The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 280 The Gluttonous Terror and Isabel’s Inquiry

In a cabin in the woods.

Lumière was sleeping soundly.

Matthew quietly threw a spot on him, but this trick only removed about one-third of the blood stains on his body.

It's hard to imagine what happened to him these days.

But Matthew knew before that Lumiere was invited by the Golden Lion Barton to participate in the Battle of Wild Wolf Mountain as a mercenary.

In Matthew's speculation.

With Lumiere's great strength, as long as he didn't hit the demon lord head-on, he would be fine.

During this period, he did not receive any news about Lumière, including no response to world events.

Therefore, Matthew thought that Lumiere would be fine.

Who would have thought that we would suffer such a severe blow!

Matthew sighed softly.

Lumiere seems to have some responsibility for becoming a mercenary.

This guy's knowledge of the outside world is very shallow.

Especially at the level of war.

After Lumière left the rainforest, the first war he participated in was the Battle of Moss Green Hills!

As everyone knows.

The first time in any field will greatly shape a person's understanding of the field.

The same is certainly true of Lumière.

Although there were twists and turns in the battle at Moss Green Hills, it was generally under the control of Matthew and the Alliance.

In that battle.

The most dangerous moment was when Lumiere took the initiative to attack the dragon's mouth in order to save himself.

This scene seemed very shocking and thrilling at the time.

Just hindsight.

This battle seemed to have caused Lumière to misjudge the intensity of the war.

He is indeed very powerful, so he can hold the dragon head-on.

But the legendary demon lord.

That is a completely different level of concept!

"It's also his bad luck..."

Matthew shook his head secretly.

Of course, he also knew that there was a certain degree of inevitability in this kind of bad luck.

In the current situation, no region is peaceful anymore.

Rolling Stone Town encountered a dragon disaster, Cross City encountered three evil organizations and meteor showers, and a conspiracy hatched by the Shadow Fist Sect and the demons also appeared in Rapids City.

There are more and more outer beings pouring into the main material world, and they are becoming more and more powerful.

Even if you stay at home well, something may happen to you.

Not to mention going to a place full of variables like the battlefield.

As one of the main commanders in the Battle of Moss Green Hills.

Matthew knew very well that there was a lot of preparation behind Rolling Stone's seemingly crushing victory.

This also includes information collection and planning.

For example, when fighting a dragon.

Matthew had prepared a large amount of resistance potions in advance.

These potions made the members of the elite team successfully immune to the dragon's power, so that they could fully unleash their strength.

But the Wild Wolf Mountain battlefield is different.

No one expected that the lords of the three towns on the river bank would go completely crazy, sacrifice their lives on the battlefield, and summon a legendary demon monarch!

If it's just an ordinary legendary demon, forget it.

The Abyss Lord template owned by the Demon Lord comes with extremely high-priority fields such as chaos, distortion, and fear.

These areas can be completely devastating to the unprepared.

It would be normal for the Lion City's army to be completely wiped out.

It’s just that Matthew thought that with Lumiere’s ability, he would be able to escape in time.

Now it seems.

Either Lumiere was unlucky and was very close to the birthplace of the demon monarch.

Or the demon monarch's strength is still beyond Matthew's imagination!


Even in sleep.

This young man who was strong enough to go head-to-head with the giant dragon couldn't help but curl up and murmured with fear.

"He was filled with fear and in need of healing."

A gentle voice sounded in Matthew's ear.

Matthew looked back.

But they found a little boy lying outside the window of the wooden house.

The latter seemed to be looking in on tiptoes, with a pair of bright and clear eyes shining.


Matthew asked curiously:

"Can you sense his dreams?"

Hasman nodded:

"It's not just a dream. If you allow me to come in, I can directly see into his mind."

"His heart is full of shadows now. He must have encountered something terrible. Do you need my help?"

Matthew nodded slightly.

Hasman obediently left the window sill, ran to the door of the wooden house, knocked on the door again, and after asking Matthew's permission again, he walked in in an orderly manner.

Hassmann sat beside Lumière's bed.

He blew gently into each of Lumiere's ears.

The next second.

Two big mushrooms suddenly grew out of those two ears.

The mushrooms are pure white.

Like the purest and softest wool, and like white clouds hanging in the blue sky.

Matthew watched Hussmann's movements quietly.

on the data column.

"Tip: Your partner Husman (Lord of Rot Sac/Nature Soul) has launched the Spore Domain!

Using spores as a medium, Hasman unfolded the sub-field "mind".

Hussman used the ability of the spiritual realm "Bridge of All Things"

Bridge of All Things: Asman can use spores as a medium to enter the dreams and minds of any living being and adjust the other person's emotions, including eliminating pain, absorbing happiness, soothing sadness, calming the mind, etc..."

Spores can actually envelop the soul?

Matthew was startled.

But I quickly realized that the subfield here is not a concept in the natural definition.

It was defined by Hussman on his own initiative!

This should be an instinctive behavior.

Most likely, it was because in the process of controlling the spore realm, Hussman unknowingly penetrated into the spiritual realm, and then subsumed part of the spiritual realm into the spores.

So there is such a strange affiliation.

"Can you heal spiritual wounds?"

Matthew became increasingly curious about Hussman's abilities.

Hasman smiled sheepishly:


"Dudley's mental wound was much bigger than his back then!"

"But it's not a particularly powerful ability. Most mental wounds can heal themselves with the passage of time. I just accelerated the process."

"I am going to treat him now. Do you want to watch? If you watch, you may suffer a little pain, but having more bystanders will also improve the effect of the treatment itself."

Matthew nodded decisively.

next moment.

Hasman picked the white mushroom from Lumiere's ear and handed it to Matthew:

"Eat it and you can help share his pain."

Matthew ate the mushroom without saying a word.

"so bitter!"

He grinned.

Hasman scratched his head in confusion:

"Ah, but painful memories are very bitter..."

Matthew wanted to say something else.

But as the mushroom entered his stomach, his eyes began to shake violently, and then there was a soul-trembling roar!

"Ho, ho, ho!"

Matthew opened his eyes, and the weird low voice from the abyss hit his eardrums like a drum.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around.

But on the dark battlefield, the human battle formation in front suddenly collapsed.

A large number of horses broke free from their owners' control and fled in despair.

The dark clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, forming a huge castle-like block, blocking every ray of sunlight.

And the earth is rolling.

The spinning feeling hits everyone's nerves.

Mountains were lifted into the air like the crests of ocean waves.

No one knows what happened.

Until the huge gap ahead, a terrifying thing that cannot be described in words suddenly crawled out!

It was a terrifying demon that was as huge as a mountain with only part of its body emerging from the ground.

The demon's exposed skin shone with a strange metallic luster.

There are many small bumps on the epidermis.

Matthew took a closer look.

Where are the tiny bumps? They are clearly human heads one after another!

These heads are densely packed, like patches of matrix spread all over the demon's body.

And among the matrix of heads, there are shallow white lines hidden.

Matthew didn't realize what these white lines were at first.

But soon.

All the white lines became brighter, and then separated up and down the sides, exposing the bright red flesh and blood inside. Tongues as big as a giant dragon stuck out from the inside. There was a circle of small tongues on the tongue, and those Hidden in the folds of flesh and blood are tiny saw-tooths that look like steel nails!

However, Matthew knew very well that he was in Lumiere's dream.

He also felt a kind of fear from the bottom of his heart!


Not just fear!

There is also shock and gravity!

He could feel his body trembling uncontrollably, and there was a force pulling him towards the demon lord!

This is the power of the Demon Lord!

Matthew put himself in his shoes and thought about it. If he was the one at the scene, how would he respond?

Undead are immune to fear.

But it is not immune to shock and gravity.

The former targets the soul, while the latter targets the body. It can be said that they are crushed in all directions without any blind spots!

"If it were me, without using Chen's Diamond Fist, I might just be able to escape in time..."

"Without that divine support, I might not even have the courage to approach this monster."

Matthew's heart was awe-inspiring.

Unexpectedly, the demon monarch that appeared on the battlefield of Wild Wolf Mountain was several levels higher than the projection of the Blood Nightmare Labyrinth descended from Rapid City!

"How could a demon of this level lower himself?"

Matthew clicked his tongue inwardly.

Considering that the time of the incident was very close to the Cross City meteor shower event, Matthew has reason to believe that there is a huge connection between the arrival of the demon lord and the gods' attack on the permanent barrier!

What follows seems to have been sped up.

But Matthew could barely see clearly what happened to Lumiere.

Just as he suspected.

Lumiere's team was very unlucky to be right next to the place where the devil was born.

After the collapse of the front cavalry.

Lumiere realized something was wrong and wanted to retreat with his tribe.

But it was too late.

The monarch named "Gluttonous Terror" activated a powerful gravitational field!

All living things within a five kilometer radius.

They were all swallowed up by the Gluttonous Horror under the influence of that terrifying gravitational field!

Lumière and his tribe were not spared either.

They were swallowed up by the Gluttonous Horror one after another.

That desperate scene made Matthew deeply shocked and sad.

He saw the horse trying its best to escape from the scene, but together with the overturned knight, it was chewed into blood clots by the terror's mouth!

He saw a warlock trying to cast a spell to counteract the gravitational field of the Terror. As a result, he himself was backfired by the gravitational field and was instantly torn into pieces!

He saw each soldier encountering the yellow-green gastric juice in the stomach of the terror. With just a slight touch, both armor and flesh would fall off automatically like tofu skin!

that moment.

Everyone is running for their lives.

Most people don't even know what's going on!

They can only rely on their instinct to survive.

However, their struggles could only serve as snacks for the Terror before and after their meals.

Soldiers died in large numbers.

Only a handful of lucky or truly strong people survived.

Naturally, Lumière was among them.

Matthew saw him using his powerful body to punch through one of the Gluttonous Horror's stomach pouches and then escape.

But he had just escaped a few steps.

Lumiere resolutely got into the belly of the Gluttonous Terror again!


He carried out individual figures.

Those are his people.

It's just that these people's physiques are not as strong as Lumiere after all.

In order to save these seven people as much as possible.

Lumiere moved in and out of the Terror's stomach.

He even paid for it with an arm.

But in the end he rescued it.

They were just seven incomplete corpses.

However, Lumiere did not realize this at the time.

He hurriedly found a cart on the battlefield, piled the bodies together, and then fled quickly.

It sounds like he is very lucky.

Just at this time.

The legendary mage with the title of Shield of Gemstone Mountain came to this battlefield.

The latter successfully attracted the attention of the Horror Lord.

Lumière and his cart were able to escape.

But even so.

Due to the huge cracks torn out by the Horror Lord.

A large number of abyss demons were able to pour in.

One of the demon warlords focused on Lumiere's figure and led his men to hunt him day and night.

Originally, with Lumiere's strength, it wouldn't be too difficult to kill the demon warlord.

It's just that he lost an arm and his strength was greatly reduced by the shock of the Terror Lord, so he could only hide and flee while being chased.

What follows becomes even murkier.

Matthew could only see the general trajectory of Lumière——

He escaped from Wild Wolf Mountain.

Passing through Apple Avenue, Phoenix Forest, Resting Wasteland and other places.

Escape and kill along the way.

Eventually most of the demons were killed.

And the batch that Matthew just saw at the edge of the oak forest was most likely the last wave.

It's a long way between Rolling Stone Town and Wild Wolf Mountain.

Matthew didn’t even know how Lumiere got here.

Perhaps it was the purest survival instinct that guided him here.

"I am afraid that only the legendary mage can resist such a terrifying demon monarch. In Lumiere's dream just now, I seemed to see the legendary mage holding a luminous object in his hand, which seemed to have the condensation of divinity on it. , at least it’s a semi-artifact!”


Matthew slowly exited Lumiere's dream.

His heart felt a little heavy, but fortunately his will was still firm.

Although the Terror Lord also left a shadow in his mind.

But the shadow soon faded.

"In the end, I'm just a bystander."

Through Lumiere's dreams, Matthew also increasingly realized the importance of divinity.

think carefully.

Although Isabel seemed to be indifferent to her, every conversation must hit the mark, and every gift was of great value.

Matthew became increasingly grateful and respectful.

He glanced at Hasman, who frowned, with two small drops of pearls hanging on his eyelashes, and his mouth was tightly pursed, looking aggrieved and unhappy.


As the primary healer, Hussman must have been affected more deeply.

Matthew didn't bother Hussman.

He casually unfolded a map of the south and gently drew a crack on the landmark of Yelang Mountain.

Center on this.

Apple Avenue in the south, Phoenix Forest in the west, East Coast and Gemstone Bay in the east, and Yongge Forest in the north.

Suddenly, at least thirty cities or territories were in danger of being invaded by the abyss!

The demons' actions had obviously been planned for a long time.

Matthew drew these cities in red circles.


He also drew a red circle on Cross City in Watcher's Heights, Rapid City and Rolling Stone Town in the south and their surrounding areas.

If you look at it this way.

The entire southeastern part of the southern land is almost surrounded by dense red circles!

"Under a disaster, few territories can survive alone."

"If there is another unrest, where will it be?"

Matthew stared at the map of the South.

next moment.

A somewhat conspicuous landmark came into view.

Jade Cangting.

Matthew quickly put a small question mark on the landmark.

"There is desert to the west, and the only important location is the Heisuo Mountain Fortress. There was a riot in Hot Spring Prison before, and I am afraid that there will be no peace in Heisuo Mountain now."

"Among the nearby big cities, the only ones that have been calm are Jade Cangting and Baiyan City."

Matthew's eyes became profound.

Strange to say.

White Rock City, a place where necromancers gather together, should logically cause problems.

as we all know.

Many middle and low-level necromancers work part-time as warlocks, or simply have an affair with devils and devils.

The results are recent.

Baiyan City looks safer than anywhere else, which is really puzzling.

between thoughts.

Hasman suddenly opened his eyes, and rubbed his eyes with a pair of small hands, and the small pearls couldn't stop dripping down.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Matthew asked concerned.

Hasman shook his head:

"I just think he's a little too pitiful, and the people who died innocently and tragically."

"It would be nice if they could all turn into mushrooms..."

"At the very least, mushrooms don't feel pain and aren't afraid of death."

While talking.

He wiped away his tears and ran out of the room quickly:

"After the treatment, I'm going to find a place to feel sad for a while. You don't have to worry about me, Matthew. I have a strong will, but I'm easy to empathize with..."

"Whoa, whoa, Dudley, where are you? I'm a little sad, but just a little bit..."

Matthew looked up and saw Dudley coming from deep in the forest.

The dusk elf gently hugged the little boy, and soon, Dudley also had an uncomfortable expression on his face.

But this scene only lasted a few seconds.

The two of them left talking and laughing.

on the data column.

"Tip: You watched a healing session in the spiritual realm, your mind +1!

Your resistance to pain increases slightly! "

"Hassman and Dudley are really gentle people."

"Although their thinking is different from ordinary people."

Matthew just feels lucky.

You only have to pay for one Nature Soul quota to be able to live next to such a powerful legendary creature.

This may not even be Matthew's luck alone.

But the whole town of Rolling Stone is lucky.

It didn't take long.

Lumiere slowly woke up.

After waking up, his energy became much fuller, and his eyebrows were no longer sad:


"What's wrong with me? I seem to have had a long dream, but it's obviously reality! It's obviously what happened just now, but I feel like it's not that bad anymore."

His tone was filled with confusion.

Matthew smiled slightly and said:

"I found an expert to treat you."

"Don't worry, this treatment will not have any impact on your memory. It just speeds up the healing effect of time on spiritual wounds."

As he spoke, he explained Hasman's treatment methods in detail.

Lumiere fell silent after listening.

a long time.

He said with gratitude:

"thank you all."

"I, I was on that battlefield..."

Matthew raised his hand to stop his narration:

"I understand everything you've been through. There's no need to let the pain repeat itself in my mind."

Lumiere's mood was much more stable than before.

At the moment, he just held his head gently, his voice a little confused:

"I don't know what to do anymore."

"I don't know what to do next..."

Matthew's tone was as stable as ever:

"It's easy, go and ask for money!"

Lumiere looked up in shock.

Matthew said calmly:

"Everyone is dead, so the pension must at least be returned, right?"

"Their children, elderly people, have to take care of them, right?"

"This accident can be said to be your dereliction of duty, but people inevitably make mistakes. You don't need to completely deny yourself because of a mistake. It's just that after the mistake, you must take the corresponding responsibility."

"I believe that the future King of the Rainforest will never escape the mistakes he has made, right?"


He slapped a newspaper in front of Lumiere:

"This is the news from the past two days. Your employer, Golden Lion Barton, has now safely returned to Lion City. Although his troops have suffered heavy losses, the newspaper reported that he will visit the nearby Goldwater City and Deep Blue Port in the next few days. .”

"Although his defenses will definitely be tighter than before, you should be able to find a chance to meet him, right?"

"Since you survived, he will definitely pay this pension. You have to be prepared. After all, when it comes to money, the sooner the better!"

Matthew spoke very quickly.

Lumiere couldn't accept it at first.

But after a while.

His expression quickly returned to calm:

"I understand, this is really what I should do."

"I won't run away from it."

Matthew's face showed approval.

But I was secretly amazed in my heart.

He could feel that Lumiere's energy and energy were gradually returning. Although this had something to do with his own consciousness, Hasman's spiritual healing was more critical.

This happens to normal people.

No matter how good your psychological quality is, you will be depressed for a while.

But Lumiere now showed his eagerness to give it a try:

"I think if I get some more sleep, I'll have the energy to go to him and ask for money!"

Matthew nodded.

Then he changed the subject:

"It shouldn't be difficult to get money. Golden Lion has a good reputation in the south. Lion City has strong financial resources, so it shouldn't be a problem."

"Your arms are a tougher thing to deal with."

"I have three options here for you to choose from."

Lumiere's face was full of astonishment:

"Can my arm be saved?"

Matthew blinked:

"A friend of mine told me that in this world, as long as you are rich enough, you can create miracles."

"Although I don't completely agree with this statement, the regeneration of severed limbs is indeed not a fantasy with the connections and channels I have now. It's just that the three options I provided may represent different things. price."

"The first one is the cheapest. I can buy the amputated limb regeneration potion from Roderick's factory for you. However, the quality of the potion varies, and there is a question mark as to what kind of new arm you can get. But according to reports From what I know, you should be able to have a healthy and flexible arm again, but it may not be as strong as what you had before.”

"The second option is more expensive. Remember Bobo Wilkins? You can ask her or a similar magician to customize a mechanical arm for you. The specific price is up to you to discuss. It will definitely be more expensive than potions. Machinery The quality of the arm will most likely be better than the arm regenerated through potion.

This arm can give you great fighting power.

The disadvantage is that it may affect your pace into the legend.

Moreover, some legendary professions are very exclusive of foreign objects. "

Speaking of which.

Matthew paused for a moment before continuing:

"As for the third option, that is to find a magician or priest to help you regenerate your severed limbs. In fact, mages can also do it, but most mages are not good at this. I'm afraid the arms they make for you are not as good as The standard potion from Roderick’s factory.”

"There happens to be a powerful priest in the town of Rolling Stone, but her price is definitely not cheap. The price I'm talking about here is not just money. She may ask you to do some very difficult things for him, such as robbing tombs or something."

"I've told you the three options, do you still have any doubts?"

Mathieu expected Lumiere to at least ask a few more questions.

But who knew that the latter was only delayed by two or three seconds.

Then he said decisively:

"I choose the second option!"

Matthew was a little surprised:


"I thought you would choose the third option."

"The arm reshaped by the first method is indeed unsatisfactory, but the arm reshaped by the third method will most likely be an arm that is infinitely close to your original body strength!"

Lumiere stared at Matthew, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

His voice was calm and steady:

"First, I need stronger immediate combat capabilities now."

"Second, I want to leave a lesson to myself. I know this is stupid, but only this is profound enough. If I cannot enter the legend because of this, then I will pay for this mistake myself."

"Third, I want to be exposed to more new things. I've actually always been interested in Bobo's career, but I didn't have the nerve to mention it before."

"Fourth, I guess the treatment just now must be expensive, and asking the priest to treat me may also require you to consume interpersonal relationships. I have already troubled you enough."

"Fifth, this is a choice made by intuition for me. It has helped me avoid risks countless times. Even on the battlefield of Wild Wolf Mountain, my survival depended on this, so I choose to continue to believe in it."

Matthew nodded slightly.

Lumière spoke very clearly.

It doesn't appear to be an impulsive decision.

"No matter what decision you make, as long as you don't regret it in the future."

Matthew said softly:

"You should take a rest here first. I will arrange the customization of the robotic arm for you as soon as possible. However, this matter will not happen so quickly. You may still have to go to the Golden Lion to ask for money first."

Lumiere nodded.

The two exchanged some more pleasantries.

Lumiere then lay back on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling and thinking.

Matthew quietly exited the cabin.

As he walked, he was thinking about which channel he should use to customize the Artificer's mechanical arm for Lumiere.

A line is a wave.

The other line is Suriel.

The former comes from Cyber ​​Dragon and is currently undergoing the Artificer Examination in the Wisdom Palace of Cloud City, and the results are most likely not far away;

The latter's Crystal Palace is right next to Cyber ​​Dragon.

From the fact that Suriel sent the reborn Mary to the Cyber ​​Dragon, it is not difficult to see that she also has a deep friendship with the Artificer.

Logically speaking.

The divine mage's connections are definitely the best choice.

But with Suriel's vampire nature.

Lumiere went to find her, she might be the next Margaret.

This guy has a whole tribe to feed.

I'm afraid that won't work.

"Bobo's bombs are really reliable."

"The robotic arm... shouldn't be too bad, right?"

Matthew is thinking.


A communication crystal ball in the bag lit up and flew directly in front of Matthew.

Matthew just glanced at the crystal ball.

The figure immediately disappeared from the spot.

After a while.

Crucible House.

Starry sky little black room.

Matthew looked at the energetic Isabel in front of him with some surprise.

I don’t know what the latter’s sudden whim was for.

The next second.

Isabel gets straight to the point:

"My patronus tells me you were scratched on the butt?"

Matthew suddenly looked embarrassed:

"It was an accident."

Isabel said forcefully:

"let me see."

Matthew had to show his lower back.

Unexpectedly, Isabel suddenly showed a bored expression after reading:

"It turns out it's just such a low-level gadget!"

Matthew quickly asked about the deeper meaning of the brand.

Isabel replied without interest:

"This is just a tattoo used by devils to increase their mood and make female devils more desirable."

"Based on your own will, it stands to reason that you can be exempted."

"What's more, you still have the realm of divinity and temperance, unless you have no intention of resisting at all..."

Matthew immediately argued:

"I have resistance!"

"Oh, that's just bad luck. There is a very small chance of failing the save and you hit it."

Isabel seemed very perfunctory.

Then she asked calmly:

"So, that girl has an extra drop of Baator's blood flowing through her?"

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