The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 155 The Demon Realm of Ravenloft and the Tomb Realm

Oiling is a hard and delicate job.

The whole process cannot be replaced by others, the necromancer must do it himself.

At this moment, five corpses were lined up side by side by Matthew, lying on the thick blanket.

The dark divine oil that had been painstakingly boiled was placed in a small bucket on the side.

There are three types of brushes in the bucket.

Matthew picked up the largest brush and fiddled with the small bucket a few times to fully combine the grease and negative energy residue, and then carried the small bucket to the first corpse.

Top down.

He brushed it carefully three times.

Then came the second one, the third one... until the fifth one.

"Renesmee, turn over."

Matthew dipped the brush in the oil bucket and ordered Miss Zombie to help.

Renesmee turned the body over, crying.

Matthew walked to the front and used the same technique again, brushing the backs of the five corpses harshly and roughly.

The dark oil with a dark green color soaked into the surface of the corpse. The clothes and skin of the corpse softened at the same time. Occasionally, the original liquid of death would emerge from under the skin, making a sizzling sound.

At this time, the Black Warrior no longer smells as bad as before.

After being smeared with a layer of dark divine oil, the surface of the corpse exuded a faint floral fragrance.

Matthew first brushed both sides with a large brush.

Then take out the medium size brush for more detailed oiling.

This step is the most tiring.

Not only did he have to take care of every surface of the corpse, he even had to put as much oil into the mouth and anus as possible.

The Dark God Oil is of great significance to the Black Warrior.

It also affects the success rate of the third step of the "anti-binding" ritual.

Matthew didn't dare to neglect.

Even with Renesmee and Bing assisting him, he was exhausted and sweating profusely after the second round.

And to the final round.

When he used a small brush to check and fill in the gaps on the corpse.

He felt that his arm was no longer his own.


After one hour.

Matthew rubbed his sore left and right hands and ordered Renesmee and A Bing to hang all five corpses upside down.

This is also part of the ritual.

After the sacred oil dries, the death liquid soaked in the first step can be better shrunk into the corpse.

Along with it, there is also the residual spirituality in the corpse.

This is also the reason why the Black Warrior cannot take off his clothes when anointing him with oil - the clothes of the deceased carry a certain spirituality, and these spiritualities have a decisive influence on the ceremony in which the Black Warrior is truly formed.

Looking at the future black warriors hanging like bacon.

Matthew couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

"After that, put it down and brush it with oil every three days. After twenty-one days, you can start "reverse binding." "

"Make Darth Vader a few more times, and I'm afraid I can become a barbecue master."

Matthew laughed to himself.

Then he began to prepare the incantations required for the anti-binding ceremony.

Although the content in this area is a bit complicated, it is nothing to Matthew. He has various black warrior production intensive materials exchanged from the alliance. Under the guidance of the experience of famous experts from all sides, he quickly understood The core of the anti-binding ceremony.

"So in the process of counter-binding, the most important thing is for the necromancer to "awaken" rather than "order". "

"The remaining spirituality must be allowed to gather freely. Only when it gathers to a certain scale and is enough to ignite the soul fire, can it enter the stage of "recognizing the master". At this time, giving orders to the black warrior, it will not lower its own strength due to resistance. quality……"

Matthew was studying with gusto in the small study next to his work room.

At this moment.

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the cemetery.

Matthew put down the information, walked out of the stone house, and hurried towards the place where the harassment occurred.

But not far away from the edge of the cemetery, outside a row of sparse black locust trees, a group of ghosts were looking longingly at the undead creatures in the cemetery.

And in the cemetery.

A dozen zombies and more skeleton soldiers were pointing at them.

Matthew walked over calmly.

Sensing the arrival of the Lord of the Cemetery, Black Locust immediately moved to both sides, and a temporary passage opened instantly.

"Dear Lord of the Cemetery, great necromancer, we are the undead from Zandar.

Our cemetery was destroyed by the dragon disaster. To avoid the evil red dragon, we had to come to the surface, but after all, there was no place for me and my people on the surface.

We were wandering, driven from place to place, and in despair we felt the call of this place.

I am the representative of my tribe. You can just call me Ali.

May I ask if I and my people are qualified to serve you? "

A ghost with white light all over his body asked sincerely.

Matthew noticed that there were about thirty ghosts behind him, and they were all in terrible condition. They were all in a state of confusion, as if they would be blown away by the wind in the next second.

Only this Ali has a very solid ghost form, with a bit of golden light in the white light. He is worthy of being an elite template. It is estimated that he can last for a long time even if his clan members die.

After listening to Ali's self-report, Matthew couldn't help but ask:

"Were you the ones who caused trouble at the Rolling Stone Town South Trading Post earlier?"

Ali looked ashamed:

"Yes, the situation was urgent at that time. Many tribesmen were in a very dangerous state. If they did not absorb human energy, they would completely dissipate."

"We have no choice but to make this decision, but I assure you that the ghosts of our Zandar family are very principled. We only absorb a little bit of their energy through scary methods - which is barely enough for us. subsistence level.”

"And after that, we never harassed a human village again."

Matthew did not question the truth of these words.

He just asked:

"If you want to join my cemetery, you must become an undead who obeys my orders. My orders are everything."

"Without my order, you can only operate in the cemetery, and you will lose your freedom."

"Can it be done?"

Ali smiled bitterly and said:

"Of course we understand what taking refuge with the Necromancer means to the undead."

Matthew said calmly:

"What I need is a clear answer."

Ali was stunned for a moment, a strange look flashed in his eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and said:

"We do!"

"Okay, from now on, you will be my immortals. Welcome to Matthew's cemetery."

Matthew opened his friendly arms to the ghosts.

The temporary passage is completely open.

The ghosts flew into the cemetery eagerly, enjoying the long-lost negative energy nourishment.

Matthew didn't spend too long with the ghosts.

Through the power of the ceremonial ground, he included these ghosts as part of the ceremonial ground.

In this way, these ghosts are nominally residents of the cemetery, not the undead summoned by Matthew.

He can command them by virtue of his identity as the owner of the cemetery, and also saves the upper limit of summons of the same type.

This is the benefit of establishing a cemetery.

After the ghosts' condition has generally stabilized.

Matthew led them to the ghost area to settle down. Before the ghosts of Zandar came, there was already a group of ghost wolves who were loyal to Matthew living here.

There are little wolves watching.

Matthew believed that even if these ghosts had second thoughts, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

"Tip: A group of ghosts wandering in the wilderness are attracted by the ceremonial site-cemetery and the negative energy beacon. They are eager to enter the cemetery and live. For this reason, they are willing to work for the owner of the cemetery.

You settled this group of ghosts.

Your ceremony ground (cemetery) has gathered three types of low-level undead: skeletons, zombies and ghosts, and meets the promotion conditions in quantity. You can improve the strategic level of the cemetery by building additional undead buildings. In addition, Different undead buildings will provide different functions.

The current cemetery strategic level: LV1.

List of additional buildings that can be built——

1. Well of Bones (increases the strength of skeleton soldiers and has a certain probability of transforming skeleton soldiers into elite professions)

2. Coffin of Annihilation (increases the strength of Silver Moon Zombies, and has a certain probability of transforming Silver Moon Zombies into elite professions)

3. Evil wind (increases the strength of ghosts, same as above)"

Matthew was not surprised by this prompt.

He has long known that cemeteries have strategic levels - not only cemeteries, but also larger ceremony venues have this concept.

The increase in strategic level means that all aspects of the ritual site are strengthened.

This process is mainly achieved by spending money to repair various functional buildings.

According to legend, the current lord of White Rock City, his demiplane is a huge cemetery, and there are tens of thousands of skeleton soldiers in the cemetery alone.

These skeleton soldiers are of different types, including those who shoot arrows, those who throw stones, those who hold shields, and the rare skeleton mage!

Of course, these professions did not appear out of thin air.

Instead, it was transformed through various additional buildings that enhanced the power of the ritual field.

But Matthew has no immediate plans to build an additional building.

On the one hand, explosive troops are really expensive.

On the other hand, he felt that the time had not yet come.

“But if you have time, it’s not impossible to build one or two buildings.”

It is definitely unrealistic to expect the undead who hang out in the cemetery all day long to upgrade themselves.

If nothing else, let’s talk about skeleton soldiers.

Ah Bing clearly has the ability to "train his fellow soldiers", but under his training, none of the skeleton soldiers improved.

The frequency of hip twisting is getting higher and higher.

Recently, Matthew walked through the cemetery, and the number of skeleton soldiers walking in a wild and unrestrained manner increased dramatically.

This made Matthew deeply worried about the future style of the cemetery.

After settling the ghosts, the construction of additional buildings was assigned to the addable events in the schedule.

Matthew came to the stone area and continued to make tombstones.

Shinwak worked very hard.

Matthew hasn't been here for a few days, and the place has been filled with stones.

He asked Renesmee and several other zombies to carry the stone tablet, and he quickly wrote negative energy runes on it.


A tombstone is ready.

Compared to oiling.

Making tombstones is really much easier.

Matthew takes occasional breaks.

I spend most of my time writing and writing.

Time passes little by little.

More and more tombstones appeared in the open space beside them.

And in this process.

Matthew also entered a mysterious and mysterious state.


He felt that the pen in his hand became lighter and lighter.


Matthew suddenly woke up, only to find that he was in a dark space.

"Is this a... coffin?"

As a necromancer, Matthew was of course very familiar with coffins. He turned his head in shock.

The result is the next second.

He saw a pair of faint eyes staring at him.

Matthew was startled.

His consciousness suddenly flew out of the coffin.

Then he looked around in shock.

But here there is nothing but endless darkness.

Matthew groped around and found that the space here was extremely narrow. Except for a coffin placed in the center, there were cold stone walls everywhere!

"This is a burial chamber."

Matthew was a little nervous.

He lowered his head and looked towards the coffin. For some reason, he could actually see what was going on inside through the coffin——

The dead man in the coffin also turned his head at this time and looked at Matthew faintly.

The two looked at each other for a while.

Then they all asked in surprise:

"Can you see me?"

The man in the coffin was wearing luxurious clothes, and his physical condition was close to that of a zombie, but different from that of a zombie.

He obviously retained a lot of moisture and was closer to the appearance of a living person, but Matthew was sure that he was a corpse.

Looking at each other, Matthew felt a little scared for some reason!

He asked drowsily:

"Why are you here?"

The dead man said in shock:

"This is my coffin and tomb. I should be asking you this, right? Why did you break into my coffin?"

was asked this.

Matthew sobered up a little.

He looked around blankly and muttered to himself:

"Yeah, why am I here? Am I not making tombstones?"

The dead man looked at him like this and suddenly said with some sympathy:

"You're probably dead too."

Matthew immediately retorted:

"I'm definitely not dead!"

The dead man consoled him:

"The real dead people don't believe that they are dead, and I didn't believe it at all at the time either. Well, the dead live a much more comfortable life than the living. Look at me, sleeping in a coffin every day, it smells so good. Where can we find good days? As a dead person, we just need to lie down every day and don't get pulled up by the damned necromancer."

"By the way, young man, what do you do?"

Matthew answered honestly:

"I'm a necromancer."

The dead man fell silent immediately.

Matthew could feel the other person shaking in the coffin.

"Can you let me go?"

asked the dead man.

Matthew shook his head and said:

"I didn't intend to attack you."

The dead man asked again:

"Then can you let go of my coffin?"

Matthew was puzzled and said:

"Why do you ask?"

The dead man explained:

"As far as I know, necromancers have always been very poor. When passing by the tomb, the geese will inevitably have their feathers plucked. Even if they can't lift the body, they still have to remove a few coffin boards. I shouldn't have a stereotype, right?"

Matthew sighed and said:

"I'm not rich either."

"But don't worry, I won't take anything away from you."

The dead man suddenly smiled brightly:

"That's good, that's good."

"My coffin is quite expensive. I've been lying on it for countless years, and it's quite comfortable."

"By the way, are things in the world easy now?"

Matthew pondered:

"Whether it's easy or not depends on your definition. Which era are you from?"

The dead man said happily:

“I can’t tell you which era it was, but when I was alive, the light of the gods bathed the entire Irondor.

Although there were living sacrifices everywhere and exploitation everywhere, the gods claimed that it was an era of great grace.

They said yes, so be it.

Anyway, they have no shame.

Speaking of which, do you know how cruel living sacrifice is?

They would throw the living people into the water, throw them into the fire, or put them on the chopping block and disembowel them.

This stuff is not something humans do at all.

But in our time, almost every god would instigate his followers to do this.

What's even more disgusting is that they pretend to be bright and majestic on the surface, claiming that living sacrifices have nothing to do with them and are voluntary actions initiated by believers.

In my world, living is really not an easy thing.

Fortunately, I died early and enjoyed my life. "

Matthew looked around and asked curiously:

"It is not difficult to see from the tomb and coffin that you were either rich or noble during your lifetime. Even if the gods are cruel, living sacrifices should have nothing to do with you, right?"

The dead man said calmly:

"I died because I was sacrificed alive."

“The area where I live worships death.

At that time, the son of the lord was chosen by the God of Death to participate in the sacrifice. Our lord did not want his son to die, so he asked me to take his place.

But they didn't know that this move angered the God of Death.

He refused to accept me at all.

The day of the living sacrifice.

They first threw me into the river, but they found that I could walk on the river as if I were on the ground.

So they tied me up and roasted me over the fire, but the flames couldn't hurt me.

When the gang saw this, they quickly claimed that I was the devil, and finally pushed me to the chopping block and disemboweled me.

But I still can't die.

At that time, Death was standing next to me and sneered at those funny devout believers.

I know it won't work if this continues.

So I begged the God of Death for a long time.

He finally allowed me to die.

When the lord and other believers saw that I was finally dead, they repackaged my body with peace of mind, placed it in this coffin, and sent it to the church of the God of Death.

I don't know what happened after that.

While I was lying in church.

All that was heard was the sound of the bell and the flight of crows.

Soon after.

Death appeared in front of me.

He asked me, being pulled over to take the place of someone else and become the object of a living sacrifice, do I hate the lord’s family?

My answer is, hate it, but only a little.

Death was puzzled by this.

I told him that the lord's family was very good to me. They gave me a job and food to eat. When my parents died, they were willing to lend us money for the burial.

My health has never been very good, and my work has been mediocre, but the lord did not fire me, and the lord's son also took good care of me.

If I were in other territories or in the wilderness, I would have died ten thousand times.

So I volunteered to take over.

Death choked after hearing this.

He seemed to be very dissatisfied with this result. In a fit of anger, He locked me up here, saying that He wanted to punish me for my blasphemy.

After that, I never saw Death again.

He must have forgotten me.


If I can see Him again, I will definitely thank Him.

It was He who gave me a peaceful space that allowed me to lie quietly for so long.

It’s so comfortable to lie down on! "

The dead man's tone was full of optimism.

After listening to it, Matthew only felt that it was absurd and true at the same time.

"How is the world of the living now? Are there still living sacrifices?"

The dead man asked with concern.

Matthew shook his head and said:

"The gods have been banished, and human mages dominate everything. There are few living sacrifices in the world, and most people have the opportunity to eat."

The dead man said happily:

"That's such a good world! Is our human mage actually the master of the world? It must be a fair and beautiful world."

"That's great. How about you pull me up?"

"I want to see the world as it is now."

Matthew was about to say something.

But he felt a strong force pulling him back.

That feeling was somewhat familiar to him.

In an instant.

He suddenly understood why he was here.

So Matthew quickly asked:

"Where is this? I mean the specific location name and coordinates!"

The dead man replied:

"This is the Demonic Realm of Ravenloft in the underworld. My location should be part of the large tombs. What's wrong?"

Matthew only felt that the power was getting stronger and stronger.

He tried his best to ask:

"May I have your name?"

The dead man replied:

"Oluolin, my name is Orolin, what's yours? Necromancer."

The words fell.

Matthew's figure disappeared into the tomb.

"All right."

"Then I'll sleep again."

Olorin muttered to himself.

The tomb fell silent again.

"Hint: You have entered the sub-domain of death called the Grave.

Your realm "The Grave" resonates with the "Undead".

The effect of your domain ability "Immortality" is extended for thirty seconds.

In return for exploring the realm, you will gain one of the following three abilities -

1. Ring of Death (releases a negative energy aura with you as the center. Enemies hit by the aura will have sluggish thinking and have the urge to sleep forever)

2. Grave Guards (summon a team of grave guards to guard your cemetery or cemetery)

3. Archaeologist (acquire a lot of knowledge about tombs and randomly obtain the coordinates of three large tombs)"

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