"Moonfire Technique: Guide a beam of moonlight to attack the target, causing a fixed amount of damage when it hits, and will continue to cause moonlight burning damage for 15 seconds afterward;

When you use Moonfire in moonlight, the damage dealt is doubled;

Moonfire cannot cause damage to constructed life;

This spell causes an additional 100% damage to undead creatures..."

Matthew made a magic man and tested the damage of the moonfire spell indoors and outdoors. I can only say it was a bit touching.

"The double damage of moonlight blessing is only equivalent to a level 5 to 6 spell. Without moonlight, it is just scraping. Although the believer's badge has the ability to release moonlight, it can deal ideal damage in most cases, but it is still too soft. "

Matthew wasn't very happy with the spell.

The few advantages of Moonfire are its low mana consumption, its burning effect which has certain tactical significance, and...it looks pretty good?

"Controlling undead creatures can be considered an advantage."

Matthew comforted himself.

In fact, he didn't expect much from the spells given by the Moonlight Goddess. He is a god, not a mage, and his spell level may not be as good as some fourth- and fifth-level mage.

The advantage of gods is that they can use divine magic to simulate spells.

However, after the promotion of Tianlun Palace, they were no longer able to cast their divine magic on the human world.

Matthew thought that this moon fire spell should have been a divine spell imitated by the Moonlight Goddess at first. Later, it was inconvenient to give it to a few believers, so he had to reluctantly change it and send it down.

Think about it this way.

He is quite sad now, no wonder his posture is so low.

"However, the low profile of the Moonlight Goddess may have existed in the Age of Enlightenment. Her priesthood only has a very narrow "moonlight", which means that someone has taken away the other rights of the "moonlight", and she can only endure and suffer in her own domain. Hard work. "

Matthew wiped the believer's badge and thought casually:

"But Ella once mentioned that there was a glorious period in Moonglade. Could it be that He once had complete authority over the moon?"

But none of this mattered.

Matthew walked quickly back to the cabin and sang politely:

"Praise the moonlight!"

The following days.

The focus of Matthew's life returned to reality, especially planting trees. He used his extra time to search for potential Blighters. Unfortunately, his divination skills were indeed terrible. When he once divined the "Blighter", he didn't know why. I saw a scene of a woman taking a bath.

Judging from the architectural style behind it, it is obviously the craftsman district or commercial district of Rolling Stone Town.

But that woman was obviously not a blighter.

Afraid of being perceived as a voyeur, Matthew quickly covered the crystal ball with linen.

within a short period of time.

He doesn't plan to do divination himself.

The Blighter was not found for a while, but Eli's traces became easier and easier for Matthew to grasp.

He found a time to activate the oak field. Since Eli resonated with his own field, Matthew could immediately lock his position as long as he was in the oak forest.

Judging from the content of Matthew's perception.

Eli's daily movement route is very monotonous.

It seems.

He seemed to be patrolling the woods very carefully.

Matthew observed for a while and then let him go——

My own forest is full of crouching tigers, hidden dragons, skeletons, necromancers, and corpses. What happened to the many serious druids?

Moonlight woodland aspect.

Ella had urged Matthew many times to continue sweeping the insect nest, but Matthew had always used the excuse of "short manpower" to push back.

In fact, this reason is not completely unreasonable.

He had lost so many skeleton soldiers, and it would be very troublesome to summon them all again.

And Samantha has not been seen since that day.

Matthew estimated that she was going to sort out the information she wanted about the Soviet Union.

There's really no rush for the mission here at the Insect Nest.

Even the goal given by the Moonlight Goddess was to "destroy a Crazy Se guard", and Matthew had already exceeded the target.

As for the "Kill All Crazy" required by the side mission, after learning that the Insect Hive was related to the Antu Empire, he had given up the idea of ​​pushing it quickly.

Let’s keep operating steadily!

Two things also happened during this period:

Matthew took the time to find a dealer who often went to White Rock City and bought 10 air element convergence runes and a small bottle of ghoul's nail powder.

These two items are prepared for summoning zombies next;

Another thing is that the private territory transfer promised by Rhaegar was quickly implemented.

Matthew got the free land donation document signed by the lord himself from an unfamiliar city hall official.


This matter absolutely cannot be put on the table.

So on the hint of that official.

Matthew went to see Ms. Lizzie again, who complained that Matthew should have come over long ago to get the free lease document for the land.

This way.

On the surface, Matthew just became the leaser of that territory, following the same path as Ms. Liz.

Only a few people know.

He is also a landed person!

Liz was very quick to do things, and she also fulfilled all the promised allowances.

When walking out of City Hall.

Matthew, whose pocket jingled, only felt that life was wonderful.

He only saved Xifu once on the way, but was thanked with heavy gifts by the father and daughter respectively.

He felt a little sorry.

For a moment.

Matthew even had an evil thought deep in his heart:

"I wish I could do it again!"


He seriously criticized his evil idea.

"Even if it happens again, it can't be Sif. This child has already suffered."

"Well, if it's Rhaegar, it's not impossible to save him once."

that's all.

The time came five days later.


In the oak forest.

Matthew walked leisurely back to the hut carrying the sack and shovel.

When less than fifty meters away from the cabin.

His field suddenly triggered automatically!

"The big guy is coming!"

An oak tree tipped him off.

Matthew turned to the west.

A figure rushed over.

He rushed to Matthew, paused, and then asked in a particularly unpleasant tone:

"It doesn't matter if there are no animals in your forest, why aren't there even berries?!!"

Eli glared.

Matthew thought for a while:

"Maybe because this is an oak forest?"

Eli's dissatisfaction became even more serious:

"That's not what I meant. Of course I know this is an oak forest, but why are there only oak trees in the forest and no other plants?"

Matthew put down his shovel and explained kindly:

"That's right, Mr. Eli, this forest was recently opened by me. I'm not a forest expert myself. I can only plant oak trees now."

Eli showed an incredulous expression.

Immediately, he sneered:

"Sure enough, it is in line with my understanding of necromancers. How can there be only one type of tree? Forget it, I don't want to talk to you about this today. You know, shapeshifters like me often need a lot of meat. Replenish energy. Of course, the series of spells I have mastered can also ensure that I can satisfy my hunger with a small amount of berries, but the problem is, you have nothing here!"

When Matthew heard this, he showed an expression of sudden realization.

He asked what was Eli doing running around in the woods these days when he had nothing to do!

So you were looking for something to eat?

"So you've been hungry for five days?"

Matthew asked quickly.

"Four days!"

Eli showed a cold expression that disdained talking to Matthew:

"On the third day, I couldn't help it and went to the farm next door to steal a chicken. But I couldn't do too much of this kind of thing, and the account had to be charged to you. Matthew, I was guarding the woods for you! "

Guard the woods for yourself?

After Matthew thought for a moment, the cause and effect were connected.

"It seems that he wants to repay my enlightenment in his field."

Matthew's view of Eli suddenly changed a lot.

"In that case, Mr. Eli, come and have a meal with me."

He extended the invitation.

"I'm not eating with a necromancer! I'm here, but you have to give me some food."

Eli's attitude still looks stinky and hard.

Matthew was unimpressed.

"In this case, I can only give you this first."

The magic bag given by Sif happened to produce a large batch of cookies.

Matthew handed it over.

Eli took the cookie, smelled it, and then chewed it eagerly.

Matthew smiled.

Turned around and went back to the house to eat.

After dinner.

He found Eli still where he was.

So he took the initiative to say hello and said:

"What's wrong, Mr. Eli, are you not full?"

Eli glanced at him:

"I'm full, thank you."

His tone was still hard.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Matthew's wooden house:

"What did you just eat?"

Matthew sipped the grease on his lips:

"A light meal."

"Really? I smell sausage."

Eli looked at him suspiciously.

Matthew changed the subject:

"So, the reason why you stayed in my forest is to repay me for the little help I inadvertently gave you? If this is the case, it is not necessary, because it was just an accident. I originally just wanted to help Sa Mansha provides domain enlightenment, and if you can understand it, it is purely due to your own amazing talent."

Matthew was heard mentioning Samantha.

The vein in Eli's forehead jumped.

It took a lot of strength for him to hold back from having an attack:

"I have a ruler in my heart. I will not leave until I pay back what I owe you."

"Don't underestimate me, we druids are the real kings of the jungle. If I hadn't guarded the woods for you, these oak trees would have been destroyed by the evil Blighter!"

Matthew laughed.

He wanted to tell Eli that he didn't owe him anything.

But looking at Eli's proud face, Matthew swallowed his words.

So he nodded and said:

"If you want to stay, of course you can. Please do whatever you want. As for food, I will ask someone to prepare one for you. What do you usually like to eat?"

As he spoke, he actually took out a pen and paper, as if ready to record.

The corner of Eli's mouth trembled:

"No need, just the cookies just now will do."

Matthew chuckled and said:

"Biscuits or sausage?"

Eli hesitated:

"Then it's still sausage."

"Do you want anything else? Like a drink or something?"

Matthew asked again.

Eli shook his head decisively:

"No need."

"Milk or coffee?"

Matthew didn't seem to hear him.

"Um, milk."

Eli replied a little unnaturally.

"Then, starting from tomorrow morning, you can come here to find me before I start planting trees, and I will give you the food for the day."

Matthew lowered his head and wrote down a few lines.

Look at his serious look.

Eli suddenly had this thought in his mind:

"Is he so good to all his employees?"

"No, damn it! I'm not an employee of this Necromancer!"

He raised his head fiercely.

But he was shocked to find that Matthew had already greeted him and walked away.

As night falls, everything is silent.

Matthew finished his meditation for the day and walked out of the door.

The moonlight is bright outside.

Eli was sitting under an oak tree not far away, staring blankly at the moon.

Matthew didn't greet him.

Go straight to the northwest.

But soon.

There were footsteps behind him.

"What are you going to do in the middle of the night? Necromancer."

Eli asked, following from a distance.

"A little personal matter."

Matthew responded succinctly:

"You'd better not follow me."

As soon as this statement came out.

Eli seemed more interested.

He quickly followed up and kept pace with Matthew:

"What bad thing is it that needs to be hidden from me?"

Matthew glanced at him:

"It's nothing I need to hide from you. I just think it would be a bit blasphemous to summon zombies in front of a druid."

Eli's first reaction after hearing this was "You have already done something to blaspheme Samantha in front of me!"

Then he realized what Matthew was about to do.

"How dare you summon zombies in an oak forest?!"

The anger tank in the corner of Eli's eyes was about to be full again:

"This is the realm of nature, a sacred place that cannot be tarnished!"

Matthew responded slowly:

"If this can be considered a stain, then nature has almost been completely ruined by me."

Eli's temples were twitching, and he suppressed his anger and looked at Matthew:

"Then aren't you afraid that I will destroy your evil ritual?"

Matthew looked at him meaningfully:

"This is my domain, better not do anything stupid, Eli."

With that said, he walked to the skeleton dormitory.

Pull open the cover.

Start transporting the bodies outside.

Eli watched the scene with a gloomy expression.

He knew that although Matthew looked like he was only at the second level, with the blessing of the Oak Domain, he didn't have much chance of winning;

If he wants to make a sneak attack, then Matthew can activate the field immediately, and the repulsion of the field will provide him with enough room for operation; and after the field is opened, not only Matthew will get the right time and place, but Eli, as a druid, will also will be weakened due to changes in the environment.

This is the power of the field.

What's more, the necromancer in front of him obviously has many trump cards.

In the woods these days.

Eli felt murderous intent more than once.

That feeling and pressure.

Only a third-level rogue at least can give it to yourself.

"I will not interfere with your ritual, but I want to witness the birth of evil with my own eyes. When I fully repay the favor I owe you, I will destroy all the evil creatures you summoned!"

Eli said grimly.

Matthew ignored him.

He laid out the bodies of the five arsonists in a row in the open space under the moonlight.

Although I can't tell why.

However, it is generally believed among necromancers that summoning zombies under sufficient moonlight will be easier to succeed, and there is also a chance of giving birth to high-quality zombies.

Naturally, Matthew would rather believe it.

He quickly sprinkled a handful of "corpse powder" and a small amount of "ghoul nail powder" evenly on each corpse.

Then he put on the "Qi Element Convergence Rune" that he had purchased before, one by one.

After doing all this.

Matthew began a long chant.

The casting time of the summoning of the dead spell is longer during the initial summoning, but it only takes about 5 minutes at most, but Matthew chanted for a full 12 minutes!

The reason is also very simple.

In the first few minutes, he was paddling and singing wildly - although he was willing to believe in Eli's character, he had to be more careful at this critical moment. It wasn't until Eli squatted down impatiently that Matthew began to truly perform the undead. call!

In the woodland.

The necromancers chanted in cadence.

Dark clouds passed.

Eli's face flickered in and out.


One of the corpses stood up stiffly!

Immediately afterwards.

Bodies one after another rise from the ground!

Eli jumped up from the ground subconsciously.

But the next second.

He was surprised to feel that the surrounding oak forest seemed to come alive!

The night breeze blows.

Wisps of green light appeared from the oak trees.

Finally merged into the bodies of the five zombies!

This scene also shocked Matthew.

He couldn't help but look at the record column.

"Tip: You successfully completed the summoning of the dead (first time/zombie)

You got 5 undead creatures (zombie/average level LV7)

Your zombies were blessed by the oak realm when they were born, and they gained the 'Bark Technique'!

Tree Skin (Passive): Your zombie skin automatically forms a layer of tough ancient tree skin (Armor +3), and provides certain damage reduction when suffering damage."

A zombie that can use tree skin?

Matthew was stunned.

He just wanted to take a closer look at the statistics of the zombie boys.

At this moment.

Changes occur again.

A strong moonlight shone down.

Five zombies bathed in the moonlight.

Their bodies seemed to undergo a strange transformation.

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