Astral realm.

Twin heaven.

Beyond the ruins.

A hurried figure passed through the plane portal and flew quickly towards the depths of the ruins.

At this time, hundreds of shadows flickered around the ruins.

These phantoms either come from Tianlun Palace, abyss, purgatory or other outer planes.

Their true bodies have not arrived here.

They just sent various projections to come and take advantage of them.

When Ekmund's aura appeared outside the ruins.

Many beings cast surprised glances.

Ekmund turned a blind eye and moved forward.

The projections along the way had no intention of stopping him.

And just when he was about to reach the core area where the battle took place.

A projection nearby quickly condensed into a solid entity.

It was a young man dressed in hunting clothes. His skin was very white and there was a scar on his face.

He is the Son of Winter.

After the death of the three Bitter Winter sisters, it was He who acquired the godhead and fields related to Bitter Winter and became the master of the related fields.

The Children of Winter once had great powers.

But like the moonlight goddess Asya, she had to abandon some fields and abilities in order to adapt to the rules set by the natural disaster mage.

At present, He only has the main domain of winter and the strength of weak divine power.

The Son of Winter stopped Ekmund:

"Are you going to fight alongside them too?"

Ekmund answered without thinking:


The Son of Winter looked at him deeply:

"That doesn't really fit in with your image of a smart guy."

Ekmund said calmly:

“A truly smart person knows when to be smart and when to forget about being smart.”

"If you're here to stop me, that's not a decision a smart person should make."

The Son of Winter took a half step back and spread his hands:

"I have no intention of stopping you."

"On the contrary, I mean this out of kindness. Do you know how many people came to Tianlun Palace?"

Ekmund said calmly:

"It's the same for many people."

As if it was the first day he met Ekmund, the Son of Winter asked tentatively:

"Can you give them a price that satisfies their appetite?"

Ekmund shook his head:

"I know what they want. The permanent barrier is the bottom line of the alliance. No mage will allow it to be destroyed, let alone let us open it from the inside."

The Son of Winter said in a serious tone:

"But we gave up our godhood!"

Ekmund nodded:

"Yes, you gave up your godhood, which is good. This is a major concession."

"There are many planets in the star world for you to reincarnate. There are so many sub-planes here. Even if you want to experience the feeling of becoming a god again, there are plenty of opportunities."

"But the permanent barrier, I still say the same thing - it is the bottom line that cannot be touched by the Seven Saints Alliance!"

The Son of Winter said with some regret:

"I thought you were the kind of person who can talk about anything."

Ekmund smiled:

"Of course I can."

"If you want, I can talk nonsense with you for ten days and ten nights."

"But no matter how many times or how long we talk about permanent barriers, the result is the same."

The Son of Winter sighed deeply.

The next second.

He took the initiative to get out of the way:

"Go ahead, old friend."

"Don't die in there!"

"You are the only mage I know well in the material world. If you die, I really won't be able to drink the fine wine from the continent of Irondor."

Ekmund smiled and passed him.

But after a few seconds.

The smile on his face quickly faded.

The battle is going on in the front area.

The three top mages are facing varying degrees of siege from Tianlun Palace!

Linde was in the best condition. He clearly suppressed the saintly body of the God of War in the head-on duel. If there were not others nearby to provide assistance, the God of War would have been defeated long ago.

The divine mage also had the most besiegers around him;

Suriel fought to a draw with the Lord of Storms and Seas.

The intensity of the battle between the two was not high.

More of them are still testing each other.

Suriel would even take the initiative to provoke other gods, but her actions had little effect, and few gods would choose to besiege her because of her actions.

Because most of the gods, led by the God of Light and Knowledge, are besieging Ronan!

The latter's condition was slightly embarrassing.

But it's not as bad as it seems.

The battlefield in front of us was extremely chaotic.

But Ekmund only took a glance and knew that the three of them had no safety problems for the time being.

There is no need to say more about Linde and Suriel.

Ronan, who was besieged by everyone because he was the weakest, also showed the strongest legendary skills.

at this time.

Ronan was driving "Aether Walk", rushing in and out of the ruins of Twin Paradise.

He and his predicted foothold were surrounded by enemies.

But every time he showed up, no one dared to actually step forward.

Because he is surrounded by a wide-ranging and extremely terrifying magic matrix.

That is the only divine magic that Ronan masters——

"Fragmentation Matrix".

The other one is "ether walking".

The Disintegration Matrix is ​​the ultimate upgrade to the legendary spell Disintegration.

This spell can create a rupture matrix that makes no distinction between friend and foe.

No matter who comes in, their clothes and equipment will be melted instantly, and their whole body will be stripped clean, leaving them with no choice but to run naked.

What's even scarier is.

Ronan's Disintegration Matrix has a one-thousandth chance of directly disintegrating the enemy's soul.

Don't look at the low probability.

But for the gods who cherish their lives extremely.

No one dares to bet on such a probability.

Therefore, a strange phenomenon formed on the ruins.

A naked young man was running naked.

There were many people chasing him in front of and behind him.

But the gods did not dare to risk entering Ronan's disintegration matrix.

Secondly, there is no way to interrupt his etheric walking.

He could only be led around by Ronan like a dog.

What's more terrible is.

Ronan is a very thick-skinned guy.

Whenever any god comes close, he will even take the initiative to run forward naked and get close to them.

At the beginning, a divine servant accidentally entered Ronan's disintegration matrix, and all the equipment and clothes on his body were cut clean in an instant.

In the end, the divine servant escaped in embarrassment.

Disintegrable Matrix lasts for several months.

During the next period of time.

I'm afraid he can't even put on his clothes!

With this divine servant as a negative example, no one with even the slightest shame would dare to approach Ronan's side.

By the time Ekmund arrived.

Ronan even took the initiative to pounce on his pursuers.

His aether walk is fast, hard and steady.

Although all the gods have ways to avoid it.

But he was also thrown into disarray.

For a while.

The battle situation became slightly funny.

"How's it going? Is it stressful?"

Ekmund greeted him from a distance.

Those ten light balls were extremely dazzling in the star world, and they immediately suppressed the gods who hated Ronan deeply.

Ronan glanced at Ekmund with some surprise.

Then he said with a smile:

"It's hard to say. I think they are under more pressure. They can't even force me to use the third spell."

Ekmund smiled, but did not reveal the truth that Ronan did not have a third divine spell of this strength.

He faced the god of light and knowledge:

"That's because they kept it in check."

Ronan shrugged, not refuting the point.

The God of Light and Knowledge smiled:

"We've finally waited for you, Mr. Ekmund."

"I was just thinking that if that crazy woman Isabel came, the twin heavens would probably be filled with blood today."

Ekmund said calmly:

"The Seven Saints Alliance still abides by the promise made back then, and my teacher has not set foot in the star realm again."

"It didn't happen before, and it won't happen this time either."

The God of Radiance and Knowledge was even more satisfied:

"I knew you were a smart guy, now, we can negotiate."

However, Ekmund shook his head:

"Negotiation is possible, but we need an explanation for the ambush of Ms. Suriel."

The God of Light and Knowledge smiled softly:

"We did not ambush Ms. Suriel. Judging from the results, we just accidentally met in the star realm."

Ekmund looked directly at the opponent:

"Playing this kind of word game is not helpful in negotiations."

"Ms. Suriel was indeed ambushed by Tianlun Palace. This is what I saw."

"Negotiation is okay; give us the Five-Colored Dragon God Baruch first!"

It seemed that he was surprised by Ekmond's toughness.

The God of Radiance and Knowledge couldn't help but frowned:

"You promised that we could resolve our conflicts peacefully."

Ekmund nodded and said:

"Yeah, but you screwed up."

"I came here today to settle at least two accounts with you. The first one was when you tried to ambush the Alliance's mage, and Baruch was handed over;

The second article is about permanent barriers.

I warn you again.

Don't have any bad thoughts about permanent barriers.

Otherwise you will lose your last bit of dignity. "

The Lord of Light and Knowledge looked a little angry.

He looked at Ekmund with a gloomy expression:

"Are you sure this is the will of the unknown mage?"

"Or is it your own decision?"

Ekmund replied calmly:

"This is the will of the Seven Saints Alliance."

"Now, please excuse me. I want to settle this account for Ms. Suriel. If I can't take Baruch away because of other people's obstruction -

Then the next person who appears here will be my teacher, Ms. Isabel. "

As soon as this statement came out.

The God of Light and Knowledge immediately changed his expression.

He cursed loudly:

"Are you crazy?"

"Do you know that if she takes action, the whole of Irondor may be destroyed?"

Ekmund said without looking back:

"Thanks for reminding me, I know."

"So if you really care about Irondor that much, please just stand where you are and don't move."

"I'm a bit sensitive. If there's the slightest disturbance, my life will be greatly threatened. Then I might just lift my teacher's seal."

The God of Light and Knowledge stood there with a livid expression.

His lips moved wildly.

It seems that he is communicating with some existence.

It seemed like he was cursing people like crazy.

But eventually.

He still did nothing.

that's all.

In full view.

Ekmund traveled alone among the gods.

He ignored the others.

In his eyes, he only sees the remnant body of the astral realm that possesses one-third of Baruch’s consciousness!


Baruch's astral remains are in the form of a seven-headed dragon.

Five of the dragon heads symbolize each type of five-color dragon.

The remaining two ends represent the past and the future respectively.

But actually.

These two brains are severely underdeveloped.

This shows that the five-color dragon god Baruch can only be said to have a slight involvement in the time field, and is far from reaching the level of a senior person.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

Baruch's seven heads spoke at the same time to warn.

Ekmund looked at him steadily:

"I was responsible for mediating the last conflict between you and Ms. Suriel."

"It seems now that I was really unnecessary."

"Baruch, Baruch, I have something for you."

Baruch asked warily:


"My head!"

As Ekmund spoke, he grabbed his head with both hands and squeezed it hard——

But there was a crisp sound.

Ekmund actually twisted his own head off.

He held his head with both hands, and a little blood came out from the gap in his neck, and then quickly flowed back.

"Mr. Baruch, I have admired you for a long time, please don't refuse me."

Ekmund's head smiled.

The next second.

It disappears suddenly.

Only a stiff-looking headless body was left on the spot.

Baruch nervously sensed the direction of the head.

After a few seconds.

He felt itchy all over his skin and internal organs.

He looked down.

A shocking scene appeared——

But I saw heads growing out of Baruch’s astral body!

Those heads were like human rashes on Baruch's massive body.

But the red rash was too dense.

Almost instantly, it spread all over Baruch’s body and part of his internal organs!

What's even scarier is.

The heads are exactly the same as Ekmund's head!

"Let me taste you, Baruch."

Thousands of heads all burst into weird laughter.

The next second.

Baruch was caught off guard by his painful wails.

All the heads began to crazily eat the flesh and blood around them!


A large piece of flesh and blood was eaten away from Baruch's astral body!

The atmosphere began to become miserable, ferocious and strange.

The gods widened their eyes and stood far away, nervously watching this spell from another world.

The smell of blood attracted a group of ignorant astral creatures.

But as soon as they got close.

Ekmund's head also appeared on his body as if he was infected.

More and more heads appeared on the ruins of Twin Heaven.

They grow like weeds.

It seems like no one can see the end!

Moss-green hills to the north.

In Baruch's divine domain.

Matthew is still discussing with Lorraine whether to resort to Twilight Creation: Mad Seconds.

A sharp shout came——

"Breaking Territory Slash!"

Matthew was pulled over again.

He helplessly raised the Sword of the Burning Sun in his hand, imitated Peggy's posture, and slashed down with the sword!

However, this time is different from before.

Matthew was surprised to find out.

This time, the Domain Breaking Slash actually succeeded in breaking through a full 1/4 of Baruch's divine domain!

And it also caused two profound injuries to the black dragon!

on the data column.

"World events: The divine spell "Alien Magic-Parasite Skull" used by Ekmund swallowed up the astral remains of the five-color dragon god Baruch!

Tip: You are currently in the "equilibrium node". Any action may affect the other two equilibrium nodes, and may also be affected by the other two equilibrium nodes.

You feel the shift in the luck factor, and an invisible hand of fate gently stirs the river.

During the next period of time.

You will be favored by fate.

Fate's favor: You will be lucky in every sense. "

"The favor of fate?"

Matthew was a little confused.

He tentatively used the Dragon Holding Technique on the furious black dragon——

Although a quarter of the divine realm has been broken.

But the opponent's various resistances are still very high.

In theory.

The success rate of this body-fixing technique is less than five thousandths.

However, a gratifying scene appeared.

When Matthew's body-holding technique hit the black dragon.

The latter immediately became obviously stiff!

"His divine domain has been loosened!"

"Fuck him to death!"

Paige yelled.

Lumiere and others immediately poured in from the gap in the divine realm.

The group of people beat the immobilized black dragon violently!

My heart is not feeling well today, please be brief, sorry.

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