The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 152 Can I touch your horns? (Please subscribe)

The long-lost mission has been updated.

Matthew's eyelids twitched.

He forcibly resisted the urge to rush over and fight Rhaegar for his head.

The tactics have been formulated and he must strictly implement them. Although with the strength of him and Rhaegar, there is a high probability that they can crush the enemies here, they cannot relax after all.

There is the unexpected factor of Spencer.

They have the possibility of overturning.

At that moment, Matthew quickly ordered the soldiers to go to support Rega.

And unabashedly gave specific execution instructions:

"Kill every Blighter with your own hands!"

"Don't let Rhaegar steal the head!"

Not only that.

The Ghost Wolves and Renesmee also directly joined the battle group.

Matthew himself continued to be responsible for executing Lao Yinbi's strategy - he wore an invisibility ring and stood guard down the stairs.

The sound of fighting on the platform became louder and louder.


There were footsteps on the corridor.

Another group of blighters heard the news and drove down.

Matthew chose to endure.

He calmly observed the situation of the battle, and Rhaegar seemed to be able to cope with it so far.

Not long after.

There were very light footsteps on the stairs again, and a woman with only a few black leaves on her body appeared.

She has a strong smell of decay!

Matthew's pupils shrank.

He recognizes this woman!

When the Scourge Order made a surprise attack on the oak forest, Matthew had seen her shadow near the underground coalition forces, but she retreated with the Silver Frost Brotherhood at that time, and he never saw her afterwards.

Eli once mentioned this woman, her name is Kunna, she is the leader of the Blighters in the south!

Matthew was a little murderous.

Kunna, like the other blighters, walked quickly past the stairs.

Matthew held his breath.

He was just about to make a move, but at this moment, there was a sound of empty footsteps on the stairs again:

"what happened?"

"Why are you so noisy in the middle of the night?"

"Kunna, I'm warning you, if you don't restrain your men, I will reconsider my cooperation with your Withered Order!"

A pale-faced man came down the steps.

He was wearing a luxurious and exquisite robe, with several rings on his hands. As expected, he was Spencer who stole the rapid gem from the alliance treasury.

Spencer looked very weak, and his thighs were trembling as he walked down the stairs.

Kunna turned back and frowned.

She was about to say something, but in an instant, her expression changed:

"Watch your back!"

Matthew took a step forward and punched Spencer on the back of the head. The latter stumbled to the ground.

A weak protective shield was activated from Spencer's body.

But at that moment.

Matthew pinched the "Dragon Fire Talisman" that he had already held in his left hand.

A ray of dragon fire hit Spencer, who immediately wailed and spun around on the ground, barely able to see Matthew's face clearly.

But the next second.

Spencer was horrified to find that Matthew's eyes turned into two terrifying black holes.

His body seemed to be infinitely shrunken.

Everything around him was taken away, leaving only boundless darkness!


Spencer struggled to resist Matthew's "intriguing gaze."

His mental strength is not low.

So Matthew chose the easiest negative effect to succeed: getting sick.

"Tip: The mind-catching gaze is in effect...

The judgment was successful!

Spencer fell into a disease-like weakness, his mobility was greatly reduced and he was plagued by the pain of the disease.

Duration: 60 seconds"

60 seconds is enough time for Matthew to do a lot of things.

He saw Spencer groaning in pain on the ground.

And in the peripheral vision.

A black panther had already pounced in front of Matthew.

She jumped fast and high, and saw that those cold claws were about to tear Matthew's throat open, but at this critical moment, a ghost suddenly jumped out from Matthew's waist!

The black panther was startled.

In an instant.

Ah Piao's delicate appearance collapsed to the limit, and her extremely ugly face was pressed against the black panther's paw.

Immediately afterwards.

It was a heart-stopping wailing sound!

"Ability: Life-threatening cry"!

Ah Piao's life-threatening cry is an attack method directed at the soul. This ability has almost no forward movement, so it is almost always tried and tested when used in close combat with the enemy.

Black Panther's eyelids rolled up.

He fell into a state of trance for an instant.

Spencer on the ground covered his ears in pain and kicked his legs wildly.

Don't miss this opportunity.

Matthew calmly took out the staff, chanted the spell quickly, and the malicious transformation spell accurately hit Kunna!

The panther suddenly turned into a goat.

She paced the floor in confusion.

next moment.

Matthew suddenly rushed in front of Spencer, and while the enemy was weak, Matthew took out a sharp dagger from the quick pocket of the bag.


The dagger stabbed hard into Spencer's throat.

Almost at the same time.

The robe on Spencer's body expanded violently.

That magical robe bulged Spencer into a ball, and the areas wrapped by the robe formed indestructible lines of defense.

Ah Piao came over.

Her claws scratched the robe violently, and all she could do was scratch out tiny sparks!


The protective action of this robe is destined to be useless.

Spencer tried to cover his throat with his hands in pain.

But both of his hands were held by Ah Piao.

He could only feel a large amount of blood pouring out of his throat in despair, and soon he was completely out of breath!

"Hint: You killed the traitor mage "Spencer" of the Seven Saints Alliance!"


Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

During the several rounds of the sneak attack on Spencer, he always maintained a high level of concentration!

There's a lot of good stuff in this guy.

Matthew knew that he must not give the other party a chance to breathe.

The physical attack at the beginning was somewhat risky, but it also brought huge benefits. The punch not only knocked Spencer out of his sight, but also tested the important information that he did not have any spells or items that automatically protect his head from damage.

The Dragon Fire Amulet that follows is to break possible spell counterattacks.

The heart-catching gaze is the most critical step in establishing an overall advantage.

As long as Spencer is in bad shape and unable to cast spells, Matthew can always take the initiative.

As for Kunna.

It’s not that Matthew looked down upon her, the level 14 Blighter leader.

But the non-legendary Blighter really has nothing to look up to!

After killing Spencer.

Matthew ordered Ah Piao to guard the body, while he looked at the goat.

Kunna's resistance is not low.

This will have gradually freed you from the malicious transfiguration.

The black panther's belly was pressed against the floor. She gritted her teeth bitterly and asked:

"It's you?"

"Why do you want to trouble us!?"

Matthew looked at her calmly:

"Necromancer needs a reason to cause trouble?"

"Can't I just be interested in your bodies?"

A hint of anger flashed in Kunna's eyes.

But this emotion was quickly eliminated by her.

She said in a deep voice:

"There is no enmity between us. I even took the initiative to retreat with my men when the Calamity Religion attacked Oak Forest!"

Matthew smiled:

"What about Eli?"

"You don't think that I'm so slow that I can't notice the problem with that little white cat, do you?"

There was a smile in Matthew's voice.

But in Kunna's eyes.

His smile was so cold and terrifying, and there was a hint of perversion unique to the Necromancer.

She took a half step back:

"But there's still room for negotiation, isn't there?"

"Spencer is dead. We need to find another mage to cooperate. Aren't you curious why he wants to cooperate with us?"

"We discovered a secret treasure trove on the upper floor of the hotel..."

She hasn't finished speaking yet.

Matthew directly raised his staff and started chanting.

After a few seconds.

A huge negative energy claw suddenly emerged from under the platform.

If the black panther hadn't been so quick, he would have been pinned down by this claw!

But she had no breathing room at all.

Claws of Astra chased her and hit her.

A dozen ghost wolves also rushed over from the battlefield. It was difficult for these ghost wolves to cause real harm to Kunna, but their presence would also make her tireless.


Kunna was forced into a blind corner against the inner building.

Matthew calmly controlled Astra's claws to press on her step by step.

During this period, he also cast several negative energy spells, weakening her attributes.

The space for the black panther to move around became smaller and smaller, and her movements became slower and slower.


After escaping Esdrael's claws one time, she suddenly returned to her human form, and then violently tore open the few leaves on her chest!

It's scary.

Those leaves are not covering the breasts of ordinary women.

Instead, they were two terrifying holes with dense black holes.

Just one glance.

Matthew felt dizzy.

It was as if an evil force had invaded his conscious space.


Kunna's prayer sounded in his ears:

"Mother, please grant me...ahem!"

The prayers were interrupted by intermittent coughs.

Only then did Matthew open his eyes.

Looking at the coughing staff in his hand, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally the prediction was successful once.

The moment Kunna tore open the leaves, he felt something was wrong and immediately took out the coughing staff and used it quickly while Kunna wasn't paying attention.

Fortunately, I caught up.

Matthew vaguely sensed that Kunna's chant was actually not very long. He was able to successfully interrupt it with the coughing staff. On the one hand, it was indeed because he was inspired by Margaret and had good skills in observation and prediction. Made great progress.

On the other hand, there is also an element of luck.

"Tip: You used the Coughing Staff to interrupt Kunna's prayer ceremony to the Evil Queen Barbassa."


Kunna coughed violently, her eyes filled with disbelief, but facing the surging claws of Esdrael again, she could only grit her teeth and sit down on the ground, turning into a bloated and huge one. Mud monster!


Astra's claw hit the mud monster.

The latter remained motionless.

The mud monster exudes a strong smell of decay, which is a hundred times more stench than when Kunna was in human form!

Matthew knows.

This kind of mud monster has extremely high negative energy resistance, and it is difficult for your own spells to cause direct damage to it.

So he took the time to take a look at the front battlefield.

I found that Lei Jia was struggling to follow A Bing and tried to grab the head, but failed repeatedly.

So Matthew took a few steps back and said loudly:

"Lega, help me with the sword energy."

Rhaegar heard this and complained:

"Why do you need my support everywhere?"

"Please, can't you see I'm busy?"

Having said that.

He still ran over quickly and blew out a cross sword energy towards the clumsy mud monster.

The raging blood cross, carrying the flames from purgatory, scraped hard on the mud monster's body.

The latter's huge body couldn't help but fall backwards.

Rhaegar's sword energy was stronger than expected.

The mud monster was dragged out by the sword energy for more than twenty meters, almost reaching the edge of the platform.

The next second.

Kunna painfully released the mud monster's transformation. She ran two steps to the side with difficulty, but the blood flowing from her lower abdomen made her no longer agile.

She gritted her teeth, took two steps towards the railing, kicked off her feet, and cursed:

"I will return."

"I will come back and cut you into pieces."

"I'll come back and take your oak forest, and your Eli!"

The words fell.

She jumped into the air outside the platform, and her body fell rapidly. After a few seconds, her body turned into a zombie bird with feathers stuck together!

The zombie bird soared in the air for a while.

Her heart was filled with hatred.

But at this time.

She suddenly felt that something was wrong with the airflow around her.

She was obviously soaring downwards.

As a result, the air currents up and down seemed to wrap around me and pull me backwards!

"No no no!"

Kunna seemed to have thought of something. She canceled the transformation of the zombie bird in fear, and wanted to fall down faster in human form.


A huge creature suddenly flew through the sky.

The claws of the Fengshen Pterosaur tore open Kunna's chest ruthlessly, and the tip of its hook-like mouth clamped Kunna's neck, and then twisted it to the right.

Kunna's eyes widened, her neck tilted, and her breath was cut off!

The Aeolus pterosaur let go of her.

Kunna's body fell rapidly downwards.

But just a few seconds later.

Her neck suddenly snapped back, and her eyes regained their vitality.

"Fortunately, I faked my death..."

This thought just flashed through Kunna's mind. She only felt severe pain all over her body, as if two walls were sandwiching her between them, and they were crushing her hard!

Click click click.

The Fengshen Pterosaur chewed the corpse in its mouth twice and then swallowed it alive.

Then he spread his wings and flew into the sky again.

"Hint: You killed Kunna, a follower of the Evil Queen Barbassa and the southern leader of the Order of Blight.

Baba's hatred towards you is +20!

Your ability "Predator" is active.

You have recovered most of your mana, physical strength, and mental strength! "

With the help of "predators".

Matthew could clearly feel that the corpse swallowed by the Aeolian Pterodactyl was digested instantly.

This process is incredibly fast.

The abundant energy that followed also made him feel comfortable.

He thought he would resist this process.

But I didn't expect that in the state of Fengshen Pterosaur, those things that are unacceptable to humans would become as simple as eating and drinking.

"What's going on with this Baba? Is she so vindictive?"

Matthew was a little confused.

He has offended many evil gods or outside bosses.

For example, the evil spirit lord Oma Duoqi and the great evil demon Trier, if they kill their magicians, their hatred value will increase by ten points.

The red dragon Kusulus is an example of friendliness. When Matthew kills his dragon puppet, he also adds a little hatred.

Only this evil queen.

Matthew took a small bite and gained twenty points of hatred.

He felt a little fuzzy in his heart.

Matthew heard Li Weiqi introduce the evil queen Barbassa.

This is a god from another world that does not belong to the continent of Irondor. Therefore, not only was he not affected by the promotion of Tianlun Palace, but his influence greatly increased because the gods lost control of the mortal world.

It is known that there are many warrior monks in the Far East and the Drow Faith Babasha in the Underdark.

Lyra was also a subject of Barbassa before, but she left the Deep City because she couldn't stand her perverted style.

This god is moody and mean-spirited, and Matthew suspects she will soon seek revenge on him.

The only good news is that, after all, He is a foreign god, his hands are not that long, and his influence is still limited.

"When Li Weiqi comes back, I have to ask him about Babasha."

Between thoughts.

The Fengshen Pterosaur returned to the third platform.

The battle at this time was nearing its end.

Without Kunna, the Blighters had no fighting spirit, and even Rhaegar's tried-and-tested taunting ability couldn't keep them.

The soldiers went on a killing spree.

Matthew also punches hard in his Aeolian Pterodactyl form.

Only Rhaegar clumsily tried to pick up heads from behind.

It's a pity that I didn't catch any of them for a long time.

After a while.

There was only a body left on the platform.

Under Matthew's close supervision.

Not a single Blighter escaped.

After the Blighter dies.

Many parts of their corpses rapidly decomposed into a semi-liquid state of ichor.

Abandoned by nature and turning to hate nature, they can never return to the embrace of nature after death.

Even for the Necromancer.

These corpses also lack value.

Matthew changed back to human form, walked to Rega, and asked casually:

"Why do the horns on your forehead get bigger?"

Rhaegar touched his two swollen scarlet and black tips:

"Is this? This is the stimulation from the smell of blood in battle. As long as there is more blood on the battlefield I am on, my horn can absorb the blood, and it will become harder and stronger.

At the same time, my natural armor will be strengthened. "

Matthew said "Oh."

He looked at Rhaegar's forehead with great interest:

"Can I touch your horns?"

Rega immediately retreated and refused decisively:

"Hey, that's a lot to ask of a devil."

"Our horns are very sensitive when not in combat, so you can't just touch them if you want."

"Normally, only the most intimate of partners exchange the right to stroke each other's horns!"

Matthew looked regretful.

Immediately he asked again:

"How long will your transformation last?"

Rhaegar replied angrily:

"Why do you ask some private questions? I can only tell you that he will change back when the time comes."

However, the words just fell.

His body quickly shrank and returned to its normal form.

Rhaegar's face was full of exhaustion.

Matthew silently estimated the time, and then said comfortingly:

"Ten minutes is a long time."

After that it’s time to happily clean up the battlefield.

The Blighters are generally poor.

Nothing to clean up.

Then leave it to A Bing to pick up the leaks.

The two came to the body of Alliance Mage Spencer.

There are many good things about him.

Matthew said goodbye casually.

I found five or six good things from him.

Can be followed immediately.

An exciting scene happened——

Matthew opened up Spencer's body and found three gray balls of light behind him.

"Dimensional capsule".

This thing can only be born when the caster who is carrying a high-level storage item dies unexpectedly.

As everyone knows.

The things in the storage space are basically bound to the original owner. After the original owner died, most of the things in the storage space were lost to the void.

A small number appeared next to his body in the form of trophies.

The dimensional capsule is a more advanced form of loot.

before opening.

No one knows what's in it.

Matthew and Rhaegar looked at each other.

"One for each person."

Matthew confidently stretched out his hand to touch the first dimensional capsule.


The ball of light disappears.

A gold coin fell into Matthew's hand.

His face suddenly fell.

"You are too unlucky, Matthew!"

Lei Jia rolled up his sleeves happily:

"Let me show you the luck of the older generation of adventurers!"

With that said, he also reached out and opened a dimensional capsule.


A pair of smelly socks fell into Rhaegar's hands.

"What? I don't believe it!"

Rhaegar was furious and reached out to grab the third dimensional capsule, but Matthew grabbed him.

"Wait! Let her come!"

Matthew called Renesmee and asked her to bend down and touch the dimensional capsule.

However, Renesmee seemed unable to understand what Matthew meant.

She walked over carelessly.

He kicked the dimensional capsule.

The light disappears.


Rhaegar couldn't help but angrily said:

"Does your zombie know anything?"

"How can something as sacred as a dimensional capsule be kicked with your feet? You have to touch it with your hands and open it with your heart. It's such a pity that you can open something good!"

"And I suspect that she is the unluckiest one among the three of us..."

He hasn't finished speaking yet.

A series of gold coins hit him on the head.

When it is.

Matthew and Rhaegar looked up in shock.

But they found a narrow space-time rift above their heads.

The next second.

A flood of gold coins mixed with other items poured on their heads!


The two of them were soon submerged in the hill of gold coins!

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