The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 220 Matthew’s Messenger

A new side mission refreshed Matthew's spirits.

In the normal mage growth system, signature spells, like spell abilities, are relatively high-end metamagic skills.

Each mage can designate one or more signature spells in his area of ​​expertise.

Through specialized training and more practical combat.

The effects of signature spells are often more powerful than ordinary ones.

But this process is full of hardships and requires extremely high monetary costs.

Therefore, the average fourth- and fifth-level mage usually only has one signature spell. Those with two signature spells must be those with outstanding financial resources, energy, and talent.

After Matthew reaches the fourth level, he can train a signature spell through his own efforts.

And this mission can allow him to go one step further on this basis and obtain the second signature spell. And judging from the description of the mission, the signature spell formed in this way may be more effective than the normal signature spell!

Matthew was looking forward to this.

As for which spell to choose to become your signature.

Matthew hasn't thought about it yet.

But there is a high probability that spells from the necromancy realm would be more suitable.

After all, he is still a necromancer after all.

Anyway, the spell enhancement points obtained from the mission can be stored, so he is not in a hurry when it comes to choosing spells. He can just designate one with a higher upper limit later.

The key is what tree he will plant next!

Previously when I was doing the main mission.

Matthew thought long and hard about what trees to plant.

But the oak's position in the natural realm is unique, so in the end he didn't have much trouble.

As for the trees that line up behind the oak trees.

Matthew also has a ruler in his heart.

After comprehensively weighing the pros and cons of all aspects.

Matthew finally decided to plant pine trees!

First of all, the climate in Rolling Stone Town is very suitable for the planting of pine trees.

Secondly, pine forests and oak forests do not conflict.

The third is that pine tree seeds are relatively easy to obtain, which has a profound impact on Matthew's production capacity.

After determining the goal.

Matthew began to make plans in detail.

in the initial stages.

He planned to plant pine trees away from the oak forest.

After all, the oak forest is the carrier of the ceremonial site of the Sanctuary of Life, and the oak trees themselves benefit the most. They will inadvertently squeeze resources from other plants in the same ecological niche.

If you plant pine trees near oak trees, the effect is likely to be unsatisfactory.

Fortunately, Matthew now has his own land.

After some searching on the map and on-site survey.

He finally located the pine forest in the vast wasteland north of the Mark of the Dead.

The advantage here is that the area is large enough and the soil is fertile enough to support a pine forest.

The downside is.

Due to the previous devouring by the Mark of the Dead and the vague influence of the Hag Castle further north.

The vital elements of this large area seem to be suppressed.

According to Matthew's investigation.

There are some plants here too.

But most of them grow up alone.

The plants themselves are growing well and well above average.

This shows that this land is not without life elements, but is suppressed by some kind of force.

Matthew's pine forest plan wants to go off without a hitch.

This problem must be solved.

If it were in the past.

I'm afraid Matthew will still have trouble.

But now, as long as he turns on his equilibrium perception, he can clearly see the flow of life elements in this wasteland.

Matthew found out.

The life elements of large tracts of land nearby are trapped deep in the strata.

And the strange thing is.

This wasteland is actually the edge of the Gold Prospector Basin, and there are not many underground cities.

Is there something deep in the earth that suppresses the activity of life elements?

Matthew was very curious.

However, he did not rush to solve this problem, but set about establishing his second base in the wasteland.

The second base will be divided into two parts, above ground and underground, just like Oak Grove.

The ground is covered with pine forests.

Underground is the second cemetery.

In order to speed up the construction of the cemetery building, Matthew mobilized a large number of zombies to work overtime.

And in this process.

Musaki, the mother of coolies, performed very well, and the coolie zombies she trained had very powerful construction capabilities.

They can open up underground space in small caves and transport logs above the surface to build wooden houses.

Although the buildings built by zombies are definitely not as good as human craftsmen in level.

But it's much better than the stone house Matthew commanded the zombies to build before.

Not only that.

The mother of coolies also trained Matthew a group of zombie farmers!

According to her.

The farming ability of this kind of zombie farmer is only 20% to 30% worse than that of ordinary human farmers.

If combined with Druid's spells.

The yield of food grown by zombie farmers can definitely exceed that of the same number of humans.

the most important is.

Zombie farmers don’t want money!

As long as the cemetery provides them with a little negative energy, they will be able to continuously produce value for Matthew.

This made Matthew happy.

Unfortunately it is already early autumn.

The agricultural level of Rolling Stone Town is not suitable for large-scale food cultivation.

Matthew's druid resources also had to be invested in the more important planting of pine trees and oak trees.

Therefore, these zombie farmers can only stay at home temporarily.

Wait until next spring.

Only then will Matthew promote zombie farming on his own land on a large scale.

Considering Musac's outstanding performance.

Matthew also decisively decided to include her in the cemetery's ceremony list.

So far.

There are already three high-level undead units in Matthew's first cemetery, namely the black warrior Argus, the mother of coolies Musaki, and the ghost leader Ali.

The undead headed by them can completely guard the safety of the cemetery day and night.

Even if Matthew is not here.

These people can also maintain this place for a long, long time.

This made Matthew quite pleased.

With the support of a large number of cheap labor, the development of the second cemetery is proceeding in full swing.

Several cabins, a huge warehouse and several other buildings were also pulled up out of thin air on the ground.

Matthew asked Obest to start preparing a new Sanctuary of Life ritual.

This may help alleviate the depression of life elements in this land.

at the same time.

Matthew also sent Lyra on a trip to Watcher's Heights.

Laila has three purposes for this trip——

The first is to check the situation in Watcher Heights and see if there is any opportunity to expand the business of the Oak Chamber of Commerce;

The second is to buy oak and pine seeds and see if you can find a stable supply channel;

The third is to check on Eli's condition.

This guy didn't even reply to Matthew's letter, which is obviously not in line with his character.

Matthew was still a little worried about him, so before leaving, he asked Laila to pay attention to inquire about Eli's current situation.

Considering the early autumn carnival, this task has a time limit.

The entire mission could only last a month.

Therefore, while Matthew was carrying out the above actions, he also quickly started planting pine trees on the wasteland.

The job was already quite easy for him.

Entrust Lulu to ripen the pine saplings.

The zombies dig holes day and night.

Matthew found time to transplant.

The whole process went smoothly, and before long, pine trees appeared on the originally barren land.

Are the life elements in the land inactive?

It doesn't matter!

Just increase the spacing between trees. Anyway, the land is vast and there is enough area for whatever he wants to plant.

And he also has the magical farming skills of decomposing and fertilizing.

In each area, he will decompose the carcasses of some animals and plants appropriately.

that's all.

Matthew maintains the efficiency of planting 40 to 60 pine trees and 30 to 50 oak trees every day.

He is not greedy, and his main focus is to stop when enough is enough.

Just save as many spell strengthening points as possible within your own capabilities.

Matthew's tree planting business is in full swing here.

Over there in Rolling Stone Town, things happened frequently.

Matthew didn't even go to the Lord's Hall a few times, but he already heard three somewhat difficult questions.

The first problem comes from the high leaf collar.

After the Battle of Moss Green Hills, the annexation of Highleaf Territory to Rolling Stone Town was recognized by the Alliance.

during actual implementation.

Some residents of Tall Leaf Collar seem unimpressed by being part of Rolling Stone.


These residents are actually the former lord families of Gaoye Lord and related interest groups.

They rely on their ability to control their own territory.

Stirring fires among residents and secretly confronting administrators from Rolling Stone.

Although Gao Yeling's army was incorporated into the system of Rolling Stone Town.

How to deal with them is also a big problem.

After all, raising troops costs money.

all in all.

Rhaegar met with some overt or covert resistance in his attempt to annex Highleaf Territory.

This annoyed him greatly.

The reason behind it was actually very clear to all three of them——

The vested interests in the Highleaf Territory tolerate the dragon's rule because they fear it.

Now the ruler was the once equal Rhaegar.

Their hearts are a little unbalanced.

Secret obstruction is also inevitable.

To this.

The decision made by the three people can only cut through the mess quickly.

Zeller will join Richard in going to High Leaf Collar personally to resolve the issue.

If the problem cannot be solved.

We can only solve the people who created the problem.

The second thing is also related to the high leaf collar.

The spy previously identified by Matthew, Warlock Thomas, has been confirmed to be the spy of the Black Dragon Lord.

But here's the key.

The power of the warlock in him comes from the Five Dragons Alliance.

He is a believer in the Five Dragons Alliance.

in other words.

He is indeed a spy sent by Maeonoghas, but he is not a Thousand Changer.

This means that there is someone else who is the true Changer.

Everyone in Rolling Stone still cannot be careless.

Fortunately, Richard's training of the white cat Qiuka was very effective, and the latter had a certain blood sensitivity to the Thousand Transformers.

As long as Qiuka is here.

The would-be Changeling couldn't quietly approach the important people in Rolling Stone.

The third question also extends from the Battle of Moss Green Hills.

After the Seven Saints Alliance broke up with the Five-Colored Dragon God, all the dragons disappeared.

Among them is the green dragon Fatina who has been harassing Jade Cangting.

This way.

Jade Cangting suddenly had his hands free.

They recently notified Rolling Stone that the Shadow Leopard troops were once again sent to pick up wanted criminals from the Silver Frost Brotherhood.

This time there is no green dragon.

The Shadow Leopards might actually reach Rolling Stone Town.

But the problem is.

Matthew doesn’t want to give it now!

This gang of arsonists were doing a great job in his workshop, and he really couldn't bear to let them go!

Matthew also discussed this matter with Rhaegar.

The final result of the discussion is.

Several principal criminals were sent out in exchange for the high reward from Jade Cangting.

Those who remained said they had fled.

Matthew was still a little unhappy about this.

But in the final analysis, it was Richard who caught the prisoner. The prisoner was also in prison in Rolling Stone Town. Matthew had been prostituted for free for a while and had already made a lot of money.

"If only zombies could learn the art of arsonists."

He thought with some dissatisfaction.

"Or, if you make an arsonist into a zombie, will he inherit his skills from his lifetime?"

I noticed that my thoughts were becoming more and more devilish.

Matthew quickly interrupted his thinking.

It’s better to plant a few pine trees to calm down the situation!



In the cemetery's workshop, Matthew quickly closed an envelope with elegant handwriting, showing a thoughtful expression.

This is the latest letter from Beanna.

This girl's writing style is very good, and the letters give people a pleasant and hearty feeling when reading them.

The little fun things in life, a little trouble in study, all kinds of things that happened when socializing with the elves... These scenes are vividly reflected in her description.

It seemed to be unfolded directly in front of Matthew.

Matthew found that he quite liked reading Biana's letters.

The content of the letter was quite different from the previous ones.

The difference is.

Matthew noticed that Biana had gradually adapted to life in Jade Cangting.

She no longer complains about the setbacks in life, but pays more attention to the small things happening around her that are worth being happy about;

Facing the pursuit of the Wind Chaser General Terrani, she became more and more able to deal with it;

The discrimination from the elves actually became an incentive for her. She worked harder and became better.

She will even use this to protect herself——

After all, there are quite a few wood elves who believe that discrimination against humans should be stopped.

She made many wood elf friends through some unfamiliar methods and a little care.

Although they may not be sincere to each other.

But the girl's journey to study in Jade Cangting is no longer as bumpy as it was at the beginning.

She can already initially use standard Elvish to communicate with people.

in professional classes.

She also learned some magic and sword skills. Although her grades were still lower than the same period, her attitude was better than at the beginning.

In her own words.

In the process of working hard, for a moment, she suddenly felt that the goal of Elf Sword Song was no longer unattainable.

Even though it’s going to be hard.

But she had seen the way.

Matthew was very pleased with this change in Beanna.

After being separated for more than half a year, Matthew had almost forgotten what she looked like, and could only vaguely recall the embarrassment when she confessed her love to him at the door of their home that day.

Compared with her then.

Beanna has grown so much.

Matthew was happy for her.

Just think of this.

He picked up his pen and began to write a reply.

It takes three pages to write.

After finishing writing.

Matthew instinctively wanted to fold it and put it in an envelope, and then send it to the town to be delivered by the postman tomorrow.

But very quickly.

He laughed out loud:

"I almost forgot that it's already the fourth level."

"You can summon an undead messenger!"


This is actually a code name for a rather unstable group.

But in the narrow sense of magic.

A mage who is proficient in the field of conjuration can summon a messenger at the second level.

Ordinary mages can summon ordinary messengers at the third level.

It's not like Matthew hasn't thought about it before.

But the quality of ordinary messengers is average, not even comparable to the druid's animal companions.

The messenger summoned through these spells has a high probability of being killed on the way.

When the letter is exposed and the secret is leaked, it won't be good if there is any content that is harmful to society.

Therefore, Matthew never learned the spell to summon the messenger.

He is waiting for himself to advance to the fourth level.

Necromancers after the fourth level can learn a spell called Necromancer.

This spell summons usually high-level undead units, which have strong errand-running and stealth abilities.

This spell is not difficult to learn.

It only took Matthew one day to do it.

The next afternoon.

Matthew stood at the edge of a magic circle and began to chant the spell to summon the messenger.

Due to previous experience in summoning mounts.

This time Matthew chose to call anonymously.

no way.

The legend is too high.

If he were to be summoned by his real name, he might attract some monsters.

I can only try my luck anonymously.

Not long after.

A faint clear light lit up above the magic circle.


It sounded like a plastic film being torn.

A burly figure appeared in the center of the magic circle.

Matthew's eyes widened.

That was a minotaur... a ghost? !

"Hint: You used the spell "Necromancer"!

The tauren spirit "Barbarian Sanger" has responded to your call and comes here! "

"I didn't expect that the tauren and I were quite destined."

Matthew laughed to himself.

These days, the tauren have become extinct, and they are rare even in the underworld. There are actually tauren spirits applying to be their messengers.

Matthew even doubted whether it was the tauren realm that had the effect!

He looked up and down at the minotaur in front of him.

As an undead creature.

The quality of tauren spirits is quite high.

Matthew even felt like he was more like a living creature!

This guy named Sanger has quite eye-catching muscles.

The key is that he is completely naked.

Only the mysterious triangle around the waist was wrapped in a white cloth bag.

It's a bit like a rich woman and a happy cow.

"Hello, I am Sanger. I am the fastest tauren in the world. I love running, and I love running so much that I am tireless when running."

"When I was still a living tauren, I accidentally entered the underworld because of my crazy running. In the end, I became what I am now. They call me a spirit, which means a particularly strong soul?"

"Anyway, I'm very satisfied with myself now. Look at my abdominal muscles and my thighs. Take a look again... Well, do you want me to open my bag?"

Sanger introduced himself enthusiastically.

Matthew quickly stopped him:

"No need."

"I'm just looking for a suitable messenger. If you can do it, that would be great."

Sanger said pleasantly:

"Of course, of course I am willing to be your partner. Your looks are what I like."

Matthew almost nodded, but then he suddenly thought:


"I'm looking for a messenger, not a companion!"

Matthew reminded seriously.

Sanger said in shock:

"Damn, did I run the wrong circle?"

"Shouldn't the teleportation array just now lead to the "Underworld Creature Swingers Club"? "

Matthew tasted it carefully and felt that the water was too deep.

So he frowned:

"Sorry, you may have gone the wrong way, please go back."

Sanger sighed:

"It seems that I did come to the wrong place. It's a pity. I heard from the gossip that the famous Viscount Fan will also appear at the club's daily activities."

"It's too late to go back now!"

"Anyway, I'm sorry, I'm not the messenger you're looking for, but if you have..."

His words were forcibly interrupted by Matthew:

"I didn't, please come back."

Matthew pointed at the teleportation formation.

Unexpectedly, Matthew's words actually aroused Sanger's rebellious mentality:

"Hey, Mage, what's your attitude?!"

"Do you think I am not qualified to be a messenger? You are looking down on me, Sanger! I am the fastest running creature in the underworld. Even the fastest flying Dusk Wings cannot run as fast as me! "

"I have changed my mind now. I am here to apply for the job of messenger. Just tell me what conditions you have!"

Matthew was angry and funny.

The brain circuit of this tauren spirit is also novel.

When he was about to say something casually to send the other party away.

Peggy's voice suddenly came from outside the house:

"Matthew, what's for dinner tonight?"

As she said this, she walked in.

Saw Paige.

The next second.

The tauren spirit suddenly knelt down.

"High-high priest?"

"How did you become like this?"

Matthew and Peggy looked at the Minotaur spirit in shock.

The latter as a creature of the underworld.

At this time, tears were streaming down his face.

I have to send my wife and children back to my parents' home tomorrow. The 800-kilometer round trip is completed in one day, so I have to take a day off. I will try my best to update in the future, sorry.

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