The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 356 The correct use of tombstones?


Matthew had never thought before that the twisted equilibrium contract and his fatherly authority could resonate so strongly.

This way.

He has become a walking kaleidoscopic detector!

At least until this contract ends, no matter where Cetronk goes, he will be accurately captured by Matthew!

He recalled Cetrunk's unusual attitude towards him, which he had previously shown as a loving father.

Matthew was determined.

With the power in hand, he can terminate the contract at any time.

He was in control from beginning to end, as long as he didn't alert others.

So he just said calmly:

"I have a friend who hopes to entrust Mr. Farian to investigate the truth behind the death of Lorraine Fangta."

"This is the name of my friend and the relevant information I can provide."

"If Mr. Farian were here, he would not refuse this commission, because he owed my friend a big favor..."

Matthew handed the information about Hux and her son Lorraine into the hands of Setrunk.

The latter glanced at it and said without changing his expression:

"I will convey this message to Mr. Farian."

His tone was quite respectful.

Matthew nodded slightly and planned to leave. The commission was completed and he did not want to have further contact with Setrunk.

Then at this time.

Setrunk actually took the initiative and said:


"When are you going to clean up the mess the elves left?"

"There are no other customers in the store now, so there is no need to pretend to be too different between you and me."

Matthew suddenly put on a gloomy expression:

"I knew it was you!"

"Why are you asking this?"

He stared at Setrunk with a very annoyed look.

The latter showed a sickly smile:


"I just want to know when those beasts in the Presbyterian Church will die."

"Tarraste is a weak and powerless person. Although he is quite upright, he is extremely partial to the elves. Even if the Presbyterians rape and plunder in front of him, he will only step in to stop them, but will not punish the murderers. "

"Little people like us can't overthrow a large organization like Jade Cangting, so we can only wait for them to destroy themselves."

"I heard they hooked up with the legendary warlock again?"

"You Seven Saints Alliance won't let them do whatever they want, right?"

He spoke to Matthew as if he were talking to an old friend.

But the words always give people a respectful feeling.

Matthew, of course, would not answer Setrunk's question head-on.

According to the latter statement.

After he was adopted by the wood elves, he became the plaything of the Presbyterian Church. He suffered inhuman abuse and violation for many years, which led to the Baiyang Village tragedy.

Regardless of whether what Setrunk said is true or not.

The relationship between the two must be incompatible.

A Jade Cangting is already troublesome enough. If the Silver Frost Brotherhood also comes to interfere while Matthew is dealing with the Mark of the Dead, the variables will become even more.

What Matthew hates most is this uncertainty.

So he calmly dropped the topic:

"The Alliance is always on the move, but we are very busy dealing with all kinds of criminals."

"If you really hate the Presbyterians, why don't you tell me what they did?"

"Or you can provide me with criminal information and evidence about the Presbyterian Church."

Setrunk spread his hands:

"You know, those elves are not good at doing good things, but they are very good at doing bad things. Even if there is evidence of what happened back then, it would have been destroyed long ago - does a witness like me count? If not, there is nothing I can do about it. .”

"But you mages should have a very clear understanding of the common problems of immortal species, right?"

"Elves are not a special case. All creatures become numb the longer they live, and immortals are highly desensitized to ordinary stimuli."

"They are eager to seek excitement, but ordinary excitement is as dull as water to them. For this reason, they have to increase their efforts, and eventually break through one bottom line after another and become ugly and unaware monsters."

"It's not a moral thing, it's the nature of biology."

"Only by receiving stimulation can a living being feel that he is still alive."

"There are many notorious figures in history who are immortals or immortals. To future generations, they are criminals who cannot be punished by nature, but to themselves, those people are just following their own instincts."

"The Wood Elf Council of Elders brings together the vast majority of the numb, long-lived, powerful and powerful old men of this immortal race. It would be weird if they didn't come up with something, right?"

Even if one is biased against Setrunk.

Matthew also had to admit that there was some truth to what he said.

The ugliness of the wood elves may be the curse of the immortals.

This is a taboo area that cannot be touched by ordinary people's thinking tentacles, but it is so real.

"But the words you said are not enough to convict the Presbyterian Church."

Matthew said calmly:

"How about something useful."

Setrunk smiled again. There was a strange mixture of contempt and respect in his eyes, which made his expression look a bit stiff:

"No need."

“Instead of counting on others, I prefer to believe in myself.”

"One day I will personally take revenge. Baiyang Village is just a prologue. I will let those perverted elves taste the most painful pain in the world - provided they can survive until then."

Matthew raised his eyebrows.

He changed the subject and said:

"Do you have any items or information related to the Ancient God of Beauty here?"

He had seen Meishen's entrance door in Sen'er's hands before, and Abing's legendary journey happened to be related to Meishen, so he asked casually.

Setrunk thought for a while:

"Mr. Farian may have."

"I only have some relics related to the sister of the ancient God of Beauty - the original God of Carnal Desire."

"It is said that the God of Carnal Desire lost the duel to be promoted to the God of Beauty, and followed the agreement before the war and changed his gender to female."

"After that, she not only succumbed to the goddess of beauty in the priesthood, but also completely indulged in carnal desires."

"As the earliest immortals, gods are usually not desensitized to mundane stimuli so quickly because of the protection of their divine personality. But the God of Carnal Desire is different. Her divine personality is too weak, and her frequency of pleasure seeking is too exaggerated. As for being completely numb very quickly.”

"At a certain period of time, in order to seek excitement, the God of Carnal Desire frequently went to the star realm to have sex with giant beasts. As a result, on her way back from exhaustion, she was captured by the Giza people, and her body was imprisoned in a dark place by the Giza people. In the demiplane, it has been reduced to a fertility machine, working day and night to produce the astral ephemera that the Giza people need—a biological airship that can fly long distances for one person in the astral realm."

"But it's a blessing in disguise. Because of this, the God of Carnal Desire has escaped several disasters in Tianlun Palace. The arrival of the Natural Disaster Mage has little impact on her."

"In the past hundred years, it is said that she persuaded the Giza people to regain some of their freedom. Now she has established a slightly famous force in the star realm."

"The things in my hand were obtained from that force. They are the wreckage of the floating airship. Do you need it?"

Out of curiosity about the unknown.

Matthew originally wanted to buy some and take a look, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea.

"Forget it, let's talk about it next time."

Matthew prepares to leave.

However, Setrunk suddenly became enthusiastic:

"Aha, it suddenly occurred to me that Mr. Farian might have some of Meishen's items in his warehouse. Why don't you wait here while I look for them?"

Matthew frowned slightly inwardly.

He had the feeling that Setrunk was deliberately talking to him, and it seemed that he was trying to stall for time, and there were also contradictions in what he said.

Although I don’t know why, I just don’t give the enemy what he wants.

So Matthew walked straight out the door:

"No need, goodbye."

The sound of Setrunk's hurried footsteps immediately came from behind. As he walked, he shouted:

"I still have something else I want to talk to..."

His voice stopped abruptly.

Because an extremely sharp shovel was blocked less than half a meter in front of him.

The tip of the shovel pointed directly at the facade of Setrunk.

"Don't cause trouble."

Matthew warned.

Setrunk was still smiling playfully.

"Otherwise I will disown you, child."

Matthew turned and left.

Setrunk's face suddenly turned livid!

There was a trace of panic in his eyes.

He stood straight there for a long time, until Matthew's figure completely disappeared, and then he quickly came to the backyard of the tailor shop.

There is a chicken coop in the backyard.

There are more than 20 free-range black-feathered chickens inside.

Without saying a word, Setrunk grabbed one of the roosters and suddenly cut off the rooster's head with the scissors in his hand!

Chicken blood suddenly splashed out.

Immediately afterwards.

The only sound left in the chicken coop was the clicking sound of scissors and Setrunk's heavy and suppressed breathing.

After giving Setrunk a small warning.

Matthew returns from Grand Rapids.

That afternoon, he accompanied Bobo to the moon.

The two came to the new office building of Lunar Shang and met with Vivian, the manager here.

Same as last time we met.

Vivian's attitude was cold and businesslike.

But for Matthew’s request.

But she gave the green light all the way.

Not only was the license to lease the Lunar Death communication base station successfully passed, Matthew also received a price that was very close to the cost price.

This conversation can be said to have gone quite smoothly.

After coming out of Vivian's office, Matthew discussed with Bobo the actual installation of the communication network.

He planned to temporarily rent a few talents from War on the Moon to help Bobo.

This can significantly shorten the construction period.

According to Bobo's estimation.

In half a month at most, the communication network of the beta version will be online and operational, which will be reflected in the Spell Guild, that is, the chat room module will be activated.

Consider Bobo’s role in it.

Matthew planned to pay her a separate fee, but Bobo sternly refused.

Bobo is a very kind person.

She insisted on the principle of "no charge for doing things for friends." Matthew tried to force him several times but she refused.

Without any choice.

He could only give Bobo some compensation from other places.

For example, in the chat room module that is about to be activated, Matthew designed a special avatar and exclusive emblem for Bobo.

This operation is actually very simple.

Just find the corresponding template in the magic book over there and transcribe it, and then give it to Bobo with the authority of the president.

But for Bobo.

This seems to be a greater reward and excitement.

Once off the moon.

She couldn't wait to take the staff of Lunar Sorrow to explore near the gathering stone.

Matthew was very happy about this.

Bobo is working so hard, so why should he be idle?

Keep planting trees!

It only takes a few days.

Thanks to the efforts of Matthew and the druids, the two woods were advancing along the north and south shores of the Mark of the Dead respectively.

Green patches sprouted out of thin air on the originally barren land.

This greenery is not just a flash in the pan.

The resurrection rituals of the two druids activated the wasteland in the northeast, making the land here more vital.

And after the green trees.

Naturally, centaurs will come over for maintenance.

The area and power of the Sanctuary of Life are constantly expanding.

A place shrouded in sanctuaries.

The woods are growing well.

Walking in the newly planted woods, Matthew felt a little emotional.

What it took me three years to develop on my own now only takes half a month to complete.

Compared to the original form alone.

Now I have a systematic and large-scale tree planting team.

Give it time.

He will definitely be able to effectively cover the woods to many places in the material world and even the astral world!

Until then.

His influence will reach an extremely terrifying level!

“Now that I’ve reached that stage of planting real trees, it’s time for my cemetery to graduate...”

Think so.

He glanced at the data column.

The above shows that the Spring Resurrection mission has been completed and the Sublimation Gel has been obtained.

Matthew returns to the cemetery.

He did not use the condensation immediately, but found Ali to learn about the expansion of the cemetery.

To be fair.

Ali's movements are definitely not slow.

At present, the fourth floor where Skeleton Prince Li Rick is located has been basically completed.

The main framework of the fifth floor has been expanded.

The sixth and seventh layers are also already being explored in the field.

for this progress.

Matthew was very satisfied.

But he was not satisfied.

Sublimation condensation can greatly improve the quality of the ceremony site, but before using it, Matthew plans to continue to expand the coverage of the ceremony site!

to this end.

He did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to build negative energy fountains deeper underground. This move created a total of 10 floors of underground space for the Death Fear Cemetery.

Matthew took stock.

The bottom of the tenth floor is already close to 150 meters underground.

A little deeper.

We might be about to dig up some monster's lair.

However, there is still a certain distance from the 300-meter principle. In this regard, Matthew still knows a lot.

After the area of ​​​​the ceremony venue expanded several times, the daily consumption that followed also increased a lot, but for future considerations, Matthew could only do this.

After the vertical staking.

Only then did Matthew inject the drop of sublimation condensation into the Death Fear Cemetery.

The next second.

A surging force fluctuated back and forth between the rocks and the soil, and even the woods on the ground were slightly affected.

Matthew turns on balanced perception.

He could clearly see silver barriers rising from the perimeter of the cemetery - from the entrance on the first floor to the tenth floor where a negative energy fountain had just been dug!

Silver barriers are formed at the entrances and exits of all spaces.

This is the embodiment of the power of the barrier at the edge of the ritual field.

From now on.

Any foreign creature that wants to enter the cemetery from the physical level must cross this silver barrier.

And this is bound to set off an alarm in the cemetery.

The security of the cemetery has been greatly improved.


The integrity of the cemetery is also further enhanced by the condensation.

Matthew could feel that the entire cemetery had become a closely connected fortress.

on the data column.

A waterfall-like flow of information washed past.

Matthew was a little dizzy!

"Tip: The strategic level of Death Fear Cemetery has been increased to LV2!

The number of undead that the cemetery can accommodate has been increased——


Number of single undead (1000) -

Number of all undead (8,000)

Your Ritual Ground has gained new features "Supernal Ward", "Death Breath", "Hostile Scorch", "Graveyard Weapon" and "Floating Object"!

Extraordinary Barrier: The edge of your cemetery will be protected by an extraordinary barrier. The physical armor of the barrier is 18 points, and the average alarm level is 13;

Breath of death: Your cemetery will release a breath of fear to the surroundings, and ordinary creatures will not dare to approach this place;

Hostile Burning: Every unit that breaks into the cemetery without being invited by its owner will be burned by will-o'-the-wisps;

Cemetery Weapon: You can solidify a weapon into a "Graveyard Weapon". After that, the effect of your weapon in the cemetery will be greatly enhanced.

You successfully set up "Ursul's Scoop" as a "Graveyard Weapon".

Ursul's Rebuke (Whip) will have the following additional effects -

1. Freely stretchable: Your whip can be greatly extended, up to 60 meters in physical terms. Units farther away from you will suffer more serious damage when hit by the whip.

2. Everywhere: You can use this weapon in any corner of the cemetery to whip enemies in other corners of the cemetery.

3. Fire of death: When you use the long whip to hit an enemy in the cemetery, the opponent's soul or soul fire will be attached with a layer of fire of death. The fire of death has the effects of burning the soul, evaporating the soul fire, and corroding the life span. effect.

Deathfire can be stacked continuously.

Every 5 layers of death fire can directly put the target into a near-death state!

4. Control: You can use the long whip to wrap up any controllable object in the cemetery, including the undead, and then throw it to an open space anywhere in the cemetery.

5. Legendary power: Your whip has legendary power when attacking..."

Feeling the vast power flowing from the whip in his hand, Matthew showed a satisfied smile.

The upgrading effect of sublimation gel on the ceremony venue is obvious.

It directly pushed the strategic level of Death Horror Cemetery to LV2!

This way.

Matthew's dilemma regarding the number of undead was greatly alleviated.

Plus the Necronomicon.

The number of undead he can summon exceeds fifteen thousand.

This was far beyond what Matthew could focus on.


Extraordinary wards can further enhance the cemetery’s border defense;

Hostile Scorch can also serve as a warning against uninvited intruders;

The aura of death can scare ordinary creatures and reduce unnecessary trouble;

The cemetery weapon surprised Matthew even more.

With the blessing of the entire cemetery, Ursul's scolding and even ordinary whipping had legendary power.

And he only needs to sit in the cemetery.

You can tell where to hit.

You can even use this whip to transfer arms without restrictions——

Let's say there's an intruder on the tenth floor of the cemetery.

Then Matthew could just whip Peggy, who was cooking in the kitchen on the first floor, and throw her to the tenth floor to resist the intruders!

And he himself can sit still and use his whip to attack enemies as far away as the tenth floor.

This provides him with extremely strong fighting power and convenience.

He can even roll himself up with the whip!

As long as he holds Ursol's scolding, he can reach any corner of the cemetery in an instant. This is much faster than any portal!

But these are not the biggest surprises for Matthew.

The last feature is it!

"Floating Things: Deathdread Cemetery has gained a new form "Floating"!

Floating: In the floating form, the entire cemetery will rise from the ground, slowly ascend into the sky, and eventually float at an altitude of 200 to 1,000 meters.

Warning: The current state cannot float stably. You need to build at least three negative energy power furnaces. "

For any mage.

The floating city can be regarded as the ultimate dream.

And a floating cemetery——

Matthew feels excited just thinking about it!

Negative energy power furnaces are not a rare thing.

Matthew had previously considered whether to build it. This thing could improve the progress of the cemetery's strategic level.

But considering that there are currently no buildings in the cemetery that require additional power.

It is not cost-effective to build it just to improve the progress.

So he suppressed it before.

But now it seems.

This money still cannot be saved!

The power furnace must be built, and the specific floor to build it on will be left to White Ghost Ali to explore.

Wait until the power furnace is built.

The Death Fear Cemetery can float into the air and overlook the earth from high in the sky!

What exactly will the scene be like then?

Matthew was swayed just thinking about it!


He walked around the newly renovated cemetery, and even looked at the lower five floors where there was only a negative energy fountain for a long time.

The role of extraordinary enchantment is still very great.

Matthew has knocked on the texture of the silver barrier. This defensive measure is extremely strong. Combined with the soil and rocks in the stratum, it can basically block the attacks of most ordinary creatures.

If the drow's sneak attack before encountered the extraordinary barrier.

I guess they can't even get in!

What surprised Matthew even more.

The improvement of the cemetery's strategic level has brought about follow-up in the field.

He was just wandering around the cemetery.

A familiar force slowly formed in the realm within his body.

That is--


"Tip: Based on your full accumulation in the tomb realm, you have obtained the authority "Tombstone" from the tomb realm!

Authority (Tombstone): You have supreme authority in the Tombstone element and its related areas;

The speed at which you make tombstones is increased to 1000%;

When there is a tombstone next to you, the spell level of your Summon the Dead spell +4;

Your authority comes with two additional abilities -

Wind of Rest: You can blow a gust of wind up to five kilometers in front of you.

Where the wind of rest sweeps, if there is a corpse on the ground, the corpse will get up and bury itself, and a tombstone will be summoned from the negative energy plane to stand on the grave.

The cemetery formed by the Wind of Rest will become the junction point between the negative energy plane and the main material world.

Each time Winds of Rest is cast.

You will gain affinity for negative energy will;

Vehicle of the Dead: You can summon a special tombstone to serve as a vehicle.

When used as a vehicle, this tombstone will provide you with extraordinary travel speed! "

The authority of the tombstone seems to have a small entry point at first glance.

The effects it provides are also less than stunning.

But Matthew knew that the +4 spell level of Summoning the Undead meant a higher success rate of summoning and greater convenience when summoning the corpses of alien creatures.

There is a tombstone.

He can completely use the universal summoning technique of the undead to deal with the corpses of most strange races.

This saves time in learning the art of directed undead summoning.

And beyond that.

"Wind of Rest" seems to be useful as well.

After all, it can improve the favorability of an inner plane facing him. Matthew's natural affinity is already very high. As a balance messenger, of course he must also consider the feelings of the negative energy plane.

As for the final "vehicle of the dead".

Matthew's evaluation is very average.

"Who would go out riding this tombstone without any trouble..."

But I wanted to give it a try.

He still summoned a tombstone vehicle in the open space of the cemetery.

He looked down.

This tombstone looks ordinary. There are some magic words on the front and back, and there is a deep imprint of the negative energy plane. At first glance, it is not something serious people play with.

He stepped on it casually, then tapped lightly on the front of the tombstone with his toe.

The next second.

The tombstone is surrounded by green will-o'-the-wisps.


The figures of Matthew and the tombstone fell from the wall next to them!


"So fast!"

Matthew touched his forehead in shock. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and only had a slight skin injury.

But this tombstone is sliding against the ground at an absurdly fast speed!

That moment just now.

It actually caught up to the same speed as when Canglong Dufeng possessed Matthew!

"This is a speed that a legendary rogue might not be able to keep up with even if he runs with all his strength..."

A trace of excitement emerged deep in Matthew's heart.

So this is the correct way to use tombstones?

Now he held the tombstone and studied it carefully.


Matthew then learned that this kind of tombstone that can be used as a vehicle has three characteristics-

First, the closer to the ground, the faster the flight speed.

When you fly close to the ground, you can maintain ultra-high speed for a long time, and during this process, Matthew's body is protected by the tombstone, and he will not bear too much pressure.

Second, the tombstone will produce will-o'-the-wisps when flying, and these will-o'-the-wisps will automatically protect the owner of the tombstone from being harmed while moving forward.

Third, tombstone flying consumes the negative energy in the user's body, or negative energy stones.

Matthew has authority in his hands, it does not consume much, and it can be maintained for a long time.

Fourth, and most importantly, the tombstone will generate great kinetic energy when flying at high speed.

Matthew can control its flight speed and trajectory through mental power within a ten-meter range of his physical body.

In other words.

This thing is not just a vehicle.

It seems it can also be used as a missile...

"It's just that the distance of ten meters is a bit too short. If you want to hit someone, you have to jump out of the car in time. I might not be able to react and hit him with him..."

Matthew thought to himself.

That day, Matthew played with the tombstone all afternoon.

It's almost evening.

He stepped on the tombstone and came to the Lord's Hall.

Surrounded by a crowd of will-o'-the-wisps.

Matthew found Rhaegar:

"There are a few things I need to discuss with you."

"But before that, I have to confirm with you the time to go to the Far North Floating City."

"I'm free tomorrow and the morning of the day after tomorrow. How are you?"

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