The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 375 We evil spirits are not afraid of poison!

Kesha’s words are so informative.

Matthew instinctively fell into thinking.

However, just when he was thinking about whether there was a conspiracy in this matter, Kesha suddenly said:

"Don't look any further, let's go!"

Her tone was quite firm, and her voice suddenly became cold.

The speed with which he changes his face is staggering.

As she spoke, Kesha stood up from her kneeling position, then pushed with her hands, and a huge force pushed Matthew further.

at the same time.

Four bamboo tubes emitting green light flew in front of Matthew.

"These are the four little cuties I promised to give you. They are inside. You have to take care of them. It is best to learn how to cultivate them so that you can get more help."

Kesha's voice floated over from afar:

"Remember, the deadly plague does not separate families. Since you have chosen the path of the Necromancer, you should not let go of the areas you are close to."

"Go ahead."

With that said, Matthew saw her figure and turned to leave.

The opponent's attitude changed so quickly that Matthew couldn't react.


Looking at Kesha's retreating back, he asked anxiously and wisely:

"So what you just said was just a joke?"

As expected, Kesha paused.

She didn't look back, but her voice still floated over slowly:

"No, of course not."

Matthew quickly asked:

"Then why do you suddenly not want to know the answer?"

"Or, in the first place, what did you want to see on my ass?"

There was a hint of smile in Kesha’s voice:

"I won't tell you."

"As long as I don't say it or look at it, I will always have that hope in my heart."

"And once I say it and see it, that hope may come true. If that's the case, all I'll be left with for the rest of my life is endless pain."

"I don't want to face those years, so I made this choice."

Matthew frowned:

"I don't understand, and I can't even understand it."

Kesha sighed softly:

"I'm sorry, kid, but I didn't mean to tease you."

"It's just that when things came to pass, I chose to be cowardly."

"It has been many, many years since I came to this world. I have lost my powers, many organs in my body, and almost everything in my life."

"In most of the years, this castle is the only one left to accompany me. It is my cage and my place of settlement. I can no longer live without it."

"Living is just a dream to me. The reality of this dream comes from pain and hope. As long as they are still there, I can feel that I am truly alive. This is the most important thing for me at the moment. of."

"I dare not uncover the mystery of hope now, because the chances of my dream result coming true are too elusive."

"I can still maintain it now because I tell myself that one day my child will come back to see me. This is the place where he was born and has his mark. Sooner or later, he will come back."

"This is a stubborn and fragile obsession. In fact, I know it very well in my heart. Do I really care about that child? Not necessarily, but I must care. Only in this way will I not completely collapse."

"As for whether that child is you or someone else, it actually doesn't matter anymore."

"Get out of here, kid, I have nothing else to say to you."

"By the way, there is one thing you must remember - people sometimes have to live selfishly, and don't believe in what they impose on you."

Say the last sentence.

Kesha's figure completely disappeared from Matthew's sight.

The scenery of the castle and woods is still there.

But that graceful figure has disappeared.

Matthew was left alone, feeling lost.

Have to admit.

Kesha is indeed a master at playing with people's hearts, making them neither better nor worse.

The less she said anything, the more Matthew could figure it out on his own——

There are indeed many subtle connections between himself and the God of Death.

The identity of the extraterrestrial visitor can also perfectly match the story of Kesha's alien soul.

And the death orchid in Carmela's laboratory...


Matthew suddenly calmed down, and he realized that Kesha’s narrative actually had some flaws:

"According to her, Maibalon, the second son of the God of Death in Irondor's history, has nothing to do with her. She doesn't care at all whether an outside soul has gone crazy."

"But when I just handed her the copy of the slate, the emotion she showed cannot be faked. This shows that she has feelings for McBaron."

"But Maibalon is clearly not her child, or rather it is just the body of her child, and the soul is from another world..."

Matthew found the flaw instantly.

But he soon frowned again, because this flaw was not perfect, and there were many reasons that could be explained.

For example, it is not impossible that Kesha, who has been tortured by the god of death, has some strange feelings for the alien soul occupying her child's body...


"This is outrageous."

Matthew rubbed his temples vigorously to prevent his way of thinking from becoming deified.

He subconsciously touched his butt and couldn't help but complained in his heart:

"Keisha wouldn't say that to every visitor from the universe, would she?"

"In this way, other people may be thinking about the existence of this suspected mother..."

The more Matthew thought about it, the more likely it seemed.

For example, he is a little concerned about Kesha now, and if there is a chance in the future, he would not mind coming to see her.

This may also be a comfort to a lonely soul all year round.

Think of this layer.

Matthew suddenly felt relieved.

He also understood Kesha's actions.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall what Roland once mentioned when chatting with him about story creation:

“When is a suspense most engaging?”

“When is a story at its best?”

"Of course, when everything is unresolved, the protagonist and the audience are on the road to find the answer to the mystery. The excitement, longing and expectation as they gradually approach the truth - there is no need for the author to bother to outline the emotions and plots. The audience is very interested in the suspense. The brain power alone is enough to make them orgasm on their own.”

“That’s when the story is at its best.”

"And when the truth is revealed, no matter how exciting it is, it will feel somewhat boring - in the final analysis, everyone knows that the story building has collapsed and this journey has come to an end. The end, it’s already the end of the song…”

Matthew now feels that the above paragraph makes sense.

Of course, Matthew really disagreed with what Luo Lan said next.

He went on to say:

"So I never write the ending when I write a story."

"Only leaving the most beautiful things for people to imagine is the highest state of art!"

It can only be said that the environment for literary and artistic creation in Aindo is relatively tolerant.

If it were Matthew's previous life.

Lorraine's family can probably open a blacksmith shop.

But no matter what.

This conversation with Kesha was something Matthew would remember for a long time.

He was deeply aware of the terror of these immortals.

Time has given their lives almost unlimited depth. They sit in the upper circle of the ecological niche, have experienced countless ups and downs, and overlook any newcomers.

No wonder the social structure of Jade Cangting is so abnormal.

An environment full of immortals is inherently deformed.

When facing these old things.

Young people have almost no advantage.

Except for blood and courage.

Between emotions.

Matthew said goodbye to Solinka again and returned to Tyrannosaurus Town smoothly.

In addition to gaining stories, suspense and truth from the trip to the drug world, Solinka and Kesha also really provided help for Matthew's actions.

The four poisons and four plagues they gave to Matthew were not ordinary creatures.

But eight types of domain souls!

Domain souls are similar to nature souls, except that they are limited by the power of the two domains of poison and plague. The status of these eight domain souls is much lower than that of normal nature souls.

They don't even have enough independent self-awareness.

It can only be regarded as a realm thing with abundant spirituality.

But no matter what, after obtaining the four poisons and four plagues, Matthew directly began to build the ball of death.

Although this thing is a semi-artifact, it is actually a special field.

It is not difficult to lay out this kind of field. The difficulty lies in obtaining raw materials.

Matthew has the souls of the eight realms in his hands, and he is in the Death Canopy. He has plenty of negative energy, so he can start taking action directly.

He found a basement and drew a basic magic circle to gather negative energy.

Then he placed the souls of the eight realms in the eight corners of the magic circle.


Countless derivatives emerged from the bamboo tubes and light balls——

poisonous frogs, vipers, wasps, scorpions;

Flies, mice, mosquitoes, cockroaches;

Matthew used the materials he brought with him to construct a mini field of toxins and plagues.

As Kesha said.

Death and plague poisons are indistinguishable, and as he is proficient in negative energy fields, it is not difficult for him to construct poisons and plagues.

What's more, he also has a plague field.

Then Matthew began to guide the negative energy here to form a constantly rotating sphere. There were a large number of poisons and epidemics in the sphere, as well as pure negative energy mixed in.

Two hours later.

The cue ball of the Death Ball has been completed.

Looking at the black sphere in the basement that is constantly rotating like a planet.

Matthew's face showed a satisfied smile:

"Next, you can make the sub-balls."

The so-called child ball is actually a negative energy sphere that is separated from the cue ball and can be put into actual combat.

With the blessing of the four poisons and four epidemics.

The cue ball of the Death Plague Ball itself has three domain attributes: death, plague, and poison.

And what Matthew is going to do now.

It is a cue ball that slowly peels off small spheres that have the three attributes of death, plague, and poison at the same time.

These small balls are the perfect help to spread the undead disaster!


He sat near the ball of death, took out a silver knife, and began to cut bit by bit from the top.

After cutting out a ball of negative energy.

He quickly used his mental power to knead it into a temporary sphere, and then simply compressed it into as much a sphere as possible.

The whole process is quite simple.

The only thing that needs to be noted is that each small ball must contain at least one derivative of the four poisons or four plagues, otherwise the transmission effect will be greatly reduced.

And these little things are quite unruly.

When Matthew was rolling the balls, they would occasionally stick out their heads and bite him.

Although it's not a big problem.

But it hurts!

"It seems like this job doesn't have any technical content."

At the beginning.

Matthew could only roll one ball in a minute. Later, he gradually adapted to the rhythm of cutting and kneading, and it took half a minute to shape one ball.

after that.

He can finish one in almost fifteen seconds.

But in order to improve the production efficiency of the plague ball, Matthew still pulled all the idle contracted immortals over and rubbed the ball with him.

These elite undead are full of soul fire and spiritual power under the canopy of death, and can be used as production assistants.

Matthew just taught them.

They learned it one after another.

Even better.

They are all undead and are not afraid of being bitten or scratched by the four plagues and poisons, so their processing efficiency is actually higher than Matthew.


Except for Orolin, who was sleeping well, and Vasnov, who was looking for Lance's spiritual origin.

Matthew’s younger brothers participated in a team-building activity where all members played ball.

With collective efforts.

Matthew quickly successfully harvested 1024 sub-balls of the Death Ball!

"Ball of Death (Sub-ball): Contains poisonous frogs, vipers, wasps, scorpions, flies, rats, mosquitoes, and cockroaches that are randomly transformed into negative energy creatures.

You can drop the Plague Ball into a specific area to contaminate the surrounding area and spread toxins, plague and negative energy!

Each plague ball can affect the area: 300~500 meters in diameter. "


Walking out of the basement with his brothers, Matthew rubbed his sore shoulders, his face flushed.

With these balls of death plague.

No matter whether it is Crescent Mountain or Night Angel City, it is impossible to resist his undead army!


No matter what you do, you have to consult an expert.

It happened that at this time, Matthew received a letter from Crescent Mountain!

This letter was written in the name of Orsay, the evil spirit lord of Crescent Mountain, and the handwriting was very beautiful.


"The local evil spirits are quite polite..."

Matthew sneered after reading it.

In any case, the poison he had administered previously had killed many people in Crescent Mountain, and the relationship had been forged, but the other party did not mention a word about it in the letter, as if it had never happened at all.

If Matthew were a legendary mage.

It makes sense for the other party to do this. After all, the pressure and intimidation brought by the legendary necromancer are worthy of Crescent Mountain's patience.

But not Matthew yet.

The other party seemed a little uneasy and kind-hearted when he spoke so lowly.

"The intrigues in the star realm seem a bit too straightforward..."

"Or are all evil spirits like this?"

Matthew wondered secretly.

However, after thinking for a moment, he agreed to the negotiation request in the letter.

Matthew made an appointment with the lord of Crescent Mountain to negotiate at Mogu Lake, the lake where Matthew had poisoned him before.

The time was set for one hour after the next sunset.

No more than five people from either side of the negotiation can be present.

Matthew's idea is simple.

He originally had to choose between Crescent Mountain and Night Angel City, but now someone took the initiative to send it to his door, which was equivalent to saving him the trouble of choosing.

Although there are many astral humans in Crescent Mountain.

But Matthew had no sympathy for them.

Since they had chosen to be dogs for evil spirits and massacred the natives of the sampan plane together, it was reasonable to bear the resentment of the natives now.

The next day.

By Mogu Lake.

The evil spirit lord Hodges stands side by side with his beloved concubine Gulishati.

The two of them were wearing very ordinary casual clothes, but under the casual clothes they were already fully equipped with all kinds of equipment and weapons.

As Matthew wondered.

The conspiracies of the astral world are sometimes so straightforward.

It's not that Gulishati can't think of a more complicated conspiracy, but sometimes it's easier to succeed if you are more straightforward!

At least from past experience.

Gulishati's advice almost never fails.

But Hodges still looked a little hesitant:

"Isn't it too risky for us to do this?"

Gulishati smiled softly:

"Why take the risk?"

"I believe that the guy named Matthew must be an excellent necromancer, but there are some basic logics that cannot be changed no matter how good a person is."

"For us, Matthew's biggest reliance is nothing more than the Death Canopy and the summons. The negotiation location we chose is far away from the Death Canopy, and we have stipulated the number of people to negotiate."

"With all due respect, if this can't help Matthew, it means that we ourselves can't win this war!"

Hodges nodded and murmured:

"you're right."

"That makes sense."

But the next second.

His eyes suddenly turned white!

Five seconds later.

Hodges gasped for air as if waking up from a dream:

"No, no, let's go!"

Gulishati looked at him puzzledly:


"Didn't you just go pray to your father for strength?"

Hodges's face was as white as a piece of paper. Evil spirits don't sweat. If possible, he would be sweating profusely now:

"Father just rejected me!"

"He told me to run!"

Gulishati was stunned for a moment.

Hodges' father is the evil spirit lord Omadouqi. He is a big shot in the star world, the kind who can be on equal footing with the God of Midnight.

Even He said to run quickly...


Gulishati said decisively.

However, it was too late for the two of them to escape——

not far away.

A young man wearing a mage's robe and a dust mask stepped on the tombstone and rushed over like lightning!

The tombstone was close to the ground, sending up waves of dust like waves to both sides.

His speed was unparalleled, and what was even more terrifying was that there were several ropes hanging behind the tombstone. The ends of the ropes were billowing with smoke and seemed to be connected to a rectangular outline!

The two of them looked through the smoke and dust, and then they saw clearly that the rectangular outline was actually a sarcophagus!

Do tombstones slide?

Is it still that fast?

Can there be a coffin hanging in the back?

Hodges and Gulishati looked at each other, both of them couldn't help but rub their eyes, seriously doubting that they had seen it wrong.

And just when they were stunned.

Matthew had already dragged the coffin to them.

Facing the unblinking gazes of two legendary evil spirits.

Matthew was not afraid. He easily took off his dust mask and smiled:

"You two, I'm afraid it's not very polite to just stare at others like this."

"I'm Matthew, you asked me to negotiate."

"Tell me your conditions."

Gulishati's reaction was quick.

A bright smile appeared on her face:

"We are just surprised by the way you are running. We did not expect that the main material world has developed such a... tool."

"That's impressive."

Matthew smiled faintly:

"Thank you for the compliment."

His eyes instantly focused on Hodges' eyes.

The latter looks a bit unnatural.

"We can help you raze the City of Night Angel to the ground. In fact, we have arrested a group of suspicious people related to the warlock Lance and the Dragon God Society. As long as you need it, we can transfer them to you at any time. you."

Gu Lixiati said with a cheerful face:

"As long as you promise not to attack us and give us a place to stay in Crescent Mountain on the sampan plane."

This was certainly not the condition the two of them considered at first.

They didn't even think about the negotiation content.

However, as Hodges received Omadouqi's warning, Gulishati had to adapt and try to stabilize Matthew's mood first.

What exactly is going on? It’s better to go back to Crescent Mountain to discuss it.

"Oh? That sounds good."

Matthew raised his eyebrows and asked somewhat bluntly:

"Then how many people are you planning to send to attack the City of Night Angel with me?"

Hodges looked a little ugly.

It is simply unbelievable that these two legends are being questioned aggressively by a small fifth-level mage here.

If not for his father's advice still echoing in his mind.

He has already turned his back now!

"Two thousand people!"

Gulishati looked quite calm:

"And I can guarantee that they are the most elite troops in our Crescent Mountain."

Matthew said directly:

"I want five thousand people!"

Gulishati answered without hesitation:


"When do you want it?"

"We'll go back and get ready."

Matthew suddenly laughed.

If the other party is calculating and arguing with you, it means that they are indeed sincere in negotiating with you.

But the way he behaves now is that he clearly wants to fool himself!

"It shouldn't be. According to my previous judgment, they led me here to ambush me."

"Why haven't you taken action yet?"

Matthew also had some doubts in his heart.

But seeing that the two legendary evil spirits had no intention of taking action, he simply continued to perform with them.

"Well, I never cooperate with people I am not familiar with. You two are too strange to me. Not only do I not know you, but I am even defensive about you. After all, we are from different races. I am not familiar with you." The evil spirits don’t know anything about it, so why don’t we get along for a while—sitting by the lake, chatting, and fishing, maybe we can become friends, and in this way, cooperation will be a matter of course.”

Matthew said with a smile.

Hodges instinctively wanted to refuse. For some reason, he felt extremely evil when he saw Matthew's smile.

He didn't want to stay with the other person any longer.

However, Gulishati agreed wholeheartedly.

Ever since.

The three people who had their own agenda did not take any action, but found a place to sit by the lake.

Matthew summoned four zombies to carry the coffin, then he took out three fishing rods from his bag and gave them to the other two evil spirits in a formal manner, and introduced his fishing experience to them in a systematic way.

Of course, 90% of them are nonsense.

Matthew doesn't know anything about fishing.

But Gulishati and Hodges were still convinced.

At least they were sitting there pretending.

No one mentioned that the fish in this lake had been poisoned by Matthew long ago...

Matthew was leaning against the coffin, holding a fishing rod in both hands, and two evil spirits chatting.


He smiled and asked:

"It's boring to sit and chat like this all the time. Why don't you make a bet?"

"Do you think I can catch anything?"

Hodges finally came to his senses:


"I bet you can't catch anything."

He knew very well that there was no life left in this lake, let alone fish, not even a single aquatic plant could survive.

Although it has already undergone a purification.

But the recovery of species is not that fast after all.

"Would you like to place some bets?"

"I'll give you a pound of mithril."

Matthew blinked.

Hodges nodded casually:


As Lord of Crescent Mountain, Hodges commanded a considerable fortune.

A pound of mithril is not even a drop in the bucket to him.

He usually likes to gamble, but he encountered this depressing situation now. Since he can't have an attack, he can only win back the victory through other methods.

Hodges stared at Matthew hard.

He knows that mages are good at magic. If the other party intends to cheat through magic, then he will expose the other party no matter what!

But after a few seconds.

Hodges' expression suddenly froze.

Because there was a crisp thumping sound next to his ears——

But a zombie plunged into the lake.

Then, under the disbelieving looks of Hodges and Gulishati, the zombie bit Matthew's fishhook in one bite.

The latter laughed.

Easily drag the zombie ashore!

"How about it?"

"Mr. Hodges, I'm willing to admit defeat."

Matthew said with a smile on his face.

Hodges finally couldn't hold it in any longer and said angrily:

"What a shameless way of cheating?"

"You have no intention of really making friends with us at all!"

Matthew looked at each other calmly:

"Are you really planning to negotiate with me?"

Hodges was slightly startled.

A bad feeling emerged in Gulishati's heart.

At this moment.

An evil spirit hurried over on a flying squirrel-like beast. He shouted while flying:

"It's not good, it's not good!"

"The Death Sky and the Undead Army attacked Crescent Mountain!"

"They have already attacked near Wishing Square!"

The two evil spirits suddenly looked at Matthew.

However, I don't know when the coffin behind Matthew was opened.

A sleepy undead walked out of it.

Immediately afterwards.

The fire that filled the sky evaporated most of the water in Mogu Lake in an instant!

Crescent Mountain.

In the backyard of a mansion in the city.

"Are you really not planning to go back to the abyss?"

A bald demon looked at the gorgeously dressed man in front of him with emotion and said.

The opponent's name is Pinkerton, a half-demon and half-evil spirit hybrid.

He is also the only friend of the Demon Knight Charles in Crescent Mountain.

The information about Black Dragon Lord Orsay was investigated by Pinkerton and then passed on to Charles.

The man smiled softly:

"Why go back?"

"I have gained power and wealth here that is impossible to obtain in the abyss. The lord here appreciates me very much."

"I'm very happy now, the kind you can't imagine."

Charles said with some worry:

"But this plane is a little uneasy. I just escaped death from Tyrannosaurus Town a few days ago. I'm worried that the necromancer will soon attack Crescent Mountain."

Pinkerton said with a relaxed expression:

"Don't worry, old man."

"Our lord has long thought of a way to deal with the Necromancer."

Charles is still a little worried:

"I heard that he poisoned the water here. Many people have died in Crescent Mountain recently..."

Pinkerton nodded:

"It does happen."

"But as we all know, we evil spirits are not afraid of toxins."

While talking.

An inconspicuous fly flew past him.


Pinkerton stuck out his long and slender tongue and rolled it violently into the air.

The poor fly was instantly caught in his mouth.

Click click click.

The sound of chewing came from Pinkerton's mouth, as well as his triumphant words:

"Look, this fly doesn't look very clean at first glance, but who am I? I am Pinkerton, the son of the devil and evil spirits. I have the constitution of a devil and the resistance of evil spirits. I can be immune to most toxins in the world. With the plague.”

"This is certainly no exception."

The words are not finished yet.

His expression suddenly changed, and then he started to vomit violently while holding his stomach!

Charles looked at each other blankly.

Before he could react.

Suddenly there was a violent commotion outside.

He easily jumped up to the roof and took a closer look.

But I saw a terrifying and ferocious bone dragon smashing through the city wall and rushing in with overwhelming force!

Charles was even more confused.

Because of this scene.

He seems to have seen it somewhere!

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