The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 337 The Extremely Cold Archer and the Death Fairy Orchid

Now I have to take action...

It's not that Matthew can't walk when he sees the wilderness form, but the ocean-based wilderness transformation is indeed what he lacks the most at the moment!

What's more, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle is an extremely powerful ancient species.

If you can master this wilderness transformation.

From now on, Matthew can walk sideways in a considerable part of the sea!

His thinking changes have always been flexible.

A second ago, he was thinking about how to retreat safely, but now he is already thinking about the steps to deal with this group of Nagas.

The reason why still needs to be thought about.

The reason lies in the environment and terrain.

This is the deep sea, the territory of the Nagas. Due to the ebb and flow, Matthew's power is actually subject to many restrictions.

The first is the so-called curse of the deep sea.

To combat this.

Matthew had to keep at least one area alive.

And that takes up part of his focus.


Most of his summons cannot fight under the sea, and only elite characters like Peggy Bing can be used.

But without the blessing of magic props or scrolls to fight against the curse of the deep sea in a group.

These elite undead can only move within Matthew's domain.

Once out of the field.

Their bodies may be squeezed and even collapse into powder immediately.

"Fortunately, after a trip to Junliu Island, not only has my domain become more harmonious, but the concentration required to maintain it has also been reduced by about one-third..."

"Undersea combat does face various disadvantages, which may cause a greater crisis when fighting against the Naga Queen. It is also good to practice with this group of original Nagas to increase their proficiency in undersea combat."

Matthew's mind was spinning, and his murderous intention was gone.

He observed it.

There were a total of 7 original Nagas in the funeral procession, and the rest, including the Naga warriors who jumped out of the shells, were all spawn Nagas.

It's just that the bloodline of this part of the spawn Naga is relatively pure.

It looks like the first generation spawn.

They are the first generation of offspring produced by these original Nagas and foreign creatures.

Because the generations are not far apart.

The first-generation spawn will naturally be controlled by the original Naga.

Matthew estimated that these original bodies and spawns were transferred from Bruges from the Endless Ocean.

They are not native to the Arunne Sea.

This can be seen from the fact that they are relatively unfamiliar with the cemetery and spend most of their time fumbling around when they enter.

Matthew's main target is still the seven original Nagas.

He waited there for a while.


So he waited for an opportunity——

I don't know if they want to discuss some important issues, but the seven original Nagas gathered together and chatted.

There are also quite a few of the first-generation spawn surrounding them.

Matthew made a decisive decision and took action immediately!

When the chaotic arcane energy bloomed for the first time in the cemetery, colorful balls of light enveloped the Nagas like a rainbow!

"Ability: Chaos Ball"!

A huge ball of light with a radius of more than fifty meters enveloped all the original Nagas.

For a while.

All the Nagas in the colored ball were in disarray!

They can't tell the difference between left and right, and have lost their most basic judgment.

"Enemy attack!"

Even though someone shouted that.

But this voice only made the situation worse, because many Nagas took action because of this sudden change.

However, under the influence of chaotic colored balls.

Their actions became disorganized——

One naga tried to raise the fork in his hand, but it suddenly stuck into his stomach;

Some people also tried to swim out, but ended up colliding with their companions next to them;

There was even a confused person who wanted to cast a spell, but when he opened his mouth, even the order of the words before and after the spell was wrong. He was only lucky not to suffer the backlash of the spell, because he even failed to mobilize the mana the first time!

"Do it!"

Seeing the Nagas in a panic.

Matthew immediately summoned A Bing and Peggy, and asked them to walk along the edge of the chaotic colorful ball to eliminate the Naga who was trying to swim out!

The effect of the Chaos Ball is to ignore enemy and friendly units.

They will suffer if they go in!

This time.

Naga, who was on the edge of the colorful ball, suffered a disaster.

Paige is better.

She didn't put on a grass ring, she just used the bone blade to chop people plainly;

A Bing directly entered the state of mad dog.

I guess I held it in for too long.

He actually broke out of Matthew's tomb realm and used his own shadow realm to resist the curse from the deep sea.

at the same time.

The double swords composed of fireflies and bright moons are like the scythes of death, crazily harvesting the lives of Nagas!


The naga on the edge of the colorful ball was harvested by A Bing.

The sword dancer turned his attention to the other Nagas in the cemetery——

These spawns were not affected by the chaotic colored balls, and tried to besiege Matthew at the first opportunity.

in this chaotic situation.

The Knife Dancer's stealth and sneak attack abilities are brought into full play.

A Bing shuttled between the Nagas boldly yet cautiously.

The double swords burst into dazzling white light.

Blood dyed the water red.

At this time, the spawn Nagas have not even figured out where the enemy is from!

In comparison.

The quality and strength of the original body Naga are indeed much higher.

After getting through the initial chaos.

The seven-headed Primarch Naga actually overcame the effect of the chaotic colored balls.

They gathered together.

Everyone held hands with each other, forming a circle.

Under the ring.

A huge black halo quickly formed.

Countless black and purple hands emerged from the halo.

These hands drew the Primarch Nagas together.

Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood on their bodies began to soften rapidly!

Puff puff!

Black light enveloped everything!

Matthew could feel a more powerful force covering the effect of the chaotic colored ball.

After a few seconds.

As the water near the halo becomes increasingly turbid.

A giant Naga complex with a height of only five meters rushed out from inside!

Matthew's eyelids twitched violently.

He felt a dangerous aura!

"Warning: You have encountered the original body Lord Naga (LV20/Lord Template/Deep Sea Template/Flesh Twisted)!

You realize that the Primarch Lord Naga is deeply abhorred by the will of nature! "

"Things of twisted flesh and blood..."

No wonder the natural will hates so much.

Matthew's heart trembled.

But this is nothing unusual for Naga.

The original body Naga was originally a twisted creature of flesh and blood.

Brutsch created them from living people mixed with venomous snakes.

With His powerful attainments in the realm of flesh and blood.

He created this flesh-and-blood mixture of man and poisonous snake.

This behavior directly distorts the realm of life and nature.

Of course it will be hated by the will of nature.

Matthew could feel it clearly.

The will of nature hates things with twisted flesh and blood far more than the undead!

These two emotions are not on the same level at all!

"Yes, the undead are at best antagonistic, while Bruchy is directly grabbing territory in the realm of life..."

Such thoughts flashed through Matthew's mind.

The next second.

Face the menacing Naga Lord.

The first spell that Matthew had prepared for a long time has also been chanted——

"Spell: Death Curse"!

In an instant.

A chain emitting gray-white light appeared between Matthew and Lord Naga.

Chains are illusory and invisible.

But it can greatly weaken the target's resistance to instant death!

This laid a solid foundation for Matthew's next move.

"Despicable necromancer!"

"How dare you desecrate Naga's cemetery!"

The Naga Lord roared in anger.

"No, aren't you also blaspheming yourself..."

Matthew wasn't done with his sarcasm yet.

Three dark magic balls flew out from Lord Naga's chest in succession!

Those three magic balls came very quickly and covered a wide area. Wherever the magic balls went, all living things were cut off!

Just for a moment.

Those three magic balls swallowed up Matthew's body!

But the next second.

Matthew, who turned into a ghost form, swam out of the magic ball lightly:

"You used the Corruption Curse to deal with the Necromancer. Isn't it a bit of a trick?"

The Naga Lord said nothing.

Carrying a huge harpoon, he swam towards Matthew.

He swims extremely fast.

He rushed in front of Matthew in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, the Naga Lord's huge body suddenly dodged back, but this dodge only avoided the main body of Matthew's pale hand lurking next to him.

Between the lightning and flint.

The index finger in the pale hand suddenly extended rapidly.

It was as if a sharp stick had been forcibly pierced into Lord Naga's chest!

The stick did not cause any physical damage.

But Lord Naga's body was instantly unable to move!

Terrifying negative energy poured out from the tip of the index finger, and the body nearby immediately turned into a gray-brown color like a dead spirit!


Many hands extended from Lord Naga's back.

He tore hard at his chest, trying to tear off the area contaminated by negative energy.

But it's too late——

"Spell: Finger of Death"!

The gray-white chain formed by the life-killing curse suddenly shone brightly.

The terrifying instant death verdict directly sounded the death knell of the Naga Lord.

His body was decaying at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

The gray-white tone that symbolizes death spreads from the chest to all parts of the body!

The overall situation has been decided.

not far away.

Matthew slowly retracted the fingertips of his right hand that he just pointed out, and then used his other hand to rub his temple.

"This wave of operations is already close to the limit of my concentration..."

maintain the grave realm;

Maintain Chaos Balls;

Maintain the existence of Bing and Peggy;

Maintain the life-threatening curse;

Cast Finger of Death and level it up...

Still fighting in a very extreme away environment like the bottom of the sea, this is already a very terrifying ability for a less than legendary necromancer.

But Matthew was still a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion.

My concentration is still a bit too low...

"Wait, that's not right!"

Matthew quickly pulled back his divergent thoughts.

He suddenly noticed.

The Naga Lord, who should have been turned into a gray mummy, is still resisting the effect of the finger of death!


Not resistance.

It's exempt!

"Warning: You sense that Lord Naga possesses a bounty from Bruch, the creation of dusk.

This boon includes a Legendary Resistance!

Legendary Resistance: After a failed save, expend one legendary resistance and the target is forced to save against the check.

The Naga Lord is exempt from the instant death judgment of the Finger of Death! "

"A monster close to legend, everyone is a hooligan..."

Matthew sighed helplessly:

"The Necromancer is indeed a weak profession in the version. No wonder people hate it."

not far away.

Peggy saw this scene and couldn't help shouting:

"Need any help, Matthew?"

Matthew responded calmly:

"Being not."

The words have not yet finished.

The Naga Lord's body has completely recovered from its decay.

He brandished a nearly three-meter harpoon and stabbed Matthew fiercely:

"Necromancer, it's time for you to hit the road!"

Matthew jumped back slightly. This speed was certainly not enough to completely avoid the harpoon's attack range.

But the space created was enough for him to remove the weapon from his back!

A warm touch upon arrival.

Matthew's heart was filled with security.

In an instant.

He swung the shovel forward along with the current!

The bright moonlight shines directly at Lord Naga like a searchlight!

"Zangyue: Yuehua"!

The intense bright light instantly stung the Naga Lord's eyes.

What follows is the unreasonable special effects judgment of the +2 semi-artifact!

Under the influence of dazzling.

Lord Naga's body was frozen in place and unable to move!

next moment.

Matthew swung the shovel again.

A strong gravitational force dragged the Naga Lord's body towards him!

"Scourge: Tide"!

Under the influence of this strong gravitational force.

The two people who were still some distance apart instantly came face to face with each other.

In the stunned eyes of the Naga Lord.

Matthew skillfully swung the shovel and slashed at his neck!

The Naga Lord's head floated.

Blood also spread along the sea water.

Just in case.

Matthew used a shovel to dig out his heart, and then cut the remaining chest cavity into pieces!

This scene is bloody and horrifying.

The spawned Nagas, who were so frightened that they were already at a loss, fled in all directions.

The soldiers took advantage of the chaos to pursue them.

Another mass killing.

Peggy swam over slowly.

She looked at Lord Naga's body and patted Matthew on the shoulder:

"I just said you chose the wrong career back then."

"Mage is not suitable for you. Killing people is your strength!"


The head of Augustus, which had been floating next to Matthew, actually lit up.

The skull glowed with blue light and commented sharply:

"Even among necromancers, it is rare to see someone as vulgar as you."

Matthew knows.

That was the remnant soul of Augustus complaining.

But he didn't mind it at all.

He is a pragmatist through and through.

Spells, general;

The shovel is so useful!

However, this only further strengthened Matthew's determination to continue improving his magic.

After confirming that Naga Lord is completely dead.

Matthew looked in other directions at the cemetery.

Ah Bing did not disappoint him, all the spawned Nagas were killed.

Not one was left.

His swords turned red and purple, and the soul fire in his skull was more powerful than before.

Matthew glanced at the data column.

I was a little surprised to find that A Bing had reached level seventeen!

Follow this pace.

If he could really kill the Naga Queen, it would not be impossible for the soldier to reach LV20.

Go one step further.

He even gets a chance to dabble in legend!

The Knife Dancer is originally the top rogue template. Ah Bing has mastered the Shadow Realm before, and now he seems to be moving towards the Revenge Realm.

Once the field is completed.

It is really possible for him to be promoted to legend before Matthew!

What's even more valuable is.

After killing all the Nagas, A Bing dragged all the corpses one by one to Matthew.

He also handed over all the sea gold coins he picked up from the corpse.

Do it all.

He went to sort out the other bodies.

Although there was a motive for revenge, this performance also made Matthew very satisfied.

This guy can be lazy at times though.

But most of the time it's pretty reliable.

On the other hand, look at the elder sister next to her.

After finishing the paddling battle, he lazily put his hands on his hips and held a knife in his hand to tease the fish and shrimp.

Very much like retired aunts and uncles...


Sensing Matthew's scrutinizing gaze, Paige's voice suddenly rose an octave:

"Are you peeking at me again!?"

Matthew was so angry that he wanted to laugh. He was about to say something, but Peggy's next sentence made him shut his mouth obediently:

"Honestly, after looking at me for so long, do you think you want to get together?"

Matthew walked away silently.

on the data column.

"Tip: You killed all the Primarch Nagas in the cemetery, and you completed the primary objective of the side quest.

You have obtained the primary reward "Wild Form (Deep Sea Dragon Turtle)"

Deep Sea Dragon Turtle (Hatchling): You can transform into a hatchling with a body length of about 40 meters.

During this period, you can harness the undercurrents of the deep sea and swim in the sea at extremely high speeds.

In addition, you also master two abilities -

Steam Breath: You can spit out a large amount of high-temperature steam to attack your opponent (this is a devastating blow to most species in the deep sea, as they cannot withstand the rapid rise in ambient temperature);

Storm Armor: You can control the power of storm lightning to create three layers of armor on your body.

This kind of armor transformed from the storm has strong defensive and anti-injury properties.

Any target that touches the armor will need to withstand the double damage judgment of storm and lightning..."

It's a bit of a pity.

It's actually a hatchling.

But this might be more reasonable.

After all, the deep-sea dragon turtle is a terrifying ancient species. Its bloodline is biased towards the dragon clan of the Su Kingdom, and it is very powerful.

As far as Matthew knows.

The adult dragon turtle will have the ability to control volcanoes.

They can wander in the deep sea and the earth's crust, turning mountains into magma.

The ancient dragon turtle is even more terrifying.

He has the power to destroy heaven and earth at every turn.

The difficulty of killing several primarch naga obviously cannot match such power.

For Matthew now.

The hatchlings are quite enough!

not to mention.

After obtaining this ocean-based wilderness form.

Side missions have also been updated.

"Save the Soul of Naga: For each additional Primarch Naga you kill, the growth rate of the wild form you transform (Deep Sea Dragon Turtle) will increase by 20% until it becomes an adult Dragon Turtle."

Based on the information from Yu Lian and Sumi.

The number of real primal Nagas in the Naga Kingdom should be around five hundred.

If you kill them all.

That’s a 100-fold growth rate!

Although it is nothing to a super long-lived species like the Dragon Turtle.

But Matthew had to give it a try, right?

"Is this the hatred of nature's will for the Primarch Naga?"

"Yes, things with twisted flesh and blood are indeed too evil."

"As the incarnation of the will of nature, the Necromancer must eliminate them all as much as possible!"

Think so.

Matthew erected a teleportation tombstone in a hidden corner of the cemetery.

Not long after.

Then a group of coolie zombies crawled over from the tombstone.

Under the cover of the Tomb Realm.

These zombies started working as usual.

At Matthew's command.

They moved the Naga corpses back to the cemetery one after another, and most of them were thrown directly into the undead transformation pool.

A small number of them are placed in cemeteries with heavy negative energy for preservation.


They also removed some vacant shells.

have to say.

The Nagas did some good things.

At least they opened quite a few shells, which saved Matthew a lot of effort.

About twenty minutes later.

In an underground tomb beneath the seabed.

Naga corpses were lined up one after another.

Matthew holds the undead Siwen, walks among the Nagas, and whispers the summoning technique of the undead.

This is the burial area of ​​the original Crimson Scale Tribe nobles.

Matthew found some special Naga corpses here.

These corpses should have been recently buried and therefore have a high degree of completeness.

What they have in common is that there is a seaweed bow next to each Naga corpse as a burial object.

Matthew guessed that these Nagas might have been archers of the Red Scale Tribe.

Whether at sea or on shore.

Archers, units with long ranges, have always been popular.

So for this batch of corpses.

Matthew takes that very seriously.

Not only did he take out the expensive spell-casting materials like Necromancer Siwen, but he also used the zombie summoning technique in a targeted manner!


The realm of graves, the realm of the undead and the realm of negative energy are all unfolded.

These three realms are almost overcrowded with Matthew's concentration.

But he's still casting at the limit!

Matthew's chants drifted back and forth between the water.

Gray-blue light began to appear on each of the Naga corpses.

Matthew felt it keenly.

Except negative energy.

His own singing actually triggered a strange tide of magic——

It's just that the scale of that magical tide is too small.

There seems to be a feeling of overachievement but insufficient strength.

"It seems to be the ice element..."

"Is this the blood characteristic of the Red Scale Naga?"

Matthew's heart moved.

As a mage with rich experience in summoning the undead, his intuition told him that this magical tide would be of great benefit to the formation of Naga warriors.

"Anyway, we have used magic Si Wen. This summons cost at least 100,000 gold coins. It doesn't hurt to have more..."

Matthew gritted his teeth.

He took out several crystal clusters that he had previously collected from the ice element lord's house.

The effect was immediate.

In an instant.

The tide of ice elements beat on Naga's corpse like a mountain and a tsunami.

They are intertwined with negative energy.

Forming an extremely harmonious undead movement!

One after another.

There was Naga getting up from the ground.

Their bodies are much bloated than before they were alive. On the one hand, they are swollen after being soaked in water after death, and on the other hand, their bodies are covered with a thin layer of ice element!


Almost every Naga zombie who stood up held the buried seaweed bow firmly in his hand.

"It's done!"

Matthew's eyes sparkled with joy.

on the data column.

"Tip: You have obtained the new undead summon "Naga Extreme Cold Shooter (Zombie Type)"!

The general level of arctic archers is between LV13 and LV17, and the cluster level (when there are more than 4 people) is above LV18.

The arctic archer has the following qualities——

1. Immortality (all resistances possessed by zombie undead)

2. Expert shooting (extreme cold shooters can master all bow and arrow long-range weapons and can shoot tirelessly and continuously)

3. Undercurrent Arrows and Ice Arrows: Extremely cold archers can make special bows and arrows in places with abundant water flow——

Undercurrent Arrow: The shooting speed is extremely fast, and it will cause corruption after piercing the target;

Ice Arrow: After hitting the target, it will have a powerful deceleration effect and affect surrounding units within five meters.

4. Water storage organs: Extremely cold archers have water storage organs all over their bodies. They can store a large amount of water. They can use the water in their bodies to make bows and arrows.

But if an abundant moisture environment cannot be maintained for a long time, the strength of the extremely cold shooter will slowly decline!

5. Ice Armor..."

How rare is it to be an archer who can make his own bows and arrows?

Matthew didn't know.

Anyway, he was very happy.

There are twenty-eight of the extremely cold archers in front of them.

They gathered together and fired a volley, making even a twenty-level monster tremble.

What's more important is that they bring their own armaments and armor!

This is great news for the Necromancer, who is always in a tight situation!

"There should be some similar noble tombs..."

"Even if we use up the undead Si Wen today, we still have to summon a few more extreme cold shooters!"

Matthew just wanted to take the shooters out of the tomb.

But at this time.

A new piece of information was suddenly refreshed in the tomb field.

"Hint: You noticed that there is a dark room under this tomb!"

And a secret room?

Matthew walked in the direction he felt. On the wall of the tomb on the left, there were two huge crab claws hanging.

Matthew originally thought it was a decorative item.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave behind!

He took off the crab claw and found a shallow, square mark on the wall.

This mark should be the mechanism for entering the darkroom.

Matthew frowned.

He is not proficient in how to crack the mechanism.

"Would you like to try the wall-penetrating technique or the ground-moving technique?"

Matthew hesitated.

The perception in the tomb realm told him that there was a powerful restriction behind this wall.

These prohibitions seem to involve the realm of the gods.

It may be related to Bruch, the dusk creature.

He didn't dare mess around.

"Why don't you cut around the dangerous place?"

Matthew weighed the shovel.

Of course, this is also a method, and he is quite skilled at it.

But the problem is.

He dared to do that before because there were two eldest brothers, Carmela and Lorraine, standing behind him.

Now he only has Peggy and A Bing behind him.

It seems somewhat lacking in confidence.

"How about we explore again next time and mark this place first..."

Matthew calmed down.

I feel there is no reason for extraneous matters.

But at this time.

He suddenly noticed that an item in Miaofa's bag was highlighted!

Matthew took a closer look.

It was the crystal slate given to him by Viscount Fan!

The original owner of the tablet is said to be Macbalon, the second son of the God of Death.

Matthew pondered and took out the slate.

Then he carefully hung the stone slab in the recessed area of ​​the wall.

The next second.

A simple and unpretentious magical luster flashed past.

A wide door immediately opened next to it.

There are steps inside the door.

Matthew asked Peggy to stare at the stone slab, and he and A Bing walked down the steps.

At the end of the stairs is a huge laboratory!

Everything in the laboratory looked dilapidated.

Only one plant located in the glass cover in the center of the laboratory is so gorgeous and full of vitality!

That is an orchid that looks extremely holy!

But beneath the roots of the orchid.

Shockingly, they were broken bones that were corroded one by one!

Those bones are pieced together and barely make out the appearance of a human!

"Hint: You discovered the "Death Orchid (immortality wonder)"

You discovered the remains of a god..."

Just when Matthew felt shuddering.

A faint voice suddenly came from a corner of the laboratory:

"You finally came."

"I've already cultivated the growth creature you want."

Matthew turned his head suddenly and found that it was a skeleton leaning against the wall!

The skeleton seemed to want to stand up from where he was after speaking.

But he made an accident and his head fell off his neck. He rolled several times on the ground and stopped only when he hit the legs of the laboratory table.

"Um, come here and help me, can you help me with my head?"

The skull said helplessly.

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