness may not be so.

Just to be cautious.

Matthew parked the magic carpet on another hill. The distance between the two sides was more than 100 meters, and there was enough buffer space.

Rhaegar carried the great sword and lazily walked off the magic carpet. Looking at the bullywugs approaching, he asked:

"Do you need me to apply oil?"

Matthew shook his head:

"Not in a hurry."

As he spoke, he stepped forward to greet him.

The bullywugs dragged the woman over.

The alertness in their eyes was very obvious.

As he walked, Matthew played "Stainless" to himself to make the badge on his chest look more dazzling.

"It's the Alliance Mage!"

Seeing this, the leader of the bullywugs quickly turned around to warn his companions, and then respectfully wanted to salute Matthew.

But at this time.

The woman suddenly broke free from the two bullywugs' grasp.

She jumped up from the ground and ran towards Matthew like crazy:

"Help me! Help me!"

"They want to kill me. These monsters snatched me back from the road. They want to take me back to wash and cook for them and have children! I don't want to live like that. Please help me. !”

she yelled as she ran.

When passing by another bullywug, she turned aside and hit him hard on the waist, knocking the bullywug directly to the ground.

Several other bullywugs were about to make a move, but were stopped by the leader.

The woman then ran towards Matthew.

Hope was written on her face.

But the next second.

Matthew raised his hand and a short chant sounded——

"Human Body Holding Technique!"

In an instant.

The woman was frozen in the running motion.

See this scene.

Rega was amazed:

"You really don't have the instinct to show mercy to others."

"If it were another young man in his twenties, I'm afraid this would be the script of a hero saving a beauty that he dreams of."

"At times like this, shouldn't you just draw your sword and go up and do it?"

Matthew glanced at him:



Rhaegar shrugged.

"From my perspective, although the bullywugs were punching and kicking her, they did not kill her. On the contrary, it was this woman who took advantage of me to negotiate with the bullywugs. She suddenly made a move and tried to kill her. Tendency to intensify conflicts.”

Matthew said calmly:

"So if I had to choose between them, I might choose to help the bullywugs instead of this human woman."

"Can you help me keep an eye on her?"

Rega made a gesture to show you that you can rest assured that I will do the work.

Matthew turned to the bullywugs:

"I am the mage of the Alliance, what happened here?"

The bullywug leader stammered:

"Hello, Master Mage, this woman, she stole children. Many children can't be found. Our children have disappeared."

Matthew lost a "knowledge of languages".

Soon, he learned the truth in the bullywug's hands——

According to the warrior leader.

This woman claimed to be the leader of the caravan. They were attacked by robbers, seriously injured and then fled. As a result, they accidentally got lost and came to the territory of the bullywugs.

She begged the bullywugs to save her life, and promised that she would be rewarded with a large sum of money once she regained her health.

Bullywug agreed and took her to the village to take good care of her.

Who knows how many days will pass.

They discovered that the children in the village began to disappear.

Wait until they suspect the woman.

She had quietly escaped.

If there wasn't a shaman in the village who could track her location, they wouldn't have been able to find her.

When the two Matthews came over.

This group of bullywug warriors had just found her hiding place. They were originally going to take her back directly, but these warriors also had their children stolen, so they were very angry and decided to beat her up first.

According to the warrior leader.

The atmosphere in the village is very tense at the moment, and many female bullywugs are going crazy.

This woman is very important to them.

He prayed to Matthew to let them take the woman back to the village.

Matthew nodded after listening.

Compared to other subhuman species, the bullywugs' growth cycle is quite long.

The larvae will stay in the pond as tadpoles for a full ninety days. During this period, the temperature of the pond must be kept warm enough, otherwise the tadpoles may freeze to death.

During these ninety days, the tadpole completes its metamorphosis and transforms into a juvenile frogman, ready to go ashore.

However, juvenile frogmen usually require 18 to 24 months of care before they can grow into young frogmen.

After that, the same amount of time is required before they can enter the breeding period.

Compared with kobolds, goblins, gnolls, etc., the reproductive cost of bullywugs can be said to be relatively high.

No wonder female bullywugs go crazy.

"Master Mage, our shaman said that he saw this woman and another mage together from the tracking technique. They had a premeditated plan."

The warrior leader looked at Matthew nervously.

Matthew replied firmly:

"If there is really a mage involved, it must be a wild mage, not a mage from the alliance."

The warrior leader forced an ugly smile on his face:

"That's for sure, that's for sure!"

It’s not like Matthew was talking nonsense.

He now has a full understanding of the tone of the alliance. If they need it, it is impossible for them to come and steal it.

They will just grab it.

At this time, the effect of the woman's immobilization spell had expired. She was pressed tightly by Rega, and she could only roar at the top of her lungs:

"They lie! Those monsters are lying, please don't believe them, they are evil monsters, and I, we are all human beings, we are compatriots, shouldn't the words of compatriots be more credible? They are deceiving you. ah!"

Matthew looked at her calmly:

"I only give you one chance to tell me who is lying?"

"You should know that "lie detection" is a piece of cake for every mage. "

"By the way, I would like to introduce myself as a necromancer. If you dare to deceive me, you should know what will happen, right?"

As he spoke, he snapped his fingers.

A Bing slowly emerged from the shadows, and the exposed bones made the woman tremble all over.

The bullywugs were also scared to death.

"Now, answer me."

At this moment, in the woman's eyes, Matthew's whole body was full of evil aura.

She could only plead:

"I'm sorry, sir. I had no choice but to do this. I didn't want to do this. Sir Spencer ordered me to do this. If I don't listen to him, he will..."

The begging for mercy ended abruptly.

Rhaegar took out a rag from somewhere and gagged her mouth.

"The truth is out! What are you going to do about it?"

he asks.

Matthew pondered:

"Leave her to the bullywugs and let them deal with it themselves. The sin of stealing a child is unforgivable for any race."

Rhaegar grabbed the woman and dragged her over mercilessly.

"Watch it, little frog."

Rhaegar handed the woman over to the bullywugs.

The warrior leader showed gratitude, and the other bullywugs also nodded and bowed to the two of them.

Matthew asked:

"Are there any particularly big trees around here?"

After entering the mossy green hills.

The tracking effect of enemies in the woods is greatly reduced.

This is not to say that the effect of ritual magic has failed, but that it has been interfered by another kind of magical power.

That was obviously from the Blighters.

This is normal.

Spells such as prophecy and tracking are often interfered with by the target.

The Blighters may not have discovered that they have been targeted by Matthew, but as a criminal organization that is not popular with mainstream society, they will most likely update the anti-reconnaissance spells around the camp from time to time.

Now the coordinates in his mind are becoming more and more blurry for Matthew.

What he could vaguely see was a large tree that was rare in hilly areas.

It is most convenient to ask the natives about this matter.


The warrior leader immediately replied:

"Go in this direction and after passing nineteen hills, you can see a very big tree. It is the "Falling Snow Tree", also known as the Ominous Tree. The shaman warned us not to get close there, as the beasts near the ominous tree were more dangerous than ordinary ones. "

Falling snow tree?

Matthew was a little surprised and asked about the origin of the name.

The warrior leader replied:

"Snowflakes are floating on that tree all year round, but that kind of snowflakes are not cold, but hot and humid. When they fall on the skin, they are very uncomfortable and make people irritable. They can't help but want to hug the right person. Or fight.”

Maybe it's the Blighters' method.

Matthew thought that he must have found the right direction.

But he asked again:

"Are there any monsters near the Moss Green Hills?"

The warrior leader thought for a moment:

“There are none in most areas, only a few mountain wolves and leopards at most.

On the high mountains in the north of the hills, it is said that there lives a Chimera, but he usually moves further north, where there are human alpine pastures, and there are many sheep for him to steal.

Then there is a monastery on a peculiar hill to the northwest. The area is blocked by alliance mages with runes, and there are many monks and knights wandering inside.

Finally, there is the Falling Snow Tree, and there are some monsters nearby.

Some are great, some are average, so be careful if you want to go there. "

Matthew nodded secretly in his mind. What the warrior leader said was basically consistent with the homework he had done in advance.

That monastery is called "Sunset Monastery", and there are some death monks and death knell knights active in it.

Like Hag Po Castle, there is a bit of a problem there, but it shouldn't be a major problem.

I don’t know why the Seven Saints Alliance didn’t wipe them out, but deliberately stayed here.

The two of them bid farewell to Bullywug and flew on the magic carpet in the direction of the Snow-falling Tree.

Matthew noticed that Rhaegar seemed to be staring at the bullywugs during this period, so he asked:

"You haven't seen a bullywug?"

Rhaegar shook his head:

"How could I not have seen it? They are neighbors in Rolling Stone Town. But there is no conflict between us. I once looked at some bullywugs from a distance during an early inspection of the territory, but we were unable to communicate with each other. .”

"I'm just observing their physical structure and behavioral habits to judge their fighting ability. I always feel that these guys should be quite strong in a fight."

Matthew nodded:

"The Bullywugs are indeed a group of demihumans with relatively outstanding combat capabilities. They have two main characteristics. The first is "madness."

Madness is a supernatural energy unique to bullywugs. They can breathe magical energy through a certain squatting method to deepen their breathing, a bit like a mage's chant.

In this way, they can gather a certain amount of elemental power for themselves, but this elemental power appears like Qi.

Madness gives bullywugs melee combat abilities far beyond those of ordinary humans.

Another characteristic of them - different types of toxins - is also worth noting. "


Matthew casually handed over a piece of papyrus.

Rhaegar took a closer look and saw that it was a detailed table of Bullywug skin color and corresponding toxins.

"The bullywug's body surface secretes a kind of venom, and the venom secreted by different skin colors has different effects. This is the homework I did last night. If you are interested, you can take a look."

After saying this, Matthew concentrated on controlling the flight of the magic carpet.

Flying at low altitude is actually a more difficult task.

But considering flying too high, it would be too conspicuous.

Matthew chose a flight altitude of 3 to 5 meters above the ground.

Rhaegar took the paper and read it carefully.

"Green Venom: After the target is poisoned, it cannot perform any movement except climbing and standing jumping;

If the target is a flying unit, it cannot take off or land.

Blue Venom: After the target is poisoned, it will remain screaming until the poison expires.

Purple: The poisoned target will be very eager to soak himself in mud. He must be in contact with mud and liquids at all times, otherwise he will suffer from suffocation symptoms.

Red: The poisoned target will eat non-stop, and the symptoms will not be relieved until all edible items in the field of vision are eaten; if there are no usable items in the field of vision, the poisoned target may continue to chew on fingers or toes. .

Gold: After the target is poisoned, he is very eager to hug him.

Orange-red: The target will be charmed after being poisoned and can only communicate in frogman language.

During this period, he will think that he is a tadpole and instinctively seek help from his frogman mother.

Other colors: It is said that there is a very small probability of the birth of rarer super-high castes in the bullywug tribe. The effect of their body surface toxins is even more amazing, but as long as you avoid direct contact with their skin or be injured by their weapons, You can basically avoid a disaster. "

"You've done so much preparation!"

"But it's still a little worse than me."

As he spoke, he flicked his storage ring:

"By the way, are we just going to go find that tree? Why don't we have dinner or something? Look, it's almost dark."

Matthew stared straight ahead and threw a piece of bread to Rhaegar.

After one hour.

A towering tree appeared on the distant hills.

"What a big tree!"

Rhaegar exclaimed:

"Aren't you a necromancer? You should be able to communicate with big trees, right?"

Matthew gave him a strange look:

"It would have been possible, but the tree was completely withered on the inside."

"Come on, let's go on foot."

Rhaegar reluctantly left the magic carpet.

The two walked for a while.


The hills on both sides reminded me of bursts of howling wolves!

Several mountain wolves appeared on the mountain.

Behind them is a whole pack of mountain wolves.


Matthew suddenly raised his voice.

Rhaegar put the sword on the ground slowly, and then started to take out something:

"Don't worry, I'll apply some oil!"

Matthew stared at the movements of the mountain wolves and took the time to glance down:

"Which bottle of oil do you want to apply? Open the cap!"

Rhaegar took out a bottle of black sword oil with a label "Canine Creature Special Attack" on it.

He opened the bottle cap and smiled:

"Do you want to apply it for me?"

Matthew concentrated his attention and tried to sing a syllable in the Suriel chanting method.

The suddenly rising tone not only startled Rhaegar, but even the mountain wolves on both sides took a few steps back in surprise.

The next second.

Magical energy surged out from the bottle cap, and in Rega's shocked eyes, the sword oil in the bottle flew out automatically.

Under the control of an invisible hand, the sword oil was applied in just two seconds!

"Trick: Quick oiling!"

"Are you happy?"

"This is the spell I learned specifically for you before setting off yesterday."

A smile appeared on Matthew's lips:

"Now, come on!"

Rhaegar waved the shining sword with some annoyance, and he couldn't help but curse:

"Why do you mages learn everything?"

Matthew urged while summoning Renesmee:

"A few mountain wolves are attacking from the west, hurry up!"

Rhaegar had no choice but to press forward.

He rushed over with an arrow and swung the big sword in his hand violently. Although he missed one of them, it frightened the mountain wolves.

"Come on, come on, wolf cubs!"

"Taste your uncle Rhaegar's great sword!"

The Raiga monster didn't touch it, but the movement was quite big.

His move immediately attracted the attention of all the mountain wolves.

Even the mountain wolf that appeared on Matthew's right side before bypassed him and attacked Rega.

Rhaegar obviously noticed this scene.

He couldn't help complaining to Matthew:

"No, Matthew, don't you think we need a human shield in our team?"

Then he found Matthew looking at him with a strange look:

"What do you think Zeller asked you to do?"

Strange to say.

Rhaegar seemed to have a strong attraction on his body.

The mountain wolves completely ignored Matthew's existence.

They attacked Rhaegar from all directions!

"Let's do something, Matthew!"

Lei Jia swung his sword vigorously and finally cut down a few mountain wolves. It must be said that his weapons were really sophisticated. With the sword oil, cutting down the mountain wolves was like chopping tofu dregs. One swing of the sword could cut them in half.

Matthew ordered the soldiers to raid the formation aside, and asked Renesmee to attack with all her strength.

He observed the situation and found that although Rhaegar barked fiercely, he was actually able to face the mountain wolves with ease.

So Matthew quietly stuffed the attribute improvement scroll back.

He planned to use his magic to assist Rhaegar.

But at this time.

Suddenly, patches of snowflakes appeared in the sky.

A nauseating rotten smell irritated Matthew's mouth and nose.

"Warning: You are about to enter the ceremonial site of the Order of Blight - the Winter of All Things!"

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