The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 225 Blood Evaporation and Teleportation

Matthew had to admit.

The traveler god's wish may not be too excessive, but it is definitely a serious one.

Maybe this is the style of gods.

Ordinary people like him really can't understand it.

The two then communicated for a while.

The Traveler God finally agreed to let Matthew temporarily keep the reincarnation contract.

"You only have 5 days to make a decision. I will come back to you after 5 days. If you are still unwilling to sign a contract with me, then I will find someone else."

The traveler god smiled faintly:

"Actually, from your point of view, I can't think of any reason to reject me. Isn't it a special honor for a powerful god to reincarnate as your student?"

"And I was reincarnated into a very open-minded beautiful girl!"

"No matter what experiments you need to do, I will be very cooperative."

Is the degree of cooperation coming?

What you said is best to experiment!

Matthew complained bitterly in his heart.

"I will think about it."

On the surface, he sent the projection of the Traveler God away politely.

In fact, the God of Travelers is quite handsome.

If you really reincarnate as a woman.

It is indeed possible that she is a beautiful girl...

But even this is a bit unacceptable to Matthew!

"Sure enough, if you live too long, you will easily become a pervert?"

he thought to himself.

The years are numb.

In fact, not only the gods, but also the private lives of many immortal species are very chaotic.

The elves, who show themselves to be elegant, proud, and kind in human society, are an example.

It is true that some elves can be loyal to their partners.

But Matthew once saw in a special report within the alliance that at least 40% of wood elf couples separated after more than 200 years of marriage.

The other 20% is for everyone to play casually together.

Although this statistic may not be accurate.

However, the long-lived species will be much more indifferent to personal morality, chastity, etc. than the short-lived species.

A mage once commented:

"Why are there so many chapters praising love and loyalty in the poetry of elves? Because they don't have these things. Young elves may still have a sense of shame, and the older ones can do more exaggerated things for excitement than humans."

Just think of this.

Matthew was filled with emotions.

Time is indeed a sharp tool that consumes human nature. It not only takes away a person's life, but also makes a person numb.

It is not easy to maintain your original intention from beginning to end.

Matthew actually didn't have such confidence.

But he wishes he could do better.

Send away the traveler god.

Matthew turned to check the settlement of the centaurs.

Next to the World Tree.

There are many more busy figures.

The arrival of the centaurs injected a bit of life into the area.

They are native species of the Sea of ​​Trees of All Realms, and their bodies contain the life elements of the Sea of ​​Trees.

Bogard, the World Tree, obviously liked them.

After the centaur approaches.

Bogaard took the initiative to make some space on the branches for them to build a tree house.

The fairies of light, headed by Little Pineapple, sang and danced lively nearby, and occasionally helped.

The scene was cheerful.

The vitality near the World Tree also brought about subtle changes in the entire oak forest.

Matthew could feel more and more animals approaching.

It won't be long.

This place will become a real forest!

Matthew was very pleased with this.

Everything about the oak forest is good, but it's a little too deserted, not even as lively as the cemetery.

With the arrival of the centaur tribe.

The Oak Realm has also reached a critical point of expansion.

Matthew watched the green dots in the sphere of light skyrocket. It won't be long before he can take a step further in the oak realm!

This is certainly good news.

And beyond that.

There is also a centaur elder among these 50 centaurs.

Like Obest, he is a tree shepherd and has the ability to build a sanctuary of life.

The elder came specifically to thank Matthew for providing a place for them.

And the thing about oak forests and pine forests.

Finally, under the advice of the elder and Obest.

Matthew decided to build a hierarchical life sanctuary system with oak forest as the main forest and pine forest as the secondary one.

"Together with the elders, I can transform the Sanctuary of Life in the oak forest into a Sanctuary of Golden Life. A golden Sanctuary of Life can accommodate up to three ordinary Sanctuary of Life."

"This transformation can greatly improve the function of the Sanctuary of Life and expand its coverage. It also meets your needs for creating an ecosystem concept."

Obest said with a red face.

Matthew asked curiously:

"So the Golden Life Sanctuary is an upgraded version of the ordinary Life Sanctuary? Is there anything else above?"

The centaur elder replied:

"Yes, gold and above are the Elemental Life Sanctuary and the Legendary Life Sanctuary respectively."

“The Gold Level Life Sanctuary requires the host to have a senior level of exploration in a natural field;

The requirement for an element-level sanctuary is the controller level, which means that you have explored a specific natural area 8 to 12 times;

The legendary sanctuary is based on the elements and requires the host to master the legendary law, that is, to become a legend. "

"As for whether there is a more powerful sanctuary above, I don't know. After all, in history, the legendary sanctuary is almost the pinnacle, and going up higher seems to be the Kingdom of God."

Matthew nodded.

The ceremonial ground is the embodiment of the realm.

Mages tend to highly condense their fields and eventually form fruits.

Only the gods will continue to cultivate the path of ritual venues.


He was involved in the construction of the Centaur camp for a while.

Until evening.

Matthew then returned to his workshop.

Today's task of planting trees has been completed, and next is the daily practice of learning spells.

About spells.

Matthew never lets up.

Especially after being promoted to level 4, he can learn many new spells.

But as the level increases.

The cost of learning spells is also getting higher and higher. Although Matthew has the advantage of knowledge points, his time and energy are also limited, and he must choose the spells to learn.

At present, the general view within the alliance on advanced spells is that quality comes first, followed by quantity.

Perhaps the more comprehensive the mid- and low-level spells, the better.

But to a higher level.

You have to start demonstrating the power of specialization.

Matthew also followed this guidance when learning spells. He chose more fields in which he was good at, of which necromancy was naturally the main one.

in the past half month.

Matthew has initially mastered two level 4 spells through self-study, namely blood evaporation and teleportation.

Blood evaporation is a spell that the Necromancer has to learn at the fourth level.

Its effect is——

In an instant, the enemy's health will be assessed 30 meters from the center. If the save fails, part of the enemy's blood will be extracted in an instant, causing it to evaporate into the air;

30 seconds later.

In the same 30-meter area centered on yourself, a second physical determination will be made on all creatures. If the saving throw fails, all their blood will be evaporated!

This spell is very cruel and extremely powerful.

People gave him the nickname "Mummy Making Technique"!


This spell has devastating damage to water elements and marine races.

Therefore, the intelligent creatures of the sea hate the necromancers deeply.

This spell can be said to be their nemesis.

Matthew didn't think this spell was very evil. In his opinion, there was no difference between being killed by blood evaporation and being exploded by the sun.

Spells are just a means to an end.

As long as you don't kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Blood evaporation is actually a very neutral spell.

Maybe he was born a necromancer.

He successfully mastered this spell after only one day of learning.

The rest of the time was spent learning the teleportation technique in the field of conjuration.

Fortunately, his talent in the field of conjuration is not bad either.

It took me more than ten days to master it successfully.

So far.

If Matthew wants to reach any place in the world of Irondor, he can do it through this spell!

He only needs to spend 50 to 500 gold coins and a small amount of magic materials to quickly travel around the world.

At this point.

He felt that he finally looked like a mage!


Teleportation can only reach places where the mage has personally visited and left footprints, and the memory must be clear.

If you have been to a place many years ago and your memory is relatively vague, then forcefully teleporting it will most likely cost you your life.

In short, any spell actually has certain dangers, especially high-level spells.

How to control risk.

It is also a required course for becoming a senior mage.

In addition to the above two spells.

Matthew also listed the next level 4 spells to be learned on the course list. They are -

"Undead Stand (Undead): You can choose three undead to be your stand-ins. When you are attacked or dying, you can make them take damage on your behalf, and you can take the opportunity to transfer.

Note: After each substitute quota is consumed, you need half a year to recover it.

Cloning (Necromancer): You can create a body that is exactly the same as yourself but without consciousness. Through specific storage methods, the body can be preserved for about 3 months to 15 years.

In the process of sealing.

Clones also age over time.

But his basic attributes and abilities are limited to the state when he was created.

You can abandon your original body and enter a clone at a certain moment.

But you'll lose half your total XP in the process!

Theoretically you can make unlimited clones.

But each clone will consume your blood and flesh, so please use this spell with caution.

Create Demiplane (Conjuration): You can create a demiplane of your own.

Dislike/Care (enchantment): You can make a specific group or individual feel disgust or care for the items or lives that you have injected with specific magical energy.

This spell has a very high priority and cannot be saved by Will.

Psychic Barrier (Protection): Create a light ball with a radius of 5 meters centered on yourself. Creatures within the range of the light ball will be immune to psychic or mental spell attacks.

Plane Travel (Conjuration): You can travel to other planes.

Feeblemind (enchantment): Destroys a person's IQ temporarily or permanently. "

Although he had tried his best to select carefully, Matthew didn't want to let go of any of the spells he should learn.


He also plans to speed up the production or recruitment of intermediate undead creatures after the pine forest reaches a certain scale.

Including Darth Vader, Vampire, Mummy and Banshee.

The materials for the Black Warrior were the most difficult to find. Fortunately, some people on both sides died in this battle in the Moss Green Hills.

Matthew got a dozen corpses of good quality from Rhaegar, enough to make a new batch of Darth Vader;

As for vampires.

Matthew plans to recruit a group.

It's angry to say the least.

The two vampires he incited to rebel from Purgatory last time died soon after they were brought back to the material world.

Matthew later found out after review.

His physical brainwashing still caused irreversible damage to the two vampires. After all, the battle was fierce and Matthew drained their brains.

Vampires are a relatively special type of undead creature. Matthew thought they would regrow their brains, but they didn't, and they died directly.

This made him quite frustrated.

Since physical brainwashing cannot be developed sustainably, then a brainwashing technique in the realm of necromancy must be added to the list of spells learned above.

The thought of this.

Matthew felt that the learning tasks on his shoulders became heavier.

"Set a small goal. I hope to learn all these spells before the end of this year!"

Matthew poured himself a cup of coffee and cheered up.

after awhile.

The black warrior Argus came to report.

Matthew took advantage of the meal to chat with him.

Agus came here to mainly report two things -

The first thing is about patrol training.

Argus has successfully trained a group of zombie bombardiers within the patrol.

These zombie bombardiers can effectively throw Molotov cocktails and incendiary glue.

Since zombies are extremely powerful, they can throw very far and with good accuracy.

Agus confidently stated that Matthew can review the strength of these zombies at any time!


He also pleads with Matthew for more zombies to join the patrol.

According to Agus's idea.

He plans to build a zombie armored army!

Although the attributes of zombies are not as strong as the black warriors, they are still rough-skinned and fleshy units.

After specific training.

The armored army battle formation composed of a large number of zombies has frontal combat capabilities that do not belong to the Black Warrior squad.

If Argus' vision comes true.

Then Matthew can have a group of truly fighting undead army!

However, the training process of the zombie armored army is very cruel, and many zombies will become expendable in the process.

So the number of zombies Agus applied to Matthew was very large.

But on the other hand.

Musaki, the mother of coolies, also continued to apply for zombies from Matthew.

The farmer zombies and coolie zombies she trained are also deeply loved by Matthew.

Although Matthew has a lot of zombies under his hands.

But both men are trying to grab it.

The number of zombies in the cemetery seems to be a bit insufficient.

In this regard, Matthew can only appease each other, distribute them reasonably, and ensure that the supply of zombies will be increased in the future.

And the second thing.

Agus said that the patrol team recently discovered traces of dark creature activity near the underground city.

Not far from the cemetery.

They found many grumpy cavemen.

At another underground intersection, a large number of Thorn Dragons gathered.

The Thorn Dragon is an omnivorous dragon-like underground creature.

They always appear in groups and are a higher threat than the Direclaws.

In the Underdark.

The appearance of the Thorn Dragon is considered by the underground race to be a sign of disaster.

Argus was disturbed by this.

Matthew didn't care after hearing this.

He ordered Argus to increase patrols and come back to report to him whenever there was any trouble.

He himself also rode the Red Flame Nightmare for a tour underground.

Not too in-depth though.

Perhaps it was also because the patrol team had conducted a sweep before.

This night.

Matthew didn't find much out of the ordinary.

Early next morning.

Matthew carried a bag of saplings to the edge of the pine forest and was about to start working.

But at this time.

Dongfang's guarding Chen voice sounded in his ears:

"I am ready."

"But many things cannot be told through communication spells. Come to Babel Tower, I will wait for you here."

Matthew perked up.

Immediately put down the bag, and after a little tidying up, he planned to set off for Chen's mage tower.

As Guardian of the East.

Chen's mage tower is located near the Endless Ocean and the Free Islands.

It is one of the few mage towers that cannot access the alliance teleportation array.

Matthew must rush to any beach and recite the spell given by Chen before he has a chance to reach the Tower of Babel where he lives.

Words by the seaside.

The first impression that came to Matthew's mind was the Gold Coast.

Every scene of Wanfeng Pier where Xuan Kunzi was taken to Junliu Island is still in front of him.

He briefly remembered.

Start chanting the teleportation technique.

Not long after.

His body bloomed with a light blue light.


A large number of arcane runes flashed past.

Matthew only felt that his body became a lot lighter, and quickly returned to its normal heaviness.

When he opened his eyes.

There was a blue color in front of him, but the place in front of him was not the Wanfeng Pier in his memory. It seemed that there was still something wrong with the teleportation technique.

Matthew noticed that his feet were on a drifting wooden board.

The current location is probably in the sea near Junliu Island.

"It's a place with the sea anyway. Chen should be able to hear the incantation here, right?"

Just do what comes to mind.

Matthew planned to chant a spell.

But at this time.

A white wave suddenly appeared on the distant horizon!

The white waves were extremely powerful.

On top of the waves stood fierce humanoid creatures.

The guy in the lead, Matthew, seemed a bit familiar!

"That human over there, where did you come from? Where are you going?"

"Answer quickly!"

The Naga leader asked fiercely.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

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