The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 315 Ronan’s methods and making bone dragon

"He is also a talent..."

After roughly reading Li Rick’s origin information, Matthew nodded slightly:

"Your conditions can be met, but you need to lead people to open that level of cemetery yourself."

Rick Li was quite happy:

"no problem."

"In addition, I also need five soul crystals every month as basic reward."

Matthew looked at Li Rick without changing his expression.

The latter's mood was calm, his head raised upwards, and his dark eyes looked at Matthew's level.

Matthew could feel a strong sense of confidence from the other party's soul fire.

The salary of five soul crystals is really not low.

Throughout the cemetery.

Currently, only Myasaki, the mother of coolies, receives this salary.

But Myosaki has fully demonstrated her worth.

She single-handedly supported the entire labor force system of Death Fear Cemetery.

Compared to ordinary zombies.

The labor provided by coolie zombies and farmer zombies is more than three to five times the original!


Matthew pondered and said:

"But if you fail to show value, I will let you go."

Li Rick raised his chin proudly:

"You'll soon see what I'm capable of."

Matthew nodded. He called White Ghost Ali and introduced him to Li Rick:

"This is Ali, the director of Death Fear Cemetery. If you need anything, just ask him."

"If you want a cemetery with a separate floor, you can discuss with Ali to open up a fourth floor of the cemetery below the third floor, that is, in the space with the underground river. Before you do it, remember Give me a report and you can officially start work after I approve it."

Matthew ordered Ali and Rick Li.

The two had no objections.

Matthew thought for a moment, and then told Ali alone that he should explore the deeper underground space while exploring the fourth floor.

This is to prepare for the opening of the fifth and sixth floors in the future.


Throughout the entire exploration process, Matthew told Ali to strictly abide by the three-hundred-meter principle.

No one is allowed to go deep beyond 300 meters.

This is the iron law of the Seven Saints Alliance.

Naturally, Matthew would not violate it easily.

What's more, as his strength continues to improve, Matthew increasingly feels the unique rhythm and pulse deep in the earth.

He always remembered Melinda once mentioned that there was something terrible buried beneath the ground in Rolling Stone.

Matthew didn’t quite believe it before.

But then he gradually felt that Melinda might not be talking nonsense.

In short, you can never go wrong with caution.

The six-story Death Fear Cemetery.

At least it was enough until Matthew Legend.

Taking this opportunity, Matthew carried out another round of redistribution of positions and responsibilities within the cemetery.

In addition to officially appointing White Ghost Ali as the general manager of Death Fear Cemetery.

Matthew also set up different supervisors and deputy supervisors on each floor.

On the underground floor, he is in charge of Argus, the Shield of Qishan, and is also the captain of the patrol; Renesmee, the deputy director, is in charge of a small number of zombies.

On the second underground floor, the supervisor is confirmed by White Ghost Ali, and the deputy supervisor is Death Knight 47. Although 47 likes to resist horses, it seems a bit unreliable, but recently Matthew has discovered that this guy is the undead in his contract. The one with the strongest comprehensive ability besides Peggy.

The disadvantage is that he seems to be a bit sneaky.

Since he joined the cemetery, there have been frequent reports of stolen horses from nearby farms.

There are always a few more bone horses in the cemetery.

Matthew had to pay an extra fee for this.

The supervisor of the third underground floor is Paige for the time being.

Because she is one of the few undead who are not afraid of fire, and the deputy director is the human arsonist.

If there is a suitable candidate among the newly converted cremators in the future, Matthew will quickly adjust the appointment.

The fourth floor is naturally the new Skeleton Prince Li Rick, and the deputy manager is A Bing.

As Matthew's confidant.

A Bing has no management or communication skills at all, but his victory lies in his loyalty and individual strength.

Let A Bing serve as deputy director mainly to monitor and deter.

After all, Rick Li was new here.

Matthew didn't know him well yet, so he had to be more or less defensive.

Let’s talk about the next five or six floors.

As the number of elite undead in the cemetery increases, Matthew's available resources are no longer as stretched as before.

He believed it wouldn't take long.

Your own cemetery will become an impregnable fortress.

Maybe even one day.

He believes that the supervisors on each floor of his cemetery are legendary undead!

Although this dream is still a bit far away.

But Matthew can clearly feel that he is moving towards that goal step by step!

"I wonder when O'Loughlin will come back."

In fact, Matthew on the third level originally wanted to give it to Oluolin.

After all, Brother Lich is the first person in the cemetery in terms of level and combat power.

It's a pity that this guy has been gone for so long and there is still no news.

Matthew could only conclude by deed that he was still alive.

I just don’t know where it went.

"You must be lost, right?"

Matthew laughed to himself.

He made a quick calculation, and as he did so, his brows furrowed:

"The soul crystals are a bit insufficient."

Soul crystals are the most powerful resource used by necromancers to win over the elite undead.

Since Matthew entered the realm of necromancy, and with the ability to control and strengthen through meditation, the number of soul crystals he has obtained through daily meditation has tripled from before.

It is precisely because of this super powerful ability to obtain soul crystals.

Only then could he afford to raise so many elite undead.

But with the arrival of Li Rick.

The gap in the soul crystal suddenly became highlighted again.

If Matthew wants to recruit more elite undead in the future.

Then this gap may continue to expand!

"It is inconvenient to deduct the salary of the mother of coolies. She has a very good attitude towards work. Even the God of War dares to slap her. She is also a top-notch bitch. Don't let her feel cold..."

"I promised last time that I would give Paige a salary increase this month, but it's really inconvenient for me to default on my payment again."

"We have to find a way to open source..."

Matthew sighed.

"Xiao Fei is still sensible. After becoming the king, he never asked me for soul crystals again."

Ordinary necromancers can only obtain soul crystals through meditation.

Only a handful of guys with profound magic power dare to find another way in the negative energy plane to find the source of the soul crystal.

"Those undead monarchs on King Mountain in the Land of Six Rings must know how to find soul crystals."

Matthew composed himself.

This is the first possible way to find additional soul crystals.

As for the second one.

He picked up a pen and wrote the word "Scar of the Dead" on the paper.

Many soul crystals have exploded from Ashbringer's body!

The Mark of the Dead in Rolling Stone is just an extension, and Matthew has made a small fortune.

If we could strike the main vein of the Mark of the Dead with such a knife.

How many surprises will there be?


It is not convenient for him to intervene in the affairs of Jade Cangting for the time being.

But Matthew had second thoughts.

Although Cuiyu Cangting declined her entry.

But it's not like I can't sneak in.

At worst, you can use camouflage spells and give people a pseudonym.

Matthew couldn't help but think of Jasmine, the white tiger elf he met last time in the Garden of Fallen Leaves.

As Yue Yao among the Wind Chasers.

She must have some understanding of the current situation of the Mark of the Dead.

Unfortunately, the last time they met, Matthew chose to lie about his identity because of the sensitivity of tomb robbing.

I'm afraid this line is no longer needed.

Matthew thought for a moment.

Then he took out a piece of white paper, picked up a pen and wrote two letters.

A letter written to Ai Lan in the Winter Moon.

The other letter was addressed to Beanna.

The letter to Ai Lan was a formulaic courtesy, and Matthew also knew that Ai Lan was feeling embarrassed now.

She has the identity of both an elf and an alliance mage. With the increasingly delicate relationship between the elves and the Alliance of Seven Saints, it is difficult to speak out about many things.

So Matthew just asked casually, treating it as a normal greeting between friends.

The letter to Biana was much longer.

On the one hand, the two are indeed more familiar with each other.

On the other hand, it is because Beanna seems to live very close to the Trace of the Dead, so she should be able to have a lot of first-hand information.

Matthew decided to see if he could get some unexpected surprises.

This year's Mudong Festival, although Beanna did not send Matthew a red scarf, she actually wrote him a letter.

It's just that the letter was delayed for several days due to transportation problems before it was delivered to Rolling Stone.

The content of the above letter is much simpler than before.

Matthew could clearly detect that the girl's mentality seemed to have changed drastically.

As for the reason for the change.

I'm afraid it has something to do with the abyss death battle she experienced with Sif.

She may have misunderstood Matthew's relationship with Sif.

Maybe he's hiding something.

The relationship between girls is too complicated, and Matthew is too lazy to clarify it one by one.

His point is simple.

Just be yourself.

After writing the letter, Matthew asked the messenger Sanger to deliver it.

And he himself just took a short rest.

He brought a few spell books and spread them out on the table.

The most eye-catching one.

Shockingly, it was "Taint" presented to him by Qin Wuyue.

For Matthew.

The learning of magic never ends.

He knew that his basic skills were not solid.

So the only thing he could do was to seize every minute and every second and eagerly absorb the knowledge from the book.

that's all.

More than ten days passed in a flash.

It's mid-January.

There was no new news from the Blood Moon.

Matthew made a special trip to find it177.

The latter told Matthew.

The current situation on the moon is that a bunch of people are quarreling.

All representatives of relevant interests present are working together to find ways to save Blood Moon.

Only Ronan thought about smashing the moon down all day long.

To this.

The aborigines on the moon, the gods of hunting, and the leaders of the ancient lands lodged stern protests against the Seven Saints Alliance.

They thought Ronan was guilty of a heinous crime.

As the initiator of all this, he not only showed no repentance, but also tried to make things worse.

"His destructiveness even exceeds that of the Demon Lord of Wild Wolf Mountain!"

"He doesn't deserve to be called the Guardian of Irondor!"

This was an indignant comment made by a top expert on the moon who attended an impromptu meeting to Ronan when he left the venue.

Everyone was extremely disgusted with Ronan.

But at their level, the way they think about things is actually very simple.

If they had the power to kill Ronan.

Then things won't drag on until now.

Since they don't have the ability to kill Ronan, they can't wait for the blood moon to fall.

Then everyone must reason nicely with Ronan.

It is said that in the past few days.

Those extremely vicious exiles even talked to Ronan about truth, goodness and beauty.

Matthew was really eye-opening after hearing this.

"Are their bodies really that soft?"

"Ronan destroyed the star core of the moon in front of the God of Hunting, and he still wants to reason with him?"

He asked 177.

And 177’s answer is:

"Oh, of course not, they lost their temper too."

"But because they could never kill Ronan, and even two were injured by Ronan, in the end they could only compromise with each other."

"In fact, during the entire meeting, they also secretly unified their voices and strongly demanded that the Seven Saints Alliance change the person in charge of the Blood Moon Negotiations."

Matthew asked curiously:

"Where's the back?"

"Ronan didn't agree?"

177 shook his head:

"Ronan agreed faster than anyone else."

"It's just that when those people learned that after Ronan left, Ms. Isabel would be the next person in charge of succession negotiations in the alliance, they invited Ronan back as quickly as possible."

Matthew suddenly smiled dumbly when he heard this.

These people are aware of current affairs.

"By the way, since Ms. Isabel returned to the floating city in the far north, Ekmond's reputation inside and outside the alliance has skyrocketed."

"Especially outside the league, many people miss him like never before. According to them, although Ekmond is a perverted voyeur, he is already one of the few normal people among the top leaders of the league."

177 concluded.

Matthew nodded in agreement.

There is no harm without comparison. Before, he felt that Ekmund was too sneaky and did not have the royal demeanor of a superior person.

But Matthew found out later.

Ekmund was at least doing something when he came up, but his methods were quite criticized.

But the other divine mages or high-ranking legends, except for Suriel who got into Qian's eyes, are basically half crazy!

But madness is madness.

Matthew also realized that Ronan's method was effective. He defeated the God of Hunting and the exiles in the ancient land at the same time, and others could not retaliate against him.


He has the ability to cause trouble.

He also has the ability to solve the trouble caused by getting into trouble.

It can be seen that after reaching a certain level.

The means are not important.

Ability is the most important thing.

Yunshang Plateau, southeast.

In the snow-covered cemetery, Matthew was alone, pacing slowly.

He was inspecting the burial conditions of each deep pit.

It seems that he is very lucky. According to the weather in previous years, this part of the Yunshang Plateau should have been covered with snow.

But this year's weather is a bit unusual.

Until mid-January.

It was only after the framework of the cemetery branch was initially established that this land was covered with a thick silver gauze.

The framework of the Cemetery Division is simple.

There are almost no buildings except for a very hidden fountain of negative energy.

Surrounding the fountain are huge pits. The number and scale of the pits are very large. That is to say, in the Yunshang Plateau where the land is not valuable, if it were replaced by Rolling Stone Town, this area could almost cover the existing Rolling Stone has it all covered.

The edges of these pits are hastily wrapped in negative energy coatings and runes.

Buried inside were the carcasses of mammoths.

There are also those hunters who were frozen to death or trampled to death by the Super Silver Dragon.

The pit is surrounded by two circles of stone walls as high as one person.

Further outside is the camouflage formation that Matthew spent a lot of money to purchase.

This formation can greatly improve the concealment of the cemetery.

At least until next spring.

It is unlikely that anyone will find this place.

Matthew walked between the pits, carefully checking whether there were any leaks in the pits.

He was doing one last check.

Heavy snow covered the mammoth carcass here, and soon the extremely cold realm would come here.

Under the blessing of the dual realms of extreme cold and negative energy.

Not only will the mammoth carcass be well preserved, its spirituality will also be greatly enhanced compared to its original state.

Matthew plans to make these mammoths into immortals after spring.

The reason why such a troublesome process is used.

It was because he wanted to make a batch of "zombie mammoths" with extremely cold properties.

If Matthew chooses to summon directly, due to the size of the mammoth, the success rate of summoning zombie mammoths is very low, and it is more likely to get a batch of skeleton mammoths.

As everyone knows.

"Those with flesh are better than those with bones" is common sense when comparing undead of the same level.

In addition, the larger the size of the skeleton creature, the higher the quality requirements for the soul fire. If Matthew wants to make the quality of the skeleton mammoth meet the standard, he must increase his investment in the soul.

This will significantly increase production costs.

Matthew had no intention of spending so much money and energy on Mammoth.

Therefore the zombie mammoth is a better choice.

And in comparison.

Dragons are another story.

Like other creatures, the undead transformed from dragons can also be divided into three types -

bone dragon;

ghost dragon;

Zombie dragon.

Among them, the bone dragon is the most common.

Ghost dragons also exist, but are rarer.

Only zombie dragons have almost never appeared in the public eye.

This is because of the "Curse of the Zombie Dragon".

The so-called curse of the zombie dragon refers to a mystery in the realm of the dead——

All zombie dragons created throughout history have been very short-lived.

They seem to be cursed by some force from the moment they are born.

It won't take long.

Zombie dragons die suddenly for various reasons.

Unless this zombie dragon can change its attributes in time - for example, Matthew knows that a zombie dragon went to purgatory immediately after its birth, giving itself the attributes of the devil, thus successfully avoiding this curse.

That zombie dragon is still the little lord of a certain level of purgatory.

But his racial attribute is actually more of a devil than a zombie dragon.

Therefore, when the necromancer faces the dragon corpse, he usually does not have the option of zombie dragon.

The ghost dragon requires the necromancer to forcibly extract its soul and all spirituality from the body when killing the dragon——

This process is extremely difficult and can be messed up if you are not careful.

Therefore, the bone dragon is the most suitable choice for the necromancer to make a living.

Matthew is no exception.

In the past ten days, he has disposed of the body of the white dragon Adams, and the materials taken from the white dragon have been put together with the previous dragon treasures——

About these "Dragon Treasures".

Matthew planned to pay a special visit to Roderick's alchemy factory after he was done with it, and find a reputable alchemist to process it.

He expects the process to cost a fortune.

So before leaving, Matthew planned to save a large sum of money.

As for the idea of ​​selling the dragon's body for money, Matthew had never considered it at all.

You can’t sell anything but raw materials!

He would rather borrow money to pay for the processing fee than sell the Dragon Treasure. Previously, several mages in the alliance contacted Matthew to buy the Dragon Treasure, but because the price offered was not sincere, Matthew declined in the end.

Check out all the pits.

Matthew left the snowy plateau in a happy mood.

He returned to Death Fear Cemetery and came to his warehouse.

On the floor of the warehouse, lines that summon negative energy flow clearly, and the keels of the carts are placed in the center according to categories.

Matthew walked over and took stock.

Currently, there are seven dragon corpses in his hands, including——

the hapless White Dragon Adams;

The red dragon Coolsulus died from Fei Capital's dragon-slaying spear;

The black dragon Maenogas, who was used as the divine dragon-subduing weapon;

Young white dragons, red dragons, green dragons and blue dragons from the secondary plane;

So stocked.

Not too rich.

In fact, the warehouse that Matthew built on the basement floor is almost full!

He also understands.

It's time to start making the Bone Dragon!

Making bone dragons is the signature of the fifth-level necromancer.

But Matthew has mastered the field of necromancer, so he can take action in advance.

He looked around.

In the end, the skeleton of the young white dragon was chosen as the test subject.

There is no other reason.

There is still a certain failure rate in making a bone dragon.

But Bailong's bones don't feel bad when they are wasted.

At that moment, Matthew called a group of coolie zombies and asked them to push away several cars carrying the bones of young white dragons.

After a while.

Matthew calls to Philoleus.

Under Xiao Fei's reverse summons.

Matthew came to the negative energy plane again.

The land of the Sixth Ring, King Mountain.

In a deep valley halfway up the mountain.

Matthew felt the extremely strong negative energy around him.

Philoleus followed suit not far behind him.

"The negative energy here is so abundant, it is the ideal place to make a bone dragon!"

Matthew also saw the body of the Behemoth in the deep valley.

It seems that Xiaofei is still somewhat educated.

Knowing that the negative energy here is abundant, it is suitable for Beamon's corpse to transform into an undead by itself.

It's just that this transformation without external intervention is very slow.

It may take decades or even centuries to form a new undead.

Matthew obviously didn't have the patience.

He planned to let Beamon undergo the same spiritual precipitation as the mammoths here.

While ensuring that his body does not decay.

Wait until Matthew has accumulated enough experience in summoning large undead from dragons and mammoths.

He came back to personally perform the resurrection ceremony of this Behemoth.

Although the Lord of the Dead's passive was interrupted by the God of Hunting.

But Matthew believes that the undead Behemoth resurrected through his own hands will definitely be more powerful than the Lord of the Undead!

"I'll lend you the valley for a while."

Matthew smiled and said hello to Xiao Fei.

Then he asked the zombies to push the cart to the center of the valley.

Then he walked over and picked up the bones one by one and placed them on the ground.

He wanted to piece these bones together into the white dragon's original frame.

This is actually a very difficult process.

It is also the only way for every necromancer to go through when making a bone dragon.

Just like when you make Darth Vader, you have to anoint him with your own hands.

Piecing together the skeleton of the bone dragon with your own hands is also something the Necromancer must do.

Only in this way.

There is a better understanding between the summoned bone dragon and the necromancer.

The closer the framework built by the necromancer is to the bone dragon's appearance during his lifetime, the stronger the latter's strength and potential will be.

Therefore, this is a process that cannot be skipped or borrowed from others.

Da da da.

The crisp sound of bones colliding could be heard in the valley from time to time.

Matthew built it very carefully.

He walked back and forth between the car and the car quickly and calmly, picking up bones one by one and placing them on the ground.

He was also holding a bucket of black-smelling negative energy glue in his hand——

This glue is usually used when making stitch monsters.

And when reconstructing the framework of large-scale skeleton units.

They also play an irreplaceable role.

After lighting the soul fire.

The bone dragon can certainly use the power of soul fire to tighten the bones of its body inward and maintain sufficient gravity.

available before then.

If you don’t want the skeleton that you have worked so hard to build for a long time to be blown around by a gust of wind.

Negative energy glue is an indispensable prop.

all in all.

The process of piecing together the bone dragon was extremely arduous, even though Matthew had intentionally retained their corresponding parts when dismembering the dragon's body, and had drawn various drawings in advance.

But it’s time to put it into practice.

He was still dizzy from the effort.

It took a full week.

He just piled up the relatively small white dragon skeletons.

In the valley.

Matthew rubbed his sore neck with one hand, feeling an infinite sense of accomplishment in his heart.

The construction of the White Dragon skeleton is very complete.

This laid a solid foundation for the successful completion of the bone dragon summoning.

What's even more gratifying is.

Because Matthew used a lot of Mage Hands, Pale Hands and Astra Claws in the process of building the skeleton.

After a week of hard work.

He unexpectedly mastered a new ability!

"Sleight of Hand: The flexibility and efficiency of the fingers of your physical hand and the fingers of your spell or ability hand have been greatly improved.


When you frequently use Physiological Fingers, Mage Hands, Claws of Esdrael, and Hands of Balance.

You will slightly stimulate your own mental strength.

And slowly improve your concentration. "

This is not a domain capability.

It’s the ability that Matthew has mastered through accumulated hands-on training over time!

This harvest is truly gratifying.

To know.

Matthew knows how to cast spells in sign language!

The more flexible your fingers are, the more efficient your spell casting will be.

What's more, this ability can actually stimulate the improvement of concentration.

"You must continue to practice your hands diligently in the future!"

"You still can't be too lazy and leave everything to your little brother!"

In addition to being excited.

Matthew told himself this again in his heart.

And after building the skeleton.

Then we come to the second step of making the bone dragon, which is also a very important step——

Find the right soul.

This is also an important feature that makes Bone Dragon different from other undead.

The bone dragon's soul fire requires a complete soul to light it.

And the undead like Darth Vader.

The Necromancer simply needs to awaken the spirit within the corpse to ignite the soul fire.

The gap between the two also determines the essential difference between bone dragons and intermediate undead such as black warriors.

The soul fire of the most powerful bone dragon must be ignited by a dragon soul.

Such was the case with Philoleus.

The reason why he is powerful is because his huge frame contains a genuine dragon soul!

Some bone dragons only have fourth-level or even third-level combat effectiveness.

Many times it is because the soul fire is too weak.

But this cannot be blamed on the owners of the bone dragons.

Where can ordinary necromancers find dragon souls?

Most are looking for alternatives.

For example, the souls of earth dragons, dinosaur species, sub-dragon species, and even some beasts.

The most outrageous bone dragon recorded in history was made by a non-necromancer.

What the latter used to ignite the bone dragon soul fire was the soul of a hunting dog.

The hunting dog is the mage's pet.

In order to commemorate this pet, the mage killed a dragon and then tried to stuff the soul of the hunting dog into the dragon's skeleton.

He succeeded.

But he failed too.

The success was that the bone dragon really moved.

The point of failure is.

The skull dragon only survived in this world for seven seconds.

It can be seen from this.

The importance of soul fire intensity to bone dragons.

The soul of the sub-dragon species can only be compatible with but not control the body of the bone dragon.

Only the True Dragon Soul can be a perfect match!


Matthew also does not have the ability to extract the true dragon soul.

This thing has very high requirements for the soul realm.

You have to be a legend to do it.

So he could only settle for the next best thing.

Trying to summon some dragon or dinosaur souls from the underworld.

Use this to ignite the bone dragon's soul fire.


Matthew set up a soul-calling magic circle in the center of the valley.

The magic circle points to Poison Dragon Island in the underworld.

That is where the wurms belong after death.

He decided to try his luck.

Accompanied by the sound of a spell.

The light that illuminated the array gradually condensed into a clear outline.

Just the next moment.

A look of surprise appeared on Matthew's face.

Because the soul summoned by him does not belong to a dragon or a dinosaur.

It was a humanoid soul.

"Hello, Matthew."

Fan Zijue gave him a friendly smile:

"Forgive me for coming uninvited, but I do want to talk to you."

"Talk about something about the Cult of Hades."

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