The necromancer just wants to plant trees

Chapter 393 What’s the price?

"Is there such a magic?"

Matthew was quite curious.

177 said in a serious tone:

"There are all kinds of spells in the spell library. Only you can't imagine it, and no one else can't imagine it."

"Remember, don't stick to the realm of necromancy. You are a mage first, and a necromancer second."

Matthew was startled.

Then nod and thank 177.

He knew that this pagoda spirit was giving him a friendly reminder, and he was probably afraid that after this undead natural disaster, he would accidentally go into the wrong direction——

Objectively speaking.

It is a common problem for mages to become overly obsessed with areas of specialization.

This isn't just a problem for the Necromancer family.

There are many other fields as well.

Mages in the field of enchantment can easily turn themselves into figure experts;

Mages in the realm of evocation also tend to be indecisive and use fireballs to clear their way;

Mages in the field of illusion are even more at risk of being addicted to the dreams they weave for themselves...

Path dependence is human nature.

The mage himself also has needs for specialization areas.

But needs are needs.

You really can't set your sights and pursuits too tightly, otherwise it will affect your future upper limit.

Matthew plans to break out of the existing framework and try more spells after completing the balance between life and death.

As for the weapons master mentioned in 177.

He had silently remembered it in his heart, and went back to the spell library to find a copy.

Then Matthew talked with Tarling 177 about his recent experiences——

The focus is on Terraste's erratic behavior and Ekmund's ideas about supernatural power.

177 immediately retorted after listening:

"Don't listen to that guy Ekmund's nonsense. He just stands and talks without hurting his back."

"First of all, the idea and experiment of a world where all extraordinary powers disappear was not proposed by him. It was a great artificer in Cybertron who first proposed and designed the blueprint. Subsequently, other artificers and a small number of mages developed it. With participation, a semi-finished product was formed.”

"Secondly, Ekmund himself, as a vested interest in supernatural power, makes these remarks unconvincing."

"You have to understand that he first has the power to be qualified to express such careless emotions."

"To put it more bluntly, suppose there is a red button in the world. As long as you press the button, all the extraordinary powers in the world will return to zero. Guess who will press it?"

"Do you know?"

"Will Ekmund do it?"

177’s tone is quite strong.

Matthew chuckled and shook his head decisively.

Although what Ekmund said touched him, he was essentially a vested interest in the extraordinary power spoken by 177.

Returning to ordinary life is definitely not what he pursues.

"Isn't that okay?"

177 yawned:

"Talking about this kind of topic has no meaning other than to satisfy one's own sense of spiritual justice."

"If there really is that button I just mentioned, the only ones in the entire alliance who have the slightest chance of pressing it are Ms. Isabel and Mr. Wuming."

"Others may not have it at all."

"Ekmond will probably choose to hide it or simply destroy it as soon as possible."

Matthew looked curious:

"Why Isabel and Nameless?"

177 seems reasonable:

"Oh, that's because both of them are not in a normal mental state."

"In comparison, the mental state of other mages is too normal."

Matthew smiled in relief.

"As for Tyrast you mentioned, I think he may indeed have been affected by the Sword of Killing, but the root cause is probably that he has completely let go of his own restraint."

177 continues to talk:

"Elf is a creature with a very single element, and the characteristic of a creature composed of a single element is that it is easy to go to extremes."

"In specific aspects, this race is either extremely stubborn and stubborn. Once the reins of stubbornness are loosened, they are likely to become wanton and lawless."

"Tarraste's performance is like voluntarily loosening the moral rope that restrains himself. He can only act based on his own beliefs now. If he loses even the last belief, he will be completely confused. Nowadays, even losing control is easy..."

Speaking of which.

177 paused for a moment, with a hint of emotion in his tone:

"Actually, I think he is a very courageous guy."

Matthew nodded:

“To be able to reach this point, my determination is naturally extremely determined.”

"Do you think he's likely to succeed?"

177 shook his head:

"I don't know, there is no precedent for this kind of thing in history."

"What do you think?"

Matthew pondered:

"I'm also not sure, but I'm not very optimistic about his future."

"I can feel that with his mass killing in Jade Cangting, the will of nature has developed a strong dislike for him - for a wood elf, this is a very dangerous signal."

177 shook his head and said:

"Then it's over."

"He may be not far away from divine punishment!"

"It's normal to say that according to the judgment of natural will, killing one's own compatriots is an act of extra sin. If it were in ancient times when natural will was more active, he would probably be in bad luck by now."

"Even in this era, it is easy to be unlucky when encountering people who are hated by the natural will. Generally speaking, evil elements will often use the blessing of the opposite field to eliminate this influence, but Terrast cannot do it. He can only do it alone. One carries forward the malice of nature’s will.”

"Unless there is a higher level of will willing to open its arms to him to offset the negative impact of natural will..."

Hear this.

Matthew looked thoughtful.

The soul of the dragon?

Or is it the will to kill and destroy from the Eastern Continent?

But this is Irondor.

How valuable can the Apocalypse of the Eastern Continent be here?

Refer to what happened to King Mingtan and his men.

Matthew even suspected that the fundamental reason why Tyrast encountered the disgust of natural will was precisely because of his unique revelation!

"Is there any other solution to a situation like Terraste's?"

Matthew asked casually.

177 thought for a while:

"Of course there are ways. After all, people are dead and natural will is alive. There are always ways to fool them."

"Let me think about it..."

"The first one I just mentioned is to find a stronger thigh to hold you, and directly ignore the disgust of the natural will."

"The second method is to reduce one's dislike of Natural Will by forming an alliance with people recognized by Natural Will. However, doing so will drag down the latter's favor with Natural Will. I guess no one is willing to take advantage of him. .”

"There is a third way. This is the best way I can think of that is most suitable for Tyrast now——"

"That's becoming a god!"

Matthew's eyes lit up and he motioned for Tarling to continue.

177 said impassionedly:

"Since he decided to bear the fate of the wood elves, why not become a god in the body of a sword master?"

"First of all, he is qualified to become a god."

"Secondly, the current alliance's attitude towards gods has become much more ambiguous. He can definitely discuss it with the alliance, and maybe he can actually get a spot to become a god!"

"Third, after becoming a god, Tyrast's personality will be almost equal to that of natural will, and the so-called divine punishment will no longer be possible."

“Fourth, for the wood elves, what they lack is such a spiritual belief.

As a mortal, Terraste is bound to encounter setbacks in promoting huge reforms.

But what if he became the god of the wood elves?

As long as he can become a god.

Everything you did before can be washed away.

Countless devout elf priests would appear overnight and take the initiative to compile the essence of his doctrine for him.

Even if the Path to Glory plan is essentially an exile, it can be interpreted as a test and experience from the gods! "

Matthew nodded repeatedly.

177 is worthy of being Ronan's tower spirit. He can definitely be said to be active in thinking and well-informed.

Put yourself in Terraste's shoes.

Becoming a god is really the best solution right now!

As the odd number of days approaches, the rules set by the Scourge Mage are slowly becoming ineffective. As long as the alliance's support and permission can be obtained, the Elf God Tyrast is not an empty talk.

"It's a pity that the little wood elf doesn't have the level of vision of Uncle 177."

"I guess he will bury his head in the fight to the end and then silently bear the curse of nature's will. What a pity!"

177 looked like he was shaking his head and feeling sad.

It seemed like he was very concerned about the future of the wood elves.

The two chatted about Terraste for a while.

Matthew turned to ask:

"What has Lord Ronan been busy with lately?"

177 replied without thinking:

"It's hanging in the sky."

Matthew said strangely:


"Does it mean the moon?"

177 shook his head:

"It's the East. Do you still remember the lights and shadows of the city floating above the endless ocean?"

Matthew nodded:

"There are rumors that it is the ruins of Yunshang."

177 explained:

"No, it's a projection of a world from a lost history."

"In the long river of time, some worlds will suddenly evaporate overnight, and these evaporated worlds are usually disturbed by some terrible supernatural power. Before and after those years, they will not stay. If you leave any trace, it will be like disappearing into thin air.”

"As long as it exists, it will leave clues."

"Those lost historical worlds will form a projection in the material world at some point."

"There are many treasures hidden in this projection world. It is a natural secret treasure for the mages. Therefore, except for Isabel and Wuming, all the top leaders of the alliance got into it."

"Ronan and his wife are certainly no exception."

Matthew suddenly understood.

No wonder there has been no senior management of the league recently.

It turns out that we downloaded the dungeon collectively!

There was a trace of excitement in Matthew's eyes.

But in an instant, he was mercilessly attacked by 177:

"If you want to enter the lost historical world, you should first be promoted to a high-level legend."

"Existences below the level of legend are not eligible to enter."

"Why else do you think I would be here chatting with you?"

Matthew smiled helplessly.

The upper-level legend is still too far away from him, so he should take care of the things at hand first!

Then he prepared to leave.

Before leaving.

177 suddenly asked:

"Have you been to Cybertron?"

Matthew shook his head.

177 proposed enthusiastically:

"You should really go check it out if you have time."

"You can ask the Silver Council for a public visit. Cybertron is a very magical city. I think the future of mankind, and even the future of Irondor, is brewing there!"

Matthew looked at 177 with some surprise:

"I will."

"But why do you say that suddenly?"

177 sighed:

"I was recently invited to participate in a confidential project of Cyber ​​Dragon. Due to the principle of confidentiality, I cannot reveal the specific content of the project to you. I can only tell you that it is a very real game... so real that it is easy to play. People cannot distinguish between reality and fiction.”

"You should really go check it out. If you have a chance, it's best to get a test spot for that project."

See 177 for such a grand and strong recommendation.

Matthew couldn't help but nodded solemnly.

After leaving the Crucible House.

Matthew did not return to Jade Cangting, but came to Heisuo Mountain.

He said hello to the busy and exhausted Hera.

He hurriedly came to the small dark room where Hux was.

It was still the same jailer who led the way last time.

After opening the door.

Matthew then handed the scroll that Cetrunk gave him intact to Hux's hand:

"The cause of Lorraine Fangta's death is recorded in detail here. The results of Sen'er's personal investigation were obtained. I took a look and there should be nothing wrong with it."

The haggard Hux calmly opened the scroll and read it carefully.

Half a minute later.

The old woman slowly raised her head:

"I can't accept my son being hurt like this."

"I hope to summon his soul and prepare a resurrection ceremony."

Matthew turned around and left.

He didn't want to get too deep into this matter.

Hux was once a legendary necromancer, and Matthew is still wary of her.

Reaching this point is close to his bottom line.

But before Matthew could leave the door.

Hux's voice came from behind:

"Do you want to know what happened to the Mark of the Dead back then?"

"Why do the elves hate White Rock City so much?"

"Do you know what terrible things are buried under the area with the severe marks of the dead?"

Matthew paused slightly, but did not turn around.

Hux's old but powerful voice floated over immediately:

"I can assure you that the secrets I know are things that even the Alliance mages don't know. Whether it's Isabel, Lind, Suriel or Wuming, no one among them is an insider."

"Only three mages in the entire world know what happened when White Rock City took over the Mark of the Dead project."

"Except for me, the other two necromancers have already left Irondor. I'm not afraid to tell you their names - those two are Dania Nightmare and the Pale King Dickens."

Matthew's pupils narrowed.

Dania Nightmare is the newly appointed mayor of White Rock City. She is the original owner of Matthew’s rebellion-inspiring skills that he previously acquired in the rainforest swamp. She is also a member of the Nightmare family, one of the three major families in White Rock City;

Dickens, the Pale King, is the previous mayor of White Rock City. Like the current mayor, he is a member of the Reitz family;

The Ms. Hux in front of Matthew is obviously from the Fangta family, the remaining three major families.

But what Matthew cares more about is not this:

"Do you know who I am?"

At this moment, a cockroach crawled over from the corner of the wall.

Hux stretched out his trembling hand and let it crawl along the back of his hand to his ear.

Under Matthew's watchful eye.

The cockroach got into Hux's ear.

Then disappear.

Hux's low laughter echoed in the small dark room:

"Thanks to these cute little animals, I can occasionally hear the wind outside."

"From Tree Planter to Destroyer, your growth rate is quite astonishing."

"I haven't seen a necromancer as good as you in many years."

Hux's tone was filled with emotion.

Matthew could also feel the pure appreciation in her eyes as she looked at him.

But even so.

He didn't waver easily either.

He just replied calmly:

"you are wrong."

"Besides you, I also know what's under Gray Lake."

In Hux's slightly surprised eyes.

Matthew confidently replied:

"The sleeping five-clawed dragon soul and the killing sword, am I right?"

Hux asked in surprise:

"Have you solved the mystery of Ashes?"

"This is impossible!"

"With your ability, how did you defeat the power of the void?"

Matthew smiled and said nothing.

This makes his figure appear unpredictable——

He can't tell Hux that he and Void are a family, right?

See this.

Hux's voice became a little dull:

"I underestimated your abilities."

"Without the help of Human Desire Chains, you actually spied what's underneath the Gray Lake."

"But you should be interested in what happened that year, which may be helpful for your next actions."

Even if you want to leave.

But Matthew also had to admit that he was indeed very interested in what the group of necromancers from White Rock City did back then.

He knew very well that he couldn't follow the opponent's rhythm.

So he said:

"It is impossible for your son to be resurrected, and I will not summon his soul for him."

"But I will try to contact his wife Ai Xue. The last time we met, Ai Xue was already trying to find Lorraine's ghost. Maybe she has already found it, or has some clues?"

"I can help you contact Ai Xue, but you must tell me what your White Rock City has done on the Mark of the Dead project."

Hux was silent for a moment.

Then she warned:

"You can contact Ai Xue."

"But don't trust her, don't trust any young and beautiful woman!"

“This is something kids your age need to always be aware of!”

Matthew asked with great interest:


Hux said flatly:

"Because I was young and beautiful too."

Matthew shrugged:

"Don't worry, I will be careful of Ai Xue."

Hux still looked uneasy:

"Stare at that woman with ten times the vigilance you have on me!"

"I must know the final whereabouts of my son's ghost!"

Matthew said he could only do his best.

He couldn't give any guarantees.

Hux was quite happy.

After the two parties reached a tacit understanding, she immediately said:

"We found something very precious in the Mark of the Dead."

Matthew asked without thinking:

"Soul crystal?"

Hux looked a little speechless:


"I didn't expect that your research would have reached such a depth in such a short period of time."

"But there is a more important secret."

Matthew looked at each other calmly:

"you say."

Hux said mysteriously:

"We discovered the secret of eternal life in the Mark of the Dead!"

She originally thought Matthew would become surprised or excited——

There will be at least one emotional ups and downs.

But the young man in front of her once again exceeded her expectations.

From beginning to end.

Matthew looked calm.

"eternal life!"

"That's eternal life!"

Hux couldn't help but emphasize:

"Don't you long for eternal life?"

Matthew spread his hands and his eyes were bright:


"What's the price?"

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