The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 253 The Song of the Silver Dragon and the News Consultant

"Tip: You used the activated bomb "World Peace (produced by Mechanic Bobo Wilkins)" to successfully blow up the crack leading to the void world!

As a result, the hill dream fell into a long period of collapse!

You slew Bel, the fallen earth spirit!

You have gained recognition from the will of the earth. If you can go further in the realm of the earth, you will have the opportunity to obtain relevant authority!

The aftermath of the explosion of world peace will soon affect the real world from the dreamland of the hills. There will be a certain chance that the scene when you use the bomb to detonate the crack will be captured, and will be known in the form of visions thereafter. The following are but not limited to: The group will learn some or all of the truth about the explosion -

1. A bard whose perception is above 15 and who is in the south.

2. Spellcasters who are proficient in prophecy.

3. The druids of the Earth Society.

4. Senior executives of major organizations who pay close attention to this matter.

5. The gods of Tianlun Palace.

Your area's legendary level +1 (Watcher's Heights);

The legend of your force +1 (Earth Association/Seven Saints Alliance);

Your Tianlun Palace hatred +1 (for some gods);

The God of Light and Knowledge has paid special attention to you! "

Dense words flashed in front of Matthew. The moment after he left the dreamland of the hill, he felt his feet were empty, and found that the three of them had appeared in the sky of Cross City!

And above their heads.

Some illusions began to emerge one after another, most of which came from the mountains in the dream of hills.

During the interpretation of the illusion.

Mountain after mountain continued to fall and collapse, eventually becoming nothingness.

And in the midst of these terrifying scenes.

The violent explosion scene takes up most of the page.

Matthew could even see his twisted figure from the edge of the explosion.

The weird thing is.

The two natural spirits Sylvia and Su Ya did not appear in the vision of the mountain dreamland being blown up.

"The spirit of the earth is dead after all..."

The three of them quickly landed on the northern wall of Cross City.

Matthew looked up at the thrilling scene in the sky, and couldn't help but feel a touch of sadness in his heart.

At this moment.

He heard faint cries.

That is the direction of the northern cave.

over there.

A large number of druids from the Earth Society have gathered.

At the moment when the earth spirit dies.

All the druids felt a huge shock in their hearts, and then, unspeakable pain covered every cell in their bodies.

Some druids covered their faces and cried, while some knelt on the ground with their knees weak, and some even cried so loudly that they fainted.

This time.

The originally chaotic order in the underground cave suddenly came to the brink of collapse.

The residents were in constant panic because of the successive disasters;

The murderous legend of the Dragon Cult witch scared everyone into hiding in the corner and trembling;

The druids who originally maintained order were also greatly impacted by the death of the earth spirit.

Many druids become very violent.

They couldn't understand what Matthew was doing.

But fortunately, the Voice of the Earth and Silver Wolf, who had been imprisoned by the Spirit of the Earth for a long time, appeared in time.

Under the explanation of the two great druids.

Most of the druids understood the cause and effect.

Their attitude towards Matthew changed from hatred to respect.

But there are a very small number of druids who do not believe that the earth spirit has fallen.

They were quite hostile to the two archdruids.

Inside the Earth Society.

The contradictions that were already undercurrent completely surfaced at this moment.

The atmosphere in the entire underground cave became tense.

Matthew stood on the city wall overlooking the entire city.

The explosion in the Hill Dream did have an impact on the real world.

Just now.

Three successive waves of earthquakes destroyed many houses and scared some of the people in the underground caves to run out.

At this time, Cross City was in extreme chaos.

Even if there were no cultists causing trouble, I don't know how long it would take to restore the order of the past.

“It’s really much easier to destroy than to maintain.”

Matthew shook his head secretly.

At this moment.

He suddenly felt something soft falling on top of his head.

So he grabbed it up and found that it was a handful of sand.

"Where did the sand come from?"

Matthew looked up in surprise, and then he noticed that the vision in the sky was disappearing.

Along with this process.

Countless magical sands were sprinkled down in a mighty manner.

Unlike sandstorms, these special sands are clean and orderly, and fall like rain.

Sand falls to the surface.

The earth seemed to be soothed immediately, and the aftershocks on the earth quickly disappeared.

People with high perception can clearly feel it.

The earth became much quieter.

Not only that.

Matthew also saw more sand falling towards the flaming house.

Blah blah blah!

The yellow sand falls and the flame goes out.

Literally within just a few minutes.

This sudden sandstorm extinguished most of the flames in Cross City.

There is a quiet power emanating from the sand.

The irritable druids calmed down one after another. They stroked the sand carefully, feeling the temperature in it, and there were more gentle whispers in their minds.

So the eyes they looked at the two great druids became full of guilt and apology.

Matthew noticed.

His reputation and friendship within the Earth Society have also increased a lot.

At least so far.

No druid was hostile to him anymore.

"I didn't expect that this scoundrel bear would be quite gentle and romantic before he died!"

"He also knows how to explain it to you through this ritual spell."

Sylvia fiddled with the sand in her hair and immediately showed a complaining expression:

"Even this sand is too rough!"

"I don't like hard and rough things!"

Matthew didn't answer.

Because at this time, he suddenly saw a new vision on the horizon. In the center of the vision was a bear that looked very naive. The bear stuck its butt in the direction of Matthew, then turned around and walked to a place full of In the cave of shadows.

The vision disappeared.

"He has returned to the embrace of nature's will. This is the best ending."

Su Ya explained in a low voice:

"The hill dream will not really disappear. It will find a suitable balance point in the infinite collapse, and then be reopened under the nourishment of natural forces."

"The Holy Oak Seed in your hand can speed up this process, but this thing is very sensitive. You'd better not let the people of the Earth Society know that this thing is in your hand, because they are not capable of protecting such a precious treasure."

Matthew nodded slightly.

He hasn't figured out how to deal with the Holy Oak seeds yet, but it's definitely not possible to hand them over to the Earth Society directly.

Just the overwhelming qualities these druids showed in this disaster.

Matthew might as well hand it over to the Alliance or guard it himself.

"Hey, after all, I also ate some fruits given by the lazy bear, but I still can't escape the repayment of the favor."

Sylvia finally brushed the sand off her hair at this time.

She said to Matthew innocently and straightforwardly:

"I want to sing a song for these people who are suffering. Can you dance for me?"

Matthew explains why:

"I can not dance."

Sylvia said with a smile:

"You don't have to be able to jump, just you can fly."


She took the initiative to take one of Matthew's hands and ran forward quickly.

Matthew followed a few steps forward, looked back subconsciously, and found that Su Ya's expression was cold, but she took the initiative to let go of her hand.

The next second.

Sylvia transformed into a silver dragon and flew roaring into the sky of Cross City.

Matthew then also turned on the wilderness mode.

Two silver dragons flew side by side. In mid-air, Sylvia suddenly pounced on Matthew playfully. The two silver dragons entangled and spun in the air, and then suddenly separated.

The airflow and elements in the sky have also been subtly changed during this process.


Everyone noticed this scene.

Those people who were originally attracted to the ground by Xiasha looked at the two silver dragons in the sky in surprise.


A gentle, healing and energetic song sounded in the sky.

The singing was like the sound of nature.

Although people can't hear the specific syllables and words, it seems that as long as they hear the sound and see the silver dragon dancing over there, the pain in their chests can be greatly relieved.


The song of the Cloud Singer spread throughout the Cross City.

The injured people supported each other and walked onto the streets, looking up.

The rays of the setting sun hit their faces covered with dust and scars.

A surge of abundant vitality quickly fell in the city like rain in a long-drought desert.

Just a song.

The silver dragon quietly went away.

The sun slowly set under the mountains with its tired body.


But it sprouted again in the hearts of people here.

"Tip: The nature ritual you collaborated with Sylvia the Cloudsinger inspired the residents of Cross City after the disaster.

Your legend +1 (silver dragon form);

You get the origin story - Silver Dragon: Before long, people in the south will be talking about the fact that since Sylvia the Cloudsinger, there are new silver dragons appearing in this land again. This may be some kind of good luck sign……

The play level of your wilderness form "Silver Dragon" has improved, and you have unlocked the Silver Dragon's new ability "Spray Weapon-Paralyzing Breath"

Spray Weapon - Paralyzing Breath: In the silver dragon form, you spit out a large amount of poisonous gas into the cone-shaped area in front of you. Enemies surrounded by the poisonous gas will make a Constitution check. If the saving throw fails, they will enter a state of paralysis for at least one minute. ! "

An unexpected flight and a poor backup dance actually taught Matthew a lot.

The legend and origin story of the Silver Dragon's identity may be a long-term thing.

But the newly acquired breath weapon undoubtedly enhanced Matthew's strength.

At present, he has mastered two breath weapons, one is ice blast, and the other is poison. He can use the two alternately, which greatly enhances his flexibility.

But he didn't pay attention to it for too long.

After completing the magical ritual of healing people's hearts with Sylvia.

They returned to Cross City.


Matthew successfully reunited with Hood and his party.

from the latter's mouth.

Matthew also learned about the current situation in Cross City.

"As soon as Ms. Isabel took action, the situation was reversed in an instant. The whale hunter organization was directly frightened back. I observed that they retreated the aeroboat to the Yunshang Plateau in one breath. Only a few Giza people were still wandering outside the city. But they are all far away, and they don’t even dare to get close to the moat!”

"The natural disaster cultists are the most outrageous. They were very far away when the incident happened. As soon as the angels were destroyed by the group, they all ran away without a trace. Damn it, have these cultists been specially trained? How can you run so fast when you're running away?"

Hood stated the situation at the time and complained wildly:

"The more unlucky ones were the Blighters. They were too close. Although they were not pursued by Ms. Isabel, the mage group sent by the Silver Council happened to run into them. The team was led by a legendary mage. As soon as the Blighters touched They broke into pieces and fled in all directions. Currently, our people are still chasing the remaining Blighters. As for Taland the Earthweaver and Ikanos the Ruiner who made a lot of noise before, they have not made any movement yet. It is estimated that I was frightened by Ms. Isabel’s methods.”

"Currently, the order inside and outside the city is taken care of by the mages who came with follow-up support. Most of them are mages from Gemstone Bay. They are all members of Archmage Ronan."

Matthew nodded after hearing this.

Looking at the busy figures wearing robes appearing in Cross City.

He felt much more at ease.

The Alliance's response was quite quick. They just dispatched so many mages to support Watcher Highlands. I hope there won't be trouble elsewhere.

Just when he was thinking this.

Hood suddenly asked:

"What happened to you down there?"

"Why did you suddenly blow up the dreamland of the hills?"

Matthew looked hesitant:

"It's a long story."

Hood said dissatisfied:

"Little Matthew, why are you pretending to be with me at such a young age? Please cut the story short!"

Seeing Hibbert and Ai Lan next to them, they also had curious expressions on their faces.

Matthew could only say simply:

"As you can see, I killed the earth spirit, blew up the mountain dreamland, saved two great druids, stopped the sea elf reincarnation ceremony of the gods of Tianlun Palace, and encountered two dusk creations on the way. They are Gai Lan and Crazy Second Hand. By the way, in order to do all this, I also invited two natural spirits to help. These two are Su Ya, the owner of the Black Banyan Dreamland, and Sylvia, the singer in the clouds. .”


He showed the two girls behind him to the three mages.

Hood was stunned when he heard:

"You only went down for such a short time and did so many things?"

"Have all the creatures of dusk arrived?"

Matthew nodded honestly.

Seeing that the two nature spirits did not refute Matthew's statement, Hood couldn't help but sigh:

"Your friends and opportunities are too exaggerated. I won't be surprised if a messenger from the underworld suddenly comes to visit you soon."

The words fell.

A gentle voice sounded behind Matthew:

"Hello, Matthew, as agreed, I have sent you a copy of the tablet of Maibalon, the second son of the God of Death. It records the mysteries of life and death, as well as the original contract written by Maibalon himself."

"But be careful. These contents are too profound. I don't recommend that you start research now. It is best to interpret the contents on this stone tablet before you are promoted to a divine mage. I think it is more appropriate."

Viscount Fan appeared quietly, his whole body hidden in a black cloak and carrying a huge scythe on his back.

He handed a stone slab the size of a tombstone into Matthew's hands.

Hood was even more confused.

He couldn't help but poked Hibbert next to him on the waist:

"Who is this person?"

Hibbert thought for a while:

"It seems like a messenger from the underworld."

"Mr. Hood, your prophecy seems to be pretty good too."

Hood looked completely numb:

"But isn't the content of their discussion a bit too advanced? The tablet of the second son of Death? The divine mage? He's not even a legend, is he?"

Hibbert said naturally:

"Isn't it true that Legend can enter at any time if he wants to? I think Matthew is just like me, he doesn't want to enter at the moment."

Hood held his head in his hands, looking like he didn't know what to say.

After a while.

He saw Ai Lan next to him and looked at the half-elf mage as if grasping a life-saving straw:

"Ai Lan, you can't enter the legend at any time, right?"

Ai Lan shook his head and said with some regret:

"I definitely can't do it on my own."

Hood let out a long sigh of relief and seemed to have a more balanced mind.

But the next second.

But I heard Ai Lan whisper:

"But my mother left me a divinity, and my father left me a status. I was born a demigod, so it is easier than an ordinary mage in the field. As long as the time is right, I can pass Use the convenience of demigods to directly advance to legend.”

"What's the matter Mr. Hood?"

"Your face looks a little bad?"

Hood covered his chest and said angrily:

"Next time your parents are short of children, remember to let me know and say thank you!"

And the other side.

The brief pleasantries ended.

Matthew sent away this powerful messenger from the underworld.

At this time Su Ya came over.

She said to Matthew in a cold tone:

"I'm leaving, do you have anything to say to me?"

Matthew winked at her and motioned to go aside to talk.

However, Sylvia followed relentlessly:

"What are you two doing secretly?"

"Don't do bad things secretly without telling me, I have to join in!"

Su Ya gave her a disgusted look, and then left quickly.

Matthew followed.

Sylvia also followed carelessly.

See this scene.

Hibbert couldn't help but show a thoughtful expression.

Ai Lan said curiously:

"What are you thinking about again?"

Hibbert replied:

"I'm thinking about how to join them."

Ai Lan was shocked.

Fortunately, Hibbert continued:

"I heard that many nature souls have empty minds. I was thinking, if I could become a nature soul, would it be able to eliminate the current distress?"

"I can sense that Matthew has a high degree of nature affinity. Maybe he has a way to transform me into a nature soul. What do you think?"

Hu De, who had regained his composure, took advantage of the opportunity and said:

"You might as well expect him to turn you into a lich, which will be more enjoyable."

Unexpectedly, Hibbert's eyes lit up:

"Yes, Lich!"

"I can become a lich. When I become a lich, I won't be troubled by human thinking!"

"I'm going to find Matthew right now and ask him to arrange for me to become a lich!"

"Well, by the way, Mr. Hood, you don't have much time anyway, why don't we two go together?

Maybe the charge can be cheaper..."

Outside Cross City.

Outside the moat in the northeast, below the suspension bridge, there is a shallow river beach.

A blond man with a handsome face and loosely dressed clothes was holding a black kitten. From time to time, he pushed the kitten into the river water, and then rubbed it with a splash. After the kitten struggled wildly, he quickly Lift it into the air.


The little black cat was shaking its fur crazily.

Cat hair and dirty moat water splashed all over the blond man.

The latter is not angry either.

Just want to repeat the action.

However, the little black cat stopped him:

"No, no, no!"

"Stop it now, I can't stand it anymore. This water is so dirty. I'm a bit mysophobic. I'm so sick that I want to commit suicide!"

The blond man comforted:

"Bear with it a little longer. Who told you to be given psychic instructions by the queen of the Giza people?"

"My method is a folk remedy, but it is very effective. I am very sure that it can remove the psychic commands on you and return you to normal state."

The little black cat said doubtfully:

"Why can soaking in dirty river water release psychic commands?"

The man said with a smile:

"The essence of psionic command is to attach part of one's spiritual energy to the target. Correspondingly, if the target is in some extreme state, the person who uses the psionic command will slightly empathize with it.

You have been captured by the Queen of House for so long, forced to become her personal plaything in wild form, and her psychic commands are also deeply ingrained in you. The bond between you should be very deep. Maybe I can soak in the moat a few more times. Water, she couldn't bear to take the initiative to cancel the psychic designation. "

The little black cat said anxiously:

"Really, Boss Luolan?"

"But what if it doesn't work after a few more attempts?"

Lorraine thought for a while:

"Then try the cesspool?"

The little black cat was so frightened that his hair exploded:

"I don't want to go into a cesspit!"

"I won't even kill you!"

"I would rather be a black cat forever than end up in a cesspool!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu boss Luolan, why don't you let me go. I'm going to find Matthew. I just saw him. Maybe he can do something?"

Luo Lan was dissatisfied and said:

"Matthew is a necromancer, he knows shit about psychic powers!"

The little black cat immediately retorted:

"Aren't you also a bard? What do you know about psychic powers?"

Before Luo Lan could speak.

A very cold voice sounded beside the two of them:

"He does know a little bit about psychic abilities. Dusk Singers make a living in garbage dumps and cemeteries. Judging from his condition, he has visited many of the Giza people's cemeteries in the astral world, so in this regard, You can trust this man."

Both of them were shocked.

Beside the river beach.

I don’t know when a woman with white hair and gray eyes appeared.

The woman's eyes were cold, her temperament was pure, and her appearance was unparalleled.

Just for a moment.

The little black cat is obsessed with it.

Who knows the next second.

Luo Lan suddenly covered the black cat's eyes, and then said to the woman respectfully:

"Good evening, Ms. Isabel."

Isabel's eyes were fixed on the water.

She didn't look directly at the two of them, but she brought rare pressure to Luo Lan.

The little black cat in his arms wanted to struggle at first, but when it noticed the beads of sweat falling from Lorraine's forehead, it suddenly realized something, and then stayed still.

"Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Or is it Matthew in the city who needs my help? I'll go right away..."

Luo Lan said with a flattering expression.

Isabel waved her hand, and then said in a calm tone:

"What are you going to write about tonight?"

Luo Lan suddenly said with great righteousness:

"Seek truth from facts!"

"This is our vocation as a bard!"

Isabel raised her eyebrows slightly.

But I heard Luo Lan say righteously:

"In order to welcome the disaster and please the Lord of the Void, the witch of the Dragon Cult desperately went on a killing spree in the Cross City. However, when pursued by the Justice League mages, she was severely injured and almost became angry on the spot, and finally left in a hurry !”

"These are undoubted facts! No one can tamper with the truth!"

Isabel's tone became more lively:

"The spiritual totem of the Dragon Cult is Ariana, the dragon of the dead. Isn't it a bit too fake that the witch of the Dragon Cult went on a killing spree to welcome the Lord of the Void?"

Luo Lan frowned:

"Then it must be that Ariana, the Dragon of the Dead, secretly colluded with the Lord of the Void, and the two sides worked together in collusion. This led to the witch taking advantage of the chaos to massacre the civilians in Cross City."

"This kind of thing is an act that cannot be tolerated by any civilization or force. We will definitely call on everyone to launch a crusade against it!"

"Whether it is Ariana, the Dragon of the Dead, or the Lord of the Void, they will all be nailed..."

Hear this.

Isabel raised her hand with satisfaction and interrupted him:

"Okay, that's almost the key part."

Luo Lan wiped his sweat and smiled.

Isabel turned her head and looked at him, and suddenly asked:

"Are you a descendant of Lan Qi?"

Luo Lan hesitated and said:



Isabel repeated, with a questioning tone.

Luo Lan quickly explained:

"My mother and father were married politically. They were both very open-minded when they were young, so it's hard to say what happened."

"But when I became an adult, my mother swore to me that if I was not a descendant of the Vernon family or the Fundy family, then there would be at least a 2/5 chance that I would be a descendant of the Ranch family."

Isabel snorted softly:


"How did you get so precise?"

Luo Lan's expression remained normal and he said:

"It is said that there were five people at the scene at the time, and my nominal father was one of them."

Isabel said oh:

"So among the remaining four people, one is also from the Lanqi family."

Lorraine nodded:

"Yes, the other one is my nominal grandfather."

Isabel blinked, her expression unchanged:

"You don't seem to care much about it."

Luo Lan said with a smile:

"I'm alive, I'm healthy, I'm eloquent, I've slept with a lot of women in my life - I'm very happy, why should I care?"

There was a look of approval on Isabel's face.

The next second.

A ray of white light shot out from her fingertips.

It sank directly into Luo Lan's forehead:

"Keep this bit of divinity away."

"I will tell the Silver Council to withdraw the arrest warrant against you."

"From now on, you will be the chief consultant of the Department of Information."

Lorraine looked ecstatic.

Immediately he said doubtfully:

"I haven't heard that the league has a press department?"

Isabel's reflection quickly disappeared above the river.

Her voice echoed in the ears of the two people for a long time:

"Starting from today, it will be available."

after a long time.

Only then did Luo Lan suddenly relax. He threw the little black cat on the shore and gasped for air.

The little black cat came over:

"I seem to have just witnessed a corrupt transaction?"

Lorraine gasped and said:

"Do not be silly."

“It’s a real reward.”

The little black cat said hesitantly:

"Who is this woman? She looks terrible!"

"But she is so beautiful!"

Lorraine warned with rare seriousness:

"You can fall in love with anyone, except that woman just now."

"If you dare to think about this, I will castrate you directly!"

He said this.

Instead, it inspired the little black cat’s rebellious psychology:

"Boss Lorraine, if you don't tell me who she is, I will ask Matthew!"

Luo Lan sneered:

"You go!"

"If Matthew finds out, he will only attack more severely!"

The little black cat was slightly startled.

He asked tentatively:

"Could it be that she is Matthew's mother?"

However, Luo Lan was too lazy to pay attention to him.

He suddenly took out a drawing board and started drawing with concentration. In an instant, a lifelike sketch quickly took shape.

The woman in the painting.

It was striking that Isabel, who had just left, looked at the water of the moat on the bank.

After finishing the last stroke.

Loren took a deep breath.

The next second.

He took out an ancient seal and printed his name deeply on it.

In an instant.

The painting is covered with golden light.

When all the golden light disappears.

The little black cat noticed that the surface of the painting had become extremely blurry.

Loren rolled the picture into a roll and stuffed it into the little black cat's mouth:

"Go to Matthew and give him this painting and ask him to keep it carefully."

The little black cat was puzzled:

"Aren't you going?"

Luo Lan sat on a stone by the river, supported his forehead with his right hand, quickly spread out a piece of manuscript paper, and said with an unusual headache:

"Stop making trouble, I still have to think about how to cover tonight's news."

"Ariana, the Dragon of the Dead, and the Lord of the Void, are really fucking out of reach!"

"How should I write it...Oh, it's annoying!"

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