The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 28 Domain: Temperance

"Description: When this staff is fully charged, it can instantly cause up to three targets to fall into a violent coughing state.

Note: While coughing, the target's "Concentration" is reduced by at least 10 points;

If the coughing unit is located among the crowd, it may quickly cause small-scale infection;

The duration of the cough depends on the target's "level" and "immunity";

You cannot put legendary units, undead, constructs, etc. into a coughing state;

This staff can ignore protection spells below legendary level;

The coughing state has a certain probability to be dispelled by the senior priest..."

Little artifact!

At first glance when I saw the description.

Matthew knew that this high-level appraisal scroll had been worth every penny.

"This thing is simply the nemesis of spellcasters!"

He fondly stroked the smooth sides of the staff.

"Concentration" is the most important spell-casting attribute. If you are not focused enough, you are very likely to fail in casting, and the consequences of spell-casting failure are often extremely tragic.

Let's imagine.

A senior mage was carefully protected and was chanting a certain high-level spell that could turn the tide of the battle impassionedly. Suddenly, his throat felt itchy, his eyes turned white, and he kicked his thighs——

A stuck spell turned into a cough!

So next.

While he was being slashed with concentration, he also had to withstand the terrible spell backlash!

It's not just mages and warlocks who are affected.

It can also interrupt the Druid's "Higher Form Transformation", the Shaman's "War Song" and almost all the Bard's tricks!

Go one step further.

Rogues who require high-precision maneuvers to remain threatening in combat will also suffer.

In addition to high-level warriors, monks, sword masters and other resistant monsters, they can cough and slash people at the same time.

Everyone else will be affected to varying degrees.

As for the pastor.

"In this age when the gods have gone away, it is not that easy to meet a priest."

"No wonder the Antu Empire is so crazy, spiritual energy does have merit!"

Matthew held the psychic staff tightly in his hand.

After being excited for a while, he frowned slightly again.

Because just in the next line of the description, there is this sentence:

"Stand charging method: unknown (insufficient psychic knowledge)"

Even advanced identification scrolls have not been able to figure out its complete picture, which shows how rare psychic knowledge is.

But Matthew wasn’t in a hurry.

This scroll has determined the direction of information retrieval for him. Next, he only needs to find ways to collect knowledge such as "how to charge psychic items."

"It seems that I have to take the time to go to the "Crucible House" and ask the pagoda spirit who is extremely lacking in love about the current situation of Archmage Ronan. "

Think so.

Matthew put the psychic staff away properly.

Then as usual, I started to review what happened tonight.

“When you suddenly encounter a large group of enemies, there is no problem in abandoning ordinary skeleton soldiers;

But I could do better in terms of distance control. Blood was splattered on my clothes. It was very degrading to trouble Peggy to do the laundry and have her talk about me later. "

"The protective effect of the spells on the Guarding Psalm is indeed very good. The second-level infected body cannot move forward at all, and it is estimated that it can resist the third-level Crazy Guard several times;

There are some blank pages at the back of this book, and it seems that some other spells of the protection system can be filled in. But such spells are often one-time use. I wonder how much a protection-specialized mage will charge when copying one-time spells? "

“The existence of the Antu Empire proves that I have indeed come to a real world with a similar game worldview.

Psychic items are very powerful, but I can't be too greedy. I should do my job well first, and then delve into other things when I have enough energy.

Well, let’s set a small goal first and expand the oak forest to about 1,800 trees before summer comes! "

The tip of the quill dipped in mineral graphite quickly scratched across the cheap papyrus.

Writing review manuscripts is a small habit that Matthew has developed since time travel. At first, he only recorded the difficulties of planting trees and some knowledge points that need attention on these papyri. Later, he would also use this to vent his longing for his hometown. And record some thoughtful content.

Anyway, he used Chinese characters, and the handwriting was so sloppy that only he could barely recognize it.

He sees this as a unique way to relieve stress.

During this time.

Matthew's brain often jumps between two extremes: extremely empty and high-speed.

Swish, brush, brush!

A pleasant writing sound sounded.

Matthew quickly wrote the last paragraph.

"As for the words I said before leaving, they should have touched Samantha. Very good. She will be my first experimental subject to explore my own unique legendary way. Maybe that Eli also has potential.

But I still have to be careful so as not to hurt them.

Although these two druids are old-fashioned, they are both kind and upright. "

"Immortality" and "nature".

This is a question that Matthew has been thinking about since time travel.

He knew very well that these two seemingly different paths were the source of his future strength.

Based on the concept of this continent, the two are almost completely opposite - people don't even want to think about why they are opposite, as if it is an innate law.

Matthew once asked Master Ronan this question.

The latter thought for a long time before giving Matthew an answer.

Ronan told him that all concepts popular on the mainland today are inseparable from the interpretation of all things in the world by the gods in the "Age of Enlightenment".

In that era when the gods rose and interfered with the human world with their own might, in order to consolidate their absolute authority in their own fields, the gods formed a set of interpretations of the world and concepts through tacit understanding and compromise among many parties.

This is the worldview inherited by many races on the continent.

This concept has gone on for too long.

So much so that no one was willing to break it for hundreds of years after the gods left.

"For mages, spells are low-level tools, domains are mid-level tools, and concepts are high-level tools; but for the gods of Tianlun Palace, concepts are their lives.

For example, in the Age of Enlightenment, if one day all living beings believed that what rose at night was no longer the "moon", then the next day, all the gods related to the "moon" would be at risk of falling.

Of course, the situation after "Tianlun Palace Ascension" is very different. The gods are unable to interfere in the present world. Concepts are still a source of power for them but are no longer fatal. More importantly, they are too weak now.

That's why we can sit here and discuss concepts now without having to think about the mood of the gods.

In fact, they are a bunch of stubborn wretches who are about to be swept into the garbage heap, destined to no longer be able to shine in this world.

Next comes the era of spellcasters.

I appreciate your views on "nature" and "immortality". If one day you embark on the road of legend, you may really have the opportunity to embark on an unprecedented supreme road. "

The above are Ronan’s original words.

Matthew was deeply touched after hearing this.

He was both excited that the originally confused road ahead was gradually becoming clearer, and he was also grateful to have met a mentor like Ronan when he was just starting out.

In Matthew's opinion.

The tendency for "immortality" and "nature" to go hand in hand in oneself is inevitable.

If we continue to use the inherent concepts, then the two will inevitably conflict with each other.

He even suspected that the initial garbled code in the system was a manifestation of conflict.

To solve this problem, he must come up with new concepts!

In this new conceptual system, he must make immortality and nature inclusive of each other.

This can be done in theory.

After all, the "negative energy plane" that symbolizes the origin of the undead is created by nature.

It is supposed to belong to nature in a broad sense.

And as time goes by, nature itself will one day become extinct.

The universe is destroyed and returns to death, and death is a sub-realm of immortality.

The two can be in a mutually inclusive and mutually transforming relationship.


It's too early to talk about concepts with Matthew's current strength.

He must at least have some authority over immortality and nature before he can declare the new concept to the world.

But a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Convincing the most conservative druid to accept even if they don't reject his own concept is a test that Matthew makes while planting trees.

Finish writing the review.

Matthew did not put away the pile of papyrus.

He just took a short break.

Then he continued to write eloquently.

What follows is about future plans.

Matthew likes to plan regularly and list out the things to be done one by one.

The first is to plant trees.

Before summer comes, this is Matthew's main business, and no project can affect his ability to continue to shine in the tree planting business.

to this end.

He decided to shorten the time he spent on raiding the Madser Hive at night.

After all, the further down you go, the more dangerous it becomes. He has to ensure that nothing escapes the upper floors before he considers entering the next level.

He believed both Ella and the goddess would understand.

Secondly, there is the learning of spells and career advancement that has been delayed for less than half a month.

These two are actually not that urgent, aside from the spells that can be learned at any time.

Matthew's level is now stuck at LV8.

If you want to continue to improve, you can either complete a ritual called "Night of the Necromancer" to obtain the promotion qualification of "Advanced Necromancer";

Either seek various powerful or partial advanced professions: True Necromancer, Pale Lord, Soul Lord, Lament of Lament, Tomb Guard... and White Rock City's unique advanced "Chained Dead".

In short, if he does not advance, his level cannot continue to improve, and his experience can only be saved temporarily.

Progression often requires a lot of effort and time.

After some thinking.

Matthew decided to plan his advancement in the first week after summer.

This means that he still has enough time to think about which path of advancement he should take.

The last step is to add some necessary props and items——

Scrolls need to be purchased;

The weapons required by the soldiers must be entrusted to be made by special personnel;

If there is still money left, Matthew would also like to buy a larger "magic bag";

Also, he had spotted a ring in the "Crucible Room" a long time ago that increased his energy limit.

But he thought about it.


Finally, I crossed the next two items off my to-do list.

It was late at night by the time all the paperwork was completed.

Matthew sorted the papyrus into categories and put different weights on them.

He just stretched.

A white light lit up.


A coconut fell into Matthew's arms.

"Wait, where did you get this thing?"

Matthew was amazed.

Unfortunately, the oak fairy left just as quickly as it came.

He only saw a flash of white light and the other party disappeared, leaving Matthew alone to enjoy this "gift of nature".

"How should I drive this thing..."

Matthew touched the thick coconut shell with both hands and couldn't laugh or cry.

But soon.

His attention shifted from coconuts to the ability of "nature's gifts".

Think for a moment.

Matthew put the coconut on his lap, took out another piece of paper and wrote:

"How should I use this miraculous and somewhat evil ability?"

He paused and thought for a moment.

If he is a greedy person, he will seek to maximize his profits.

He would collect corpses through various legal and illegal channels and bury them in his oak grove.

Then he just has to sit back and enjoy the results.

But is that really right?

Matthew shook his head decisively.

Gifts without a bottom line look very tempting, but if you do that, what's the difference between you and those who do all kinds of evil for the sake of power?

Besides, this ability only means that no hidden dangers have been discovered for the time being.

Matthew didn't think he could continue to enjoy the gifts without paying any price.

His intuition told him that abusing this ability might cause quite a few problems.

So out of caution.

Matthew decided to actively control the number of "gifts".

He would not refuse a corpse that came to his door, but he would not actively search for objects to bury.

"In addition, in terms of concepts, I should also control my thoughts and not think about burying someone as soon as I see someone with powerful abilities... This kind of insatiable thinking is very dangerous and may gradually strip away my humanity."

"A gift from nature can only be a gift, and I should not take the initiative to ask for it."

Write these two sentences.

Matthew let out a sigh of relief.

At that moment, something hazy seemed to be broken in his heart.

My heart is open and refreshing.

The next second.

He suddenly noticed that everything around him was in a strange distortion.

In a trance.

Matthew saw countless faces that seemed to be immersed in mercury. Those faces were either happy or sad, some were greedy and some were indifferent, as if pairs of eyes with different emotions were watching him.

His skin itched at the sight of them.

Just when Matthew couldn't hold it anymore.

All the images suddenly disappeared.

A powerful energy was injected into his body!

"You firmly rejected an incredible temptation deep in your heart, and you successfully entered the sub-field of desire, "temperance"!

As a reward for getting involved in the field, you can choose one of the following three abilities -

1. Heart as still as water (your will is enough to be immune to most charms below legendary level)

2. Leave some remaining energy (after your mana or physical strength is completely exhausted, a small amount of vitality will be generated, usable times: 10)

3. A heart without regrets (you can choose whether to seal the emotion 'regret', after sealing it, you will never be disturbed by this emotion)"

After the unexpected joy.

Matthew began to think.

These three options actually have their own merits.

"A heart without regrets" can help people permanently avoid a relatively negative emotion, and it can also be unblocked at any time, which is flexible and easy to use.

"Leave some energy" has a limit on the number of times, but the best thing is that it can create opportunities to survive in desperate situations.


Who can resist "the heart is like still water"?

Out of politeness, Matthew glanced at the other two options, and then chose 1 without hesitation!

"You have completed the enlightenment in the field of control. The current situation in the field is: first entry.

You gain the permanent status 'Clear Mind'

Clear mind: Every day, as long as you restrain a certain desire, you can have a clear mind for at least 1 hour. In this state, your learning efficiency is three times that of usual! "

"This is easy to use. When it comes to desire, I have to restrain it every day!"

Matthew couldn't help but murmured.

The next second.

A faint voice came from outside the basement door:

"I knew it! Matthew, I knew you were actually restraining the urge to violate me every day. You necromancers all have the same virtue, right?"

Matthew looked back.

Paige was swinging her long legs against the doorframe.

While posing, she was still winking at Matthew.

This scene.

Matthew could only say in his heart, "It's really ecstasy."

"What's up?"

he asks.

"There are three big things I'm about to tell you."

Paige became serious.

Everyone in the family is sick, including the six-month-old baby. The baby has a high fever and the adults have a low fever. They are all coughing. I can bear it for the time being, but I need to take care of them. I still have some manuscripts saved, but I don’t dare to use them randomly, so today I will This is a big chapter. I will resume double updates tomorrow, and the next chapter will also be a 4,000-word chapter. Thank you for your understanding and support! Finally, don’t give up reading, wow, it’s awesome!

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