The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 352 The Art of Compromise and Windfall

Fandral smiled and said:

"The wood elves think that things are going on very secretly, but they don't know that the eyes of the divine mage are always firmly locked on them."

"We learned a long time ago that the Elders of Jade Cangting intends to cooperate with the legendary magician Lance, who is also the culprit of causing the Mark of the Dead."

"Lance's suggestion to the Presbyterian Council is to arrange a larger-scale void sacrifice ceremony to summon the will of the Lord of the Void to fully descend."

"After that, Lance will personally represent the elves in this ceremony to plead with the Lord of the Void to take back this tentacle——

To untie a bell, one must tie it. It is said that this proverb is one of the philosophical treasures left by the divine phoenix from the east in the jade garden.

However, I guess Shenfeng must not have expected it.

Elves use this golden rule literally. "

"In the subsequent discussion, the Presbyterians agreed with Lance's crazy idea, and they wanted to take a gamble..."

Hear this.

Even Matthew couldn't help but shake his head and cursed "Fuck!".

These elves are really mean and wild.

I would rather believe in the magician's bewitchment than maintain my arrogance towards human beings.

Maybe it was because he was fucked by the other person once, but he developed a psychology of dependence and obsession?

Matthew can understand.

But definitely not empathy.

"It's pretty fucked up."

Fandral smiled and patted Matthew on the shoulder:

"According to the original plan, we planned to let the situation develop on its own."

"After all, it's easier to play the savior than to intervene beforehand."

"But what is somewhat unexpected this time is that after learning the news, another group of wood elves actually took self-rescue action!"

"They gathered some troops and civilians internally and directly controlled most members of the Presbyterian Church."

"This incident happened in the past two weeks. In just half a month, there has been no change on the surface of Jade Cangting, but secretly a lot of blood has been shed. Now the situation has gradually stabilized, but the Presbyterian Church and Liu Ye There are still quite a number of important officials in the agency facing imprisonment..."


Matthew was a little surprised.

This word is still relatively rare for the elves.

As a highly exclusive race.

Most elves still maintain a high degree of obedience and awe to the internal hierarchy and power.

Matthew thought for a moment.

Internal rebellions have rarely occurred in the history of the elves.

It just happened at this point...

"The timing is a bit of a coincidence."

Matthew said so.

Fandral nodded:

"This is actually neutral news for us. The Silver Council is still studying whether the coup broke out accidentally or was deliberate."

“The information that has been found out is that the leader of the opposition is the Elf Sword Master Tyrast who has lived in seclusion for many years.

After Terraste resigned as Grand Marshal of the Windseekers, he devoted himself to studying the art of swordsong.

Although he lives in seclusion deep in the forest.

But every generation of young Jian Yong has the opportunity to learn a sword or two from his hands.

Many of these Sword Chanters later became officers of the Wind Chasers or other armies.

Tyrast himself has great influence over the Windseekers.

This time he suddenly came out of the mountain.

Combined with the previously exposed news that the Presbyterian Church united with the Warlocks.

He almost responded to everything in the city.

Due to Tyrast's strong appeal, although a lot of blood was shed in this coup, the worst scene for the elves never happened——

At least they will not break out into a larger civil war because of this coup.

After the coup.

The Willow Leaf Organization, which is inextricably linked to the Presbyterian Church, was instantly paralyzed.

There are many things in the city that cannot continue as usual.

Gradually, people began to complain about this.

But most elves still hope that Tyrast can take charge of the overall situation..."


It’s not surprising to hear the name Matthew.

The information that Beanna told Matthew about the warlock Lance was most likely learned from Terraste's daughter Tyrani.

They didn't exactly sit still.

It actually made Matthew look at some wood elves with admiration.

"Then Terraste has the final say in Jade Cangting now?"

"His attitude towards the Alliance is better than that of the Presbyterian Church?"

Matthew speculated.

Fandral laughed and shook his head:

"No, Terraste's attitude towards the Alliance is worse than that of the Presbyterian Church!"

"He is an extreme elf supremacist. He resigned from the position of Marshal of the Wind Chasers because he could not see the hope of the elves conquering the world, so he became discouraged."

"He is extremely hostile to all outsiders, but having devoted himself to practicing the art of sword chanting for so many years, Terraste has certainly become more tactful than when he was young."

"He knows that the current Jade Cangting not only cannot offend the alliance, but also relies on us in many aspects, so the policy he is pursuing now is to ignore us."

Matthew thought for a while:

"Is that just pretending we don't exist?"

Fandral laughed and said:

"That's it."

"I guess even if you go to Jade Cangting and have sex with the female elf next to him, he will pretend that he can't see you, and even walk away quickly to avoid greater embarrassment."

Matthew shook his head:

"What a weird old man."

Fandral agreed:

"Although the old man is awkward, he is still somewhat sensible."

"He is only slightly stronger than those lunatics from the Presbyterian Church, but for the wood elves, this limited ability can save them a lot of losses."

"But I still admire Terraste personally. He is not a person obsessed with power. After the coup was successful, he repeatedly declared that he had no intention of becoming king.

Although this move can bring his reputation to a higher level, it will also make his subsequent actions very passive——

For now.

He really wanted to continue living in seclusion after working for the Presbyterian Church, which was quite unexpected. "

Matthew also raised his eyebrows.

Fandral continued with emotion:

“This is the current situation in Jade Cangting.

The warlock Lance ran away and took away a few ignorant female elves. Compared with his last curtain call, he was bleak. After all, the last time he played was the Elf Queen;

Terraste was unwilling to assume power, and those who followed him in raising an army were unable to take charge.

For a moment, people in the city were in panic, and no one knew who the next leader would be who could lead the elves forward.

The royal family of the wood elves has become weak since the outbreak of the Mark of the Dead. The elven queen's line even chose to go into self-exile and has never been close to the center of politics and power for many years;

There are currently various voices coming out from the public.

Some people think that Tyrast should become the new Elf King, or at least resume the position of Grand Marshal, to ensure that Jade Cangting can stably survive the time when the functions of the Council of Elders and the Willow Leaf Agency are missing;

Some people think that one should be selected from the royal lineage of the night elves to inherit the throne of Jade Cangting;

Others think that the elven royal family can be given another chance;

There has been a lot of quarrel among the people over this matter in the past few days.

New plans are often drowned out by others the same day they are proposed.

The solution currently closest to being recognized by most people is:

Terraste served as Grand Marshal.

His daughter selects an outstanding elf male from the wood elf royal family for marriage.

Wait until his daughter gives birth to an heir.

This will make that descendant the new Elf King or Elf Queen.

This plan has been recognized by many parties.

Even imprisoned members of the Presbyterian Church and the Willow Leaf Organization.

But the problem arose with Terraste's daughter.

Her reputation in Jade Cangting was very extreme.

Some people think that she is always disguising herself as a man in the city and bullying men, which is a bit deviant;

Some people also think that Tyrani is really good-natured. At least when facing the green dragon, she and her troops are always at the forefront.

Of course, external opinions are not that important.

The key point is Tyrani herself.

According to our information.

Tyrani is very repulsive to men from the elven royal family - to be precise, she is repulsive to anyone of the opposite sex.

What she likes is women.

And he seems to be having a close relationship with a human woman recently, which is regarded by many elves as a dangerous signal..."

Speaking of which.

Fandral looked at Matthew intentionally or unintentionally.

Matthew smiled lightly and did not explain his relationship with the human woman.

"So, the chaos in Jade Cangting and Tyrast's temporary leadership are the reasons why the Silver Council wants me to restart the Scar of the Dead project?"

he asked, cutting to the chase.

Fandral nodded and said:

"These are the basis for restarting the project."

"Don't worry, in order to avoid making the same mistake again, the Silver Council directly applied for a pass from Jade Cangting and Terraste."

"This application is only to solicit their opinions in name. In fact, we have directly temporarily transferred the Scar of the Dead and the surrounding area within 20 kilometers into the alliance's territory."

"If they want to move in that area, the elves will have to listen to us."

"As we expected, Terraste didn't reply or refuse, he just let out a little bit of news through other channels - he asked us to keep our hands and feet clean."

Matthew was a little confused:

"Cleaner hands and feet?"

Fandral smiled helplessly:

"This involves some old accounts from the last time White Rock City led the Mark of the Dead project."

"But I guess you're very busy, so let's talk about this part next time."

Matthew nodded:

"I'm more concerned about the important part——"

"So how much are they going to give and when are they going to give it?"

Fandral pondered and said:

"After the Scar of the Dead project is restarted, the Silver Council will allocate initial funds according to the S-level project. As for the one million you mentioned last time, the elves may not be able to come up with it."

"But the council will notify them as soon as possible to pay the cost in other forms of equivalent value."

"Trast is a man who understands the general situation. He should not refuse to pay."

Matthew smiled:

"I hope he refuses to pay."

Fandral was stunned for a moment, and then said playfully:


Matthew asked again:

"But Tyrast's administration is also temporary. What if something happens again in the city and affects the Mark of the Dead project?"

Fandral said forcefully:

"The Silver Council has made it clear that it will not let that happen."

Matthew nodded.

"So, what do you think about the future of Jade Cangting?"

he asked curiously.

Fandral thought for a while:

"This issue is still under intense discussion among members of the Parliament. We mainly don't know what the legendary mages and even the divine mages think..."

Matthew suddenly became interested:

"The Seven Saints have plans for Jade Cangting?"

Fandral nodded hesitantly, then shook his head:

"Currently, no one has made it clear that they want to take over Jade Cangting."

"But I guess at least a few of them have ideas in mind."

"A jade garden alone doesn't actually have much oil and water. However, the resources accumulated by each immortal species over the years are a considerable amount of wealth."

"The embarrassing thing now is that Terraste's coup was successful and the legendary magicians failed to cause trouble, so it is inconvenient for the legendary mages to reach out."

"If we can take action at will, I personally think Lord Ronan or his wife Qin Wuyue will be closer to becoming the new master of Jade Cangting."

Speaking of which.

Fandral's voice became much softer, and he said to Matthew very cautiously:

"What I'm going to say next are just rumors and gossip. They can't be taken seriously. I'm just saying it and you can just listen to it."

Matthew showed a look of understanding.

Fandral continued:

"Due to geographical advantages, Chen and Ronan are the most promising to become the new masters after the collapse of the Jade Cangting regime, and Ekmund is also close."

"But Chen is so focused on the sea that he seems to have no interest in land."

"As for Ekmund, he has probably reached some kind of agreement with Ronan. I heard that in the recent Seven Saints resolutions, no matter what opinions Ronan put forward, Ekmond immediately raised his hands to support them. .”

"It is precisely because of this and the power of returning from the star realm that Ronan and his wife have recently flexed their muscles and captured a lot of profit territory in one fell swoop."

"Now everyone in the alliance is curious, what benefits did Ronan promise to Ekmund to make him support him so much?"

"There are even more rumors in this area. I don't dare to talk too much. If you want to know more details, you have to inquire on your own..."

Matthew showed a trace of regret on his face.

But he knew very well that Ekmund's support for Ronan was probably related to his wandering around Ronan's house before!

He must have done something against Ronan.

But he was able to win Ronan's understanding afterwards.

It can be regarded as a vivid display of the art of banditry and compromise.

"How about this……"

"You can report it to the council and I will restart the project, but it will have to wait until April."

Matthew pondered and gave Fandral a clear answer.

Fandral waved and said:

"It doesn't matter."

"I originally planned to inform you in advance that the formal invitation document is still on the way."

"It's mid-March now. If we delay it for a few days, it will be April."

Matthew nodded and said:


"This notification was too sudden, and the window period left for me to recruit apprentices and formal mages was too short."

"I'm worried about not recruiting enough people."

Fandral reassured:

"Don't worry, the alliance will give you the green light all the way."

"All the major magic academies in the south are open to you, and even White Rock City is open to you."


As if something suddenly occurred to him, he paused and then said:

"In addition to researchers and assistant apprentices, I recommend you pick at least two deputies."


Matthew thought for a few seconds and gradually came back to his senses.

"First, one person cannot share all the benefits of an S-level project. If you can benefit others, they will probably reciprocate the benefits. You must be very clear about this truth."

Fandral smiled and said:

"Secondly, if something goes wrong, there will be people who will fight with you - although this is a small probability event, it is always right for multiple people to share the risk, right?"

"Third, in view of your background, I suggest you pick two deputies from the academy. This can also balance the opinions of other senior leaders in the league on you - I know you definitely don't care about this, but people have to Leave a way out for yourself when you are down, maybe you can use it one day?"


Fandral laughed loudly and said:

"Of course, it's best never to use it."

After Matthew listened, he solemnly shook hands with Fandral:


Fandral's words were quite heartfelt.

Since the initial alliance assessment, this mature and smooth middle-aged mage has been able to give Matthew a lot of useful pointers every time they met.

Although he knew very well that the other party was not simply releasing goodwill.

But Matthew himself is very useful.

Just at this time.

Matthew inadvertently caught a glimpse of another very hidden badge on Fandral's chest——

That's the badge of a first-level member of the Silver Council!

There was a hint of surprise in Matthew's eyes.

He had also inquired about Fandral's background before:

His parents were commoners and he was an academic mage. He had excellent spell talent, but he was only average among outstanding people and had no great background.

He has some connection with Ekmund, but he is not a core member of the Snake Mountain Society.

under such a circumstance.

He was unexpectedly promoted to become a first-level member of the Silver Council.

Matthew had not heard of any great achievements he had made.

Maybe it's simply because the interpersonal relationships are managed relatively well.

In comparison.

Last year, the female mage who was responsible for Matthew's assessment together with Fandral seemed to have disappeared for a long time.

"What's going on with Ms. Alice now?"

Matthew couldn't help but ask one more question.

Fandral's face showed a trace of sadness:

"She's dead."

"In the second half of last year, she couldn't accept the complicated paperwork, so she chose to resign from her previous position and returned to Mount Hesso to continue serving as a member of the law enforcement team."

"During the previous riot in the hot spring prison, she was too brave and rushed to the front, severely injuring several snow girls with spells. However, she was accidentally counterattacked by the monsters, and was ultimately unable to be saved..."


Matthew couldn't believe it:

"Where's the resurrection spell?"

Fandral shook his head:

"It's not like you don't know about Heisuo Mountain..."

He seemed unwilling to talk much about the subject.

Matthew also silently sighed with regret.

"Let's do this. When you go back this time, tell the council for me that I will invite two mages from the Far North Floating City to be my deputies."

"Let the Council issue invitations to them on my behalf."

On the occasion of parting.

Matthew said to Fandral.

"Which two mages are they?"

Fandral took out a pen and paper.

"Mr. Hibbert."

Matthew paused:

"And Lady Feliwen."

After sending Fandral away.

Matthew called Henry and gave him two new tasks.

The first one is responsible for drafting official documents for S-class projects.

This official document includes a large amount of paperwork, as well as detailed rules for recruiting mage apprentices and research assistants.

Matthew finished stating his request.

He gave Henry several templates to copy.

Because this time it was a formal project, Matthew restricted more mage members from the necromancy field as research assistants.

The same goes for apprentices.

In addition to undead, mages in the fields of evocation, enchantment and transformation are also admitted on a merit-based basis.

The second task is to send out invitation letters and interview letters widely.

Matthew asked Henry to send out extensive interview invitations to the group of mages who had visited Rolling Stone Town several times before... no, they were visiting.


He also invited Leslie, Ranbir and other mage apprentices who had participated in the firewall project.

At least they have some experience.

It's better than coming here knowing nothing.

Especially Leslie.

Matthew admired her management talents and emotional intelligence.

If they want to come.

Naturally, Matthew accepted the order.

After finishing the key points.

Matthew went to plant trees without stopping.

He has until the end of March to complete the Spring of Recovery!

Only in this way.

Only then will he be able to flex his muscles in the Marks of the Dead project, which will be launched in April!

A few days later.

It’s a scorching noonday.

on the hill.

The zombies sitting in the shadows behind the rocks like farmers stood up straight.

Under a silent call.

They marched hard towards the northeast.

At this moment, a thunder sounded.

The sky is changing.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, but now it is covered with dark clouds.

Pieces of clouds like black bricks pressed down on the earth, and then hung down dullly.


The thunder was louder.

When the first drop of spring rain falls on this land.

Matthew, who was leading the zombies to plant trees in the wind and rain, noticed something unusual——

He looked up to the sky.

Big raindrops hit his cheek, and while it hurt slightly, he felt a vigorous vitality falling into the earth!

Under the coordination of this force.

The land around the Scar of the Dead is more alive than ever!

Matthew quietly listened to the sounds of everything.


Spring rain.


The zombies were still digging pits with a clanging sound, shovels hitting the rocks, and occasionally a glimmer of fire could be seen.

"It's the rain prayer and resurrection spells..."

"It's still legendary!"

Matthew looked into the rain.

Northwest direction.

A beautiful woman was riding a huge silver wolf in the rain.

The rain bypassed their bodies.

Matthew could clearly see this magical scene.

"I didn't expect you two to come in person, Ms. Miaoqin, and Mr. Cassell."

Matthew smiled and greeted the two legendary druids.

Han Miaoqin stepped off Yinlang's body, and the latter immediately turned into a tall middle-aged man.

The two also greeted Matthew.

behind them.

The group of animals also turned into human forms one by one.

Matthew glanced at them. Although he couldn't remember the names of these druids, they were all familiar faces he had seen in Cross City.

The Earth Society was more enthusiastic than he imagined.

This time not only were the two great druids personally leading the team, but there were also more than thirty druids following them.

This is much more than the number they said before!

"We have felt the rich charm of Bogarde, the World Tree, from a very far away place. Even if there is no rain, I believe you will be able to revive this land by your own means."

Cassell's tone was quite polite.

Matthew waved his hand quickly, he knew his own family affairs.

He is a professional necromancer.

But he can only be regarded as a half-assed druid. The previous Sanctuary of Life was built with Eli's help.

He absolutely couldn't do it himself.

"I didn't expect you to leave Cross City."

Matthew was curious about the purpose of the two great druids. They couldn't really come to help him plant trees, right?

Han Miaoqin said with a smile:

"After a winter of reconstruction, the work in Cross City is nearing completion."

"It's a shame to say that the people from the Southern Magistrate Corps provided greater help during this period, but the Earth Association didn't seem to be of much help."

"We originally planned to go to the Land of Thousand Lakes to open up a new home before this winter."

"Now we can move this time forward."

"Before we say goodbye, we made a special trip here just to see Bogarde. By the way, we would like to thank you for your help to Cross City."

Matthew had heard from Eli before that the Earth Society was about to move to the Kingdom of Thousand Lakes.

Crosstown did become a bit awkward for them.

Rather than continue to rely on the Southern Magistrate Corps, it is better to withdraw voluntarily to save face.

But the country of a thousand lakes... may not be a kind place.

Matthew could only remind:

"You still have to be careful when dealing with demon sorcerers."

Han Miaoqin thanked:

"We understand."

"We wouldn't be working with them if we had any other choice."

"Within the Earth Association, we have also stated our attitude. If someone wants to stay in the south, we understand and support it."

Hear this.

Matthew couldn't help but feel something in his heart:

"what do you mean?"

Silver Wolf Cassell enthusiastically introduced the young druids behind him:

"None of them are planning to leave the South."

"But you also know the situation in Watcher Heights very well. If you let them continue to stay in that area, they will only die in vain."

"The idea is that if you can, you would take these young people in."

Matthew looked at the faces in surprise.

Most of the druids still had some reluctance and nervousness on their faces.

"You are willing to let these children follow a necromancer?"

Matthew couldn't help but ask.

Han Miaoqin said with a smile:

"How good will the demon warlock be?"

"What's more, we believe in Yggdrasil's choice, the voice of nature's will, and even more, Eli's vision."

"He told us you were a good man, and while Eli had some problems with looking at women, I believe he was impeccable at looking at men."

Matthew touched his head.

I always felt that there was something in Han Miaoqin's words.

He was in no hurry to express his opinion.

Instead, he said to the young druids:

"You guys should live in the woods for a while."

"But the forest is not big at the moment and there are already many people living there. It would be best to plant another forest."

"This was originally the purpose of inviting you here."

Cassel smiled and patted his chest:

"no problem."

"Starting from tomorrow, let these guys help you plant trees. Believe me, they are all the most professional tree planting experts!"

"You don't have to pity their physical strength, just make them work hard!"

The smile on Matthew's face became even brighter:

"That won't, that won't."

"I'm not a slave owner, hehehe..."


He led the druids toward the woods.

Outside the woods.

It rained heavily.

The land full of vitality gradually turned into mud.

It’s another joyful time of spring.


He sent away the two great druids who had worshiped the World Tree, and arranged for the remaining druids to live in the Centaur tribe.

Matthew was free to rush to the cauldron room.

Under the guidance of the mechanical dwarf David.

Matthew successfully found the owl training base.

The trainers were all off duty at this time.

The only sound in the huge magic tower is the flapping wings of owls.

Matthew stood in the lobby on the first floor and looked around.

Except for a pair of yellow or green eyes.

All that's left is countless mailboxes and mail on the floor.

"You go about your business, I plan to communicate with the owls alone."

Matthew politely dismissed David.

David is also very knowledgeable:


"I'll leave now."

"But I have to remind you that some owls may be aggressive, so be careful when handling them..."

After saying this, he quickly left the magic tower.

Matthew, on the other hand, was confused.

What did this guy understand?

But business matters.

Matthew confirmed that David had left and tore up a scroll of group slumber on the spot.

The owls in the tower fell into a deep sleep under the influence of the spell.

For a while.

The firelight of the magic candle illuminated Matthew's face.

It actually made his expression look a bit evil and ferocious.

He quickly came to mailbox No. 733 and opened the mailbox with the key David gave him.

"found it."

"How to make the Necronomicon!"

Matthew looked happy.

He dusted off two notebooks.

Hux didn't kid himself.

At least these two experiences showed no trace of fraud.

Matthew grabbed these two books and was about to leave.

But at this time.

His keen sense suddenly noticed that there was a mailbox next to the aisle that seemed to have been opened recently!

Matthew went over to confirm.

This is really the case.

This is very unusual.

You must know that this is a training base for novice owls, and all the emails in the mailbox are training samples.

Normally no one opens it.


"Is there anyone with similar ideas?"

Matthew's heart moved, he took out the master key David gave him and opened the mailbox No. 781 in front of him.

The next second.

One after another, pitch-black folded packages appeared in front of him.

Before Matthew could reach out his hand.

The data bar began to swipe like crazy——

"Hint: You found "Windfall: Vanishing Stolen Goods"!

You found a big bag of Godhead fragments!

You discovered the Shadow Stone*697;

You discovered the Book of Demons (a semi-artifact);

You discovered the Wail of the Weak (artifact);

You discovered the Book of Forbidden Curses and the Demon-Slaying Scroll;

You discovered Shandaru's Angel Suit (legendary weapon/suit);

You found the unnamed gold coin card (containing 3670114 gold coins)...

You found out..."

That moment.

Matthew's breathing became a little sluggish.

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