The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 203 Preparation before war, the hand of balance

Melinda's appearance may be related to Sif's coming-of-age ceremony.

This woman's temperament is extraordinary.

It gives people a sense of superiority and inviolability.

Matthew couldn't fathom her strength.

So he looked back at Luo Lan.

Luo Lan narrowed his eyes:

"Level 5 is very close to a legend. It is possible that she already has all the conditions to be promoted to a legend, but for some reason, she has been suppressing her advancement."

Matthew blurted out:


Luo Lan nodded and said:

"It's possible that the domain elements in her are very complex, and may be in the process of being further deepened."

Matthew looked at the direction where Melinda disappeared and sighed:

"She seemed mysterious, coming and going so quickly that she left almost no trace."

Luo Lan smiled:

"She is indeed very light when she comes, but she may not be as calm as you think when she leaves."

Matthew looked at him confused.

The latter pointed to a large group of people behind Matthew, including himself, and said:

"She might have been frightened by us."

Matthew looked back.

Good guy.

He hadn't noticed before that the companions who came over were all murderous, and Craig kept his hands on her swords from the beginning to the end.

The aura of drawing out a sword and going to do it if they disagree is written directly on his face.

No wonder Melinda left in a hurry without saying a few words to herself.

The dragon-slaying team assembled by Matthew has the power to shock the legends.

She is a quasi-legend.

Naturally, we dare not linger any longer before it is clear whether we are friends or foes.

Or maybe.

Is she feeling guilty?

Matthew even suspected that there was some past between her and Rhaegar in this land.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have said those words when she met him.

An unexpected encounter with Rhaegar's ex-wife.

It was just a sideshow for Matthew.

He would find an opportunity to inform Rhaegar, but not tonight.

After leading everyone back to the barbecue site.

Matthew began to explain to everyone what was to be done next.

"I believe you all understand more or less. I have brought everyone together for one purpose, and that is to slay the dragon!"

"The black dragon Mae Nogas is our only target for this trip. He is an evil dragon of unknown origin. He has now taken control of the High Leaf Territory next door. He is suspected of colluding with the red dragon Kusulus in the south of Rolling Stone Town. So there's a lot of pressure on Rolling Stone right now."

"As a member of Rolling Stone Town, I love this land and have a good relationship with the lord of this place, Mr. Rhaegar."

"There will definitely be a fierce battle between Rolling Stone Town and High Leaf Territory next, and I will also participate in this war and vow to kill that black dragon!"

"Of course, before inviting you to join my team to slay the black dragon, I must state the risks to you."

Speaking of which.

Matthew took a breath and said with a very serious face:

“If you join me in this fierce battle, you may face three risks.

The first risk comes from the black dragon itself.

Although the black dragon Maenogas looks like a young dragon, his body shape is developed ahead of schedule and is almost the same as an adult dragon.

His strength is also much stronger than the ordinary black dragon.

He seems to have been blessed by some higher-level beings, which provided him with special abilities including hiding and escaping.

I've made quite detailed plans for this.

But there are always surprises.

After all, fighting against the dragon itself is a risky thing.

The second risk comes from the battlefield.

Theoretically speaking.

My squad is a special operations unit within the official Rolling Stone force.

We can operate independently of large forces and have a high degree of freedom and autonomy.

Unknown injuries on the battlefield will most likely not hit us.

But the same.

War is full of uncertainties.

In case the enemy prepares some means that we have not thought of before, you may also be able to withstand range damage from the frontal battlefield.

Swords and guns have no eyes.

Although everyone is a good player, I will do my best to ensure that everyone is thorough.

But there are still risks.

I hope you will consider it carefully.

The third risk is even less likely.

That is, we may succeed in killing the black dragon, but be defeated in the frontal battlefield. At that time, we will have to face pressure from the frontal battlefield.

Since there is a high probability that there will be a conquest war between Rolling Stone Town and High Leaf Territory, only one of the two sides can have a conquest war.

Although it is within the rules issued by the alliance.

The conquest battle must obey the battle rule of three battles and two wins, but the first battle is crucial.

Judging from the situation in these two territories.

As long as the first game is lost.

There is a high probability that things will fall apart in the future.

So neither side can afford to lose.

Of course, most of the soldiers in the high leaf collar were coerced by the black dragon lord. There is a big question mark about their specific combat effectiveness and morale.

But it's different here in Rolling Stone.

I can assure you that at least everyone participating in the war is united. "

Say this in one breath.

Matthew motioned for everyone to think carefully.

He himself picked up a bunch of mushrooms from the barbecue rack next to him and tasted them.

These mushrooms are the latest ones to grow in the mushroom house.

The quality is quite sweet and tender.

Paired with wine brewed by Matthew himself.

That's called a delicious and hearty meal.

But he didn't have to enjoy it alone for long.

Cloud Elf Emilia was the first to stand up:

"I am a professional soldier and fully understand the risks of war.

But I am entrusted by Ms. Bobo, and I will definitely participate in this war on her behalf.

You can rest assured that I have sufficient war skills and excellent escape experience.

If the whole army is really wiped out, I will protect myself very well.

So, I participate.

Could you give me a bunch of mushrooms by the way?

No spicy thanks. "

Matthew smiled and handed a bunch over.

Immediately afterwards.

The orc female swordsman Craig also stood up, her eyes bright and her attitude sincere:

"If it weren't for you, I would probably have died under the gaze of the gods. For me, there is no fear in war. I will fight to the end. But for now, I don't think it will happen. After all, the big guy They all look very strong.”

As she spoke, she looked around.

Then he looked at Matthew generously:

"Can I have two skewers of beef?"

Matthew handed it over quickly with quick eyes and hands.

Samantha followed up with a statement:

"What Clegg said is exactly what I wanted to say. The last time we explored the insect nest was too dangerous. I don't even remember what happened. It was Clegg who told me that."

"I owe you a great favor, and the resonance of the Oak Realm, which joining this war cannot even offset."

"Well, there's no need to hand it to me. I'll get it myself."

After saying that, she took the initiative to run over and help grill the skewers.

Then came Lumière.

The future king of the rainforest said nothing.

He just leaned over and gave Matthew a hug.

He whispered in Matthew's ear:

"When my tribe was most in need of money, you gave me a large amount of money——

I know you might say I deserve that.

Even that is rare.

The outside world is always full of prejudice against our tribe.

I have a lot of seniors who want to get out of the jungle.

But that step out was too difficult.

Really Matthew.

You helped me a lot.

I know you wrote to me earlier to continue to help me.

But I'm really embarrassed to bother you any more.

If I can help you this time.

I will be very happy.


No matter who you are at war with.

I'll always be on your side. "

He spoke very fast, some of which were mixed with some Jango words, and Matthew could only understand the general meaning.

But he noticed Lumiere's slightly red cheeks.

Then I knew that this guy was also not good at expressing emotions.

So he patted Lumiere on the back.

He said softly:


Lumiere chuckled, feeling relieved a lot from his nervousness and embarrassment, and ran over to ask for some skewers.

at last.

Only Lorraine remained.

When Matthew's eyes met his, the latter looked relaxed and contented:

"Relax, when I was young I once had my fortune told by a famous fortune teller.

He said I would not die even if the world was destroyed.

So a mere war doesn't scare me at all. "

Matthew asked curiously:

"How is that prophecy mage doing now?"

Luo Lan took out the green piccolo from his waist and said with a smile:

"The day after he told me my fortune, he was hit and killed by a runaway carriage."

Matthew was speechless.

Immediately he asked again:

"You always said before that big events would happen near Rolling Stone Town or High Leaf Territory. So, is the black dragon's sneak attack considered a big event?"

Lorraine shook his head:

"It doesn't count."

Matthew's face tightened:

"So there may be more serious incidents happening later?"

Luo Lan said seriously:

"Frankly speaking, I don't know. The bard can only capture some clues, and his ability in prophecy is far inferior to the real prophecy mage.

But even the most powerful prophecy mage cannot predict the future direction.

I can only tell you some of the unusual signs I caught.

Rolling Stone remains the place with the highest probability of breaking news in the entire South.

Gao Ye led the second.

As for what form and when these things will break out, I can only have a very vague perception, which is not accurate.

After all.

We are all mortals being beaten forward by the tide of fate.

But you don't have to be so nervous.

The outbreak of major events does not necessarily mean disaster, but it usually brings considerable opportunities.

Under the existing pattern in the south.

Rolling Stone Town is already the best-situated territory relatively speaking.

not to mention.

And I'm here. "


He gave Matthew a reassuring look, then put the flute to his lips and began to play a cheerful piece of music.

Accompanied by the sound of Lorraine's flute.

The whole forest seemed to be noisy.

Lumiere was the first to come off and twist his body.

Craig and Samantha are no different.

Only the cloud elf Emilia stood aside reservedly, watching everyone dance with curiosity.

Matthew watched for a while and just wanted to go in and join in the fun.

Who knows at this time.

A zombie climbed up the stone stairs below the passage.

Behind this zombie.

There are countless more of his kindred and more skeletons.

They twisted their hips and danced to the sound of Lorraine's music.

That moment.

It was as if the oak trees had come alive, some were twisting along with them, and some were pointing at the dancing postures of the undead.

Matthew ran to the cemetery to take a look.

Good guy.

The sound of Lorraine's flute spread throughout the underground space.

It seemed that all living things and the undead were infected by that cheerful mood.

on the data column.

"Tip: Your companion Lorraine played the legendary poem "A Midsummer Night's Love Song", and the morale of all units who listened to the music +1;

Willpower test is greatly improved;

Peach color luck +1"


Pegasus in the oak forest, burrowing owl in the burrow, grouse by the stream...

All the creatures in the oak forest also became active.

The living and the undead.

Under the moonlight and among the love songs, they abandoned their past prejudices and conflicts and danced together in harmony.

Matthew could feel everyone's happiness coming from the depths of their souls.

Except for the fact that the mother of coolies, Myasaki, complained to him that with such beautiful music, the coolie zombies couldn't even work hard.

The rest of the units are happy.

Even the arsonists in the handicraft workshop are more energetic when working!

So Matthew also relaxed.

Immerse yourself in the wonderful ocean of music with everyone.

After a short period of joy.

Intense preparations continue.

July 26th.

Rhaegar officially submitted a battle application to the Seven Saints Alliance on behalf of Rolling Stone Town.

Aim for the high leaf collar.

The war mode is "Conquest War".

A battle of conquest is theoretically a victory of two out of three battles, but everyone knows that the winner of the first battle can basically win everything.

According to a message sent by Zeller's scout lurking in the high leaf collar.

The Black Dragon Lord is sending people from house to house to collect props for war, including military weapons, various greases, wood, and iron tools.

The High Leaf Collar is almost a purely agricultural territory.

There is still some textile industry in Rolling Stone.

In addition to producing grain and cotton, Gaoyeling only has rich land resources and mountain reservoirs.

This news greatly boosted morale within Rolling Stone.

Because when Rega was preparing for war, there was little need to collect supplies from the private sector. If they were really unavailable on the market, he would issue a collection list to the residents through the city hall.

Things on the list are also sold at market prices.

Therefore, Rolling Stone Town's overall preparations for war are quite optimistic.

Matthew did not participate in the frontal battlefield duel, nor was he involved in the preparations of the large forces.

He is mainly responsible for providing spell support and leading the dragon-slaying team to carry out special operations.

But in order to cooperate with Rhaegar's newly established "Arson Squad".

Matthew provided him with a large amount of blazing glue, Molotov cocktails and high-purity sulfur ore.

Many of the arson props are in stock.

Matthew wholesaled it to Rega at a price that was 20% lower than the market price.

After the deal is concluded.

He got 120,000 gold coins back in one go.

It can be seen from this.

Making war fortune is indeed the fastest way to make money!

When it comes to price negotiations, neither of them is a fussy person.

Accounts must be settled clearly by each individual.

But for the common good of Rolling Stone.

They are both willing to make certain concessions.

For example, regarding the "Capital-Free Dragon Slaying Spear" scroll, the result of the negotiation between the two parties was——

Rhaegar offered 250,000 gold coins, Matthew offered 50,000 in cash, plus an interest-free loan of 300,000 from Suriel.

The ownership of this scroll is firmly in Matthew's hands.


Matthew must make the following commitments:

"This scroll must be used to defend Rolling Stone or related wars."

And in return.

Matthew will have the highest priority claim for the proceeds from the dragon slaying.

In other words, after the dragon-slaying income is converted into cash, Matthew's actual cost (400,000) must be paid first, followed by Rhaegar's income.

Considering the significance of slaying the dragon can almost determine the direction of the war.

Rhaegar readily gave up his right to recourse to more than 600,000 (in case of any eventuality) earnings.

That is to say.

In case the dragon is killed, it has a higher value.

The surplus has nothing to do with Rhaegar.


When the two of them discussed relevant terms, they did so with the attitude of minimizing losses.


To prevent Matthew from losing money.

Rega also proposed that after the victory, Matthew and his dragon-slaying team would receive 15% of the tax income of Gaoye Ling for the next 30 years.

This is a considerable number.

Matthew was startled when Rhaegar brought it up.

To know.

Rhaegar had to feed an army of nearly 1,000 people.

And his dragon-slaying team currently has less than 10 people in total.

can make such a decision.

It shows that he is very optimistic about the actions of Matthew and others.

It also further proves that Rhaegar's popularity is not without reason.

These are not isolated cases.

There are too many interested parties involved in launching a war. Even between Matthew and Rhaegar, the various economic relationships must be calculated one by one——

food expenses during the war;

casualty benefits;

Additional subsidies and incentive mechanisms;

Costs incurred by the consumption of weapons and props;

Depreciation expenses of various large equipment...

All these are not mentioned in detail.

In short, it was more than a week at the end of July.

Various people, including Matthew, came in and out of the office hall of the Lord's Mansion.

Stop talking about Zeller.

Even Rhaegar was so busy that he was almost smoking.

But all this was sorted out before the end of July.

Able to achieve such high administrative efficiency.

In addition to Rega and Zeller working overtime, Patton Jr. also played a big role.

This guy is a tax officer, has outstanding calculation skills, and seems to be good at administrative back office.

He was responsible for drawing up many wartime economic contracts.

In comparison.

As a spell consultant, Matthew gradually reduced the frequency of going to the office lobby.

He mainly blasts troops in the cemetery.

Since the level was upgraded to LV16, Matthew's maximum number of single summons has also been increased to 480.

That is to say.

He can summon up to 480 zombies and 480 skeletons.

The number of undead in the cemetery was obviously not enough.

At this time.

The nearly 3,000 corpses that Matthew had brought over from the golden fertile fields came in handy.

Through the various blessings of the cemetery.

Day and night he called to the dead in the cemetery.

Zombies and skeletons took shape one after another.

The number of active undead in the cemetery has almost doubled!

They will play a decisive role in the next battle.

And in this process.

Matthew also discovered that the newly summoned zombies had completely lost the "Silver Moon" effect.

This meant Luna's quiet alienation.

After the last divine incident.

Matthew was more wary of her.

The latter seemed too lazy to act. When the owl Ella, the only contact between the two parties, came over to help ripen the seeds, she didn't even talk to Matthew much.

This shows that she is only here to fulfill her obligations.

For a nature spirit like herself, the will of the Moon Goddess is above all else.

Matthew could only feel a little sorry for this.

In comparison.

Samantha, who is also the patron of the Moonlight Goddess, seems much more normal.

She still joined Matthew's dragon-slaying team in a personal capacity.

There seemed to be no hindrance from Luna.

However, Matthew also keenly noticed something unusual about Samantha——

Since her arrival.

He seemed to be looking around all the time.

There is often a disappointed expression on the face.

At first Matthew didn't understand what she was missing.

It wasn't until she started to make insinuations about Eli's whereabouts that Matthew vaguely understood something.

But looking at the female orc Clegg who was so intimate with her.

Matthew was confused again.

What is the relationship between these people?

He hugged Craig and asked about Eli's whereabouts.

That is to say, Eli didn't arrive for some unknown reason.

Otherwise Matthew would be embarrassed for them!

Time passed in this tense atmosphere.

July 28th.


In the cemetery workshop.


A cold chill emanated from Matthew's right hand.

The terrifying negative energy spread from the root of the palm to the forearm, all the way to the elbow, and all the skin turned blue-gray.

Watch this scene.

Matthew's eyes showed satisfaction.

on the data column.

"Tip: The "negative energy transformation" is successful. The palm of your right hand (including the forearm) has been filled with negative energy! These parts have the following effects -

1. Palm (pale hand/negative energy transformation): instant death determination/blood-sucking determination

2. Forearm (negative energy transformation/physical armor): When "physical armor" is activated, your forearm will be filled with negative energy and gain 18 points of "natural armor".

3. Right hand (whole): You gain partial strength equivalent to 18 points of overall strength.

Negative impact--

In a state filled with negative energy, it will be difficult for your right hand to perform fine operations, such as writing text, transcribing scrolls, playing with the mage's hand, etc. "

The first round of negative energy transformation was quite successful.

Since his right hand has already solidified the "Pale Hand", many negative effects can be ignored.

Just wear leather gloves at ordinary times.

The "flesh armor" provided on the forearms is quite powerful.

It directly turned Matthew's forearm into an iron hand!

The 18 points of natural armor is comparable to the second form of Argus' Qishan Shield.

For a mage, it is an incredible attribute.

Theoretically, as long as his hand speed is fast enough, he can easily pluck arrows with his bare hands.

But at this stage.

Matthew's attempts weren't over yet.

He took advantage of the negative energy in his right hand to slowly activate the Oak Domain.

next moment.

A huge amount of life energy couldn't help but pour out from the field.

He poured it hard into Matthew's right hand!

"Warning: Your right hand has been damaged. Will it be treated through the "Oak Field"?"

Matthew pondered for a moment.

"Yes" was selected.

The inspired life energy rushed straight into Matthew's palm. The negative energy injected before was only slightly resisted and then quickly withdrawn.


Except for a small black dot in the center of his right arm.

The rest of the place is occupied by life energy.

Matthew shook his right hand and found that it had returned to its original state, even the effect of the pale hand had been taken away!

"Warning: Your right hand has been treated by the Life Domain and has lost its negative energy characteristics. Do you want to activate the "Undead Domain" to repair it?"

Matthew thought for a moment.

Finally decided to take the plunge.

He first opened the realm of balance to make sure that concentration was enough, and then opened the realm of the undead.


Negative energy begins to counterattack.

Matthew only saw his right hand, which was sometimes gray and sometimes green.

The two sides engaged in intense rounds of games.

The most serious time.

The back of Matthew's hand was as black as charcoal, the palm was green and oily, and the whole palm looked distinct.

Fortunately, the balanced field finally worked.

Under the coordination of the equilibrium field.

Life energy and negative energy have initially reached an agreement to take over the right hand alternately.

ten minutes later.

Matthew's hands returned to their normal color.

And on the back of his hand.

A domain diagram consisting of three commas suddenly appeared!

Oak, undead, equilibrium.

The three check and balance each other.

Provisional unity was achieved.

on the data column.

"Tip: You have initially coordinated the conflict between life energy and negative energy, and you have obtained a brand new "Hand of Balance"!

The Hand of Balance contains two forms——

1. Pale Hand (when you use Pale Hand, you will consume negative energy, release instant death effect and blood-sucking effect to the outside world, and during this period, a certain amount of life energy will be converted in equal proportions)

2. Healing Hand (when you use Healing Hand, you will consume life energy, continuously output healing effects, and during this period, a certain amount of negative energy will be converted in equal proportion)

Your balance factor +20!

You gained 1 practice point (Legendary Way)!

Warning: Due to the lack of "Contract of the Domain", the current balancing effect of the Hand of Balance is difficult to maintain for a long time. Please complete the writing of the "Contract of the Domain" within 360 days."


Matthew looked at his right hand in wonder.


He could feel the powerful negative energy and life energy attached to the same hand.

The two, who were originally in conflict, are perfectly combined.

All it takes is Matthew’s heart.

He can freely switch back and forth between the Pale Hands and the Healing Hands.

And if he chooses to suppress the domain power.

What is presented is the "Hand of Balance" in its normal state.

The Hand of Balance has few properties.

It's just that the power is greater than normal.


Matthew noticed that the disadvantage of balanced hands is that they tend to sweat and become oily all the time.

This is not a big problem.

Just prepare a few more handkerchiefs.

"360 days should be enough time for me to find materials that can carry the domain contract, right?"

"When the time comes to complete the coordination between my right hand and the ceremony site, my legendary path will be able to move forward a lot!"

Matthew thought with satisfaction.

At this time, Peggy suddenly walked in.

She said unhappily:

"Matthew, you haven't called me into fights lately. Do you think my fighting ability is holding you back?"

"I have to let you understand that I am your number one and the most capable one!"

"Please let me participate in this battle!"

Matthew looked her up and down and suddenly asked:


Peggy said happily:


"On the day when the black dragon attacked Rolling Stone Town, I suddenly reached level 17!"

"I don't know what happened, but now I am also a fifth-level boss!"

Level 17.

Just one level higher than Matthew.

Matthew wondered if there was something strange about Peggy.

And the reason why he didn't let Peggy participate in the battle was actually out of a desire to protect her.

Paige lost a lot of bones the last time she fought.

Matthew was still quite distressed.

But seeing that she was in high spirits, it was hard for Matthew to discourage her:

"Don't worry, I will definitely take you with me in this battle, and there will also be a very difficult task for you."

Paige was immediately overjoyed:


"Then I'll cut ten of them!"

Matthew smiled guiltily.

Cooking for a large army should be considered a difficult task, right?

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want anyone around him to appear on the battlefield.

If possible, peace is Matthew's greatest wish.

Pity on the road to peace.

It is destined to be full of ups and downs.

The next night.

Outside the official post house in Gunshi Town, people were coming and going, and there was a lot of traffic.

Today is Sif's birthday.

It was also the time for her coming-of-age ceremony.

Matthew arrived at the venue of the post house early, his eyes scanning back and forth among the visiting guests.

It didn't take long.

Little Paton, who had been busy at the venue for most of the day, came to Matthew's side.

Matthew asked in a low voice:

"How about it?"

"Did you tell Rhaegar?"

"How did he react?"

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