The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 293 Eternal Underground Palace

Matthew was in no hurry to explore.

After opening the field so many times, he is already familiar with the rules of exploring the field.

If more exploration opportunities are accumulated, it will be possible to explore deeper into the field.

In comparison.

The randomness of a single exploration is greater, there may be a lack of room for choice, and it is impossible to go further to obtain higher results——

Since taking possession of the authority of a loving father.

Matthew's desire for authority exceeded his domain ability.

at the same time.

The realm of the tomb was specially marked by Matthew.

He had previously obtained information about the Secret of Life from the Traveler God, and the coordinates pointed by the latter were clearly the large tombs in the Demonic Domain of Ravenloft.

That's Viscount Fan's territory.

But it is also the place where the dead brother Olorin that Matthew came into contact with when he first entered the tomb realm.

At that time, Matthew was very curious about O'Loughlin's identity, although according to the latter, he seemed to be just an ordinary person.

But Matthew believed that it was impossible for a mortal to survive in such a dangerous place as Ravenloft.

There must be something unique about Olorin.

If possible, Matthew hopes to accumulate more opportunities to explore the tomb realm to increase the probability of meeting Olorin again.

"I'm going to enter the tomb next. As long as I'm more diligent, there should be a high probability of triggering the tomb realm again..."

Think so.

Matthew took the shovel and stepped into the gate first, followed by the others.

Behind the gate of the underground palace is a long corridor.

There are murals and stone carvings on both sides of the corridor. Most of the paintings on them are songs of praise and virtue, seeming to record the great achievements of a certain troll priest.

According to Lyndon.

The content on the stone carving points to the lifelong achievements of a troll prince who was responsible for stationing in the territory of the elves.

However, Matthew and others couldn't see where the gong was after looking at it for a long time.

After all, the content on the mural is either a group of trolls holding a divine meeting.

Or the trolls are driving human elves and other second-class races to work in the wilderness mountains and forests.

Maybe the trolls will seem to have a sense of empathy.

But in the eyes of humans, these deeply remembered trolls are closer to the devils and demons, which are purely negative images.

At the end of the corridor is a huge stone wall.

The thickness of the stone wall is comparable to the five stone gates outside. The wall spreads to both sides, forming two diagonally downward passages.

Matthew threw out a mage's eye and took a look.

The two passages made a ninety-degree turn at the end, and then headed toward the end in an almost intersecting manner.

Generally speaking, it forms a diamond-shaped road.

And in the very center of this rhombus is the first tomb chamber on the first floor of the underground palace!

"According to our prior understanding, there are at least three to six tombs on each floor of the troll underground palace. The tombs are relatively safe. The most dangerous place is the passage leading to the tomb. There are countless mechanisms buried here..."

Stanley pointed to an inconspicuous corner ahead and reminded:

"There is a dragon fire mechanism there. If we go there rashly, the walls on both sides will spray out a large amount of spreading, dragon's breath-like flames to cleanse all life!"

"I could try to dismantle most of the traps, but that would take time."

Matthew nodded after hearing this.

At that moment, he pointed the sharp end of the shovel at the stone wall facing him:

"So behind this is the first tomb, right?"

Stanley swallowed.

He already knew what Matthew was going to do next:


"There are no traps or traps in the stone wall, right?"

Matthew asked cautiously.

Stanley shook his head:

"Normal tomb owners would not set traps in the walls. The Troll Empire is even older, so I don't think they would be able to guard against this."

Matthew confirmed with Lorraine again and got the latter's approval.

He showed a knowing smile again:

"So sometimes it's better to just be direct."

"If we just move this wall away, wouldn't the problem be solved?"

The words fell.

He skillfully wielded the shovel and began to dig at the stone wall.

The sharpness of the tree planting shovel is indeed beyond imagination.

This thing cuts stone like it cuts butter. Matthew doesn't even need to put in much effort, just cut out a shallow door shape on the wall.

Immediately afterwards.

Matthew dug in the direction of the surrounding area.

After digging out a space that was almost as spacious as the corridor, he started digging vertically again.

Less than ten minutes.

Matthew successfully hollowed out the wall. Except for two stone pillars left as load-bearing materials, he ordered the undead to move all the remaining stones.

These stones are all good things left over from the era of the Troll Empire.

Their own strength may be average.

However, because it has been buried underground for a long time, it is deeply corroded and assimilated by negative energy, so it is very suitable for building buildings in the cemetery and strengthening ceremonial venues related to negative energy.

"The Necromancer does have a unique advantage in robbing tombs. If I want, I can even draw more people from the cemetery and empty the tomb directly!"

"The labor that the undead, especially zombies, can provide is really rare in tomb robbing operations..."

While Matthew directed the undead to carry the stones, he placed a teleportation stone tablet at the entrance to the underground palace.

He debugged and found that due to the emerald green barrier left by the elves, the effect of the teleportation stone tablet was not very stable.

But as long as he spends a little more time, he can still make the zombies carry everything back.

A few zombies were left to guard the teleportation tombstone.

Matthew quickly turned back underground.

At this time, everyone has arrived in the first tomb chamber.

After Stanley and Lorraine teamed up to eliminate several gas traps, they successively announced that the threat in the tomb had been eliminated.

The rest were allowed to move freely.

Linden stood in front of a stone tablet and consciously interpreted the content on the stone tablet for Carmela next to him:

"The tombstone says that those buried in this underground palace are the Troll Empire's third greatest priest, chief mage, Holy Prince Philip, and his retainers and heirs."

"This Prince Philip is said to be eight meters tall and has mastered the ability to have intercourse with the God of Poole at a young age?

This must be a divine connection, right?

I'm not sure...

Trolls usually use rough words. They even use the same word for eating and shit, but the tone is different.

The tombstone states that Prince Philip's greatest contribution was the introduction of foreign women to the Theosophical Conference, in order to alleviate the tension caused by the reluctance of troll women to participate in the Theosophical Conference at the end of the empire.

It is said that he himself even persuaded his friend, the then Elf Queen, to also participate in the troll's theosophy conference.

At first the Elf Queen was reluctant.

She attended the next few times with her daughter, and it was all thanks to Prince Philip.

Damn what is written in this!

This must be slander!


How could the Elf Queen attend the Theosophy Conference of Trolls? !

What a piece of shit! "

As he was translating, Linden suddenly became furious.

He slapped the surface of the stone tablet uncontrollably.

As a result, because he was too fragile, the stone tablet was not in good shape, and his own right hand showed signs of slight fracture.

"Isn't it surprising that the Elf Queen attends the Theosophical Conference?"

not far away.

Daisy, who had been very quiet, suddenly spoke leisurely:

"You told me before that even the great elves were enslaved by the trolls for more than two hundred years."

"Since we are all slaves, of course it is not up to you to decide what you want to do."

Linden had anger on his face, but for some reason, his lips trembled violently but he did not refute Daisy's words.

"Compared to the Elf Queen, I think they are more pitiable."

Daisy stretched out her hand and pointed to the north of the tomb.

There is a large collapsed space there.

Everyone came over to take a look, and saw that there were countless bones in the cold pit!

These bones are thick and thin, large and small, and have different parts.

Even a person who doesn't know much about biology can tell at a glance that these bones come from different humanoid races.

"Humans, dwarves, hobgoblins, and bound elven zombies...are they all burial objects?"

Daisy sighed softly.

Lyndon said nothing.

The expressions of the others were full of seriousness.

Just from this tomb, it is not difficult to get a glimpse of the brutal rule of the Troll Empire.

"Perhaps the gods at that time and even Purgatory were relatively advanced compared to the Troll Empire..."

It stands to reason that Matthew should be happy to see so many bones.

But when he thought that behind these skeletons were innocent victims, the joy in his heart disappeared, replaced by endless sighs and emotions.

He just checked.

The first tomb chamber mainly consists of three parts -

The central area is used to store more than a dozen coffins, the largest of which are two large and three small coffins;

The pit area is full of bones of the victims. Apart from the bones, the most valuable ones are the figurines used to restrain the elves!

These zombies are a natural breeding ground for the undead.

With a little processing, Matthew can summon a group of banshees through them;

In the funerary area, there are four separate rooms for storing funerary objects, most of which are locked boxes, as well as some pottery and paintings;

"Not only are these boxes locked, but they also have a very vicious curse of corpse transformation. Anyone who touches the items may quickly become an undead and eventually become a member of the tomb guards."

Outside the funerary area.

Carmela pointed to the treasure chest inside and introduced.


She walked in boldly and opened a treasure chest casually.

There was a crisp sound.

Under everyone's surprised gazes, Carmela just used a strange force to tear open the lock of the treasure box.

Immediately afterwards.

A large amount of ore comes into view——

Saintess' Stone, Heart of the Dead, Tears of the King, Farro Mithril, Azalea Sand...

See these gems.

Everyone's breathing could not help but become tight.

You must know that these are very precious and rare magic gems!

The key is to have a box full of them!

If we estimate its value, this box may exceed 1.2 million gold coins!

Not to mention each of the four rooms has a similar treasure chest!

Another of Stanley's younger brothers rolled his eyes and quietly took two steps back.

However, before he could sneak into the second room, he was grabbed by the back of his neck by a huge force!

"What do you want to do? Go and die?!!"

Stanley's face was pressed tightly against the young man's nose, and he said in an almost growling manner.

"No, boss, I just want to open my eyes."

The younger brother said sarcastically.

"Didn't you hear her say there's a corpse-turning curse on it?"

Stanley's eyes were full of disappointment.

The younger brother scratched his head:

"I think she's fine."

These words immediately made Stanley's nostrils thicken with anger.

He was just about to scold his younger brother.

But he saw Carmella walking out of the room leisurely.

When passing by the two of them.

Carmela stopped suddenly.

Stanley and his younger brother's breathing became tight.

Unexpectedly, Carmela actually said to Stanley extremely tenderly:

"There's no need to be so nervous."

"If you don't let him try it, how will he know if it will work?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't handle it. I happen to be a priest. I'm very good at saving people's lives. I can remove the curse for a thousand gold coins once. Except for Linden, each of you can touch it and try it!"

The two of them were silent.

Until Carmela left.

Stanley quickly took out a white mouse from his sleeve.

He dropped the white mouse on top of the treasure chest.

In an instant.

A thick green smoke rose up.

Thick smoke poured into the body of the white rat. The latter twitched twice and quickly stiffened and died!

The younger brother's eyes suddenly widened.

Another ten seconds passed.

The dead white mouse suddenly waved its forelimbs stiffly, and then slowly climbed up from the ground.

It turns into a zombie rat!

This time the little brother was completely scared.

He was about to say something, but at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flew in from outside the tomb!

Everyone took a closer look.

It was a rotten bird!

The bird was still shedding blood feathers as it flew, but its feathers seemed to be endless, and they had not yet finished falling off even after they fell to the ground.


"Why did you break in here?"

The rotten bird stopped on the largest coffin and asked menacingly.

Matthew glanced at him and replied in a relaxed tone:

"We are here to rob graves."


One of the Rot Bird's eyes popped open.

His voice was filled with more anger:

"I am the guardian of the underground palace!"

"How dare you disturb the underground palace?"

"How dare you blaspheme the dead?"

At this time, Linden jumped out and said eagerly:

"Lord Guardian, I am not the same as them. I am an archaeologist, and they are real tomb robbers!"

"To be honest, I think you are wrong. It's okay to come in here to look for things. You still have to respect the dead..."

Matthew looked at Linden strangely:

"Why respect?"

Linden's eyes widened:

"Put yourself in his shoes, if you were the owner of the tomb, wouldn't you hate the tomb robbers who will rob you hundreds of thousands of years from now?"

Matthew nodded:

"It's true what you said, but why should I put myself in the shoes of the owner of this tomb?"

"Why should I empathize with these princes, generals, ministers, and powerful people from who knows how many years ago?"

"I am a necromancer, and I keep company with a lot of skeletons and zombies every day. When I summoned the undead that ordinary people became after death, you didn't tell me that this was blasphemy."

"Why does it become a blasphemy for me to go to the tomb of a big shot and do the same thing?"

Linden was speechless by Matthew's rebuke.

Then he turned to look at Luo Lan:

"And you?"

"Aren't you a poet? You consider yourself an artist. Do you also think that robbing graves is right?"

Lorraine was holding his green piccolo in his mouth, holding the Book of Hebrew Cards in his hand, looking like he was thinking hard.

Hear this.

He rolled his eyes directly at Linden:

"It's none of my business!"

Linden was very angry and shook his head again, as if he wanted to find someone to support his remarks.

However, this time he saw Carmela rolling back her sleeves.

Linden was immediately frightened and could only stamp his feet on the spot angrily:

"I don't agree with you uneducated people!"

Then he ran and hid behind Stanley and Daisy.

Matthew was too lazy to argue with the lunatic. If this guy didn't have some real stuff in his belly, he would have dumped him somewhere.

Now he faced the rotten bird.

on the data column.

"Tip: You encountered a clone of the tomb guardian "The Banshee".

Warning: The Banshee is summoning a skeletal beast through remote spells! "

Sue the banshee to death?

"It seems that those elves transformed into the undead and finally stayed in the tomb and became loyal guards."

Matthew had already put away the zombies in the pit——

No one tried to snatch this thing from him, and in the process he also found that many zombies were empty, which meant that some elves had been transformed into the undead.


With the blessing of a magical energy, a tornado began to blow in the pit.

White bones rose up in the wind and formed the frame of a huge creature in mid-air!

"Do you need help?!"

Stanley approached cautiously.

Matthew nodded:


Stanley was very wise. He saw that Lorraine was thinking about the article, and Carmela seemed not so easy to deal with, so he took the initiative to say to Matthew:

"Just tell me if you have anything."

Matthew pointed backward quickly:

"Take your people and exit this tomb quickly. My next spell may accidentally injure you."

"Remember to keep an eye on Lyndon."

Stanley stayed for a moment:

"this one?"

"Don't you need anything else?"

Matthew looked at the skeletal beast that was gradually taking shape and the rotting bird resting on the coffin, and said firmly:

"no need."

Stanley decisively ordered everyone to retreat.

He sent the others away with his super high movement speed, but then he stayed behind.

"You should leave too!"

"Be careful of accidental injuries."

Matthew reminded.

Stanley pointed at Lorraine and Carmela:

"where are they?"

Matthew shrugged:

"If they were accidentally injured by me, I would suspect it was a case of accident."

Stanley no longer hesitated and left quickly.

Matthew turned to face the ferocious skeletal beast.

The appearance of this thing is close to that between the abomination and the bone dragon, a bit like a suture monster made of countless bone blocks.

It looks quite scary.

The three-thirds of an acre of land in the tomb is indeed very capable of fighting.


"Level 4 Spell: Bone-Crushing Howl"!

When Matthew's short chant sounded in the tomb, the summons of the skeleton beast came to an end.

And when the giant beast finally fully formed and pounced on Matthew.

The latter suddenly opened his mouth.


A burst of extremely sharp sound waves shattered the soul fire of the skeletal beast!

Under that terrifying sound wave impact.

The giant skeleton beast collapsed.

All the feathers on the rotting bird shot out, pricking holes in the stone wall.

It itself turned into a puddle of mud.


Bones fell all over the sky, forming a rather spectacular rain of bones.


"Do you really want to challenge the majesty of the Eternal Underground Palace?"

A cold voice sounded from the depths of the tomb.

"I told you, I'm a necromancer."

Matthew’s tone was quite calm:

"I don't want to challenge anyone's majesty. I just like this tomb and want to make it my own."

The next second.

He slowly opened the tomb realm.

"Warning: Do you want to have a field duel with Brianta, the tomb guardian of the eternal underground palace?"

Do you want to plunder the domain control of the Eternal Underground Palace? "

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