The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 380 The Bloodline of the Void and the Seven Stars of the Abyss

Looking at everything that happened in front of him, Vasnov was full of doubts. He didn't understand what the Lord of the Void had done to Matthew.

But one thing is clear.

The other party didn't seem to have direct murderous intentions towards Matthew!

This made Vasnov feel a subtle sense of crisis.

He wanted to ask what happened.

But he didn't dare.

For this reason, his expression became very solemn, and he even quietly removed the golden light behind him, and even the transformed God of War armor disappeared.

He turned into a ball of soul fire the size of a peacock again.

At this moment, Matthew didn't notice this detail at all.

He just raised his neck and looked at those eyes doubtfully:


"Yes, pity, this should be an adjective that your material beings can barely understand."

"As a transcendent person who is above everything else, the coming of the void and I is unstoppable. The torrent from the void will eventually assimilate all things. This is the final destination of all universes."

"Only the ignorant will stand in front of the torrent, thinking they are protecting their own world, but I don't blame you."

"As material beings, this is your sad limitation, so I feel sympathy and pity for you."

If it were anyone else who said this.

Matthew must have fallen out.

But the person who spoke was the Lord of the Void, Ucruz, and Matthew actually read a hint of sincerity in his words!

He shook his head.

He suddenly felt that this was the work of the void bloodline that had just been implanted in his body.

And while shaking his head.

From the corner of his eye, Matthew saw Vasnov who seemed a little uneasy, so he asked directly:

"You gave me the saint-level void bloodline, but what about him?"

"Is he also a saint?

Ucruz said calmly:

"Him? He is not qualified to receive such a high honor."


A black line split from the edge of the eyeball and merged into Vasnov's body.

Compared to the black line entering Matthew's body.

That thing can't even be called black thread. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to describe it as black silk.

Matthew glanced at the data column.

"Tip: Your deep contract partner Vasnov received the gift "Void Bloodline (General)" from the Lord of the Void.

You have formed a void bond with Vasnov! "

Void bond?

In the doubtful eyes of Vasnov and Matthew.

Ucruz said to Matthew lightly:

"After you die, you will become his immediate boss."

Vasnov instantly collapsed.

He seemed to want to say something, but the terrifying pressure from the stars made him shut up in frustration.

Matthew couldn't help but feel a little happy when he saw it.

But he himself was full of doubts about this arrangement of the Lord of the Void.

He tried to communicate with the other party:

"Why is the void destined to assimilate everything?"

"Why can't the material world and the void world exist at the same time?"

"Can't we not invade each other?"

"I admit that I am just a humble material being. I cannot see the vastness of the void. I can also understand the limitations you mentioned to a certain extent, but I don't understand why you just don't allow the material world to continue to exist. ?”

Ucruz answered directly:

"No, you're wrong."

"It's not that we don't allow it."

"But they don't allow it."


Matthew looked confused:

"Who are they?"

"Is there anyone in this universe who is more powerful than you?"

There was a hint of hesitation in Ucruz's voice:

"No, I don't know who they are, I only know that they are real."

"They are the ones who established the law of void swallowing all things."

"And the law comes first."

"So there's no way that's going to change."

"Throughout the ages, in the void years measured in trillions of years, there have been many lives that have tried to subvert this law, but they have all failed in the end."

While talking.

Ucruz's voice seemed to become a little ethereal.

"Look, they are preventing me from getting closer again. The time has not come yet. Haha, this is also one of the rigid laws..."

Before the Lord of the Void finished speaking, he was interrupted by an extremely violent roar.

The roar was so amazing that it seemed as if a mountain had exploded in Matthew's mind!


The aftertaste of the roar shocked all highly perceptive souls near the material world.

Just that moment.

Matthew felt paralyzed and unable to move!

A feeling of near-death that was almost as strong as when facing the Lord of the Void poured into his heart.

But soon.

The billowing heat from the Vientiane White Tiger saved Matthew from this uncomfortable feeling.

He lowered his head and discovered in horror.

That beastly roar full of cruelty and savagery just now came from within his own body!

Immediately afterwards.

A vision appeared in front of Matthew's eyes——

He saw a sea.

The sea is windy.

The wind blew and the waves lapped at the golden beach.

And the island where the beach belongs.

Suddenly, the rich brilliance of the two colors of lapis lazuli lit up!

Matthew recognized it immediately.

"That's Junliu Island!"

"That's...the sleeping dragon soul!"

Matthew's heart was pounding.

He could feel a violent force bursting out of his body, but it quickly disappeared, leaving only a shallow mark in his body.

In a moment.

The two colors of green and gold above Junliu Island turned into two intertwined rays of light that shot straight into the sky.

The vision slowly collapsed.

Matthew, who was feeling very painful just now, suddenly felt warm all over.

Not only the heat from the guardian white tiger was stirring in his body.

There is also another force coming in!

"Hint: You have received the thanks of the Dragon Soul!

Gratitude of the Heavenly Dragon Soul: The favorability of the Five-clawed Heavenly Dragon +1;

Your Constitution/Intelligence/Charisma +1"

The soul of Tianlong has revived?

What I just heard was the roar of the five-clawed dragon?

Matthew looked at the sky in confusion.

It was at that moment.

He saw a golden dragon wrapped in clouds and mist crash into that eye.

at the same time.

The white tiger on his body also roared violently.

Dragon and tiger roar together.

Matthew only felt that his soul was as thrilling and terrifying as a lonely boat in the sea!

"There are too many of them and they don't allow me to talk anymore."

"Haha, you will know everything soon."

"Because from today on, you are mine!"

Under Matthew's watchful eye.

Tianlong and One Eye both disappeared into the sky of the Evil Thought Space.

Only Matthew and Vasnov were left in a daze.

But soon.

The two of them returned to the sampan plane together.

Because the space of evil thoughts also collapsed in the violent agitation just now!

"What happened?"

Mulan came over with concern:

"I have informed Lady Isabel, but she has not responded to me."

Matthew was about to say something.

But at this moment, the white tiger guardian angel on his body suddenly transformed into Isabel's appearance.

Mulan immediately lowered his head:

"You're here."

Isabel pointed to the side, signaling Mulan to give way.

The latter curled his lips and had no choice but to make room for Matthew and Isabel to be alone.

Isabel drew a thin red circle on their sides.

Then he said:

"Remember, you must not tell anyone what happened just now, including your teacher Isabel!"

Matthew looked at each other in surprise.

Immediately he reacted:

"You, you're not Isabel?"

The other party looked at Matthew as if he were a fool:

"I am your guardian angel!"

"Since Isabel gave me to you, I have been with you!"

"If you have any shortcomings, I will also disappear from this world, unless the time is up, I will eat you - then I can continue to live as you, but I don't want to do that, this has It goes against my duty as a patron saint."

"At least for now, I just want to protect you."

Matthew frowned slightly, but he seemed to understand something, so he asked carefully:

"Is the Void Bloodline a very sensitive thing?"

The patron saint sneered:

"More than just being sensitive."

"It could ruin your life!"

"Do you think Ucruz has any good intentions?"

"He has polluted your body and soul with the blood of the void, so that you will be reborn in the void world after death! I estimate that not long after today, he will use all his power to call on all other material beings to kill you !”

"Don't you understand yet? He wants you to become a part of the void world, not the person who fights against the void world!"

"But that's not the scariest thing!"

"Once material beings know that you will become a saint-level figure in the void army after death, do you think they will do everything possible to provide for you and protect you out of good intentions, or they will just imprison you in a Finished in a safe place forever?"

"Don't underestimate the limits the Seven Saints Alliance places on your own people!"

"Don't put too much faith in other people's character!"

"Even if Isabel, the master who created me, I can only guarantee that she will most likely not do this, but what about others? What will others think?"

"To others, you, a guy who is destined to die, are already a member of the Void Army!"

"In the eyes of some extreme people, you are already a void creature!"

Matthew's heart grew cold after what the patron saint said.

But he knew what the other person said was right.

Captivity is always more convenient than protection. Overestimating the character and patience of others will only bring trouble to yourself.

Doing nothing is safest.

"But the Lord of the Void also knows this, wouldn't he make a big deal about it?"

Matthew asked.

The patron saint shook his head:

"Of course he won't. He just wants to use those who work for him to achieve his goal of killing you."

"Just imagine, for example, if the group of Scourge Cultists knew that after killing you, you would become their immediate boss, would they still be as dedicated as they are now?"

"Don't worry, the Lord of the Void is probably the one most willing to protect this secret besides you and me. He can't talk about it everywhere."

"And the people who know about this - the warlocks Lance and Vasnov, are about to become void beings, and they have no chance to talk nonsense."

The words fell.

The patron saint waved his hand, and two balls of soul fire suddenly appeared in his palm.

One of the groups belongs to the warlock Lance.

The other group belonged to Vasnov.

"These two groups of soul fires are handed over to you. Even if you don't interfere, they will die within 24 hours, and then be promoted to void beings and temporarily leave the material world."

The patron saint solemnly warned:

"You can kill them in advance, but just don't let them talk nonsense within these 24 hours."

Matthew nodded, and he stuffed two groups of soul fire without resistance into two glass bottles.

"What happened just now?"

"Why did I hear the roar of the five-clawed dragon?"

Seeing that the patron saint seemed to know everything, Matthew immediately expressed his doubts.

The patron saint replied silently:

"The Heavenly Dragon Soul has revived. Using your body as a medium, the stimulation from the Lord of the Void successfully awakened the dragon soul on Junliu Island. The two dragon souls successfully returned after repelling the approach of the Lord of the Void. The original position of the seven stars of Yuanzi."

Yuanzi Seven Stars?

Matthew looked confused.

"Those are the seven most famous stars in the history of the Soviet Union. They are said to symbolize disaster and power."

"In ancient times that are difficult to verify, the Five-clawed Heavenly Dragon fell apart and fell into pieces. Its body split into seven stars. It is said that each one has the potential to be promoted to the main material world."

"And the Soul of the Heavenly Dragon is scattered all over the place. Because its power is too strong, it has continuously caused thousands of years of weapon disasters on the East Road. The entire continent has been devastated and people are in dire straits."

The patron saint said:

"Fortunately, many years ago, a genius astromancer from the Su Kingdom guided the power of the Heavenly Dragon Soul to seal the fissured Abyss Matrix. At that time, the Abyss Matrix had penetrated deep into the mantle of the Eastern Continent, and the two were indistinguishable from each other. "

"That astromancer's move can be said to have killed two birds with one stone. It not only solved the war caused by the Heavenly Dragon Soul, but also contained the invasion of the Abyss Mother Body, which has continued the prosperity of the Eastern Continent for thousands of years."

"But the astrologer also left a warning before he died. If one day the souls of the Heavenly Dragons leave the seal and all return to the Seven Stars of Yuanzi, the Heavenly Dragons will be resurrected, which will bring immeasurable effects to the world. The disaster..."

"Interpreted according to Aindor's world view - the five-clawed dragon should be a super beast no less inferior to Ukros and Fenrir, but for various reasons, it accidentally fell into the material world."

"I think the resurgence of the Five-clawed Heavenly Dragon is part of the odd celestial change. It is unstoppable and can only be delayed as long as possible."

"Because of you, two of the Yuanzi Seven Stars have been lit up, and there are still five sections of dragon souls that have not returned. Theoretically, it shouldn't be that fast, but no one knows what the current situation is in the Eastern Continent..."

Matthew took a deep breath.

Then he rubbed his temples vigorously.

There was a bit too much news received today, and he almost couldn't digest it!

His mind was constantly racing, and it took him a while to clarify his thoughts——

Let’s not think about Tianlong’s affairs for now.

Let’s deal with these two balls of soul fire first!

Matthew took the lead in releasing the soul of the warlock Lance.

The latter was already very weak, but his tone sounded incomparably relaxed and joyful:

"I said, Matthew, you are just Isabel's pawn."

"I didn't lie, right?"

"She knew clearly that there was something wrong with the zombie next to you, but she still dumped the Mark of the Dead on you. Didn't you never feel suspicious?"

"But in a sense, what you said before is right. People in the world are always short-sighted. Many people don't even have the chance to be pawns..."

"I feel extremely excited when I think that we will soon become partners in the void. I am different from that kid. There is nothing wrong with being your subordinate. We are all noble beings in the void..."

"It's a pity that I can't see you dealing with the Scar of the Dead. Imagine that the terminator of the Scar of the Dead itself has quietly become a moving Scar of the Dead - if you let your friends who trust you Knowing this truth, what do you think the expressions will be on their faces?"

Matthew held out a hand expressionlessly.


He directly extinguished Lance's soul fire!

"Void Bloodline: You sensed that Lance was about to be reborn in the void world!

You have formed a void bond with the warlock Lance! "

For Lance the Warlock.

Matthew’s attitude is very clear——

The other party is destined to become a void life, and there is no point in spending more time on the mouthpiece.

Next step.

He released Vasnov's soul fire from the bottle.

Vasnov was in similar condition to Lance, and he looked like he might die suddenly at any time.

But with the blessing of the power of resurrection in the void.

Vasnov also became unscrupulous when he spoke:

"I won't let you be my boss."

"No one can ride on my head all the time!"

"Don't worry, Matthew, when I get to the void world first, I will be promoted to a more powerful life before you..."

However, Matthew ignored the other party's clamor.

He just quickly took out a large pitch black jar from his bag and opened it.

The moment you open the can.

Super high negative energy surged out of it.

Under the nourishment of negative energy, Vasnov's soul fire actually became stronger than before!

However, Vasnov still sneered:

"You don't think you can keep me in this way, do you?"

"To tell you the truth, even if you try to extend my life like crazy, I won't be able to hold on for too long!"

"Nothing can stop me from becoming a transcendent void being!"

Matthew took out the contents of the jar with his pale hands.

That's a petal.


Matthew crushed the petals and then roughly stuffed them into Vasnov's soul fire!

Just when Vasnov thought he was about to die.

A gray-white light emerged from his soul fire.

Immediately afterwards.

An astonishing vitality bloomed from the depths of Vasnov's soul!

His soul fire gradually matured into a soul.

First the head, then the chest, abdomen and limbs, then the internal organs, bones and skin...

In the blink of an eye.

Vasnov transformed from a incomplete soul fire into a vibrant living person!

He scratched his body in fear, and then screamed in disbelief:

"No, no, no!"

"what did you do to me!?"

"what did you do to me?!"

Matthew held his shoulders, a cruel smile appeared on his face:

"Congratulations, you have become an immortal!"

"I think you may not be able to go to the void world for a while!"

"Tip: You fed a death orchid to your deep contract partner Vasnov.

Vasnov lost all his supernatural powers and became an immortal.

He cannot truly die.

Naturally, I lose the qualification to go to the void world..."

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