It's puzzling that the black dragon is missing.

But after discussion between the three of them, Matthew decided to remain unchanged in the face of all changes.

Watch Mountain serves as a winning condition in point capture mode.

As long as you occupy it.

can take the initiative to a certain extent.

In this regard, whether the black dragon appears or not actually doesn't have much impact.

At present, Rolling Stone Town is organizing the construction of fortifications in an orderly manner according to its own rhythm.

As for tents and other buildings.

Then we have to wait until the fortifications in the southwest are formed before we can allocate manpower to build them.

Watch Mountain.

An intensive round of construction is in progress.

It's approaching noon.

Gao Ye led the party to finally react.

Everyone noticed.

Their army was mainly gathered on a hillside 5 kilometers away to the southwest.

The terrain of the moss-green hills is characterized by numerous hills.

And just 1 kilometer away from Watch Mountain, there is actually a small hilltop, which is only about 1/3 shorter than Watch Mountain.

Although there is no way to overlook all the surrounding environment from a high place like Watch Mountain, it still has a relatively superior view advantage.

So at this time.

A group of human soldiers from the high leaf collar touched the top of the mountain.

It looked like they wanted to set up a sentry there.


The enemy is not reckless.

Behind that group of human soldiers were two groups of orc warriors.

They guarded both sides of the hillside.

If people from the Rolling Stone Town want to go down the mountain to interfere, they may be blocked by orc warriors.

In fact.

Although the distance between the two sides is 1 kilometer at the high point.

However, the rugged hilly terrain and pitted water and grass structures make charging a matter of caution.

What's more, the black dragon hasn't appeared yet.

The army in Rolling Stone had absolutely no reason to go down the mountain to attack.

However, letting the enemy blatantly set up sentries on the hills near their camp was unacceptable to Rolling Stone Town.

Matthew immediately found Rhaegar and whispered a few words.

After a while.

A group of archers came out.

They stood close to the southernmost part of the mountain, with their long bows fully drawn, and tried to launch a round of projectiles at the mountain next door.

However, this was seriously beyond the range of the archers.

Although they tried hard, most of the bows and arrows failed to cross the midline between the two hills.

The farthest shot could only barely reach the opposite hillside.

See this scene.

The soldiers with high leaf collars who were busy setting up sentry posts smiled.

They originally seemed a little cautious.

But after discovering that the enemy can't hurt him at all.

They couldn't help but lean in the direction of Watch Mountain.

One of the little bosses even provocatively took off his pants in the direction of Watch Mountain, planning to relieve himself in front of everyone.

But the next second.

A faint green light shot out from the top of the mountain.


The sharp arrow carrying the wind element whizzed and pierced the little boss's knee!

The latter's hands trembled and his feet went limp. Not only did he pee on his body, he also sat down in a complete state!

This scene suddenly shocked everyone present.

Even the archers on the side of Rolling Stone looked over curiously, only to see a zombie on the other side of the mountaintop holding a green bow and arrow ready to go!

"Emerald Trade Winds: Kiss of the Trade Winds!"

Under the command of Matthew.

Renesmee held a bow and arrow in her hand, aiming from a distance.

After a few seconds.

She loosened her hand and shot another arrow accurately on the other knee of the little boss.

The latter completely lost the ability to walk and lay on the ground crying and wailing.

At this time, Gao Ye led the party obviously not aware of what happened.

There is a reckless guy who wants to help the little boss.


Renesmee fired another arrow.

The Kiss of the Trade Wind traveled a distance of more than 1 kilometer and accurately hit the rescuer's chest.

This time it wasn't the knees.

But the real heart!

These three consecutive arrows almost scared the human team on the opposite hill into silence.

One of the cleverer fellows got a small buckler.

Then he tried to drag the little boss.

However, the area of ​​the buckler is too small.


There was a flash of green light.

Renesmee shot her fourth arrow, accurately hitting the enemy's abdomen.

The latter fell to the ground in pain.

Then came the 4th, 5th and 6th!

When all the people who did not believe in evil turned into cold corpses next to the little boss.

The human soldiers on the opposite side realized that there was an unfathomable marksman in Rolling Stone Town!

A full 10 minutes later.

Only a group of humans holding tower shields high slowly approached the place where the little boss fell.

The tower shield can provide unilateral defense without blind spots, and is indeed the nemesis of archers.

Renesmee looked at it for a moment, then put down the Emerald Tradewind.

But when she hit the string again.

The bow and arrow in her hand turned into an extremely unique magic arrow!

"Striking the Sky (Special Arrow/Emerald Trade Wind Exclusive Arrow): You can bind an item to this arrow and shoot it without affecting the normal shooting range.

Currently equipped with: grease pack! "


Under the influence of magic, the arrow leaves the bow silently.

Only the bowstring was trembling wildly.

next moment.

The magic arrow hit a huge tower shield fiercely.


There was a slight explosion.

A large amount of grease penetrated in due to the sputtering effect.

This grease pack has Matthew's specific treatment.

Among them, not only the oiliness technique is constant.

It also contains a large amount of flammable substances.

As a result, a circular circle of grease quickly formed around everyone!

When the pungent smell of asphalt flooded into the nostrils of the soldiers.

Matthew has already handed over a rocket.

Renesmee calmly took the arrow and shot it casually.


The enemy's hilltop immediately burst into flames.

The flames surged into every soldier's body like a devil.

They initially held their tower shields high, trying to retreat while raising their shields.

But when the flames burned their arms.

Only then did they feel the arrival of death.

that moment.

The soldiers wailed, dropped their tower shields, and retreated down the mountain.

However, it was this move that completely ruined their chance of escape.

Taking aim, Renesmee shot one arrow at a time.

The hillside opposite was soon filled with mourners.


A total of 17 human troops who tried to set up a sentry on the opposite hill were wiped out!

Eleven of them were shot to death by Renesmee.

The remaining 6 people were burned alive.

Among them, the ending of the little boss was the most tragic.

When the fire burned his body, under the influence of survival instinct, he actually ran with two shattered knees.

It's a pity that this scene didn't last long.

He was killed by the flames.

For a while.

The town of Rolling Stone was filled with joy.

Renesmee single-handedly destroyed the two opposing teams. This result was undoubtedly a great morale booster.

Especially the archers, they were shocked by Miss Zombie's shooting skills and were so impressed that they fell to the ground.

But Gao Yeling's side was filled with gloom and gloom.

This secondary commanding height was lost.

They could only set up sentries in places where visibility was poor, rather than staying close.

This would have many detrimental effects on their surveillance of Watch Mountain.

And in this process.

Matthew also noticed a very interesting detail——

That's when the human forces were attacked from range by Renesmee.

The orc troops on the hillsides on both sides were indifferent.

Although their duty is to assist in defense.

But looking at the death of human soldiers, the orcs had no attitude of helping at all.

This shows the situation inside Gao Ye's army.

They won the first confrontation.

Everyone in Rolling Stone Town was even more enthusiastic about building fortifications.

In the afternoon.

The enemy has made another move——

A small group of orcs tried to circle to the northwest, cross a shallow river, and insert themselves into the back of Rolling Stone.

However, this scene was captured by Zeller's surveillance spell.

He originally wanted to send a pair of men to deal with the enemy.

Matthew said it was all on him.

That team of orcs thought they were very careful.

A group of eight of them wore camouflaged clothes and slowly approached the river.

Although the river is small, the sound of water is rapid.

They lined up in a long queue and advanced in an orderly manner.

However, when the last Orc soldier stepped into the river with both feet.

A pair of scimitars, dim in daylight, were placed on his neck.

call out!

An almost inaudible sound.

The orc's head rolled several times in the air, then fell into the water with a splash, and flowed downstream with the current and the river bed.

However, the water was loud.

Covering up all murderous intentions.

The remaining orcs continued their efforts to cross the river.

They didn't notice a pair of scimitars approaching their backs like the god of death.




Until the orc at the front successfully crossed the river, he stepped on the edge of the river beach and looked back subconsciously——

He only saw seven headless corpses of orcs standing horribly in the river!

His eyes widened and his pupils suddenly shrank.

The exclamation has not yet left his mouth.

A chill slit his throat.


A spinning scene appeared in his field of vision.

At the last moment of life.

He finally saw clearly what Death looked like——

That's a skeleton that twists its hips while killing people!

After two consecutive defeats.

Gao Ye led the party to finally dare not make any more moves.

They stayed and camped on the hillside 5 kilometers away, as if they were going to fight a protracted war with Rolling Stone Town.

The Stones didn't let their guard down either.

Zeller's surveillance spell operates 24 hours a day.

From time to time, Matthew would ride a Pegasus and fly above the enemy's heads openly——

The black dragon is not here.

Air superiority was easily in Matthew's hands.

In addition, Pegasus has the ability to become invisible.

Many times Matthew can fly right next to the enemy's scalp.

After several investigations.

The army of the High Leaf Territory knew nothing about Rolling Stone.

Matthew touched the enemy thoroughly.

The distribution of arms is almost exactly the same as the information given by Fandral.

And in the camp.

Matthew found the dragon priest Drava as the commander-in-chief, a human general with a beard, and a jackal with only one ear.

The three of them each command different troops.

The camps of the three armies are also clearly defined.


The black dragon is not here.

Gao Ye led the army with a very serious situation of internal disloyalty.

This made Matthew feel reassured.

Probably before night.

It is impossible for the enemy to launch an operation against Watch Mountain.

This move is in line with what Matthew and others want.

in their plans.

Time is on their side.

The confrontation between the two armies below turned into a heated camp construction.

And above the sky.

A huge magic carpet enveloped the invisible sphere.

There were dozens of people sitting on the magic carpet.

These people are not Alliance mages.

But the major city lords from the south!

The Battle of Moss Green Hills was the first battle in the South and a landmark battle in the Alliance's plan.

Because it has a strong demonstration effect.

Therefore, many city lords have applied to come and watch the battle.

The league readily allowed it.

However, only one spectator is allowed per territory.

Therefore, all the people here are number one figures in the southern territories, large and small.

About the scene before me.

Of course the city lords didn't expect it.

In fact.

No one would think that both sides would fight to the death on the first day of the battle. This does not conform to the logic of using troops.

Therefore, the words they discuss most now are still words like this:


White Rock City;

There are so many;

Whether there is any violation.

Etc., etc.

And just to the northeast of the magic carpet, farther away from the other city owners, four people were sitting.

Three of them wore brooches on their chests that symbolized their status as lords.

The other woman is a mage apprentice from the Alliance.

The three lords here are Ms. Alena, the city lord from Deep Blue Harbor, who is known as the Golden Lion. Barton, the owner of the Lion City who has recently swept across the east coast, and Gavin, the city lord of Goldwater City, has a mixed reputation.

Among the three.

Alena has the weakest sense of presence, but because of her natural beauty and extraordinary temperament, she can also attract a lot of attention from those around her.

The golden lion Barton is the most powerful. He has blond hair and a pair of sharp eyes, and his every move reveals a king-like aura.

Gavin, the Lord of Jinshui City, is a young man who looks very weak, but his eyes are extremely agile and his eye slits are extremely long. When he squints his eyes, he looks like a thinking fox.


The three of them were also discussing the issue of the Necromancer.

"Are all necromancers so powerful? Then isn't White Rock City invincible?"

The golden lion asked solemnly.

Gavin was also full of doubts:

"I've seen some necromancers. They looked like they had splitting headaches just by maintaining hundreds of summons. How could it be so easy for them like this one? Look, he can even ride a horse! Wait, isn't Pegasus sacred? A creature? Why is it driven by a necromancer?"

Aliena smiled at this.

Instead, the female apprentice named Leslie explained:

"Necromancers do have expertise in summoning the undead, but to achieve this effect, I'm afraid Mr. Matthew's personal strength is too strong."

The golden lion nodded:

"This Matthew is indeed very powerful. Did you guys just see it? That zombie archer and skeleton assassin, they are both Matthew's summons - but the strength they have shown is far beyond that of ordinary adventurers. This is already It’s unreasonably powerful.”

Leslie smiled and said:

"It is common sense that Mr. Matthew is very powerful. I once assisted him in a B1 spell research project. He is a particularly rigorous person.

more importantly.

His background is deep! "

The three lords suddenly became interested:

"How deep?"

Leslie lowered her voice mysteriously:

“He may be the youngest A1 in the history of the league!

Rumor has it.

Mr. Matthew has an inexplicable relationship with Master Ronan, Ms. Isabel, Lord Ekmund and Ms. Suriel.

It was recently revealed that he was suspected of having an affair with Margaret, the most powerful battle mage in the alliance!


Several demons and lords in the star realm and some gods in Tianlun Palace seem to be collecting information about Mr. Matthew.

Although he himself is relatively low-key.

But someone who can connect with these powerful beings.

How could he be an ordinary person? "

After Leslie said these words, the three people had different reactions.

Alena was a little surprised;

Gavin looked at the situation below with interest;

But the golden lion Barton frowned and said:

"Why did such a powerful mage choose to register in a small place like Rolling Stone Town?"

"Doesn't he know this is a huge gamble?"

"Or is there something powerful about Rolling Stone that we can't see?"

Gavin joked:

"Is it possible he just thought Rolling Stone was closer to home?"

When Barton heard this, he not only did not refute.

He actually really seriously considered the possibility of this situation.

at this time.

Leslie interjected again:

"According to the details of the War Secret Order, if you form an alliance with Rolling Stone Town, you can use your allies' foreign aid quota to let Lord Matthew join the battlefield during the battle. In this way, not only will you not have to face his undead army, but he will become yours. partner."

None of the three lords showed any surprise.

Same as Rolling Stone.

After receiving the war secret order, all territories conducted in-depth research on it as soon as possible.

They soon discovered that alliances were encouraged.

Although non-registered mages cannot participate in the battle.

Registered mages also cannot move freely.

But they can join battles in other territories as allies.

It goes without saying the role a mage can play.


Territories with powerful registered mages will also be attracted by more people.

"I don't like necromancers."

"But this Matthew, I think we can try to get along with him."

Golden Lion Barton touched his chin and commented like this.

Gavin chuckled:

"I want to see it again."

Alena rolled her eyes and suddenly said:

"Which side do you think will win this battle?"

"How about we make a bet?"

The Golden Lion and Gavin looked at each other, and they suddenly said in unison:

"Rolling Stone Town!"

Aliena was shocked.

She thought she was the only one who knew about Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger in Rolling Stone through her cousin Luo Lan.

Unexpectedly, these two city lords who seemed to have no understanding of Rolling Stone Town actually made the same judgment as themselves!

So she couldn't help but ask:

"Why do you think so?"

Gavin chuckled and said:

"Because you suddenly raised this question when everyone is optimistic about Gao Yeling. This shows that you have information that we don't know. Then the winner will most likely be Rolling Stone Town."

Aliena obviously didn't believe it, and she asked suspiciously:

"Based on this alone, you dare to conclude that Rolling Stone will win?"

Gavin smiled like a fox.

I found a few lame excuses and tried to get away with it.

The golden lion on the other side seems much more upright.

He said bluntly:

“Rolling Stone Town submitted its application for battle after the Black Dragon attack.

This shows that they are not afraid of the black dragon at all.

From Rolling Stone's marching arrangements and strategic policies, it is easy to see that they are more fully prepared for this battle.

On the other hand, look at Gao Yeling's side.

They were a complete mess!

I don't know what that black dragon is doing.

He may be afraid of the killer move in Rolling Stone Town's hands.

Maybe he's doing something weird.

But the way of using troops.

The most taboo thing is for the general to have his own whims.

Perhaps he thought that hiding himself first would be a good strategy to confuse the enemy and make him unable to attack.

But accordingly.

This behavior is also a great harm to the soldiers under his command.

Look at it from the perspective of war.

That black dragon still has a lot to learn. "

Gavin then laughed and said:

"What Mr. Button said makes sense!"

"I didn't expect that I missed the mark."

Barton glanced at him and said nothing more.

Alena still looked a little unwilling:

"But that's a giant dragon!"

"A real dragon!"

Gavin answered immediately this time:

"The dragons may be very powerful, but for thousands of years, they have never truly ruled this land."

"Ms. Alena, just give up. It's impossible for the two of us to bet on Rolling Stone. If we could really make such an outrageous decision, the heads on our necks would have been moved countless times. Home."

The golden lion is even more domineering:

"A giant dragon? It's just a bigger beast!"

"It's a pity that it can't end, otherwise I will kill him!"

Alena looked at the two men helplessly, and the feeling of powerlessness in her heart became even stronger.

All these lords are human beings.

She originally planned to use a little beauty and the prosperous economy of Shenlan Port to try to join forces.

As a result, after half a year, I didn't get any advantage at all.

This made her pay more attention to the naive guy under her.

"I wonder if Rhaegar is still the same after all these years?"

Just as Alena was thinking secretly.

Gavin suddenly let out a sigh.

There were also slight noises where other lords were.

Everyone looked down.

But in the northeast of Watch Mountain, where there was supposed to be no man's land, a bullywug convoy actually appeared!

What's even more outrageous is.

The bullywug convoy is extremely long. They use oxen to pull carts one after another, and they are slowly approaching Watch Mountain!

"Why is there a convoy showing up?!"

"Where did the Bullywugs come from? Shouldn't this area have been wiped out?"

"What's going on? Is there so many unexpected factors in this first battle?"

Just when the lords were talking about it.

Suddenly a group of people rushed down from the hillside of Watch Mountain.

The first three people are all extremely tough.

The one who rushed at the front was a charcoal-headed man who looked like a savage. He bared his teeth and claws when running, and his speed was as fast as lightning. He rushed from the mountain to the Bullywug convoy almost instantly.

Following closely behind was a half-orc woman.

Next to her, there was a wildcat running wildly after her.

And behind them.

Surprisingly, they are the militia and reserve forces of Rolling Stone Town!

The next second.

An even more shocking scene appeared——

When the dark-skinned young man rushed to the side of the convoy.

All the bullywugs suddenly screamed.

They looked very scared and ran away!

Not one of the bullywugs, known for their bellicosity and xenophobia, stayed to guard the precious possessions on the car, and instead ran away without a trace.

The bullywugs' exaggerated acting skills caused everyone to complain.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that these bullywugs play a logistical role for Rolling Stone Town!

The carts were piled with all kinds of logs.

Some even have buckets of hot oil on them.

The oil is still steaming!

at this time.

Judgment 07 couldn't help but fly down.

Seeing everyone in Rolling Stone Town happily accepting the gifts of nature.

Judgment 07 couldn’t help but ask Matthew who was coming over:

"What's this?"

Matthew answered truthfully:

"The bullywugs' convoy."

Judgment 07 There are veins jumping on the forehead:

"When did bullywugs tame cattle?"

Matthew thought for a while:

"Perhaps they have also kept pace with the times?"

Ruling 07 gritted his teeth:

"Then where did they get so many logs? Don't tell me that the bullywugs suddenly mastered powerful logging technology!"

Matthew mused:

"Maybe they want to renovate the village?"

"It's just that they were unlucky. They happened to be robbed by us when they passed by!"

"So, we are so lucky!"

Ruling 07 subconsciously puts his head in his hands.

You can imagine that there are so many pairs of eyes watching above your head.

At the moment, he could only grit his teeth, take out a small notebook, and write down in it——

"Five p.m.

An unwarned convoy of bullywugs passes by by chance.

The Rolling Stone army plundered it.

A large amount of logs, stones and other edible fats and oils were unexpectedly seized.

Since the War Code does not prohibit both sides from plundering wild creatures in the battle area.

So it is approved. "

Bite the bullet and write this down.

Ruling 07 took out another opinion book.

I saw that he had just picked up the pen.

Then he saw Matthew's bright smile.

He gritted his teeth again.

He quickly wrote on it——

"We strongly recommend that Matthew be banned from participating in the battle!"

Finish these.

He quickly flew to the clouds.


Judgment 09, who was responsible for recording Gao Yeling's situation, protested to him:

"What's this?"

Ruling 07 Answer truthfully:

"The bullywugs' convoy."

Ruling 09 asked incredulously:

"When did bullywugs tame cattle?"

Ruling 07 recalls Matthew’s phrasing:

"Perhaps they have also kept pace with the times?"

Ruling 09 stared and asked:

“What about the hot oil and stone?”

Judgment 07 subconsciously followed Matthew’s answer and answered:

"Maybe they want to renovate the village?"

"It's just that they were unlucky. They happened to be robbed by the army from Rolling Stone Town while passing by!"

"So, they are so lucky!"

Ruling 09 looked at the other party speechlessly.

Judgment 07 also realized that his answer was incorrect and closed his mouth in embarrassment.

"I protest on behalf of Gao Yeling!"

"Rolling Stone's move is obviously cheating!"

Ruling 09 said.

So the next second.

A graceful figure appeared on the magic carpet.

"Protests are futile."

It was a gentle female voice.

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