The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 382 The Eight-Armed Demon and the Ether Flame

Mountain tops bathed in starlight.

Underwood spreads his arms and sings at the top of his lungs.

behind him.

The two colors of yellow and white holy light intertwined to create patches of beautiful glow.

From time to time, the sound of singing can be heard in the glow.

Pieces of white feathers and petals fell when the magic bloomed.

Immediately afterwards.

A huge hole suddenly appeared in the starry sky above his head.

After the mouth was torn open.

It quickly expanded into a crack that was hundreds of miles long.


Frightening seawater spewed out of the cracks.

Under the attraction of gravity, the sea water turned into a waterfall hanging from the sky, rushing towards the bottom of the hillside.

The sea water was as powerful as a rainbow, hanging down like a black silk, completely submerging Underwood's figure.


Thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

It seemed like thousands of troops were coming to fight.

And when the first wave hit the mountain peak, the raised rocks were immediately flattened.


The sea water poured down, turning the mountains into a land of marshes in an instant.

And under the wash of that kinetic energy.

Countless rocks cracked.

They were wrapped into the sea water, forming the terrifying mudslide at the forefront!

A huge tsunami came like the earth was shattering.

Standing in a perspective that is about to be impacted, the feeling is as desperate as the end of the world.

In the leaden darkness.

The hundreds of skeleton soldiers on the outermost edge retreated backwards, as if they had just reacted.

But they haven't taken a few steps yet.

It was smashed to pieces by the mudslide!


The huge roar of the tsunami caused lasting echoes in the southern foothills of the Hailong Mountains.

Everything was exactly as Underwood expected.

The tsunami falling from the sky filled the shallow basin instantly, and the undead army, which almost all entered the basin, was naturally not immune.

A full eight minutes passed.

The crack in the sky slowly closed.

Underwood appears again.

His eyes were fixed on the ground, but the expected smile did not appear on his lips.

Quite the opposite.

His performance was quite dignified!

"The not right!"

Underwood's pupils shrank violently, and then one of his eyes turned golden.

All of a sudden.

He saw clearly the situation in the basin!

There were less than a thousand undead under the canopy of death that was scattered by the tsunami!

"It's actually a smoke bomb?"

Underwood looked complicated.

In fact, just before he released the tsunami, he had divined it in advance from the God of Midnight.

with the latter's permission.

As the archbishop, he resolutely released this legendary magic.

But what I didn't expect was.

The other party can actually block the perception of the Midnight God?

How can this be?

Underwood found it hard to believe.

But he was never an indecisive person.


He recovered from the failure of the tsunami. He snorted coldly, raised his hands again, and sang loudly.

"There must be a lake here!"

Underwood pointed with his right hand, and the tip pointed at the basin washed by the tsunami and several surrounding lowlands.

The next second.

A large amount of sea water gushes out from the void, slowly filling that area.

It didn't take long.

Many lakes, large and small, appear at the southern foot of the Hailong Mountains.

These lakes create more complex terrain.

Although it cannot completely stop the invasion of the undead army, it can also provide more help to Underwood's defense.

"Tell Andre so that he can take action. Remember, the main thing is to unite all forces to help defend. You must not take the initiative to attack."

Underwood whispered.


A featherless crow flew away from him.

Fifteen minutes later.

In the eastern part of the Night Angel City, many aerostats slowly rose.

Most of these aerostats are made from the remains of astral creatures. They have natural resistance to gravity and can easily float in the air. Therefore, they are relatively common among many forces in the astral realm.

With the help of an aerostat.

Mercenary groups from the City of Night Angel arrived on the east side of the man-made lake one after another.

The expressions on the faces of all the mercenary group members were extremely solemn.

They all knew that the line of defense they were about to defend was the last line of defense in the sampan plane against the terrifying necromancer.

Once this breaks down.

Then the City of Night Angel will also be in danger.

The fall of the entire sampan plane is also close at hand!

"Set up checkpoints on the shore, set up sentries on the top of the mountain, release all the hot air balloons, and observe the movements of the Death Sky!"

Follow previously assigned tasks.

The leaders of the major mercenary groups also found their stations in the chaos.

It's rare for everyone to unite as one.

After all, in front of the undead.

The calculations between living people seem a bit trivial.

Because they have no way out.

And just when the defenders of Night Angel City on the east side of the lake were busy.

Several immortal thunderbirds flew quietly high in the sky.

They saw it all.

And the west side of the lake.

In a hidden cave.

Matthew stood at the entrance of the cave and looked down at the changes on the earth through the eyes of the immortal thunderbird.

"It's really a big deal..."

Matthew's expression remained calm.

After going through so many things, he did not feel complacent because he had successfully deceived Underwood and used a few immortals to redeem the tsunami in the opponent's hands.

The sophistication of the night angel city's defenders was a bit beyond his expectation.

According to Matthew's observation.

In addition to the Church of the Midnight God, which has a sacred guard of up to two thousand people.

Among the other large and small mercenary groups, there are also five to six large mercenary groups that look capable of fighting.

The main members of these mercenary groups are Fredians, Astral Gnolls and Red Orcs.

The Frieds are a kind of humanoid creature in the star realm. They have a relatively indifferent relationship with humans. Because they are stimulated by the starlight of the universe, their skin is dark purple or even black purple.

This is a creature with quite terrifying fighting talents.

In the continent of Irondor or other outer planes.

Some Fred mercenaries who came out to fight alone were very popular with their employers.

This is a group of creatures that are naturally obsessed with fighting and fighting.

But Fred was very animalistic. Everywhere he went, if he couldn't fight every day, he had to vent it every day, otherwise he wouldn't be able to live in peace.

Therefore Fred mercenaries are not common on the Material Plane.

They can only be seen in the more chaotic places on the outer plane.

Matthew saw.

There are at least two large mercenary groups on the east bank of the man-made lake, with Freders as the main force.

The number of these people exceeds two thousand, and they are a force that cannot be underestimated.

"I heard that the Fred people are not afraid of death when they charge. In the material world, apart from the undead army, the only soldiers who can resist the charge of Fred's army are the barbarians from the North."

Matthew discusses with Mullan.

Mulan nodded:

"indeed so."

"But the Freds are good at attacking but not good at defending. If you delay them for a while, they might start fighting among themselves because of their itchy hands."

"Furthermore, Fred's Army was not invincible in history. As far as I know, there was a city lord from a secondary plane who, when facing Fred's Army's attack on the city, killed all the prostitutes with sexually transmitted diseases in the city. They gathered them together and offered themselves up, and not long after that, the small army collapsed on itself..."

Matthew showed a hint of surprise:

"Is it because they all have sexually transmitted diseases and their combat effectiveness has been greatly weakened?"

Mulan shook his head:

"That's not true."

"The onset of sexually transmitted diseases is not that fast."

"The Fleders have a very strong sense of self. Every Fleder wants to possess more resources of the opposite sex. Even if the other is a prostitute, they will fight over it."

"The city lord initially thought the same as you, just to reduce their combat effectiveness through infectious diseases. However, he accidentally discovered the weakness of the Fred people who ignored discipline. After that, many people used the same method when fighting against the Fred army. It’s a way to sow discord, and this method almost always works, unless there is a very prestigious boss in the legion.”

"It's a pity that none of your troops are pretty, otherwise we really could have tried..."

Hear this.

Peggy next to her was a little dissatisfied:

"What about me?"

"Even if I can't say that I still have charm, I should still be pretty, right?"

Mulan smiled awkwardly.

Matthew waved his hand and continued to discuss business:

"The astral jackals and red orcs are also very strong. I also saw some descendants of the celestial realm. Others including kobolds, astral humans, and some lizardmen should not be a worry."

"Their defense structure is very strange. The main roads in the north are all elite regiments, and the further south you go, the more miscellaneous soldiers there are."

"Although the northeast across the lake is the direction of the City of Night Angels, we can also go south, bypass the Crystal Forest, and go straight to the south gate of the City of Earth Angels?"

Mulan said uncertainly:

"I don't understand the art of war."

"But it looks like Underwood wants us to go down that path."

"Does he have an ambush in the Crystal Forest?"

Matthew shook his head gently.

Underwood should have learned about Lance's death.

The situation has developed to this point.

Many things cannot be solved with tactics or strategy.

The two sides are fighting to the death.

If you stand in Underwood's perspective, every deployment you make will have to pay for the overall situation.

Otherwise you are a real idiot.

If the undead army successfully breaks through the miscellaneous troops in the south, it can in turn use snowballs to eat up the elite troops above.

It's a complete loss for Underwood!

It is impossible for the other party to make such a stupid arrangement.

The only answer is.

"He should have other things in the south..."

Matthew just finished speaking.

Suddenly there was a sound like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking from the land in the south!

Matthew looked at Mullan.

The legendary mage immediately took him flying high, and the two of them stood on the clouds. The former used the legendary far-sighted technique, and the situation on the southern horizon was immediately clear to the eye——

South of the man-made lake, at the edge of the Crystal Forest.

A huge black shadow was crawling forward.

The opponent is moving very slowly, and the reason why it makes a earth-shaking sound is because it is gnawing at the earth while walking!




Accompanying the progress of the behemoth.

One after another, funnel-shaped potholes suddenly appeared on the ground.

Matthew narrowed his eyes.

Mulan's expression was also slightly serious:

"It's a giant beast raised in the star realm by the Calamity Religion!"

"Fortunately, it's not a real behemoth. It's just a test subject of the cooperation between the Scourge Cult and the God of Midnight."

It was indeed a giant beast.

Matthew could see clearly that most of the opponent's body looked like an eight-armed ape, and the remaining half looked like a giant spider.


The spider-like half of the giant beast's body clings to the ground, and its slender claws frequently hit the ground to drag the huge body forward slowly.

And behind it.

The ape-like half of the body is constantly biting the rocks on both sides with its bloody mouth.

It seems to be keen on eating dirt.

This thing is like an ape and a spider glued back to back.

It looks creepy and uncomfortable.

"Test subject?"

Matthew was not surprised:

"No wonder it looks like a crude patchwork."

Mulan reminded:

"Don't be careless."

"Although it looks like the stitching of a giant creature, it's not."

"This is a demon!"

While talking.

New news also came from the data column.

"Reminder: You encountered the eight-armed evil "Trierson (LV24/Evil Lord/Super Giant Creature)", the descendant of the "Great Evil Trier"!

Knowledge about giant beasts: You realize that Trierson is the son of Trier and Medora, the mother of the Giant Nest (Star Boundary)..."

It's actually an evil spirit?

Matthew was slightly surprised.

The word demon does not refer to a fixed race, but to groups of monsters that cannot be classified as demons, demons, evil spirits or even other groups.

For example, Jia Siliwen created the Thousand Transformers clan.

She is a powerful demon herself.

There are big and small demons, strong and weak demons, and they are all very different from each other.

But they have one thing in common -

Basically, they are terrifying monsters formed against the will of the plane.

In theory.

Monsters that are created against the will of the plane are very easy to die.

Because they will bear the curse of the plane, the risk of sudden death is much higher than that of other monsters.

That's why.

All evil spirits active in reality are ruthless characters!

Some evil spirits can even turn the curse of the will of the plane into their own abilities, and then control the wind and rain in a certain area and become omnipotent.

In the astral realm.

The great evil is a more terrifying existence than the gods.

The reason why the God of Midnight has a transcendent status in Tianlun Palace is not because of how powerful he is as a god, but because he has a great evil clone named Trier!

According to Mullan.

The great evil Trier may be more powerful than the God of Midnight himself!

This shows how difficult the devil is to deal with.

The evil demon that appeared on the edge of the southern Crystal Forest obviously inherited the will of the great evil demon Trier.

The top legend of LV24.

Just stuck at the critical point of becoming a legend.

And there is a height and body length of more than 250 meters.

It should be the strongest enemy Matthew faced in a head-on confrontation after entering the sampan plane!

The eight-armed evil demon crawled on the ground, crawling like a spider and an ape in an extremely terrifying way.

If that scene fell into the eyes of a living person.

I'm afraid that my defenses have been broken long ago and I am completely defeated.

It's a pity that Matthew's men are all undead.

There is no coward under the canopy of death.

Some are just dazed and slightly trembling in the soul fire.

"If you want to attack the east coast, I can stop him for you."

Mulan pointed at the eight-armed demon and said:

"But then I won't be able to distract you from protecting you."

Matthew didn't say anything immediately.

He stood in the clouds, his eyes scanning from north to south——

To the north is the Helen Mountains under the starlight. There is an ethereal figure on the mountain, and a golden sky above the figure.

That was the projection of the army of petitioners from the Kingdom of the Midnight God.

The petitioners will not really participate in this war.

But their hymns and hymns were enough to inspire all who fought.

To the south is a crawling eight-armed giant beast. Judging from its posture, it is planning to slowly crawl to the south of the undead army, and then wait for an opportunity to move.

And to the east of the man-made lake.

The Holy Guards and the major mercenary groups are already building defensive measures. If they are allowed to build a defense line, the difficulty of the subsequent frontal attack will be much higher——

The lake water cannot kill the undead, but the combat effectiveness of the undead in the water is very low.

The fortifications can also keep out the undead army, allowing the defenders to use various means to consume the power of the Death Canopy.

Once the snowball of the undead disaster is interrupted.

The Death Canopy will continue to ask Matthew for strength.

It’s been a long time.

There must be disaster.

"The snowball can't stop."

A trace of determination flashed in Matthew's eyes:

"This battle must be fought, and it must be won!"

that moment.

A strange thought suddenly came to his mind.

This feeling was somewhat familiar to him——

Matthew had felt this way before on the battlefield in the moss-green hills!

"Has it entered the equilibrium node again?"

Matthew was a little surprised.

But he quickly realized that he did not seem to have entered the equilibrium node.

But there were still some bizarre scenes before his eyes.

He saw many scenes, some of which were clear and some were blurry. Miraculously, Matthew could always decipher the effective information in those scenes——

Outside the permanent barrier.

Ekmund was alone, confronting the star spaceships from Tianlun Palace.

There are thousands of phantoms on the deck of the spaceship.

They yelled and asked for something.

But Ekmund didn't answer.

He just stood there alone, letting the shadow cast on the permanent barrier be stretched to an unusually long length.

Twin Paradise Ruins.

Isabelle walks over the ruins like a ghost.

Not far from her.

The shadows of the God of Midnight and other Tianlun Palace gods stood impressively.

There may be some overlap between them.

Sometimes they even hit each other head-on.

But nothing happened.

It wasn't until a certain moment that Matthew realized that the routes between the two parties were two completely parallel lines from a certain angle!

Just follow the established route.

They will never cross paths with each other.

Matthew also saw many high-level devils hiding in the gaps between the planes and watching covetously while Lind was refining the intelligence mystery lock;

He saw the planet Stuluk and the places occupied by Stuluk Industry in Abyss Purgatory, and the everlasting black smoke floating over those cities;

He saw Lumière’s people walking out of the jungle step by step;

He saw the scene where the Southern Magistrate Corps was in full swing building Rolling Stone City!

Then he saw more of his friends.

He saw Lorraine flirting with two girls wearing antlers and white tube tops;

I saw Eli holding hands with a charming woman and walking by a clear lake;

He saw Bobo, who was waiting for his signal in the moonlit forest, but was busy cutting his nails out of boredom;

His brain seemed to have completely evolved.

Being able to understand and process so much information at once.

These scenes were projected so clearly before Matthew's eyes, as if they were within reach.

This excited Matthew.

It also confused him.

"If it's not an equilibrium node, why is there this strange feeling?"

"It seems that all of this is closely related to me, as if what I do next can change their direction to a certain extent..."

When such doubts arose in Matthew's mind.

He suddenly saw countless densely packed thin lines.

These thin lines have a deep or shallow connection with those pictures.

This moment.

Matthew looked down.

He found that he was like a cocoon, tightly tied up with various threads!

That's a piece of luck.

That is the afterglow played by the hand of fate.

That is……

The balancing node itself!

"Tip: Due to your identity, status, strength, bloodline, background and other particularities, a balance node has been solidified in you, and you have become a trendsetter of destiny and a rider of life!

Your exploration in the realm of balance increases significantly!

You can choose to gain abilities from the balanced realm, or you can choose to brew more powerful authority.

After you solidify the equilibrium node, every move you make may trigger the collapse of the equilibrium and the formation of a new equilibrium.

Please make all decisions related to your faction carefully! "

that moment.

Matthew saw three balls of light surrounding himself.

The three light balls represent the main material world, the star world and the void world respectively.

Among them, the light ball in the material world is the brightest, which means that Matthew has the deepest roots in the material world;

The ball of light from the void world is the newest and dimmest, but it feels like it has the most potential, as if a big explosion is possible at any time;

The light ball in the astral realm is sometimes bright and sometimes not bright.

It seems that we are at a sensitive point.

Matthew felt a little tight in his chest.

at this moment.

He suddenly understood what Kesha said to him.

"Unknowingly, am I already carrying so much responsibility and destiny?"

"Actually, at the beginning, I just wanted to plant a few trees. Having a bone dragon would be very majestic..."

Such emotion flashed through his heart.

But Matthew knew.

I can't go back.

Perhaps reality, like the undead disaster, is a snowballing game.

If a big enough snowball cannot be rolled before the crisis arrives.

Then you may just be reduced to the fate of being crushed by other snowballs and become a vassal!

"In this battle, we can neither retreat nor lose, we can only win!"

Matthew adjusted his mentality.

At this moment, he was freed from the mysterious and mysterious feeling before.

After pondering for a few minutes.

He said to Mullan:

"I plan to attack directly and not give the opponent a chance to delay."

"During this process, I do need you to entangle someone, but that person is not the eight-armed demon Trierson, but Archbishop Underwood."

"As for my safety, you don't have to worry about it. I have many ways to protect myself, and I have enough guardian angels."

Mulan thought for a moment.

Then he agreed to Matthew's arrangement.

Ever since.

Matthew directly led the undead army out of the hole where they were hiding.

He ordered Philoleus to lead the Bone Dragon Legion to attack the miscellaneous soldiers in the south.

Paige assists.

And the remaining undead army moved directly towards other locations in the south to outflank it!

For the Necromancer.

The undead scourge does not require constant instructions.

He only needs to issue a general order, and the former will complete it on its own.

next moment.

The thick canopy of death takes the lead.

The mighty undead squirmed toward the lake!

And when Underwood noticed this scene.

The army of the undead was already less than twenty kilometers away from the lake.

The east bank of the man-made lake immediately sounded the alarm of the undead attack.

"Push them to death in the water!"

The mercenaries on the east coast let out loud roars, trying to boost the morale of themselves and their companions.

Seeing that the group of undead were about to walk into the water.

But at this time.

A figure suddenly flew out from the west bank of the man-made lake!

The figure flew a certain distance in the air and instantly turned into a giant turtle with a body length of forty meters!

The giant turtle lay down in the lake.

I don't think he made any moves.

Almost instantly, all the sea water in the lake was sucked clean!

Underwood's eyelids twitched in the air.

He was just about to stop Matthew, but a mage holding a giant ax suddenly appeared next to him!

"Use your strongest magic on me!"

Mulan's whole body was shining with the starlight of gemstones. After saying these words, he frantically struck Underwood's body with his giant axe.

Underwood was forced to attack.

However, his magical attack hit Mulan's body and disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.


Underwood then began to bear Mullan's counter-injury like a storm!

A unique battle between the mage and the magician began.

And on the ground.

Matthew turned into a deep-sea dragon turtle and was sucking sea water crazily.

Swallowing sea water is the instinct of deep-sea dragon turtles.

Every time he sucked up a small lake, he sprayed water desperately towards the east bank.

The size of the man-made lake is not very large.

Especially in front of such a gifted species as the deep-sea dragon turtle, it is not enough.

It didn't take long.

Therefore, all the lakes that were fatal obstacles to the march of the undead were sucked clean by Matthew.

The mercenaries on the east bank of the man-made lake even enjoyed man-made rain from dragon turtles!

What's even worse is.

Due to the instinct of steam breathing, the rainwater sprayed out by Matthew was boiling hot.

At first, some mercenaries were ignorant and even raised their heads and reached out to touch it.

As a result, his face was quickly burned with scars and his palms were red.

For a while.

The east coast screamed.

And in this chaotic situation.

The death canopy begins to move on its own.

Lead-gray black clouds enveloped nearly 50,000 undead.

It surged over in a mighty manner.

And at this time.

A crawling eight-armed demon Trierson finally arrived on the south shore of the man-made lake.

The ape-like and spider-like monster had just arrived.

Then he couldn't wait to rush towards the main camp of the Undead Scourge!

As a giant beast.

Immediate death judgment is almost invalid for him!

And his huge body alone is enough to crush the undead camp.

Of course Matthew wouldn't let him succeed.

In fact.

The first time the eight-armed demon approached.

Matthew was the first to rush over!

The crawling speed of the deep-sea dragon turtle is not slow, and it seems to be at least sixty kilometers per hour.

The eight-armed demon is similar.

The two sides met on a narrow road on a hillside on the south bank of the man-made lake.


Dragon Turtle stubbornly hit him with his head.

However, the difference in tonnage lies here.

The deep-sea dragon turtle is only more than forty meters long.

Looking at the size alone, the eight-armed demon is almost ten times his size!

Just once.

The deep sea dragon turtle was knocked away and flew far away!

"Quack, quack, quack..."

The eight-armed demon patted his bumped belly as if nothing had happened, and let out an ugly laugh like a frog.

However, this is exactly what Matthew wants!


With that impact.

Matthew could barely maintain his wilderness form and instantly transformed into a human form.

It was precisely because of this impact.

His body once again lit up with the light from the white tiger!

"You were attacked, and this time you finally triggered the patron saint."

"Then, let's enjoy the power of the White Tiger that belongs to you..."

The patron saint's voice rang in Matthew's ears.

Immediately afterwards.

He felt a raging flame burning on his body surface!

That is……

The power of ether that is enough to burn the soul!

"Tip: The White Tiger of All Things (Guardian Saint) has been activated.

During the period when White Tiger is in effect.

You become immune to all physical damage, spell damage, and soul damage.

You will get the special effect "Aether Flame", that is, each of your normal attacks or magic attacks will directly burn the enemy's soul.

Duration: 60 minutes. "

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