The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 188 Observer and Debt Ring

Access to the realm is an amazing thing.

Even though Matthew has been in and out of so many fields, it is difficult to accurately summarize their commonalities.

Some fields are passionate and unrestrained, while others are cold as icebergs.

In terms of access speed and degree of exploration, there are also differences in speed and depth between fields.

Some fields have a gentle temperament, and Matthew can choose when to enter. For example, the newly developed "necromancy", he is still dawdling outside the door;

In some fields, the monkey is as impatient as fire, and often pulls people in without any explanation.

The "Contract" field is a representative of this type of field.

Matthew not only went in fast, he came out fast too.

In just a blink of an eye, a lot of knowledge about contracts came to his mind.

In addition, his sensitivity to contract rules has also increased dozens of times.

There is no other special experience.

His attention returned to the three options in front of him.

If you choose two out of three.

Things become simpler.

First of all, "Contract Supreme" must be obtained. This is the cornerstone ability that can greatly expand the effective scope of the contract field.

With it.

Matthew can also rely on the contract realm to achieve some ulterior purposes in the main material world.

Of course, Matthew, who has a deep understanding of the contract field, knows that "contract is above all else" itself is a lie.

The contract itself is full of loopholes.

Damn it if it could really be above all else.

It is well known that devils are natural masters of playing with words.

When they sign a contract with humans, they can always set traps in some inconspicuous corners, causing the signers of the contract to jump into a pit of fire that will never be recovered.

Because there are too many similar cases.

So much so that people have developed a stereotype about the devil——

This evil race from purgatory always appears in people's imagination as a gentleman.

It's like the devil will only discuss contracts and transactions with you calmly.

As long as you can resist greed and restrain desires, you will always be invincible in the confrontation with the devil.

But in fact, this couldn’t be more wrong.

The devil will only calmly negotiate deals and make contracts with powerful people.

And when facing the weak.

They will show their most ferocious features without hesitation and eat them up quickly.

On the matter of bullying.

The devil does no worse than the devils next door.

Contracts are just one of the tools the devil uses to walk the world.

That's why.

Matthew's "drawing inferences from one example to other cases" will be appreciated by Bato, the Lord of Nine Hells.

And in the remaining two abilities.

Matthew chose the "Overlord Contract" without much hesitation.

This ability can effectively strengthen the power of the contract and has a certain mandatory effect.

Particularly suitable for dealing with infernal creatures.

Matthew just likes to play with force.

As for "stealing the concept".

Even if he doesn't have this ability, Matthew can still try to do this on his own.

The ability is nothing more than enhancing the guaranteed effect of the contract, which is slightly insufficient compared to the mandatory effect of the Overlord Contract, so he was eventually abandoned by Matthew.

After making a quick decision.

Matthew was just about to turn his attention back to reality.

But at this time.

A soft force stirred him.

It seemed like it was inviting him to explore deeper.

"Tip: You have officially entered the "contract" field, and the current exploration level is equivalent to 2 times.

Baator Consciousness invites you to explore the deeper reaches of the realm! "

Matthew refused without hesitation.

Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing.

Although the contract field has also been cleaned by the natural disaster mage, and the theory is quite clean, it is impossible for Qi Bato to plant a mine for himself deeper in the field.

After all, the Lord of Nine Hells is a single entity more powerful than the gods in a sense.

Matthew really doesn’t want to deal with these top bosses.

But just refused.

A faint gaze was locked on him.

"Bato's eyes are always fixed on you!"

"What the hell!"

"Isn't this guy sealed under the Bridge of All Living Beings by the Disaster Mage? Why is he looking at me?"

Matthew felt a chill in his back.

At this moment.

Margaret noticed something strange about him keenly.

She asked in surprise:

"Did you just enter the realm?"

Matthew nodded hesitantly.

Margaret asked incredulously:

"Just, just because of what you did just now?"

"What are you getting into - rape or coercion?"

Matthew told the truth:


Margaret screamed strangely:

"Why didn't I get in!?"

"Obviously I wrote your contract every stroke."

"So angry!"

Matthew coughed and could only say comfortingly:

"Maybe it's because you are too expensive..."

Margaret fell silent.

She just looked at Matthew suspiciously with her big eyes, her cheeks bulging.

If she knew that she could enter the realm of necromancy at any time.

She mustn't be mad yet.

Dangerous thoughts flashed through Matthew's mind.

Immediately he told the crisis he was facing:

"Maybe it's not a good thing to enter the realm this time. I seem to be targeted by the remaining consciousness of the Lord of Nine Hells!"

"Even if I refused to go further in the field, his eyes were still fixed on me."

Margaret's eyes nearly popped out:

"Can we go further?"

Matthew smiled helplessly.

I'm afraid this little girl is already sore and numb, and she can only hear the topic of the field in her own words.

At the moment, he felt the faint gaze silently.

But the existence of white mist always disturbed his perception.

Matthew couldn't tell the direction of his gaze, it seemed to come from all directions, and he couldn't escape Bato's gaze no matter where he went.

This is unusual.

Matthew looked around with his left hand for a while, then suddenly signaled Margaret to protect him, and he quickly closed his eyes.


A circle of silent ripples rippled out with Matthew as the center.

That moment.

The white mist in the tomb also drifted.

"Hint: You have activated the "Grave Realm"!

The detected field perfectly matches the current environment, and you have temporarily gained a terrain bonus based on the tomb field——

1. Your perception +2;

2. Your movement speed increases by 30%;

3. All "sports" related judgments have been slightly improved;

4. Your ability "Wall Penetration" has been greatly strengthened and the effect is improved as follows:-

Your wall penetration technique can penetrate walls or obstacles up to 3 meters thick (originally 1.5 meters);


Your movement speed when walking through walls is increased to 2/3 of normal (from 1/3); -

If you are disturbed or attacked by insects and ants when passing through the wall, the process of passing through the wall will be interrupted immediately and you will appear intact at the location before passing through the wall.

You perceive (+2) the "Observer Painting"! "

Matthew suddenly opened his eyes.

With the strengthening of the tomb realm, his ability to control everything around him has improved a lot.

They were now in the aisles leading to the various tombs and sacrifices.

Three meters away, in the corridor on the left, there is an oil painting with a strange style hanging.

Matthew strode over.

In the center of the oil painting is a large eyeball, and below the eyeball is a gap filled with sharp fangs.

There are four thick eye stalks growing behind the whole eyeball, and there are also tiny eyeballs at the tip of each eye stalk.

This is an "Observer Beholder".

Matthew understood that the beholder on the oil painting was the source of that faint gaze.

He tried to remove the frame from the wall.

The observer in the oil painting always maintains a motionless posture, as if it is just an oil painting.

Matthew was about to reach out and touch the surface of the painting.

Margaret, who followed over, inserted her hand roughly into it!


She grabbed the observer in the oil painting. The latter screamed and was grabbed out of the oil painting by Margaret!

The green devil struggled wildly in Margaret's hands.

Thick juice flowed down her wrist.

Matthew looked down.

The scenery in the oil painting is still there, but the observer in the painting is empty.

"Peeping is not a decent thing to do."

"You're not the blood flag family's spy... Well, you work for Bator?"

Margaret asked the observer in her hand.

However, the latter was indifferent and just made a hoarse voice with his teeth and claws:

"Let me go!"

"If not, there will be no place for you in the Nine Hells!"

Margaret showed a scared expression:


Then the veins on his arms suddenly popped out.


Her five fingers grasped hard.

This Observer Beholder was pinched alive by her!

"Hint: Your partner Margaret killed the "Observer Beholder".

You no longer suffer from Baator's gaze;

The favorability of you and your companions in Purgatory is -1;

You get a corpse of an "Observer Beholder", do you want to summon it as a new undead? "

Matthew chose no.

He stuffed the beholder's body into the oil painting, found a shroud to cover the frame, and after making sure that Margaret was not interested in it, stuffed it into his luggage.

The trip is too busy right now, so it’s better to go back and enjoy the various good corpses harvested on this trip!

"Bato's spy actually appeared in the cemetery of the Blood Flag Family. How did you see the gate?"

Margaret questioned the undead guard who had just been signed by Matthew.

The latter looked confused:

"I don't know when it came in."

Matthew asked curiously:

"How much do you know about Baator?"

Margaret thought:

"Not too much. When you reach the level of the Lord of Nine Hells, the knowledge related to them will become very expensive. There is also a consideration of protecting the weak.

I only know that Baator is the Lord of Beholders. Although he always appears with one eye, he actually has 100 million eyes.

It is said that every eye is a life.

Therefore Baator cannot be killed.

In the Age of Enlightenment, there were records of battles between gods and Baator, but he almost always exited as the winner.

Some people say that His 100 million eyes can see what happened on all timelines in the past and future.

And what I want to know is.

Before the arrival of the Scourge Mage.

Did He see himself being beaten? "

Matthew smiled dumbly.

The Scourge Mage is indeed the pride of the Alliance.

Her record of defeating the entire universe was so amazing that many years later, even if the younger generation has never seen the Scourge Mage in person, they no longer worship those originally superior beings because of her.

There's even a little bit of contempt.

Human nature is what it is.

When you are invincible, everyone will think you are invincible.

But as long as you lose once.

It will send out an extremely strong signal to the outside world:

That means you can be defeated.

There is a first time and a second time.

It is based on this mentality that the alliance mage treats the gods of Tianlun Palace and the Lord of Nine Hells equally.

It almost means "I know you're awesome, but you're not that awesome."

After the interlude, the two moved on.

The undead guards were driven to the front to explore the way.

And after opening the tomb realm.

Matthew could clearly feel that the tense atmosphere before had disappeared a lot.

Maybe the tension comes from the unknown.

After all, the previous perception has been weakened too much, which is equivalent to a blind man exploring an unfamiliar place, and the pressure will be doubled invisibly.

Fifteen minutes later.

They quietly passed through the corridors and underground halls that were used for unknown purposes.

According to the map.

There is only one step away from the sacrifice.

This went much smoother than they expected.

The number of undead guards in the underground tomb is very small, and there are traps, but they are relatively easy to detect.

Margaret did not defuse the trap, and the two chose to avoid it.

But the reason why the two of them sneaked in here was so smooth sailing.

Rhaegar's map ranks first.

Without the cooperation of this filial son and grandson.

It is absolutely impossible for Matthew and the two to be so relaxed.

Ahead is the gate between the sacrifices.

It was an extremely majestic stone gate, seven or eight meters high. The thickness could not be seen, but it was definitely very solid.

Margaret took a step forward.

She silently read the words on the door:

"This is where the blood flags are sacrificed and where the treasures gather dust."

"If anyone who comes late wants to enter, just knock on the door three times."

There seems to be no trap.

After the two used magic to repeatedly investigate.

Margaret motioned for Matthew to take a few steps back.

Then he knocked lightly on the stone door.

There was no movement at the stone gate.

But the space in front of them suddenly became distorted.

A sphinx-like monster suddenly appeared in front of them.

When the monster saw them, he asked coldly:

"Who among you will answer my question?"

Margaret's eyes lit up:


Matthew has also heard about the legendary treasure guardians who often appear in dungeons, tombs or labyrinths.

Every sphinx has at least quasi-legendary strength. They are a strange race that controls a little power of time.

The Sphinx keeps an unknown promise between her and the timeline.

Only a handful of powerful beings can form a contract with the Sphinx and let them guard their treasures.

Those who try to covet these treasures have only two choices when facing the Sphinx.

Either answer the Sphinx's question, a correct answer will only give you a pass;

If you answer incorrectly, you will be chased to death by the Sphinx;

Of course, you can also choose not to answer the questions and leave where you are.

Most Sphinxes are quite easy to talk to and are usually willing to forgive those who have gone astray and come back.

But if you are unlucky and run into a few grumpy sphinxes.

You may have to bite the bullet and answer the question.

Of course, there is actually another option here, which is to kill him.

Matthew glanced at Margaret.

Good guy.

He looked like he was ready to make a move.

Does 4.6 million inflate one's self-confidence so much?

He gently pulled Margaret:

"How about I try to answer first?"

Margaret might as well think about it.

So Matthew came to the Sphinx:

"I'll answer, you ask."

The Sphinx stared at Matthew silently. He thought for about three minutes, and then suddenly said:

"Suppose you are a devout believer and an unbeliever asks you this question -

Do you believe that the God you believe in is omnipotent?

If it is omnipotent.

So what you believe in is whether you can create an existence that can defeat himself?

How should you respond? "

If you are a devout believer.

Then you must firmly believe that your god is omnipotent.

So want to answer this question.

It seems that we are about to face the strange circle of "can the gods create a being who can defeat themselves?"

Margaret's brows frowned immediately.

The Sphinx said gently:

"I know this question is a bit too difficult, so I can give you thirty minutes. During these thirty minutes, you can use all your resources or connections to find the answer to the question."

"In thirty minutes, I will kill you."

Matthew rolled his eyes:

"It doesn't take as long as thirty minutes."

The Sphinx looked at him calmly:

"Oh, tell me."

He didn't seem to be optimistic about Matthew's answer, and there was a hint of nonchalance in his eyes.

But the next second.

But listen to Matthew answer:

"I will kill him immediately!"

The Sphinx looked at him in surprise:

"You, you...but your behavior is not rational or wise, and it cannot solve the problem."

Matthew spread his hands innocently:

"You have assumed that I am a devout believer. Is it too much to ask me to remain rational?"

"When the problem cannot be solved, solving the problem is also a last resort."

The Sphinx looked very struggling.

"Although I am very reluctant, your answer is logically sound."

"Damn it, if I had known there was such a method, I would have been able to counterattack the human being perfectly when he asked me this question!"

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief:

"So we can go in?"

The Sphinx looked at him deeply:

"You necromancers can always open my eyes. Go in, but the two of you can only take one item at most, and then leave immediately; if I find out that you took one more item, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth. "


The stone door slowly opened.

A stream of choking dust gushes out from inside.

Matthew didn't rush in.

He looked at the Sphinx with interest:

"Can I answer a few more questions? I mean, for every additional question I answer, I can take one more item?"

The Sphinx said coldly:


Matthew felt a little regretful and immediately asked:

"Who do you work for?"

"The Blood Flag Family came out with such a sacrifice. It was obviously used to collect funerary objects. Why is there a Sphinx here?"

The Sphinx said quickly:

"The Sphinx likes to ask questions, not answer them."

"But in view of your whimsical thoughts, I am willing to reveal a little information to you: We Sphinxes are only here to protect the most powerful treasures."

"So, hurry in and remember, you can only choose one item, and you only have fifteen minutes to choose."

The two looked at each other and quickly walked to the stone door.

Behind the stone door is a large room.

Rows of glass display cases line the four sides of the room.

The lights come on with the mage's fire.

The glass cabinet reflects a bright white luster.

As Matthew described earlier.

The space between sacrifices does not feel like a place where grave goods are buried.

It's more like a large treasure collection room.

The two of them walked between the display cabinets.

They can clearly see the style and appearance of each funerary object.

But a powerful force blocked their perception from going deeper.

Not even Matthew's tomb realm could have any further effect.

"Tip: You are aware that all items in the sacrificial room have been imbued with the legendary spell "Dust-covered Light".

Dusty Treasure Light: This is a spell that allows all treasures to retain their original appearance. You cannot feel the mana fluctuations or additional historical information on them.

Everything can only be observed with the naked eye and listened with the heart. "

Damn it.

The funerary objects here were actually imbued with legendary spells.

Rhaegar had never mentioned this before.

Walk among the sacrifices.

Matthew felt as if he was walking in the treasure room of a legendary mage.

This sense of immediate visibility is too strong.

He even suspected that one of Rhaegar's ancestors had transformed himself into a lich and then managed the cemetery like this.

He was originally worried that he would not be able to successfully find the things needed for Sif's awakening.

But he soon realized that he was worrying too much.

Just in the northeast corner of the display case.

Matthew saw a trophy-like object.

It was made entirely of copper, and the cup was filled with thick blood.

The blood seeps out from time to time, flowing through the wall of the cup, making a rustling sound.

Just one look at it gives people a very evil feeling.

"No wonder Rhaegar said I could find it at a glance."

"This is the Holy Grail of Sin."

Matthew reached out to open the glass cabinet and took the Holy Grail in his hands.

A huge evil thought arose in his heart.

that moment.

He has an incomparable desire to kill, dominate, and be violent...

Fortunately, the areas of temperance and calmness take effect quickly.

Matthew is exempt from the temptation of the Holy Grail.

He wiped the sweat from his forehead and found Margaret winking at him, so he walked over.

"You got this Holy Grail for your lord, right?"

Margaret whispered.

Matthew nodded.

Margaret added:

"Get one more and we'll leave immediately."

"Remember, you can only take one more Holy Grail, Rhaegar's, and what I want is this ring. The three of us each took only one item and left."

"I am not afraid of the Sphinx's pursuit. The important thing is to avoid the traceability of the legend of the Blood Flag family. As long as the things we take do not exceed this number, I will have a way to block her traceability method."

"In a moment, you come to what you want, give me a sign, and we will take it and run away!"

Matthew glanced at what was in front of Margaret's display window.

It was an ordinary-looking platinum ring.

Margaret used an advanced appraisal scroll on the ring.

Due to the dusty treasure light, the effect of the identification technique only lasted for three seconds and then disappeared.

But Matthew's data column faithfully recorded the relevant information.

"Hint: You discovered the Ring of Debt.

Debt Ring: A failed product accidentally obtained by the legendary mage Fei Capital when he was making a krypton gold ring.

Effect 1: When you wear the ring for more than one year, you can get gold coins equivalent to 1% of your total debt for every full year.

Effect 2: When you wear the ring and activate its effect, you will receive additional spells and supermagic bonuses, and all your spells and spell-like abilities will have the effect of supermagic lengthening.

The higher your total debt amount is.

The higher your spell metamagic bonus.

Spell metamagic effects include but are not limited to the following -

The spell is powerful;

The spell is extremely effective;

spell expansion;


Spells cast instantly;

Spells are issued silently;

Moving spells;

Legendary spellcasting (all your spells will theoretically reach legendary strength) (required total debt: 5 million gold coins or more)"

Matthew's eyelids jumped after reading this.

Isn't this a treasure tailor-made for Margaret?

He suddenly remembered the scene when Margaret suddenly interrupted the conversation between him and Rhaegar.

He couldn't help but suddenly realized:

"You already knew there was something you wanted here?"

Margaret scratched her head in embarrassment:

"I just heard that one of Mr. Fei Capital's rings was found in Escana, so I guessed that at least half of it might have fallen into the hands of the Blood Flag family. This thing is of high status and cannot be used by normal people. If it is true, It fell into the hands of the Blood Flag family, so it’s perfect to be buried with him, hehehe..."

"Look for it quickly! That lion man secretly looked at us several times."

After hearing this, Matthew immediately started searching among the cabinets.

Although I feel a little sorry for Rhaegar.

But it was a hard journey for me no matter what, so it was reasonable to only take one treasure as payment for the hard work.

Now he tried to use identification skills to identify these treasures.

Unfortunately, the effect is not good.

It seems that only advanced identification techniques can obtain two or three seconds of information.

It happened that the high-level identification scrolls in his luggage had been used up.

Now I can only look at these funerary objects eagerly, unable to tell whether they are good or bad.

But it happened at this time.

The ability "archaeologist" given to him by the tomb field suddenly came in handy.

Matthew's mind.

Some knowledge about tombs and history surged like crazy.

His eyes looked over the burial objects.

After a while.

Matthew locked on an item that matched the knowledge in his mind.

It was a rusty bronze dagger!

"This should be the "Equality Dagger", right? "

"It can't be a fake, right?"

Matthew felt a little uneasy.

He took a look at the situation near the door. The Sphinx was watching eagerly and almost stuck his head in.

Margaret, on the other hand, looked at her eagerly, as if she couldn't hold it any longer.

"Forget it, I remember how to enter the cemetery anyway. As long as I don't get caught this time, I will have the opportunity to go home more often in the future."

Matthew calmed down.

He gave Margaret a hand gesture.

After the two of them lip-synced to 321.

Matthew picked up the bronze dagger.

The next second.

Margaret appeared next to him holding a debt ring.

The Sphinx at the door sneered:

"Sure enough, you still haven't resisted the temptation of greed!"

"Then let me give you a ride!"

With that said, he pounced on the two of them.

But in an instant.

The two disappeared into white smoke.

What fell into the hands of the Sphinx was only the shell of a smoking advanced escape technique scroll.

A few minutes later.

Outside the castle.

Margaret skillfully carried Matthew and flew all the way.

Soon they came to the plain below the volcanic city.

It didn't take long.

A tiefling riding a giant mechanical bat swooped down next to them.

The tiefling stared at the two of them greedily:



Margaret knocked him out with a single punch.

Then he took Matthew and sat astride the giant mechanical bat.

The hinges on both wings of the latter made a clicking sound.

The two slowly rose into the sky.

"You can also drive this?"

Matthew couldn't help but ask.

Margaret replied confidently:


"This thing doesn't have a throttle though."

"But I just try to push and pull everything that moves."

While talking.

The mechanical bat struggled for a while, fast and slow, high and low.

Then it flew towards the sky very smoothly.

The journey was uneventful.

Matthew breathed a sigh of relief.

Start carefully comparing the dagger in your hand with the knowledge in your mind.

at the same time.

The properties of the Equality Dagger slowly emerged in his mind.

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