The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 335 Authority: Taking advantage of the situation!

This is... a field?

Matthew quietly felt the changes around him. The subtle feeling made him feel like he was soaking in a hot spring. It was comfortable and warm, and there was an indescribable sense of pleasure.

This is not the first time that he has resonated with the field of this place.

When he first set foot on the Gold Coast.

He lightly touched the field here, but Matthew's level was still relatively low at that time, and the things he touched were relatively marginal.

But this time it's different.

He could clearly feel that he had touched something deeper!

Although the level of the Balance Messenger has not increased, Matthew's achievements in the field make up for this.

To know.

The domain field is actually a larger, more stable, and more comprehensive ritual field.

If further development.

It is possible to form an existence similar to the divine kingdom on land.

But the consumption of such a field is so great that even the legendary mage cannot maintain it.

This is only possible if you follow the path of a believer.

Because what they consume is not their own strength.

But it comes from the power of faith from thousands of families.

Matthew stood in the field, and he could feel that all his fields were slightly interacting with this field.

The flow of elements between fields has also accelerated.

Along with this process.

Matthew discovered that the field field here had actually restored several areas that were slightly out of balance for him!

"Yes, this is a balanced field, and it is perfect for balancing all things!"

Matthew felt slightly excited.

If you can completely master this field.

His legendary path will definitely go further!

But he wasn't in a hurry.

He could feel that the person who arranged this field was very clever. Matthew could only resonate with it and gained certain authority, but it was difficult to completely control the core of the field.

"It may take ten or even twenty years to become the master of this field..."

Calculate it this way.

Matthew felt it was not worthwhile.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to create your own field, which would be more profitable - the oak forest and the cemetery are both ready-made frameworks.

He put away his complicated thoughts at the moment.

Quietly enjoying the sense of harmony between nature and man.

His eyes focused on the data column.

The effect of this ability called "Chaos Ball" is quite powerful!

Except for Malicious Transfiguration.

It can also react chemically with many abilities or spells.

Take, for example, the twisted authority Matthew held: a loving father.

Let's imagine.

A group of goats who were thrown into the chaotic colorful balls. Under the influence of the loving father's authority, even if they turned back into human bodies, they kept calling him Matthew's father...

That scene was quite scary!

Even normal cognition can be distorted, which may be the ultimate chaos.

"This kind of ability actually appears in the balanced field..."

Matthew was secretly alert.

The more powerful the ability, the more cautious it must be used. This is his summary of the extraordinary power of this world.

What's more, the ability of the Chaos Color Ball obviously has an evil nature.

On the surface it seems incompatible with the realm of equilibrium.

But think about it carefully.

The content of balance is communication and coordination, which in essence actually contains some elements of order.

The ultimate balance is the ultimate order.

Then it can be explained that the ultimate chaos appears at the end of the ultimate order.

"This ability is obtained from the domain field, so the Balance Envoy who arranged the domain field back then - maybe it was King Mingtan himself, and he also has such an ability."

Matthew was thoughtful.

In addition to the chaos balls, he also gained access to some fields.

This part of the authority is enough for Matthew to see clearly the scope of the entire equilibrium field.


It's really big!

The field is generally in the shape of an irregular circle and encompasses the Aruna Sea and part of the northern coast of the Gold Coast.

Cordo City is also located among them!

among these buildings and environments.

The most dazzling thing is the two "formation eyes" one in the south and one in the north!

The so-called formation eye.

In fact, it is the base point responsible for coordinating everything in the field.

Similar to the negative energy fountain in the Death Fear Cemetery and the oak tree in the Sanctuary of Life.

The southern formation is naturally Junliu Island.

The formation point to the north is Dalong Lake in the rainforest!

The north and south, the lake and the island echo each other, perfectly coordinating the elements in the field.

Matthew knows that if you want to become the base point of the field, you must have a certain background.

There are the tomb of King Mingtan and the more ancient Tomb of the Dragon in Dalong Lake.

So what is there on Junliu Island?

He closed his eyes.

I felt a strange element flowing through my cheeks and ears.

But when he tried to touch it with his mental power.

Convenience disappears cleanly.

This feeling is unbearably itchy.

It was as if the woman's graceful figure could only be seen through the screen.

Matthew clearly felt the existence of that flow of elements.

But couldn't capture it correctly.

"Forget it, let it go."

After several failures.

Matthew calmed down.

It didn't take long.

He then withdrew from the resonance state.

Matthew could feel that his mental state had become better, his physical condition had also been slightly improved, and the originally noisy area seemed to have become quieter.

"It seems that if you have something to do in the future, you can come to Junliu Island more often."

With this thought in mind.

Matthew walks lightly on Junliu Island.

He walked around the entire island following the three special places he sensed earlier.

The first place he came to was a small mountain col called "Fulong Ridge".

When I was sensing before.

Matthew thought this was some big, big place.

I didn't find it until I took a look.

Isn’t this the place where I transplanted tea trees before?

What surprised Matthew even more.

The tea trees here had obviously been transplanted by me at first, but now half of the tender green branches and buds have grown out of the mud.

This does not appear to be artificially cultivated.

But it grows naturally.

Not only that, the number of tea trees also increased. Matthew counted, there were thirteen tea trees in total!

Previously there were only eight.

"This place is a bit interesting..."

Matthew activated his balanced perception and suddenly saw the shadow of a real dragon under the earth!

"Hint: You discovered the sleeping dragon soul!"


This is the dragon clan of the Eastern Continent.

According to the description of Sioux culture, this may be a more advanced dragon species than the "coil dragon" worshiped by Li Weiqi.

"Is this the foundation of Junliu Island?"

Matthew felt emotional.

He just took one look and stopped prying.

For some reason, there was a kind of awe in his heart, and he instinctively did not want to disturb the sleeping soul of the Heavenly Dragon.

Except for the Dragon Soul.

Matthew also smelled a special smell on Fulong Ridge, a smell he had sensed when the "Equilibrium Node" was turned on.

That's the smell of "luck"!

But this smell is too weak, or it may be that Matthew is not strong enough.

If the feeling before was that of watching the projection through a screen.

Now it's like you can only listen to the sound through the cement wall...

Wandered around Fulongling.

Matthew went around to the abandoned kiln not far away.

This is also the special building that was perceived before.

But it is different from Fulong Ridge.

Matthew found nothing in the abandoned kiln.

He ordered some pottery and left.

And when he wandered back to the village, he found that it was more dilapidated and the number of old people was smaller.

There were only five old people left in total.

Their actions were as stiff and indifferent as zombies, and even with Matthew's charm, he couldn't communicate.

Can't even say a word.

Matthew was also extremely emotional.

He could see that these old people were just waiting for their final death, waiting for the call of the sea.

To them.

Maybe that's the call of homeland.

Unfortunately Matthew knew that wasn't the case.

After all.

King Mingtan brought the Sioux people across the ocean to come here, but in the end he failed to successfully establish a home here.

There was not a decent Sioux settlement in Irondor.

There are problems with the laws of the planes and bad luck.

For those tourists who still miss their homeland.

Living is indeed a kind of torture.

The Gold Coast was unlikely to be a landing place for these Sioux descendants.

Their destination is not here.

And on the other side of the endless ocean.

At this moment, Matthew suddenly understood Yu Lian's true ambition!

His goal is definitely not just the Far East!

The Far East is the only place bordering the Eastern Continent.

Yu Lian's goal is to overcome the many natural dangers and return to his former home with the remaining descendants of the Sioux tribe!

This goal is too difficult.

Simply uniting all the Sioux people obviously cannot achieve this.

Yu Lian has a very clear understanding of reality.

So he chose to cooperate with the devil and even stayed away from his tribe to a certain extent...

None of this was just Matthew’s imagination.

Because just when he sensed this level, he could detect another fluctuation in the field.

Among the pieces of pottery that Matthew had taken away before, one of them was shining brightly.

Matthew took it out and found a square of sandpaper at the bottom.

After unfolding.

There was scrawled writing on it.

The content on the paper was clearly written by the young Yu Lian.

His ambition is almost exactly the same as what Matthew had realized before!

"So it's not like I came up with this on a whim."

"It's the field here that reminds me..."

This feeling is very subtle.

Matthew has an ability called "Ask Nature."

But standing in the field, the feedback and reminders he felt from all directions were naturally more powerful than asking!

He was not sure whether this field had awakened his own will, or retained the spiritual imprint of a certain balance messenger.

But he did feel the earnest plea.

In fact, even without Yu Lian.

He also wants to visit the Eastern Continent after he becomes stronger.

So there aren't many obstacles.

Matthew accepted the request from his heart.

next moment.

The field is slightly boiling.

Matthew could feel a strange power injected into his body!

This force.

More powerful than he had ever felt before.

Several times more powerful!

Matthew felt like his whole body was about to be stretched open!

"Tip: You have obtained the authority "Borrowing the Potential" given by "Domain Field: Balance"!

Borrowing Situation (Temporary Authority): By spending a small amount of luck points, you can borrow other people's areas for your own use!

By consuming a lot of luck points, you can take over other people's areas as your own!

Note: Luck points are invisible data. You cannot guess how many luck points you or your group have.

But you can collect additional luck points from specific groups or fields through "luck collection".

This part of the luck points is visible.

Tip: You collected 34 luck points from "Field: Balance"! "

"I see!"

Matthew suddenly understood.

The purpose of the Balance Envoy who originally deployed the field was to collect additional luck points!

He studied it.

It is found that borrowing someone else's domain for a short period of time will cost at least 8 luck points.

If you choose to keep it as your own.

This number will increase tenfold!

In other words, the extra points Matthew has collected are not enough for him to seize other people's areas. As for taking advantage of his own luck, he is still not willing to do it.

"It's okay to borrow it and use it."

"Domains are really important in high-level battles, especially in duels between mages. The domain opened by the other party suddenly becomes yours. There is almost no other possibility except to lead and kill..."

Matthew got a little excited thinking about it.

The acquisition of power by "taking advantage of the situation" allowed him to take another step forward in the field of invincibility in the civil war.


This authority is only temporary.

There's no telling when it will be taken away.

Want to get it completely.

I'm afraid I have to help Yu Lian deal with the trouble in the Far East.

If you think about it.

The road ahead is still long.

Two days later.

In the north of Gray Island, on an extremely steep sea cliff.

Seagulls flew from the sky one after another and landed in their nests on the cliff.

Below the cliff.

The rolling waves kept hitting the rocks, making a long-lasting sound.

Matthew stood alone on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the surrounding scenery.


He came here a day in advance, inspected everywhere, and felt relieved after confirming that this was a little-known desert island.

It was nearly dusk.

The figure of Qingpi Naga still did not appear in the surrounding waters.

Matthew squinted and searched around.

Not long after.

Su Mi's voice suddenly came from the bottom of the sea cliff:

"You're very punctual."

Matthew lowered his head in surprise, but could only see a vague outline among the rocks and big waves.

"Go seven steps to the left. There is a rope on the sea cliff. Follow it down."

"Remember, you can't use magic, otherwise you won't be able to penetrate the barrier here!"

Sumi reminded.

Matthew went over and took a look.

There is a hidden rope between the rock cracks over there. It is just woven from seaweed. I don't know if it is strong or not.

He bent down and weighed it, then climbed down the rope——

As a mage.

Matthew is a terrible climber.

Fortunately, the balance field once gave him an ability called "Gymnastics Master".

This ability provides him with 10 additional points of climbing skill.

This at least made Matthew less embarrassed when he went down the rope.

When it descended to about thirty meters from the sea.

Matthew noticed something strange nearby - the seawater would distort slightly when it hit the rock mass below.

This is a sign of a barrier.

as expected.

Go down another ten meters.

Matthew could feel that he was passing through a thick membrane.

It resisted Matthew's entry.

But not very strongly.

Matthew was able to slide right into it.


A wave came oncoming, turning Matthew into a drowned rat.

But he also took advantage of this and entered the barrier of the Yongye tribe.

Matthew looked around.

Underfoot is a huge rock, with sections of stone stairs artificially carved out of the rock.

A stone staircase leads to a small platform.

There are several Nagas working on the platform.

Qingpi Nagasumi was waiting for Matthew on the platform.

This area is located in a huge underground cave.

Most of the sea water is blocked by the power of the barrier. The ubiquitous island caves and waterways extending in all directions make the terrain here particularly complex.

"Follow me."

Sumi walked quickly across the platform with Matthew, and Naga next to her cast a slightly uneasy look.

"Ignore them, let's go."

Sumi reminded.

Matthew nodded.

The two left the platform, then entered a cave, and then began a road with twists and turns.

Most of them are dry roads, but a few require water routes.

in the waterway section.

Sumi very thoughtfully prepared a boat for Matthew.


Matthew was completely disoriented.

He could only judge that the two of them were going down.

The space he is in should be three to four hundred meters below sea level.

But there is still quite a lot of space exposed above the water.

During this time they also met some Nagas.

Most of the Nagas respected Sumi, and the few who didn't buy it just walked away.

Nothing outrageous happened.

This shows that Sumi's authority in the Yongye tribe is still quite stable.

Half an hour later.

The two of them arrived at the very depths of this cave.

The light here is very dim, with only a few glowing mushrooms illuminating a corner of the cave.

"This is it."

Sumi pointed to the dark pool in the center of the cave with bubbles constantly coming out and said:

"Below here is an undersea undercurrent, which can lead directly to the "No Dark City" where Queen Naga lives. "

"Um, do you need "Merman Potion"? "

Matthew nodded:


Sumi immediately took out three bottles of dark purple potion from the gap between the two peaks.

Matthew watched the scene intently.

However, Sumi was disappointed.

The object of the former's gaze was the three bottles of potions.

She hummed softly and put the cold potion into Matthew's hand:

"Taking half a bottle at a time can theoretically maintain the mermaid form for 8 hours. However, it is best not to be so tight on the seabed. It is more appropriate to drink half a bottle every 7.5 hours or 7 hours."

Matthew put the potion away:


Sumi reminded:

"We're going into the water."

"You can drink it now."


She took the initiative to move the snake's body and moved smoothly into the pool.

In the process, a line of slightly turbid slime was left on the ground.

Matthew looked at the mucus and coughed:

"Can I collect them?"

"For research purposes, I mean."

Sumi's pupils shrank violently.

Her expression was a little unnatural:

"Of course."

"I have more if you need it..."

When it comes to the last sentence.

Her voice became soft and waxy, and she unconsciously became a lot quieter.

"No, it's enough for me to collect a few samples."

Matthew collected them happily.

That's what a mage is.

I want to get some new things to play with.

He didn't expect anything to be learned from this stuff.

After all, he is just a necromancer, not an enchanter.


Sumi's voice had an unspeakable flavor.

Matthew quickly collected a large bottle, and then he took out a lightning-shaped ring from his Miaofa bag and put it on his middle finger!

"Transformation Ring (Deep Sea Electric Eel) (mass-produced imitation): After activation, the holder can transform into a deep sea electric eel.

Effective time: 2 hours. "

In Su Mi's surprised eyes.

Matthew chanted a spell loudly and jumped towards the pool.

Just for a moment.

He turned into a golden electric eel wrapped with lightning!



Matthew got used to swimming in the pool and accidentally shocked Sumi.

She couldn't help but groan.

Then he questioned:

"You...won't you become a creature under the sea?"

"Then why do you still need my mermaid potion?"

Matthew didn’t explain much:

"My ring has a lot of restrictions."

“And you’re well prepared.”

Matthew rented this ring from Roderick's alchemy factory.

The "Magic Item Rental Business" was something he discovered recently, and it was mainly only suitable for high-level mages.

Don't look at the effect of this ring, which only lasts for 2 hours.

But Matthew rented 13 coins in one go!

In this way, there will always be a seamless connection under the sea.

The cost of this rental method is also very cheap.

At least it is much more cost-effective than underwater breathing potion and frogman potion.

As for the more advanced mermaid potions.

For the price of one bottle you can rent all the replica rings for over three months!

What's more, it was made by Naga himself.

The price can still be pushed upwards.

How could Matthew shut it out?

"I'm ready, can we go?"

Seeing Sumi looking thoughtful.

Matthew quickly changed the subject.

Qingpi Naga nodded, and then she sank into the water smoothly and naturally, and her extremely graceful curves were instantly buried on the surface of the pool.

Matthew followed suit.

But I kept up.

It's a pity that the clumsy movement caused a huge splash on the surface of the pool!


The sound was blocked above.

In the deep water of the dark horizon, Matthew followed Sumi step by step.

Both continue to sink.

About seventy or eighty meters passed.

An extremely turbulent current suddenly appeared below!

"You have to find a way to follow me."

"The currents are fierce and you are not good at water, so you will be easily washed away."

Sumi pointed to the current in front of her and said.

Matthew thought about it, then wrapped it around Sumi's waist, and then slowly tightened it.


It was like she was wearing a golden belt.

"You're so electric that I'm a little numb..."

Sumi whispered:

"But it's still adaptable."

The next second.

She grabbed the body of the electric eel with one hand, then swept the plump snake tail hard, and her whole body was instantly submerged into the turbulent undercurrent of the seabed!

The speed of the undercurrent on the seabed was beyond Matthew's imagination.

He could feel countless water flows sliding across the surface of his body, and the surrounding scenery fell backwards at an almost blurry speed.

Sumi's waist muscles were tense.

Her whole body seemed to have turned into a torpedo that kept shooting forward. Only seven or eight minutes had passed before Matthew felt the special pressure from the deep sea area.

That pressure is somewhat similar to the water pressure in the deep sea in the previous life, but it is presented in the form of a field.

It is called the "curse of the deep sea" by mages, and it is enough to shatter a person's bones.

Fortunately, deep-sea electric eels have built-in deep-sea resistance.

After getting over the initial discomfort, Matthew quickly took to his feet.

A few more minutes passed.

Qingpi Naga took Matthew away from the undercurrent.

More than twenty meters below them was pure white sand, and unknown underwater creatures exuded a long brilliance.


Brighter and brighter.

Matthew swam down from Sumi's waist, and the two of them walked in the direction of the bright light.

It didn't take long.

He saw a kingdom built in the trench from a distance!

The building density of that kingdom far exceeds that of other land countries.

It's just that the buildings here are all made of marine life or the remains of various sunken ships.

Matthew saw a huge shell standing among the corals on the seabed. The sign hanging at the top had a few lines of slogans in Naga and Undersea Common to attract customers.

From time to time, a delicate and frail clam girl would hide shyly inside the rolling shutter door of the shell and poke her head out.

Their makeup is gorgeous, and there are pebbles and bubbles hanging on their bodies.

No need for introduction by Sumi.

Matthew also knew what was inside the shell.

Not far from the giant shell is a half-wrecked ship.

There were countless people coming in and out of the sunken ship's gate. There were several poles hanging next to them, with black flags and corpses on them.

These corpses include those of Nagas, other deep-sea races, and even one of human beings.

Sumi told Matthew.

These corpses were all punished for not obeying the laws of the Naga Kingdom.

The laws promulgated by the Naga Kingdom are extremely strict.

There is only one penalty for all illegal acts -

That's the death penalty!

However, there are many ways to execute the death penalty:

Some were imprisoned in an endless water prison and eventually became the food of a certain sea monster;

Some were directly killed and hung up in public;

There were also those who were rewarded to a certain Primarch Naga as a personal slave and then tortured to death.

all in all.

The Naga Kingdom is a very harsh country for intelligent creatures under the sea.

"This place is a bar."

"Look, there's still such an endless stream."

"People have long been numb to this. Despite the extremely high-pressure rule, as long as they are alive, they will choose to numb themselves rather than fight."

When passing the half of the sunken ship.

Sumi complained to Matthew quietly.

Matthew was unconvinced.

Naga is already at the top of the food chain in the deep sea, and the original Naga must be a more powerful creature.

For other deep sea intelligent creatures.

Meaningless resistance can only lead to death.

They have no ability to change all this, so they can only change themselves to adapt to the new environment.

"How do we get into town?"

Matthew walked around the outskirts of the kingdom and found that the control here was relatively relaxed.

The two of them only encountered patrolling guards once along the way.

But Sumi easily escaped with Matthew.

The seaweed here is quite lush, and there are countless giant shells and underwater tunnels.

Even if it is a native creature.

If you want to hunt down a person here, you may also need to use the power of magic.

"Damn, we probably won't make it into the city today."

Sumi pointed to a long dragon in the distance and said:

"That's the team entering the city. The control seems to be stricter now than before?"

Matthew asked strangely:

"Is there no other way in?"

Su Mi shook her head:

"Queen Xena has cast a new protective spell on the Naga Kingdom."

"All the secret tunnels we dug before have failed."

"Except for the sixteen entrances and exits, all other places are powerful magic barriers. Any intrusion of intelligent life will be regarded as an intruder. We can't get through..."

Matthew glanced at the long queue.

This team is composed of countless underwater creatures. At the end of the team is an arched gate. There are densely packed Naga guards stationed near the gate.

There are also suspected leader-level figures patrolling.

"We have to wait patiently. I will find a way to disguise myself as a fish trader from the Black Silk Tribe, and then sneak into the city."

"This is my limit. If I want to enter Queen Xina's temple, I have to act according to the circumstances..."

Sumi's tone also sounded helpless.

Matthew said nothing more.

It is indeed not an easy task to assassinate the queen of an underwater country.

Everything under the sea is completely different from what is on land.

You really can't be impatient.

But just when the two were lining up.

Matthew suddenly saw a group of rather solemn Nagas swimming out of the city holding several clay pots!

Their trip went quite smoothly.

At least the guards at the city gate did not hinder them, but saluted several of them!

"What are they for?"

Matthew asked.

"That's the funeral procession. The more important Primarch Naga must have died, right?"

Sumi gloated and said:

"They are probably going to send the big man's bones to the Naga Cemetery now."


Matthew's eyes lit up.


"Let's follow!"

He said in a tone that left no room for doubt.

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