The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 273 The Ancient Man and the God of the First Moon

In a spacious and simple room.

Matthew stared thoughtfully at the red-robed priest in front of him. On the way here, Rhaegar had already introduced her origins.

What he didn't expect was that this recluse from Watcher Heights actually had an amazing background, and even triggered some of Matthew's memories!

According to Rega.

Carmela's true identity is "ancient person"——

Yes, she is not a creature of this era, but comes from the ancient dark ages, or even more ancient times!

Due to some special reasons, Carmela had been sleeping since her era, and she unexpectedly woke up on this continent decades ago.

In other words, she is a strange person who has slept with her from ancient times to today.

Therefore, they are called ancient people.

Carmela's identity as an ancient being was not made up by herself, and was also recognized by the Seven Saints Alliance.

This is like Matthew's extraterrestrial visitor.

After the alliance's evaluation, this ancient man will not cause too much damage to the current world, and Carmela has not shown any aggressiveness or related potential.

Therefore, she is regarded by the alliance as a partner that can be won over.

Once registered, Carmela's freedom of movement will no longer be restricted.

Carmela herself claims to be a believer in the "God of the First Moon".

This title is confusing.

At first, most people who came into contact with Carmela believed that the God of the First Moon was the god of the Moon Goddess.

But soon.

After consulting history, the mages found that no matter which book about the Dark Ages they found, they could not find any record of the God of the First Moon.

The Moonlight Goddess has no related gods or angels who are given the title of the First Moon.

This phenomenon is puzzling.

But at the same time, Carmela did show extremely strong strength.

In this era when the belief in the gods is almost collapsing, very few people can perform divine magic on this continent, and even the most devout priests find it difficult to do this.

But Carmela is different.

She once used magic spells at her fingertips in front of the mages.

These magical arts are not the lowest level of magic.

Rather, it is powerful enough to rival a senior mage in terms of power!

This result shocked and confused the mages.

No one can find the anchor point of the First Moon God.

He seemed to be a god in the void. Except for Carmela himself, he didn't care about anyone and paid no attention to anyone.

The God of the First Moon only transmits divine power to Carmela alone, and only uses her hands to perform miracles.

Other than that there was no other movement from him.

And Carmela herself has shown no desire to preach.

This is obviously extremely abnormal.

However, the mages' attempts and experiments repeatedly ran into obstacles despite Carmela's incomparable cooperation.

In the end, they found no trace of the God of the First Moon's existence in history or in the present world.

Carmela has therefore become an extremely unique existence.

She wandered the continent alone, living in seclusion.

For her, there seemed to be nothing more than searching for the traces left by the God of the First Moon in this world.

She is withdrawn, has a weird temper, and doesn't like to interact with others, but she is by no means a treacherous person.

on the contrary.

Rhaegar told Matthew that Carmela was actually a very kind-hearted priest.

She has been secretly rescuing helpless ordinary people. In this regard, even the druids of the Earth Society dare not say that they are better than Carmela.

Confront Rhaegar's narrative.

Matthew was only slightly surprised on the surface.

But the emotional ups and downs deep inside are much greater.

Because he knows the existence of the God of the First Moon!

The God of the First Moon is by no means the god of the Moonlight Goddess. He is the creator and guardian god of an extremely powerful magical country!

The first month.

Evening star.

Rising sun.

When these three long-lost terms appeared in Matthew's mind.

His heart was filled with the feeling of great changes.

These are the names of the three magical kingdoms in the starry sky world.

All three unite.

It was the super force of the justice camp in the game he played before traveling through time -

Aether Star Alliance!

In the previous game, players could choose three countries in the Star Alliance as their origin, thereby gaining different backgrounds and talents.

Naturally, the evil force that the Ether Star Alliance fought against was the Antu Empire that also inspired Matthew's memories!

In Matthew's impression.

Choosing the Kingdom of the First Moon as your background can greatly reduce the difficulty in the early stages of the game.

This is because most of the priests of the First Moon God are very enthusiastic.

In the novice stage.

You can even apply for a Chuyue Priest who is several levels higher than you for free to help with the dungeon.

And as the leader of these pastors.

The image of the God of the First Moon is also very good.

He is the patron saint of the Chuyue Kingdom, the controller of the cycle of life and death, and the secret keeper of the Guiyi Temple.

In the background story of the Aether Star Alliance's fight against the Antu Empire.

The God of the First Moon appears entirely in a positive image.

Even someone like Matthew who didn't know much about the plot was extremely impressed by the God of the First Moon and the red-robed priest under his command!

"So, the priests of the God of the First Moon are judged to be ancient people, and are the things I experienced in the game also ancient things?"

Matthew had mixed feelings.

Because he knew something about the God of the First Moon, Matthew was not surprised when Carmela refused.

He just cleared his throat, and then whispered with some emotion:

"No fighting, no grabbing, no greed, no love, the world is changing, but I remain the same."

As soon as this statement came out.

Of course Rhaegar looked at Matthew with a baffled look.

But Carmela suddenly jumped up from the ground!

The shackles she was wearing were clanging, making a huge noise in the empty room!

"This is the warning from the God of the First Moon!"

"How did you know?"

Carmela looked very excited.

Matthew thought:

"I also know that the reason why you wear red robes is because red is a color that praises life in the teachings of the God of the First Moon."

"I even remember that you shaved off your hair and eyebrows in order to look directly at your true self. This is also part of the unique self-purification ritual of the God of the First Moon..."

But he didn't intend to reveal that much.

He just looked at Carmela calmly:

"Are you an ascetic from the Magic Mountain?"

Carmela's face showed an even more surprised look:

"You even know about the Magic Mountain?"

"I can't even remember it clearly!"

"who are you?"

Matthew introduced himself calmly and said:

"I am a registered mage of the Seven Saints Alliance and a spell consultant in Rolling Stone Town. Rega just introduced me. My name is Matthew."

"As for why I know some information about you..."

As he spoke, he paused and began to quickly add:

"I once visited a magical country in the starry sky in a dream. That country has a highly developed magical civilization, and its guardian is the God of the First Moon."

"I stayed in that dreamland for a long time, but unfortunately I can't remember much of it. If it weren't for seeing you and feeling the familiar atmosphere, I would have almost forgotten that country."

"Looking back now, it was also a very beautiful world..."

Matthew said with emotion and a pun.


"Is it a spell like Lan Sha Yimeng?"

Carmela obviously also has a deep understanding of the magic system in the world of Irondor.

Lansha Yimeng's spell can make the mage travel to another world. It is indeed very similar to Matthew's description.

Matthew said vaguely:

"It's almost a similar spell."

Carmela asked excitedly:

"Then you must know something about me or my identity, right?"

"To be honest, after waking up from that long sleep, my understanding of my identity has been very vague. I only have a few specific words in my mind, such as magic mountain and ascetic.

But I still don’t understand why I wear these shackles, and I don’t know where my eyebrows and hair have gone. They haven’t continued to grow since I woke up..."

She looked bewildered by the anomalies in her body.

Matthew pondered:

"In my memory, in order to express your firm belief in serving the God of the First Moon all your life, you ascetics often hold a self-purification ceremony."

"The content of the ritual is to permanently abandon certain parts of the body to prove one's piety."

"Ascetics are actually divided into many groups. Some groups are more gentle when performing this ceremony, shaving their hair, trimming their nails, and at most cutting off their eyebrows;

Some other groups are more extreme. They will even abandon important parts such as limbs and put shackles on themselves to express their firm idea that they will always be slaves of the God of the First Moon. "

Hear this.

Rega couldn't help frowning and interjected:

"To say that the God of the First Moon is quite exaggerated. Fortunately, Carmela didn't lose her arms or legs, which shows that the group she belongs to is not particularly extreme..."

Matthew didn't speak, just looked at Carmela quietly.

The latter was also silent for a long time.

But soon.

There was a fanatical expression on her face, and then she pulled down her robe hard!


The priest's robe fell to the floor.

Carmela's thin body was completely exposed in the air.

Matthew's eyelids twitched slightly.

Rega even showed a shocked expression.

But Carmela’s chest was extremely flat, and there were two extremely obvious gouges!

It was as if someone had cut off her pair of white rabbits with a sharp weapon!

"I remembered, I did it myself!"

Carmela's voice was full of joy:

"Among the one hundred and thirty-eight ascetics present, I am the only one allowed by the true God to do this. Even if others want to imitate, they cannot get permission, because I am the one with the strongest favor from God!"

"I am an ascetic from the Kingdom of the First Moon, the Demon Mountain Temple! I am the favored one of the God of the First Moon, and the representative of the True God above the stars on the land!"

"Thank you, stranger, I found out a lot about my identity!"

Matthew gave a subtle smile.

He is actually quite curious about Carmela's current situation and origins.

The Antu Empire has been destroyed for thousands of years.

Is the Aether Covenant still going on?

Carmela woke up from this continent, and the time when she slept happened to be when the God of the First Moon was still active. Does this mean that the continent of Irondor and the Starry Sky Kingdom are not two completely separated spaces?

Is his time travel related to the changes in it?

That moment.

Matthew thought a lot.

When he came back to his senses, he found that Carmela's eyes became very gentle when she looked at him:

"After I woke up, everyone told me that the god I believed in did not exist, but I can truly feel his temperature. Can you?"

While talking.

She held Matthew's hand with both hands, and then a soft light lit up Carmela's hands.

Huge divine power suddenly erupted like a tsunami!

that moment.

Matthew felt like a small sailboat sailing in a strong wind and waves!

He may be overthrown by the divine power pouring out of Carmella's hands at any time!

Matthew felt trembling and uneasy all over his body.

But soon.

He realized that this divine power had no ill intentions towards him.

Waves of warm currents fell on Matthew's skin like a bath.

He could feel that the world in front of him became clearer!

on the data column.

"Tip: You have received the blessing of "Clear Eyes" from the God of the First Moon.

Clear Eyes: Your eyes are as bright as gems and as clear as spring water.

You will have a certain probability of seeing through legendary level illusions!

When you use Clear Eyes to make eye contact with a unit for a long time, the latter will likely have a lot of affection for you.

You gain clairvoyance three times per day.

Perspective: Can see through anything within the field of vision, and can see through obstacles up to five meters thick! "

next moment.

Carmela let go of her hand in excitement:

"I knew you could do it too!"

"They can only receive passive treatment. Only you can receive the blessing of the God of the First Moon. You and I once lived under that starry sky, so it must be like this!"

"Maybe the dream in your memory is real, and the world we live in now is a dream!"

I saw that Carmela was going a little crazy.

Matthew quickly stopped and said:

"What you said makes some sense, but it doesn't rule out the possibility that both worlds are real."

"Since the God of the First Moon brought you to this world and this era, he must have secretly given you a mission."

"Did you know that although the Antu Empire has disappeared, its shadow is still threatening this continent?"

Carmela nodded:

"I know, Stuluk Industries, those haunting Necrons are still poisoning all living beings!"

"It's a pity that I'm still in the process of searching for memory and strength, otherwise I would have joined the battle with the Antu Empire like I did back then..."

It turns out that the other party still holds on to his hatred for the Antu Empire.

Matthew felt relieved.

"Then do you know where the name Stuluk Industries came from? I have an orc friend named Claire. Stuluk is actually the hometown of these orcs..."

At that moment, he truthfully told Carmela the tragedy that happened in Stuluk.

Carmela became even more angry after hearing this.

It took a long detour.

Matthew finally struck a chord while the iron was hot:

"Stuluk Industries is very powerful in this world, both because of their own terrifying power and because they have many evil allies."

"One of their allies is the evil god from another world. Her name is Babasha..."

Before Matthew could finish speaking.

Carmela then took aim at Matthew’s belly:

"Is she the mother of the child in your belly?"

Matthew corrected him seriously:

"To be precise, I was contaminated by her."

"This embryo is a big hidden danger to me. I must extract it and then completely erase the evil queen's mark!"

"If you can cure Asma and Dulin's mutations, you will definitely be able to help me."

Carmela nodded confidently:

"I can help you get the embryos out without hurting anyone."

But in an instant she showed a troubled expression:

"But I cannot send this embryo to a dead person. Since you know the teachings of the God of the First Moon, you should understand that making the dead pregnant is a very taboo thing for us. This is a very serious blasphemy..."

Matthew's fanatic followers are really difficult to deal with.

He tried to be docile:

"But since the embryo is separated, it must have a place to go."

"You should be able to feel that this embryo is like a huge tumor. During the delivery process, it will absorb a lot of nutrients and elements from the mother's body, which is simply unbearable for ordinary people."

"You can't just throw it at the animals, can you?"

Carmela also looked embarrassed when she heard this.

"What you said makes sense."

Seeing that the detour was effective, Matthew just wanted to take it a step further.

Who knows at this time.

Carmela suddenly puffed up her chest:

"Otherwise, let me have another life!"

"I'll give birth to this embryo, and I'll provide all the nutrients it needs!"


Matthew was a little confused.

But soon he secretly complained again.

If Carmela was responsible for the birth, it would not change the nature of heterogeneous reproduction, and Margaret's soul would also be damaged.

At the moment, he had no choice but to compromise:

"Otherwise, you are only responsible for helping me separate the embryos, and I can handle the rest myself, okay?"

Carmela looked at Matthew with a strange expression:

"This is deception."

"The God of the First Moon will blame me."

Matthew sighed deeply.

have to.

Nothing makes sense.

There was nothing he could do.

"Fanatical believers are all guys who can't turn their heads. I should have given up trying..."

Matthew smiled bitterly in his heart.

But at this time.

Carmela suddenly changed the subject:

"But if you can do one thing for me, I'm willing to help you isolate the embryos. Of course, I can only do this one step."

Matthew looked at Carmela in great surprise.

Shouldn't the priests of the God of the First Moon be all warm-hearted people with thick eyebrows and big eyes?

This woman actually has such little thoughts?

"Something's wrong!"

"She said it herself, so this move must be against the teachings of the God of the First Moon. Using a transaction to destroy such a principled thing is more serious than ordinary blasphemy!"

"Carmela is definitely not an ordinary fanatic!"

Matthew became more interested in Carmela's identity.

He even suspected that Carmela was a clone of the God of the First Moon!

But no matter what.

It is the best thing for you if the other party can change their attitude.

"What do you need me to do for you?"

Matthew asked.

Carmela raised her eyelids:

"My powers are lost in the forgotten history. In order to find them, I need to go deep into the earth and find the ancient breath and memory."

"Only in this way can I completely restore myself."

Matthew took a deep look at Carmela.

Rhaegar asked confused:

"What is she saying?"

"What is the breath and memory of ancient times?"

Matthew replied succinctly:

"Grave robbing."

Carmela said cheerfully:

"You are right. In the next long period of time, I plan to conduct a series of tomb robbing operations to obtain items from ancient times."

"But I can sense that there are extremely far-reaching dangers under the ground of this continent. I'm afraid I can't handle it alone, so I need some help, such as a real tomb robbing expert."

"When I gave you the blessing just now, the God of the First Moon told me that the Necromancer in front of me is the best partner."

"Let me tell you in advance, I don't want anything from the tomb robbery. I really just want to get the breath of ancient times."

Matthew didn't hesitate.

He decisively chose to agree!

There was no way, who could have told him that he had this intention?

The reason why I had been reluctant to excavate the tomb in the Helen Mountains before was because I was afraid of the terrifying power under the earth.

Now I have a powerful partner.

Matthew had no reason not to agree.

"very good!"

Carmela showed a knowing smile on her face:

"Then we will be partners from now on!"

And that's when Matthew agreed.

New information also appears on the data bar.

"Tip: You have obtained a new side quest "Unexpected Intersection"

Unexpected intersection: The unexpected intersection between ancient people and aliens will slowly breed in the earth.

In the process of cooperating with the Ancient One Carmela.

You get every three breaths from the ancient times.

You will get a chance to strengthen your soul!

Until Carmela completely regains her power and memory! "

Strengthen the soul?

And it's your own?

When Matthew saw it, he wished he could immediately drag Carmela to rob the tomb!

But after all, there are some urgent things that need to be done.

After reaching a preliminary agreement with Carmela.

Matthew hurriedly continued to prepare Margaret's reincarnation plan.

Although Carmela is responsible for the embryonic separation.

But Matthew still continued to attune to the Crown of the Earth every day.

What if one day I take control of the earth in advance?

This can also increase the success rate of reincarnation plans.

at the same time.

He is also paying close attention to Suriel's current situation.

Matthew learns about world events.

This divine mage has already killed himself in purgatory.

Except for the Infinite Island.

There were also two or three nearby branch planes that were beaten to death by Suriel.

Morgan, the Lord of Nine Hells, even had his head cut off by Suriel.

This is already an incredible achievement!

You know, Morgan only has two heads in total.

The decisive battle between Suriel and him also took place under the watch of wolves in the outer plane.

Her impulsive move was nothing short of brave.

The alliance's internal morale has also been restored due to the frequent good news coming from Purgatory.

At least a lot of the haze caused by Margaret's death has faded.

Matthew reckoned.

It's almost time for Suriel to come back.

He actually understood the meaning behind the battle between Suriel and Morgan.

This is not just revenge.

At the same time, it is also restoring the morale and luck of the alliance.

Margaret's feelings of purgatory are certainly a challenge to herself and the pursuit of limits, but at the same time, they also represent an external action of the alliance.

Margaret sings in Purgatory.

The alliance naturally benefits from this.

The Purgatory side knew this very well, and Morgan's willingness to personally assassinate a junior also showed Purgatory's determination to defeat the alliance.

in this case.

Someone from the league has to respond.

Suriel, who is Margaret's mentor, is the best choice.

Although her move may also lead to an ambush or stimulate the nerves of more people.

But overall it is the best choice.

Since it is not simply revenge and anger.

Then the battle between Suriel and Morgan will definitely come to an end.

This does not mean that Suriel has no blood.

Quite the opposite.

As one of the strongest combat forces in the alliance.

Her most important mission is to ensure that she doesn't get hurt.

"What's more, she has to rush back to resurrect Margaret..."

The afternoon of the fifth day.

Matthew just finished talking about this.

A torn space-time rift appeared in the cemetery.

He hurried out to greet him.

But I saw Suriel walking out of purgatory with a heartbroken face.

She had a lot of devil's blood on her.

This is also the first time Matthew has seen Suriel so ungraceful.

"Where's Mary?"

Suriel asked with a face full of anger.

Matthew obediently presented the little blue bottle.

"Teacher, I don't really want to be resurrected..."

Margaret's faint voice came from it.

Unexpectedly, Suriel roared like a lioness whose tail was stepped on:

"Mary, you better make this alive!"

"To help you vent your anger this time, I consumed twenty-seven gold mines on the first and a half plane!"

"This account must be recorded on you!"

"You don't want to die until you pay it back!"

Margaret said miserably:

"Teacher, if you say that, I want to die even more."

Suriel sneered:

"I will help you resurrect right away."

"If you stay in the bottle for one more second, you will be wasting the time you spent working to pay off your debts!"

Matthew listened in amazement.

He thought he had gone far enough.

But Suriel is worthy of being the perfect disciple of Fei Capital.

in this regard.

I still have something to learn!

Seeing that Suriel was about to take Margaret back to the alliance for resurrection.

Matthew quickly stopped the former and dragged out his plan.

"In this way, Margaret's soul will be preserved to the maximum extent possible."

"And she will also have extremely outstanding talents and can work better for you, what do you think?"

Matthew asked respectfully.

Suriel thought deeply for a while, and his eyes were filled with brilliance:

"The plan you mentioned, except for being a little bit abnormal, seems to be really feasible."

"As expected of the Necromancer who was favored by Isabel, you always have some fantastic ideas that are quite practical."

Matthew smiled modestly.

Suriel said:

"I can erase the evil queen's mark on the embryo, but during this process, Babasha will definitely resist with all her strength, because once your ritual is successful, you may seize part of her authority and territory in this world."

"She may start a domain war because of this!"

"If this is the case, it will be difficult for someone like me who has not been involved in related fields to intervene. You have to prepare yourself!"

Matthew nodded slightly:

"I happen to have some friends who are quite proficient in this field. If Babasha dares to start a field war, we will definitely not be the ones who suffer."

"The question now is, is Mary willing to be reincarnated in this way?"

There was silence in the bottle.

It's been a long time.

Only a reluctant voice came from inside:


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